[6] | 1 | /* |
[106] | 2 | SWWViewer |
[6] | 3 | |
[106] | 4 | An OpenSceneGraph viewer for pyVolution SWW files. |
| 5 | copyright (C) 2004-2005 Geoscience Australia |
[6] | 6 | */ |
| 7 | |
| 8 | #include <osg/Group> |
| 9 | #include <osg/Material> |
| 10 | #include <osg/MatrixTransform> |
| 11 | #include <osg/Notify> |
| 12 | #include <osg/PositionAttitudeTransform> |
| 13 | #include <osg/StateAttribute> |
[106] | 14 | #include <osgDB/FileNameUtils> |
[6] | 15 | |
| 16 | #include <project.h> |
| 17 | #include <SWWReader.h> |
| 18 | #include <bedslope.h> |
| 19 | #include <hud.h> |
| 20 | #include <keyboardeventhandler.h> |
[72] | 21 | #include <directionallight.h> |
[113] | 22 | #include <state.h> |
[6] | 23 | #include <watersurface.h> |
[92] | 24 | #include <customviewer.h> |
[6] | 25 | |
| 26 | |
| 27 | // prototypes |
[106] | 28 | osg::Transform* createSky(float radius, const std::string filename); |
[67] | 29 | extern const char* version(); |
[6] | 30 | |
| 31 | |
| 32 | int main( int argc, char **argv ) |
| 33 | { |
[37] | 34 | |
[106] | 35 | // use an ArgumentParser object to manage the program arguments |
| 36 | osg::ArgumentParser arguments( &argc, argv ); |
[6] | 37 | |
[106] | 38 | // set up the usage document |
| 39 | std::string appname = arguments.getApplicationName(); |
| 40 | arguments.getApplicationUsage()->setDescription( appname ); |
| 41 | arguments.getApplicationUsage()->setCommandLineUsage("swollen [options] swwfile ..."); |
| 42 | arguments.getApplicationUsage()->addCommandLineOption("-help","Display this information"); |
| 43 | arguments.getApplicationUsage()->addCommandLineOption("-scale <float>","Vertical scale factor"); |
| 44 | arguments.getApplicationUsage()->addCommandLineOption("-tps <rate>","Timesteps per second"); |
| 45 | arguments.getApplicationUsage()->addCommandLineOption("-hmin <float>","Height below which transparency is set to zero"); |
| 46 | arguments.getApplicationUsage()->addCommandLineOption("-hmax <float>","Height above which transparency is set to alphamax"); |
| 47 | arguments.getApplicationUsage()->addCommandLineOption("-alphamin <float 0-1>","Transparency value at hmin"); |
| 48 | arguments.getApplicationUsage()->addCommandLineOption("-alphamax <float 0-1>","Maximum transparency clamp value"); |
| 49 | arguments.getApplicationUsage()->addCommandLineOption("-lightpos <float>,<float>,<float>","x,y,z of bedslope directional light (z is up, default is overhead)"); |
| 50 | arguments.getApplicationUsage()->addCommandLineOption("-nosky","Omit background sky"); |
| 51 | arguments.getApplicationUsage()->addCommandLineOption("-cullangle <float angle 0-90>","Cull triangles steeper than this value"); |
| 52 | arguments.getApplicationUsage()->addCommandLineOption("-texture <file>","Image to use for bedslope topography"); |
| 53 | arguments.getApplicationUsage()->addCommandLineOption("-version","Revision number and creation (not compile) date"); |
[38] | 54 | |
[106] | 55 | // construct the viewer. |
| 56 | CustomViewer viewer(arguments); |
[6] | 57 | |
[106] | 58 | // set up with sensible default event handlers |
| 59 | viewer.setUpViewer( osgProducer::Viewer::STANDARD_SETTINGS ); |
| 60 | viewer.setClearColor( osg::Vec4(DEF_BACKGROUND_COLOUR) ); |
| 61 | //viewer.getCamera(0)->getRenderSurface()->setWindowRectangle(200,300,400,300); |
| 62 | viewer.getCullSettings().setComputeNearFarMode( osg::CullSettings::COMPUTE_NEAR_FAR_USING_PRIMITIVES ); |
[6] | 63 | |
| 64 | |
[106] | 65 | // get details on keyboard and mouse bindings used by the viewer |
| 66 | viewer.getUsage(*arguments.getApplicationUsage()); |
[6] | 67 | |
[106] | 68 | // if user requested help, write it out to cout |
| 69 | if( arguments.read("-help") ) |
| 70 | { |
| 71 | arguments.getApplicationUsage()->write(std::cout); |
| 72 | return 1; |
| 73 | } |
[6] | 74 | |
[106] | 75 | // same for version info |
| 76 | if( arguments.read("-version") ) |
| 77 | { |
| 78 | std::cout << version() << std::endl; |
| 79 | return 1; |
| 80 | } |
[6] | 81 | |
[66] | 82 | |
[106] | 83 | // load sww file specified as final argument on command line (static bedslope |
| 84 | // geometry only, per timestep height field geometry is done in loop below) |
| 85 | int lastarg = arguments.argc()-1; |
| 86 | std::string swwfile = arguments.argv()[lastarg]; |
| 87 | arguments.remove(lastarg); |
| 88 | if( swwfile.substr(swwfile.size()-4,4).find(".sww",0) == -1 ) // ensure filename ends in .sww |
| 89 | { |
| 90 | std::cout << "Require last argument be an .sww file ... quitting" << std::endl; |
| 91 | return 1; |
| 92 | } |
| 93 | SWWReader *sww = new SWWReader(swwfile); |
| 94 | if (sww->isValid() == false) |
| 95 | { |
| 96 | std::cout << "Unable to load " << swwfile << " ... is this really an .sww file?" << std::endl; |
| 97 | return 1; |
| 98 | } |
[6] | 99 | |
| 100 | |
[106] | 101 | // relative directory to swollen binary |
| 102 | if( osgDB::getFilePath(argv[0]) == "" ) |
| 103 | sww->setSwollenDir( std::string(".") ); |
| 104 | else |
| 105 | sww->setSwollenDir( osgDB::getFilePath(argv[0]) ); |
[6] | 106 | |
[74] | 107 | |
[106] | 108 | // default arguments and command line parameters |
| 109 | float tmpfloat, tps, vscale; |
| 110 | if( !arguments.read("-tps", tps) || tps <= 0.0 ) tps = DEF_TPS; |
| 111 | if( !arguments.read("-scale", vscale) ) vscale = 1.0; |
| 112 | if( arguments.read("-hmin",tmpfloat) ) sww->setHeightMin( tmpfloat ); |
| 113 | if( arguments.read("-hmax",tmpfloat) ) sww->setHeightMax( tmpfloat ); |
| 114 | if( arguments.read("-alphamin",tmpfloat) ) sww->setAlphaMin( tmpfloat ); |
| 115 | if( arguments.read("-alphamax",tmpfloat) ) sww->setAlphaMax( tmpfloat ); |
| 116 | if( arguments.read("-cullangle",tmpfloat) ) sww->setCullAngle( tmpfloat ); |
[6] | 117 | |
[106] | 118 | std::string bedslopetexture; |
| 119 | if( arguments.read("-texture",bedslopetexture) ) sww->setBedslopeTexture( bedslopetexture ); |
[6] | 120 | |
[106] | 121 | // root node |
| 122 | osg::Group* rootnode = new osg::Group; |
[6] | 123 | |
[106] | 124 | // transform |
| 125 | osg::PositionAttitudeTransform* model = new osg::PositionAttitudeTransform; |
| 126 | model->setName("position_attitude_transform"); |
[6] | 127 | |
[106] | 128 | // enscapsulates OpenGL state |
| 129 | osg::StateSet* rootStateSet = new osg::StateSet; |
[6] | 130 | |
[106] | 131 | // Bedslope geometry |
| 132 | BedSlope* bedslope = new BedSlope(sww); |
[6] | 133 | |
[106] | 134 | // Water geometry |
| 135 | WaterSurface* water = new WaterSurface(sww); |
[45] | 136 | |
[106] | 137 | // Heads Up Display (text overlay) |
| 138 | HeadsUpDisplay* hud = new HeadsUpDisplay(); |
| 139 | hud->setTitle("pyVolution SWW Viewer"); |
[6] | 140 | |
[45] | 141 | |
[106] | 142 | // Lighting |
| 143 | DirectionalLight* light = new DirectionalLight(rootStateSet); |
| 144 | light->setPosition( osg::Vec3(1,1,1) ); // z is up |
[100] | 145 | |
[106] | 146 | std::string lightposstr; |
| 147 | while (arguments.read("-lightpos",lightposstr)) |
| 148 | { |
| 149 | float x, y, z; |
| 150 | int count = sscanf( lightposstr.c_str(), "%f,%f,%f", &x, &y, &z ); |
| 151 | if( count == 3 ) light->setPosition( osg::Vec3(x,y,z) ); // z is up |
| 152 | else osg::notify(osg::WARN) << "Invalid bedslope light position \"" << lightposstr << "\"" << std::endl; |
| 153 | } |
[100] | 154 | |
[6] | 155 | |
[11] | 156 | |
[106] | 157 | // scenegraph hierarchy |
| 158 | rootnode->setStateSet(rootStateSet); |
| 159 | rootnode->addChild( hud->get() ); |
| 160 | rootnode->addChild( light->get() ); |
| 161 | rootnode->addChild(model); |
| 162 | model->addChild( bedslope->get() ); |
| 163 | model->addChild( water->get() ); |
[11] | 164 | |
[6] | 165 | |
[106] | 166 | // allow vertical scaling from command line parameter |
| 167 | model->setScale( osg::Vec3(1.0, 1.0, vscale) ); |
[6] | 168 | |
[106] | 169 | // surrounding sky sphere |
| 170 | if( !arguments.read("-nosky") ) |
| 171 | rootnode->addChild( createSky(10.0, sww->getSwollenDir() + std::string("/sky_small.jpg") )); |
| 172 | |
| 173 | |
| 174 | // add model to viewer. |
| 175 | viewer.setSceneData(rootnode); |
[6] | 176 | |
[106] | 177 | // any option left unread are converted into errors to write out later. |
| 178 | arguments.reportRemainingOptionsAsUnrecognized(); |
[6] | 179 | |
[106] | 180 | // report any errors if they have occured when parsing the program aguments. |
| 181 | if (arguments.errors()) |
| 182 | { |
| 183 | arguments.writeErrorMessages(std::cout); |
| 184 | return 1; |
| 185 | } |
[6] | 186 | |
[111] | 187 | |
[106] | 188 | // register additional event handler |
| 189 | KeyboardEventHandler* event_handler = new KeyboardEventHandler(sww->getNumberOfTimesteps(), tps); |
| 190 | viewer.getEventHandlerList().push_front(event_handler); |
[45] | 191 | |
[6] | 192 | |
[106] | 193 | // create the windows and run the threads. |
| 194 | viewer.realize(); |
[6] | 195 | |
| 196 | |
[106] | 197 | // initial camera position |
| 198 | CustomTerrainManipulator* terrainmanipulator = viewer.getTerrainManipulator(); |
| 199 | terrainmanipulator->setNode( model ); |
| 200 | terrainmanipulator->setAutoComputeHomePosition( false ); |
| 201 | terrainmanipulator->setHomePosition( |
| 202 | osg::Vec3d(0,-3,3), // camera location |
| 203 | osg::Vec3d(0,0,0), // camera target |
| 204 | osg::Vec3d(0,1,1) ); // camera up vector |
| 205 | terrainmanipulator->moveToHome(); |
| 206 | terrainmanipulator->enable(); |
[66] | 207 | |
| 208 | |
[115] | 209 | // animation |
| 210 | State s = State(); |
| 211 | std::vector<State> statelist; |
[111] | 212 | bool recordingmode = false; |
[115] | 213 | bool playbackmode = false; |
| 214 | unsigned int playback_index = 0; |
[111] | 215 | |
| 216 | |
[114] | 217 | |
[106] | 218 | unsigned int timestep = 0; |
| 219 | while( !viewer.done() ) |
| 220 | { |
[71] | 221 | |
[106] | 222 | // wait for all cull and draw threads to complete. |
| 223 | viewer.sync(); |
[6] | 224 | |
[105] | 225 | |
[115] | 226 | if( !playbackmode ) |
| 227 | { |
[6] | 228 | |
[115] | 229 | // current time |
| 230 | double time = viewer.getFrameStamp()->getReferenceTime(); |
| 231 | |
| 232 | |
| 233 | event_handler->setTime( time ); |
[106] | 234 | timestep = event_handler->getTimestep(); |
| 235 | water->setTimeStep(timestep); |
| 236 | hud->setTime( sww->getTime(timestep) ); |
[66] | 237 | |
[13] | 238 | |
[115] | 239 | // events |
| 240 | if( event_handler->toggleWireframe() ) |
| 241 | water->toggleWireframe(); |
[104] | 242 | |
[115] | 243 | if( event_handler->toggleCulling() ) |
| 244 | { |
| 245 | sww->toggleCulling(); |
| 246 | water->setTimeStep(timestep); // refresh |
| 247 | } |
[111] | 248 | |
| 249 | |
[115] | 250 | // '1' key starts/stops recording of view/position/setting info |
| 251 | if( event_handler->toggleRecording() ) |
| 252 | { |
| 253 | switch( recordingmode ) |
| 254 | { |
| 255 | case false : |
| 256 | recordingmode = true; |
| 257 | hud->setRecordingMode("recording"); |
| 258 | break; |
| 259 | case true : |
| 260 | recordingmode = false; |
| 261 | hud->setRecordingMode(""); |
| 262 | break; |
| 263 | } |
| 264 | } |
[111] | 265 | |
| 266 | |
[115] | 267 | // '2' key starts playback of recorded frames |
| 268 | if( event_handler->togglePlayback() ) |
| 269 | { |
| 270 | recordingmode = false; |
| 271 | switch( playbackmode ) |
| 272 | { |
| 273 | case false : |
| 274 | playbackmode = true; |
| 275 | hud->setRecordingMode("playback"); |
| 276 | event_handler->setPaused( true ); |
| 277 | playback_index = 0; |
| 278 | // store current state |
| 279 | break; |
| 280 | case true : |
| 281 | playbackmode = false; |
| 282 | hud->setRecordingMode(""); |
| 283 | event_handler->setPaused( false ); |
| 284 | // pop saved state |
| 285 | break; |
| 286 | } |
| 287 | } |
[111] | 288 | |
| 289 | |
[115] | 290 | if( recordingmode ) |
[111] | 291 | { |
[115] | 292 | s.setTimestep( event_handler->getTimestep() ); |
| 293 | s.setTime( sww->getTime(timestep) ); |
| 294 | s.setCulling( sww->getCulling() ); |
| 295 | s.setWireframe( water->getWireframe() ); |
| 296 | s.setPosition( viewer.getPosition() ); |
| 297 | s.setOrientation( viewer.getOrientation() ); |
| 298 | statelist.push_back( s ); |
| 299 | std::cout << "len(statelist): " << statelist.size() << std::endl; |
[111] | 300 | } |
| 301 | } |
| 302 | |
[115] | 303 | else |
| 304 | |
[114] | 305 | { |
[115] | 306 | // in playback mode |
| 307 | s = statelist.at( playback_index ); |
| 308 | water->setTimeStep( s.getTimestep() ); |
| 309 | hud->setTime( s.getTime() ); |
| 310 | |
| 311 | std::cout << "playing back: " << playback_index << std::endl; |
| 312 | |
| 313 | // loop playback |
| 314 | playback_index ++; |
| 315 | if( playback_index == statelist.size() ) |
| 316 | playback_index = 0; |
[114] | 317 | } |
[111] | 318 | |
[113] | 319 | |
[114] | 320 | |
[106] | 321 | // update the scene by traversing with the update visitor |
| 322 | viewer.update(); |
[115] | 323 | |
[106] | 324 | // fire off the cull and draw traversals of the scene. |
| 325 | viewer.frame(); |
| 326 | } |
[6] | 327 | |
[106] | 328 | // wait for all cull and draw threads to complete before exit. |
| 329 | viewer.sync(); |
[6] | 330 | |
[106] | 331 | return 0; |
[6] | 332 | } |