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18 | <H1>Tsunami Inundation Models for the BATEMANS BAY region</H1> |
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24 | <a name="modifications"><h2><b>Modifying a simulation</b></h2></a> |
25 | |
26 | Here we talk about how to change a simulation. Why would you need to change a simulation? Well, |
27 | you might have some better elevation data, you want to run the simulation on a finer mesh in certain |
28 | areas, or maybe you want to see the result for different events. |
29 | <p> |
30 | First we describe the usage of the script files you might change, then we walk through a few examples |
31 | of changes you might make. |
32 | <p> |
33 | |
34 | <a name="project_files"><h3><b>The project scripts</b></h3></a> |
35 | |
36 | In the <b>project</b> directory are the scripts that control the simulation. These scripts are: |
37 | <table class="code"> |
38 | <tr><td><font color="red">project.py</font></td><td>Defines the input data used, where to place output, etc.</td></tr> |
39 | <tr><td><font color="red">build_elevation.py</font></td><td>Combines the elevation data specified by <font color="red">project.py</font> into one file; with the extension .PTS</td></tr> |
40 | <tr><td><font color="red">setup_model.py</font></td><td>Prepares the simulation before actually running it</td></tr> |
41 | <tr><td><font color="red">run_model.py</font></td><td>Runs the simulation</td></tr> |
42 | </table> |
43 | |
44 | <a name="project.py"><h4><b>project.py</b></h4></a> |
45 | |
46 | This file is the heart of the simulation. The project script introduces all files that are necessary to run all accompanying scripts. |
47 | By changing one of the variables in this script the output could be completely different. |
48 | For further details on changing parameters see <a href="#change">Making changes to a simulation</a>. |
49 | |
50 | <a name="build_elevation.py"><h4><b>build_elevation.py</b></h4></a> |
51 | |
52 | This script combines all input elevation files into a single elevation point file (PTS file). |
53 | We have provided you with the PTS file used to create the outputs on this DVD. |
54 | If you would like to change the elevation, see <a href="#change">Making changes to a simulation</a>. |
55 | <p> |
56 | |
57 | <a name="setup_model.py"><h4><b>setup_model.py</b></h4></a> |
58 | |
59 | This script is used to transform data into a specific format for <font color="red">run_model.py</font>, |
60 | if required, and to generate warning messages if you are missing data. |
61 | <p> |
62 | |
63 | <a name="run_model.py"><h4><b>run_model.py</b></h4></a> |
64 | |
65 | This script runs a tsunami inundation scenario. It relies on the parameters set in <font color="red">project.py</font> |
66 | as well as the elevation and event input files (PTS and STS files respectively). |
67 | An STS file has been generated for each event listed in the <u>boundaries</u> directory. For further details on events see |
68 | <a href="#change">Making changes to a simulation</a>. |
69 | <p> |
70 | |
71 | <a name="change"><h3><b>Making changes to a simulation</b></h3></a> |
72 | |
73 | There are many parameters that you can change within the <font color="red">project.py</font> script, |
74 | but the following four parameters are those most commonly changed. |
75 | <p> |
76 | |
77 | <a name="output"><h4><b>Output Folder Name</b></h4></a> |
78 | |
79 | The <b>output folder name</b> should be unique between different runs on different data. |
80 | The list of items below will be used to create the folder in your <u>output</u> directory. |
81 | Your user name and time+date will be automatically added. For example, |
82 | <pre><font color="brown"> |
83 | output_comments = [setup, tide, event_number]</font></pre> |
84 | will result in a folder name like |
85 | <pre><font color="brown"> |
86 | 20090212_091046_run_final_0_27283_rwilson</font> |
87 | Where you (<u>rwilson</u>) ran a <u>run</u> script at <u>9:10.46</u> in the morning on the <u>2/12/09</u>, <b>setup</b> = <u>final</u>, |
88 | <b>tide</b> = <u>0</u>, <b>event_number</b> = <u>27283</u> - refer below for more information on these parameters </pre> |
89 | <p> |
90 | You can also add strings to this list |
91 | <pre><font color="brown"> |
92 | output_comments = [setup, tide, event_number, 'large']</font></pre> |
93 | will result in a folder name like |
94 | <pre><font color="brown"> |
95 | 20090212_091046_run_final_0_27283_large_rwilson</font></pre> |
96 | <p> |
97 | <p> |
98 | <a name="setup"><h4><b>Setup</b></h4></a> |
99 | |
100 | The <b>setup</b> parameter determines the type of run. This can be one of three values: |
101 | <pre><font color="brown"> |
102 | 'trial' <font color="black">- coarsest mesh, fast </font> |
103 | 'basic' <font color="black">- coarse mesh</font> |
104 | 'final' <font color="black">- fine mesh, slowest</font> |
105 | </pre></font> |
106 | Note: <b>'final'</b> must be used if determining the best estimate of inundation for your area of interest. |
107 | <p> |
108 | <a name="tide"><h4><b>Tide</b></h4></a> |
109 | |
110 | The <b>tide</b> parameter is used to change the mean inital water level of the simulation. When <b>tide</b> is set to 0 |
111 | the initial water level will be at Mean Sea Level. If you increase the <b>tide</b> value the water level will become deeper. |
112 | This setting will also increase non tidal lakes and rivers inside the model. To compensate a mask is used on land called |
113 | <b>initial conditions</b> which brings the internal water bodies back to 0. Within ANUGA <b>tide</b> is modelled as a constant. |
114 | <p> |
115 | |
116 | <a name="events"><h4><b>Events</b></h4></a> |
117 | |
118 | The <b>event_number</b> variable contains the event number that initiates the tsunami we are modelling. |
119 | You can change <b>event_number</b> to any event number in the <u>boundaries</u> directory. |
120 | An STS file has been generated for all events listed in the <u>boundaries</u> directory. |
121 | <p> |
122 | The event numbers correspond to a quake ID from the Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Map Assessment of Australia. |
123 | |
124 | <pre><font color="brown"> |
125 | event_number = 51436 # 1 in 10000 yr event from New Hebrides</font></pre> |
126 | |
127 | <p> |
128 | |
129 | <a name="elevation"><h4><b>Elevation</b></h4></a> |
130 | |
131 | Elevation data can be changed in the <font color="red">project.py</font> script under ELEVATION DATA. |
132 | Elevation data can be read as either a point file, comma delimited, or as an ASCII grid file |
133 | (ASC) with an accompanying projection file (PRJ). All elevation input should sit in <u>topographies</u> and must be projected in the correct UTM zone. |
134 | <p> |
135 | |
136 | A header for a CSV file has the format: |
137 | |
138 | <pre><font color="brown"> |
139 | x,y,elevation</font></pre> |
140 | |
141 | <p> |
142 | |
143 | An ASC file header has the format: |
144 | |
145 | <pre><font color="brown"> |
146 | ncols 868 |
147 | nrows 856 |
148 | xllcorner 418933.86055096 |
149 | yllcorner 5151810.6668096 |
150 | cellsize 250 |
151 | NODATA_value -9999</font></pre> |
152 | |
153 | <p> |
154 | |
155 | The header of a PRJ file has the format: |
156 | |
157 | <pre><font color="brown"> |
158 | Projection UTM |
159 | Zone 56 |
160 | Datum D_GDA_1994 |
161 | Zunits NO |
162 | Units METERS |
163 | Spheroid GRS_1980 |
164 | Xshift 500000 |
165 | Yshift 10000000 |
166 | Parameters</font></pre> |
167 | |
168 | <p> |
169 | |
170 | The elevation filenames in <font color="red">project.py</font> must be listed in either <b>point_filenames</b> or <b>ascii_grid_filenames</b> |
171 | depending on their format. Point files need to have their extension shown however the ascii grid files have the .asc extension assumed: |
172 | |
173 | <pre><font color="brown"> |
174 | point_filenames = ['point1.csv', |
175 | 'point2.csv', |
176 | 'point3.csv'] |
177 | |
178 | ascii_grid_filenames = ['grid1', |
179 | 'grid2', |
180 | 'grid3']</font></pre> |
181 | |
182 | <p> |
183 | |
184 | For further information on ANUGA file formats please see the ANUGA User Manual, section 6.1. |
185 | <p> |
186 | |
187 | <a name="interior_regions"><h4><b>Interior regions</b></h4></a> |
188 | |
189 | The user can specify a number of internal polygons within each of which the resolution of the mesh can be specified. |
190 | Mesh resolution is the maximum allowable area specified for each region, defining the largest area an indivdual |
191 | triangular element of the mesh can take (and therefore the minimum mesh resolution). |
192 | These polygons need to be nested within each other with no overlapping edges. |
193 | <p> |
194 | The <b>interior regions</b> can be changed in the <font color="red">project.py</font> script under INTERIOR REGIONS. |
195 | Interior regions can be read as either seperate CSV files for each polygon displayed as a listed paired with its |
196 | resolution and/or one CSV file for all polygons, where its resolution is defined within the csv under 'id'. |
197 | All file inputs should sit in <u>polygons</u> and must be projected in the correct UTM zone. |
198 | <p> |
199 | The format for a CSV file with ONE polygon has the format: |
200 | <pre><font color="brown"> |
201 | easting,northing </font><font color="black"> Note: NO Header </font></pre> |
202 | |
203 | |
204 | The header for a CSV file with MANY polygons has the format: |
205 | <pre><font color="brown"> |
206 | easting,northing,id,value</font></pre> |
207 | <p> |
208 | Where id = polygon number and value = maximum allowable area. |
209 | <p> |
210 | The <font color="red">project.py</font> script for this section looks like this: |
211 | |
212 | |
213 | <pre><font color="brown"> |
214 | interior_regions_list = [['aos1.csv', 1500], |
215 | ['aos2.csv', 1500], |
216 | ['sw.csv', 30000]] |
217 | interior_regions_multiple_csv = 'PriorityAreas.csv'</font></pre> |
218 | |
219 | <p> |
220 | |
221 | For further information on ANUGA file formats please see the ANUGA User Manual, section 5.1. |
222 | <p> |
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