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18 | <H1>Tsunami Inundation Models for the GOLD COAST region</H1> |
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24 | <a name="introduction"><h2><b>Installing, Running and Changing the Simulation</b></h2></a> |
25 | |
26 | This document describes the installation and running of the simulation software. |
27 | <p> |
28 | In addition, we show how to change your simulation, add new elevation data, etc, and how to get help if you have trouble. |
29 | |
30 | <a name="requirements"><h3><b>Requirements</b></h3></a> |
31 | |
32 | The tsunami inundation simulations are based on the Open Source software package called ANUGA. |
33 | For more information about ANUGA visit <a href="https://datamining.anu.edu.au/anuga">https://datamining.anu.edu.au/anuga</a>. |
34 | <p> |
35 | ANUGA has been developed and tested under the Windows XP and Linux (Ubuntu, Mint and Red Hat) operating systems. |
36 | ANUGA may also be installed on a Windows Vista system and Debian Linux, but these have not been extensively tested. |
37 | <p> |
38 | The ANUGA scripts on this DVD require a minimum of 3GB of memory and possibly more, if mesh resolutions are increased. For this reason |
39 | we recommend using 64 bit Ubuntu Linux as this operating system can use more than 3GB of memory, whereas Windows XP cannot. |
40 | |
41 | <a name="installing"><h3><b>Installing ANUGA</b></h3></a> |
42 | |
43 | You must install ANUGA according to the <a href="documents/anuga_installation_guide.pdf">Installation Guide</a>. |
44 | As the installation procedure comprises a number of steps we suggest that it is carried out by someone with a |
45 | basic understanding of how to install software packages on the operating system of choice. |
46 | |
47 | <a name="simulating"><h3><b>How to run a simulation</b></h3></a> |
48 | |
49 | This is how you should run the model on this DVD. |
50 | We assume that you are using Windows and will give examples for that operating system. |
51 | The translation to Linux should be obvious, but the <a href="#userslist">ANUGA user's mailing list</a> |
52 | can be used to get help. |
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58 | First, it is assumed you have installed the ANUGA software according to the |
59 | <a href="documents/anuga_installation_guide.pdf">Installation Guide</a>. |
60 | <p> |
61 | <hr align="left" width="100"> |
62 | <p> |
63 | Next, you must copy the entire contents of the DVD to a place in your filesystem. Let's assume |
64 | that you want to put the data into <b>C:\ANUGA</b>. You would do this in a Command Prompt window: |
65 | <table class="code"><tr><td> |
66 | C:<br> |
67 | cd \<br> |
68 | mkdir ANUGA<br> |
69 | xcopy /e X:\ ANUGA |
70 | </td></tr></table> |
71 | <p> |
72 | Of course, you could just drag all files on the DVD (X:\ is the assumed drive letter) to the desired target directory with Explorer. |
73 | <p> |
74 | <hr align="left" width="100"> |
75 | <p> |
76 | Now you must create an environment variable <b>ANUGADATA</b> that points to the directory you just created: |
77 | <table class="code"><tr><td> |
79 | </td></tr></table> |
80 | <p> |
81 | Doing the above in a Command Prompt window is temporary - if you open another |
82 | window you will not have the ANUGADATA environment variable defined. To make |
83 | the variable permanent you must set it in the <b>Start|Settings|Control Panel|System</b> |
84 | tool (<b>Advanced</b> tab). See the <a href="documents/anuga_installation_guide.pdf">Installation Guide</a> |
85 | if you don't know how to do this. |
86 | <p> |
87 | <hr align="left" width="100"> |
88 | <p> |
89 | Next, you prepare and execute the model: |
90 | <table class="code"><tr><td> |
91 | cd C:\ANUGA<br> |
92 | cd project<br> |
93 | python setup_model.py<br > |
94 | python run_model.py |
95 | </td></tr></table> |
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97 | <hr align="left" width="100"> |
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99 | This should all run to completion though it may take several days, depending on |
100 | the hardware used. |
101 | <p> |
102 | If you get an error from <font color="red">setup_model.py</font> |
103 | or <font color="red">run_model.py</font> look for some explanation in the log |
104 | files, which you will find under <b>C:\ANUGA\data</b>. Just keep |
105 | drilling down from that point until you find a directory called <b>outputs</b>. |
106 | The latest directory in <b>outputs</b> should contain a file called <font color="red">screen_error.txt</font> |
107 | with an explanation of the error at the end. |
108 | <p> |
109 | Once the simulation has completed you may view the results using the ANUGA |
110 | viewer as described in the <a href="documents/anuga_installation_guide.pdf">Installation Guide</a> |
111 | and <a href="documents/anuga_user_manual.pdf">User Manual</a>. You may also |
112 | generate rasters suitable for GIS mapping or write dedicated scripts extracting timeseries at selected |
113 | locations. Some hints to help you do this are at the <a href="analysis.html">analysis page</a>. |
114 | <p> |
115 | The ANUGA <a href="documents/anuga_user_manual.pdf">User Manual</a> describes |
116 | how to use the ANUGA system in general and provides some examples of its use. |
117 | |
118 | <a name="auxscripts"><h3><b>How to extract data from the simulation output files</b></h3></a> |
119 | |
120 | After you have run a simulation you may wish to extract information from the generated SWW file. |
121 | On this disk there are a selection of example analysis scripts that you can use or modify. |
122 | The <a href="analysis.html">analysis scripts</a> page explains how to use the scripts. |
123 | |
124 | <a name="modifications"><h3><b>How to modify a simulation</b></h3></a> |
125 | |
126 | After you have run the supplied simulation you may wish to change it in some way, such as adding improved bathymetry data, for example. |
127 | The <a href="modifications.html">modifications</a> page explains how to do this. |
128 | |
129 | <a name="userslist"><h3><b>How to join the ANUGA user's mailing list</b></h3></a> |
130 | |
131 | One of the quickest ways to get your ANUGA questions answered is by asking them on the <b>ANUGA-user</b> mailing list. |
132 | You can <a href="https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/anuga-user">subscribe to the list</a> |
133 | and can view the mailing list <a href="https://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?forum_name=anuga-user">archives</a>. |
134 | <p> |
135 | It costs nothing to register and you can choose to have list mail sent to you as individual emails or have them batched |
136 | into a few emails per day. You can unsubscribe at any time through the subscribe link above. |
137 | |
138 | <a name="FAQ"><h3><b>Frequently Asked Questions</b></h3></a> |
139 | |
140 | There is a <b>Frequently Asked Questions</b> (FAQ) page at |
141 | <a href="https://datamining.anu.edu.au/anuga/wiki/FrequentlyAskedQuestions">https://datamining.anu.edu.au/anuga/wiki/FrequentlyAskedQuestions</a>. |
142 | Look in there and search the mailing list archives before asking questions on the ANUGA user's mailing list. |
143 | Someone may already have asked your question! |
144 | <p> |
145 | Note that you can edit the FAQ pages, so it is helpful if you can update the FAQ with your question and its answer if you feel |
146 | it would be helpful to others. |
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