source: anuga_core/documentation/planning/priorities.tex @ 3993

Last change on this file since 3993 was 3993, checked in by ole, 18 years ago

Update prior to planning meeting

File size: 19.4 KB
1%FIXME: Take stuff from future_directions.txt and wiki
6\title{AnuGA Inundation Modelling Project - Planning and Priorities - Draft}
7\author{Ole Nielsen, Duncan Gray, Jane Sexton, Nick Bartzis,\\ Trevor Dhu, Neil Corby, Stephen Roberts, ...}
10\date{\today}             % update before release!
11                                % Use an explicit date so that reformatting
12                                % doesn't cause a new date to be used.  Setting
13                                % the date to \today can be used during draft
14                                % stages to make it easier to handle versions.
16%\release{1.0}                  % release version; this is used to define the
17                                % \version macro
19\makeindex                      % tell \index to actually write the .idx file
26The ANUGA inundation modelling project is a collaborative effort between
27 Geoscience Australia (GA) and the Australian National University
28 (ANU). GA is largely responsible for the software development,
29 applications to scenario and risk modelling projects as well as
30 contributions to the Australian National Research Priorities. 
31 ANU is mainly responsible for the mathematical and numerical modelling approach and the continued development of the model.
34 This
35 document outlines the agreed priorities for the inundation modelling
36 project predominantly seen from the GA perspective, but including the ANU where appropriate.
37 Priorities are organised into three separate streams focusing at the following objectives:
38 \begin{enumerate} 
39   \item Deliverables of specific case studies. These are typically
40   tasks that are requested by GA's clients.
41   \item Research topics that have emerged and would advance the
42   understanding of the science of hydrodynamic inundation
43   \item Development and maintenance issues that are necessary for the
44   continued health of the software itself.
46where the first is primarily resourced by Jane Sexton and Nick Bartzis, the second by Stephen Roberts and Ole Nielsen, while the third is the responsibility of Ole Nielsen and Duncan Gray. Significant overlaps are expected and names assigned to tasks are tentative only.
48Overarching these three streams is a fourth stream, management, which covers coordination of the FESA project and management of the inundation modelling team.
50\section*{Specific case studies (production)}
54The list in order of importance but subject to availability of
55topographic data and URS/MOST input is
58  \item Onslow, WA - end of June 06. This study mainly supports the
59    FESA funded WA study, but has synergies with projects in other
60    lists as well (Nick)
61  \item Complete Sydney (Benfield) project (Jane). Refinements have
62    included addressing water loss through the form of the surface
63    elevation function, boundary conditions, friction creep and issues
64    with ill-conditioned system as a result of a complex internal
65    polygon. Whilst a protection has been put in place for friction
66    creep, the issue is still outstanding. Final results will be
67    delivered to Benfield by Fri 28 April noting the friction issue
68    is still outstanding.  This project has synergies with the ANUGA
69    Demo initiative (Everyone)
70  \item Port Hedland - end of June 06. Also part of the WA project. (Nick)
71  \item Dampier revisited for CIPMA.
72  \item Broome
73  \item Perth
74  \item Busselton
75  \item Shark Bay using survey from 17th July 2006.
76  \item Xmas & Cocos islands tide gauge validation.
77  \item Rerun Wollongong with slump (pending better defition of slump sizes) (Nick, Adrian), 2-3 weeks
78  \item NSW state study  (deferred until 2007 - Matt)
79  \item SE Qld study
80  \item Hobart (2007). Trevor Dhu has arranged for TAFI to provide bathymetric data to a 50m contour plus a 25m DEM. Apparently, even better DEM data is available.
81  \item Other study areas may be identified when the national hazard map has been completed (expected
82within the next 12 months) and consultation has occurred with stakeholders.
84Given that the production line is in a start-up phase and the needs
85outlined in the research and development streams, only priority 1 to 3
86are guaranteed to complete before 30 June 2006. However, once
87streamlined, we expect a production rate of about one scenario per
88month (subject to availability of computational resources and data).
89A number of these studies may not be conducted by the team, however,
90our assistance will certainly be required.
94\section*{Research topics}
96The list is
99  \item Sensitivity study using Onslow project (Nick, Jane, Ole)
100  The sensitivity to mesh resolution to be investigated. There are two aspects:
101  \begin{enumerate}
102    \item Resolution of triangles containing individual gauges. ANUGA
103    keeps track of the volume of water under each triangle. Pointwise
104    measurements away from triangle centroids may deviate
105    significantly from the true values due to the linear
106    reconstruction of triangle near steep bedslopes. One study would
107    provide an error estimate of the pointwise readings as a function
108    of resolution and slope.
109    \item How does resolution affect propagation of tsunami waves. One
110    could fix the resolution near gauges at selected points near and
111    on shore and vary resolution of bathymetry affecting the
112    approaching waves. Results reported as deviation at gauges as
113    function of bathymetric resolution upstream.
114  \end{enumerate}     
115  \begin{itemize}
116    \item Nick to do the runs 
117    \item Team to help setup the study and write document
118  \end{itemize}   
120  \item Validation:
121  \begin{itemize}
122    \item Onslow tide gauges (Ole with David Burbidge)
123      \begin{itemize}
124      \item Ole to get data and terms of reference
125      \item Nick to do the runs 
126      \item Team to help setup the study and write document   
127    \end{itemize} 
128    \item Boxing day event (ANU contract 2006/2007 with Asavanant and Grilli)
129    \item Friction validation (Duncan with Tom Baldock UQ)
130    Duncan to get a sense of scope on this by June 2006.
131    Work to be done in 2006/2007.
132    \item PDC (Ole)
133    Ole to visit Pacifit Disaster Center in 6/7
134    \item 1953 Suva data from Tariq (someone)
135    Date is available. Ole to arrange for unpacking with GIS and scope project.
136    Could form a graduate project.
137    \item Comparison to tsunami study in NZ where Mike 21 is used for inundation. Contact: Rick Liefting, Coastal Scientist, Tonkin and Taylor Limited,, Hamilton. Email:   
138  \end{itemize} 
139  \item Comparison of MOST and ANUGA over a stretch of deep water. Also, where to pick up boundary condition (Nick).
140  \item Momentum sink study (Duncan with Nick Dando)
141  Report and talk by end of June 2006. Paper later.
142  \item Submarine landslide modelling paper with Dr Mueller or Russell Blong (Ask him),
143  Sydney (Jane, Ole, Adrian/Monica, Matt). Perhaps use Wollongong as the study area.
144  This has now become modelling of landslides identified by GA survey October 2006. Contact is Kriton Glenn. 
145  \item Probabilistic integration with URS model, pending URS data (Ole, Trevor). Duncan to write urs2sww for boundary conditions. Ole to ask PDC. 
146  \item Effect of the GBR based on new LADS data (which we need to get from Phil O'brien).
147        This could become a graduate program, an ANU contract or a job for an ANU summer scholar
148        (see graduate\_proposal\_GBR.doc).
149  \item Comparing calculated run-up height with Synolakis' approximation
150        ($R = A^\frac{4}{5} h^ \frac{1}{5}$ where $A$ is the amplitude at some offshore location
151         and $h$ is the depth at the same offshore location). Calculate the maximum elevation
152         at which there is water. Need to confirm definition of run-up height.
153  \item Incorporate asteroid model (parabolic cavity) as an initial condition into ANUGA.
154        Compare calculated extent with the approximation of
155        run-in (or maximum extent) from Chesley and Ward 2006 where the run-in distance is approximated
156        by $X \approx 10 \sqrt{g R} D^\frac{3}{8}$ where $R$ is the run-up height and $D$ is the
157        asteroid diameter. Allows another event to be added to the overall
158        tsunami risk assessment. This could become a graduate or student project (see graduate\_proposal\_asteroid.doc).
159  \item Investigate the topographic effect on water flow and the impact on hydrological hazard (as part of the CRA
160        with NSW DNR and SES in contributing to the vulnerability assessment). This could become a graduate
161        or student project (see graduate\_proposal\_topography.doc).
163  \item Scenario database (future); this could complement the ATWS
164    operational centre. (how often would it need to be updated, i.e how
165    long will the results remain valid?  eg, effect of sediment transport
166    affecting local bathymetry, change in sea levels due to climate
167    change). This is a product for the ATWS, states and EMA. AGO may need
168    scenarios under climate change scenarios.
169  \item Automatic definition of mesh-resolution based on data (e.g. depth or gradients). Perhaps use wavelet transforms. Stephen has a link to a researcher at Imperial College, London.
170  \item Investigate behaviour near steep and shallow bathymetries, where artifitial fluxes may be generated. Now evolved into 'friction creep'.
171    Stephen to look into that with input from Ole.
172  \item Effect of debris on flow and damage (Under way at JCU - shawn)
173  \item Write ANUGA in term of latitudes and longitudes
174  \item Incorporate coriolis effect for large study areas
175  \item Revive storm surge model (Rosh DNR)
176  \item Riverine flooding (Rosh DNR)
177  \item Collaboration with Hans Peter ?? (Stephen Roberts)
178  \item Solution uncertainty (interaction with Hugh Durrant-Whyte and
179  Suresh Kumar from USyd)
181No more than priority 1-4 are expected to complete before 30 June 2006.
184\section*{Development and maintenance issues.}
186The list is
189  \item Bug fixing (see tickets in TRAC) - ongoing (Duncan \& Ole)
190  \item Integrated damage modelling (Duncan)
191  \begin{itemize}
192    \item Calculation of inundation extent. Determine "wet" cells and
193    create the "extent$\_$polygon".
194        This polygon could then be used in damage modelling (rather than
195getting the building information
196        from the NBED and the GIS team to determine the set of those buildings
197which suffer inundation).
198        Script determine which buildings in extent by
199        inside$\_$polygon(building$\_$i,extent$\_$polygon) == True.
200   \end{itemize}
201  \item Streamlined end-to-end process including production management of files (Nick + Hamish, Neil, Ole, Jane, Duncan)
202  In addition to Nick's automatic log of scripts generating the data, also log username and ANUGA version if possible.
204  \item Map2PDF vs ArcReader (Neil, Lisa)
205  \item Easy interface to building regions of variable resolution (Duncan)
206  \item Sydney demo (Jane, Duncan, Ole) - Ask
207  \item Deploy parallel version (Ole, Nick)
208  \item Userguide, technical documentation and installation process (Everyone)
209  \item OSS License (Ole)
210  \item Visualisation (Nick, Ole)
211  \begin{itemize}
212    \item Hand crafted using Houdini
213    \item Take Swollen-viewer further, e.g.\ by colour coding quantitios or applying contour plots
214    \item ANU work on new visualisation techniques
215  \end{itemize}
216  \item Automatic coastline buffering.
217    \item Improve memory efficiency of mesh generator.
219It is the hope that most of these priorities will be adressed before 30 June 2006.
222\section*{Roles and responsibilities}
225This is a first cut only. Please comment!
228\subsection*{Inundation modelling team (IMP)}
230  \item \textbf{Duncan}: Take responsibility for the code development
231  and maintenance. Represent the inundation modelling project in the
232  corporate IM context. Other responsibilities include
233  \begin{itemize}
234  \item IM
235  \item TRIM
236  \end{itemize}
237  Take responsibility for one or more research projects, and contribute to production on a needs basis. 
238  % Suggested work
239  % Production of one FESA study
240  % Boundary condition URS2SWW
241  % Damage modelling
242  \item \textbf{Jane}: Coordinate FESA production project, take responsibility for one or
243  more research projects and contribute to production and code development on a needs basis. In the longer term, maintenance of other stakeholder relationships (?).
244  \item \textbf{Nick}: Take responsibility for the production stream, develop visualisation techniques,
245  and contribute to code development on a needs basis. Other responsibilities include
246  \begin{itemize}
247  \item TRIM
248  \end{itemize}
249  \item \textbf{Ole}: Coordinate the inundation modelling project.
250  Manage the balance and requirements between the research, development and production stream.
251  Take responsibility for the code development and maintenance as well as one or more research projects.
252  Contribute to production on a needs basis. Other responsibilities include
253  \begin{itemize}
254  \item Programmers User Group and High Performance Computing issues.
255  \end{itemize} 
259\subsection*{Digital Elevation Modelling Team (DEM)}
261  \item \textbf{Hamish Anderson}: Coordinate collection and supply of
262  topographic and bathymetric data.   
263  \item \textbf{Mike Sexton}: Bathymetric data specialist.       
264  \item \textbf{Kathryn Tobyn}: Bathymetric data specialist.     
267\subsection*{Earthquake and Tsunami Hazards (ETH)}
269  \item \textbf{David Burbidge}: Link to URS data; developing probabilistic hazard map
270  \item \textbf{Phil Cummins}: Team leader
273\subsection*{GIS team}
275  \item \textbf{Neil Corby}: Coordinate development of GIS decision tool.
276    Assist with collection and supply of topographic data. 
277  \item \textbf{Ingo Hartig}: Development of GIS decision tool.
278    Assist with collection, supply and validation of topographic data.   
279    Assist IMP with genaral GIS visualisation. 
280  \item \textbf{Lisa Cornish}: Arcview exposure database with Neil
286  \centerline{ \includegraphics[width=75mm, height=75mm]{information_flow.eps}}
289\caption{Diagram showing information flow among the teams comprising the FESA project.}
290\label{fig:information flow}
294\subsection*{Other stakeholders}
296  \item \textbf{Stephen Roberts (ANU)}: Contribute to research and further development of
297  ANUGA.   
298  \item \textbf{Linda Stals (ANU)}: Develop parallel version of ANUGA.     
299  \item \textbf{Adrian Hitchman and Monica Osuchowski}: Provide input to submarine landslide research.
300  \item \textbf{Trevor Dhu}: Develop new engagements with external
301  stakeholders such as state governments. Assist with development of probabilistic modelling.
302  \item Others?
307\subsection*{Potential contacts}
310  \item Lex Nielsen from SMEC in order to explore
311    how they can get involved
312  \item Lutz Grosz from ACcESS
313  \item Tom Baldock UQ
314  \item Tariq Rahiman (, (Suva scenario)
315  \item Allen L. Clark PDC (
316  \item Roy Walters, NIWA (tsunami modelling)
317  \item Russell Blong, Benfield (landslide modelling)
318  \item Ray Steedman, WA oceanography (By way of Norm Schramm)
319  \item Rosh Ranasinghe (DPNR)
320  \item Suresh Kumar (ACFR)
321  \item John Lang (WA). Cellular Automata modelling of tsunami + gas/oil engineer
322  \item Saman Samarawickrama
328The allocation to the different streams from the core inundation modelling team in terms of
3294 full time equivalents (FTE) are
332\item \textbf{Production}: 1.25 FTE  (Mainly Nick)
333\item \textbf{Research}: 1 FTE
334\item \textbf{Code development and maintenance}: 1 FTE
335\item \textbf{Management}: 0.75 FTE (0.5 WA-FESA Project coordination, 0.25 TEAM)
339\chapter{Personnel availability}
342  \item \textbf{Duncan}: 4 days/week
343  \item \textbf{Jane}: Three weeks leave in the period 15 June 2006 to 15 July 2006
344    Ole to cover Jane's commitments.
345  \item \textbf{Nick}: Leave from 21 August 2006 to 13 October 2006
346    Duncan to cover off on the production line.
347  \item \textbf{Ole}: Leave for six weeks around August or September.
348    Jane to be acting team leader with Duncan responsible for
349    software and maintenance issues.
354\chapter{Detailed planning}
356Needs updating
358\section{Validation of ANUGA}
360\subsection{Laboratory Data}
36125 July 2005: Benchmark data from wave tank experiments
362were deemed suitable for
363initial validation exercises and we should proceed with these
364immediately using the existing acquired datasets.  In addition, data
365from vertical wall run-ups will be relevant.  Andrew's letter to key
366players regarding other existing laboratory datasets is deemed
367extremely valuable and should go ahead.
368This has now completed in the form of the Okushiri island validation
3707 April 2006: Next exercise along these lines seems to be wavetank
371data from UQ as conducted by Tom Baldock et al. These experiments
372include friction. Duncan will visit Tom in May and possibly conduct a
373validation project depending on his findings.
377\subsection{Historical Data}
378Andrew McPherson has contacted relevant organisations regarding sources and
379availability of existing post-tsunami field survey data.  We agreed
380that a scenario from e.g. Banda Aceh or Thailand (Phuket)
381demonstrating the detailed effect of bathymetric variations would be
382an ideal study and could form the basis of a scientific paper. Matt is
383considering whether this would fit into his research priorities.
385Promising leads are
387  \item Suva data (Tariq)
388  \item Boxing day event conducted by the Grilli and Asavanant (Stephen Roberts). This has been flagged as a \$15K ANU project in FY 6/7
389  \item The Connection to Sri Lanka (John Schneider)
394Validation against analytical solutions is well under way and
395is considered an integral component of the validation process.
396The same is true for the Lake Merimbula tidal validation project.
397Stephen, John Jakeman and Chris are looking after these.
402\section{Potential joint PhD projects (GA and ANU)}
403Ole to investigate if GA would fund a PhD student: Project could be
404"Algorithms for augmentation of unstructured grids" or "Algorithms for
405unification of geodesic systems in unstructured grids" the latter
406capturing the notion of being able to model the synoptic, deep water
407wave propagation in latitudes and longitudes with a seemless connection
408to detailed modelling using UTM projections.
409A PhD scholarship is worth about \$20K per annum.
4117 April 2006: We are putting \$10K in the 06-07 budget.
413\section{Other projects}
414LADS (laser airborne depth sounder) data is available from the Hydrographer's Officer
415for the Great Barrier Reef. A project investigating whether or not a tsunami wave
416is attentuated by the reef would be a real benefit to the ATWS (to inform whether
417North Queensland is vulnerable).
419\section{Long term aim}
421We agreed that having a detailed, reproducible and validated
422inundation scenario from the Boxing Day Tsunami running in parallel
423(and being faster than the sequential code) would be a worthwhile goal.   
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