#PARAMETERS # For this model run the following parameters were set in the project.py file: tide = 1.0 # Tide height above mean sea level. Tide is modelled in ANUGA as a constant # height above or below MSL. event_number = 51436 # Event number from probabilistic tsunami hazard map of Australia # 1 in 10000 yr event from New Hebrides # ELEVATION DATA #The following elevation data sources were set in the project.py file: # Format for ascii grids: as produced in ArcGIS (e.g. using Conversion Tools - Raster to ASCII) # Must also include a projection file of the same name # Data must be projected in correct UTM zone ascii_grid_filenames = ['1a # Listed without file extension '1b', '2b', '2a_3', '3b', '3a', '4a_2', '4b', 'off1', 'off2', 'off3', 'bbhd', 'sd100031996_p', 'sd100031996_p2', 'sd100031996_p3', 'sd100031996_p4'] # Format for point is x,y,elevation (with header, projected coordinates) point_filenames = ['SD100031996_jgriffin_clip.csv', # Listed with file extension 'tomaga_offshore_AHD_MGA_1997.csv', 'Batemans_BBHD_MGA_1995.csv', 'moruya_AHD_MGA_2000.csv'] # To include new data please prepare data in the same formats as those above. # For further information on ANUGA file formats please see the ANUGA User Maunal section 6.1