Custom Query (32 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#17 refactor interpolate_sww in terms of Interpolation_function duncan enhancement lowest least_squares module finished Architecture and API
#24 give feedback if segments are repeated duncan defect lowest Mesh generation maintenance Architecture and API
#34 triangle behaves differently, depending on the OS rwilson defect lowest Mesh generation maintenance Functionality and features
#90 How about having boundary conditions take keyword arguments ole enhancement lowest ANUGA maintenance Architecture and API
#258 Modelling the observed effects of the 1953 tsunami on Suva, Fiji jane task lowest Submarine mass failure capability Project proposals
#259 The role of the Great Barrier Reef in tsunami events jane task lowest Validation of GA tsunami modelling methodology Project proposals
#261 Modelling the observed effects of the Nias March 2005 tsunami on Western Australian tide gauges ole task lowest Validation of GA tsunami modelling methodology Project proposals
#270 Obtain data underpinning 1964 tsunami simulation leharne task lowest Validation of GA tsunami modelling methodology Testing and validation
#2 Finish ferret2sww (converting MOST output to SWW format) duncan defect low AnuGA ready for release Functionality and features
#13 Cancel button on alpha shape window doesn't work duncan defect low Mesh generation maintenance Architecture and API
#14 Bypass arguments for caching ole defect low AnuGA ready for release Functionality and features
#192 Obtain maximal and minimal values for conserved quantities ole enhancement low Functionality and features
#199 tracking the coastline nariman enhancement low Functionality and features
#225 Add functionality to Screen_catcher to print to screen and save nick enhancement low Functionality and features
#285 Generate coastline ole enhancement low Functionality and features
#294 Better format for input to Polygon_function nariman enhancement low Functionality and features
#301 Export_results - momentum - segmentation fault Nielson Ole defect low Functionality and features
#313 Ordering CSV files for nearest neighbour Ross defect low ANUGA maintenance Efficiency and optimisation
#329 Default blockage for culverts ole enhancement low Functionality and features
#333 Introduce __slots__ ole enhancement low Functionality and features
#36 have trac generate an email to the person a ticket is assigned to duncan defect normal AnuGA ready for release Management and planning
#119 unhashable type error on runcairns ole defect normal Testing and validation
#193 Mesh generation (and consequently, timestepping) differs between Linux and Windows. Nick defect normal Functionality and features
#218 Try to replace momentum limiters with constant speed versions ole defect normal Efficiency and optimisation
#221 Unit tests on latest sourceforge version and svn version will not complete on ubuntu ole defect normal Compilation and installation
#226 Problem with sww2timeseries output file location is not consistent ole defect normal Functionality and features
#253 Can geospatial_data use caching? ole enhancement normal Efficiency and optimisation
#289 Make 1D interpolation function ole enhancement normal ANUGA Flood Modelling Capability Functionality and features
#310 Change culvert polygons ole enhancement normal Functionality and features
#337 sww2dem can't do one timestep at a time and also can't do very fine grids sexton defect normal Functionality and features
#347 Culverts: the ability to identify a single triangle instead of multiple triangles encompassed by the exchange polygon ole enhancement normal ANUGA enhancements Functionality and features
#274 Improved CFL condition ole enhancement high Efficiency and optimisation
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.