2nd Contract Hours ------------------ total = 154 hours (4.1 weeks) subtotal = 11 hours 3 June, Friday (3 hours) - now looking for bedslope_image global attribute in sww file - cylinders georeference test passes - built and released distro20050603 for windows 2 June, Thursday (2 hours) - bedslope texture only used when specified - almost finished image query of .sww global attributes 31 May, Tuesday (3 hours) - installation and compile of OSG 0.9.9 on Mac and Windows - built Swollen against OSG 0.9.9 30 May 2005, Monday (3 hours) - created Photoshop image for cylinder texture test - used gdal_translate utility to add georeferences total = 143 hours (3.8 weeks) subtotal = 8 hours 23 December, Thursday (4 hours) - bedslope lighting 22 December, Wednesday (4 hours) - orientable directional light total = 135 hours (3.6 weeks) subtotal = 22 hours 16 December, Thursday (8 hours) - terrain manipulator added - -version flag - toggling between terrain manipulator and trackball for lighting - experiments with cairns ubd map 15 December, Wednesday (4 hours) - changed Visual Studio solution to compile new GDAL code - work on understanding lack of bedslope lighting 14 December, Tuesday (4 hours) - added -texture option for bedslope image - other code cleanups related to handling georeferenced data - small amount of work on background thread for data read 15 December, Monday (6 hours) - visit to GA, swollen now compiling on-site under Windows/Visual Studio .NET - added command line params for tweaking transparency (see "swollen -help") - added -nosky option to omit surrounding sky map total = 113 hours (3.0 weeks) subtotal = 8 hours 12 December, Saturday (4 hours) - based on Robert's suggestions, removed culling from swwreader in favour of per-vertex transparency and OpenGL per-fragment alpha cull - switched to DrawElements OpenGL primitive for much improved speed - modified input view to be slightly above plane - surrounding sky sphere now maintained at fixed distance 7 December, Wednesday (4 hours) - new distro released total = 105 hours (2.8 weeks) subtotal = 7 hours 2 November, Tuesday (4 hours) - re "popping" triangles in cairns sww file, shifted dataset scaling into swwreader, now scaling actual vertex values on loading rather than depending on an OSG transform node to shrink to unit cube - watersurface now has a method for offsetting surface from bedslope, this and the above seems to have fixed above problem - culling toggle 'c' now loops through 4 modes: CULLNONE, CULLNEARZERO, CULLSTEEPANGLE, CALLALL (previous two settings combined) 1 November, Monday (3 hours) - reorganized code and moved to Stephen Roberts' subversion repository - searching for "popping" triangles in cairns sww file - gdal installation and recompilation (support for georef tiff) total = 98 hours (2.6 weeks) subtotal = 19 hours 28 October, Friday (3 hours) - distro released 27 October, Thursday (4 hours) - revamped windows distro 26 October, Wednesday (4 hours) - bedslope texture working 25 October, Tuesday (4 hours) - bedslope texture started 24 October, Monday (4 hours) - windows installer woes - make sure all distributed DLLs are executable! total = 79 hours (2 weeks) subtotal = 33 hours 23 October, Sunday (6 hours) - environment mapped water 21 October, Thursday (6 hours) - orientable light 20 October, Wednesday (6 hours) - orientable light 19 October, Tuesday (6 hours) - culling revisited 18 October, Monday (6 hours) - memory leaks, ref_ptr 15 October, Friday (3 hours) - memory leaks total = 46 hours 14 October, Thursday (3 hours) - sky sphere - hud text always "on top" 13 October, Wednesday (6 hours) - windows installer - sky factored out 12 October, Tuesday (6 hours) - view initialization 11 October, Monday (7 hours) - surrounding sky 8 October, Friday (6 hours) - factored out SpotLight 7 October, Thursday (6 hours) 6 October, Wednesday (6 hours) - factored out keyboardeventhandler and watersurface - swwreader builds under mac osx 5 October, Tuesday (6 hours) - removed -f switch from command line - factored out HeadsUpDisplay