\documentclass{manual} \title{ANUGA Installation Guide} %\author{Ole Nielsen, Duncan Gray, Jane Sexton} \usepackage{graphicx} % Please at least include a long-lived email address; % the rest is at your discretion. \authoraddress{Geoscience Australia \\ Email: \email{nariman.habili@ga.gov.au} } %Draft date \date{\today} % update before release! % Use an explicit date so that reformatting % doesn't cause a new date to be used. Setting % the date to \today can be used during draft % stages to make it easier to handle versions. \input{version} % Get version info - this file may be modified by % update_anuga_user_manual.py - if not a dummy % will be used. \makeindex % tell \index to actually write the .idx file %\makemodindex % If this contains a lot of module sections. \begin{document} \maketitle % This makes the contents more accessible from the front page of the HTML. \ifhtml \chapter*{Front Matter\label{front}} \fi \chapter{Introduction} This document outlines the procedure for installing the Anuga toolbox. All components are licensed as open source and readily available from the net. It is assumed that the reader is familiar with the Python programming language and the process of downloading, installing and unpacking files into directories. \section{System requirements} \label{sec:requirements} To run ANUGA you will need a Windows PC (XP or Vista) or a Linux PC with at least 512MB RAM. As ANUGA is a memory-intensive numerical system, more memory is better than less. The viewer (Windows only) requires a graphics adapter that is OpenGL compatible. It has been tested with ATI FireGL X1 cards and the NVIDIA family. It may not work with other cards such as those from the Intel(R) 82915G Express chipset family. The instructions below are written for the numpy version of ANUGA. ANUGA changed from relying on the Numeric package to the numpy package early in July, 2009. If you have a Numeric ANUGA, you should refer to the installation instructions for that version. The last Numeric version of ANUGA had a build number of 7163. Where the text below refers to a specific package file such as \code{python-2.5.msi} you will find that file in a download area linked through the \emph{numpy_support_software} link on the page \url{https://datamining.anu.edu.au/anuga/wiki/NumpyInstall}. \section{Installation} Below are the install procedures for Windows XP, Windows Vista (both 32 bit) and Linux (32 and 64 bit). \subsection{Quick install - Windows XP (32 bit)} \label{sec:winxp} If you already have previous versions of Python, ANUGA support software or the ANUGA source code installed on the target machine, start off by uninstalling them. Next, download the latest version of the ANUGA Windows installer from \url{http://sourceforge.net/projects/anuga/files/}. The Windows installer will install Python, MingW (select the "Minimal" install), NumPy, NetCDF, Scientific Python, Matplotlib, the ANUGA source code and the viewer (animate). Note that you will need an internet connection to install MingW. After all the necessary packages have been installed, the installer will proceed to compile the ANUGA C code, run the test suite (optional) and then run a series of validation examples (optional). This may take some time. Try the demonstrations provided in the ANUGA directory \code{anuga\_demos} (discussed in the ANUGA user manual at \url{http://datamining.anu.edu.au/\%7Eole/anuga/user\%5Fmanual/anuga\%5Fuser\%5Fmanual.pdf}) and view the resulting \code{.sww} files with the ANUGA viewer. %This procedure assumes that you do not have python installed on the target machine. %If you do have a python installed already then skip the installation of python as %long as you have version 2.5 or later installed. % %\begin{itemize} % \item Install the support software, in order. % \begin{enumerate} % \item Execute \code{python-2.5.4.msi} to install python. % % \item Install MinGW from \code{MinGW-5.1.4.exe}. Install components: % \begin{enumerate} % \item MinGW base tools % \item g++ compiler % \item MinGW Make % \end{enumerate} % Note that you will need an internet connection for the above install. % % \item Execute \code{numpy-1.3.0-win32-superpack-python2.5.exe} to install numpy. % % \item Execute \code{netCDF_binary_4.0.exe} to install NetCDF. % % \item Execute \code{ScientificPython-2.9.0.win32-py2.5.exe} to install Scientific Python. % % \item Execute \code{matplotlib-} to install matplotlib. % \end{enumerate} % % \item Add the following to the end of the PATH environment variable: % \begin{verbatim};C:\Python25;C:\MingW\bin;C:\netcdf4\bin\end{verbatim} % For details on how to do this under Windows please refer to Appendix \ref{sec:setwindowspath}. %\end{itemize} % %\subsubsection{ANUGA Installation} %\label{sec:ANUGA} % %\begin{itemize} % \item Unpack the ANUGA source code (\code{anuga-1.0_xxxx.tgz})\footnote{Internet Explorer has the habit of renaming the .tgz files to .gz - % the remedy is to rename them back or use another browser such as Firefox.} % in the python site-packages directory \code{C:$\backslash$Python25$\backslash$Lib$\backslash$site-packages}. % This is often done in Windows by double clicking on the \code{.tgz} file and then 'browse to' the destination directory. % % \item In the ANUGA root directory (\code{C:$\backslash$Python25$\backslash$Lib$\backslash$site-packages$\backslash$anuga}), % run the compilation script (either from the commandline or by running it in IDLE): % \begin{verbatim}python compile_all.py\end{verbatim} % % \item In the ANUGA root directory (\code{C:$\backslash$Python25$\backslash$Lib$\backslash$site-packages$\backslash$anuga}), % run the test suite (either from the commandline or by running it in IDLE): % \begin{verbatim}python test_all.py\end{verbatim} ANUGA has been succesfully installed if the tests pass. % % \item To verify that ANUGA succesfully reproduces a series of validation examples, go % to the directory % \linebreak % \code{anuga_validation$\backslash$automated_validation_tests} under the ANUGA root directory where you can run: % \begin{verbatim}python validate_all.py\end{verbatim} % This may take some time. % % \item To install the ANUGA viewer: % \begin{enumerate} % \item Unpack the distribution (\code{anuga_viewer_1.0.tgz}) into: % \begin{verbatim}C:\Program Files\end{verbatim} % % \item Double click on the test file: % \begin{verbatim}C:\Program Files\anuga_viewer\cylinders.sww\end{verbatim} % % \item Associate \code{.sww} files with the executable: % \begin{verbatim}C:\Program Files\anuga_viewer\animate.exe\end{verbatim} % For details on how to do this under Windows please refer to Appendix \ref{sec:assocanimatesww}. % \end{enumerate} % % Try the demonstrations provided in the ANUGA directory \code{anuga\_demos} % (discussed in the ANUGA user manual at % \url{http://datamining.anu.edu.au/\%7Eole/anuga/user\%5Fmanual/anuga\%5Fuser\%5Fmanual.pdf}) % and view the resulting \code{.sww} files with the ANUGA viewer. %\end{itemize} %To run the ANUGA against the Okushiri Island wave tank validation dataset %(\url{http://www.cee.cornell.edu/longwave}) %go to \code{anuga_validation} % into %any directory and run the scripts \code{create_okushiri.py}, %\code{run_okushiri.py} and \code{compare_timeseries.py}. See also the %\code{README.txt} file that comes with the validation scripts for more %details. \subsection{Quick install - Windows Vista} \label{sec:winvista} The installation of the support software and the ANUGA software should be the same as for Windows XP above. The installation and use of ANUGA under Windows Vista has not been heavily tested. Feedback on any aspect of using ANUGA under Vista is welcomed. \subsection{Quick install - Linux} \label{sec:linux} The procedure to install onto a Linux platform is targetted at a Debian-like Linux, such as Ubuntu. If you use another Linux the overall procedure should be followed, although the details will vary. The steps below assume that you do not have python installed on the target machine. If you do have a python installed already then skip the installation of python as long as you have version 2.5 or later. Note that even if you already have python installed you should still check if things like \code{python-dev} and \code{python-profiler} need to be installed. \subsubsection{Support Software - Linux 32 bit} \label{sec:linux32bit} Install support software (in order): \begin{enumerate} \item Install the python development environment, either through Synaptic or by: \begin{verbatim}sudo apt-get install python python-dev python-profiler\end{verbatim} If you already have python 2.5 or later installed, don't include \code{python} above. \item Install g++, either through Synaptic or by: \begin{verbatim}sudo apt-get install g++\end{verbatim} \item Install the numpy package, either through Synaptic or by: \begin{verbatim}sudo apt-get install python-numpy\end{verbatim} \item Install the NetCDF package from the .tar.gz file: \begin{verbatim}tar xzf netcdf.tar.gz cd netcdf-4.0.1 ./configure make check sudo make install cd\end{verbatim} \item Install the ScientificPython package from the .tar.gz file: \begin{verbatim}tar xzf ScientificPython-2.9.0.tar.gz cd ScientificPython-2.9.0 python setup.py build --numpy sudo python setup.py install cd\end{verbatim} \item Install matplotlib, either through Synaptic or by: \begin{verbatim}sudo apt-get install python-matplotlib\end{verbatim} \end{enumerate} \subsubsection{Support Software - Linux 64 bit} \label{sec:linux64bit} Install support software (in order): \begin{enumerate} \item Install the python development environment, either through Synaptic or by: \begin{verbatim}sudo apt-get install python python-dev python-profiler\end{verbatim} If you already have python 2.5 or later installed, don't include \code{python} above. \item Install g++, either through Synaptic or by: \begin{verbatim}sudo apt-get install g++\end{verbatim} \item Define a CFLAGS value: \begin{verbatim}export CFLAGS=-fPIC\end{verbatim} \item Install the numpy package, either through Synaptic or by: \begin{verbatim}sudo apt-get install python-numpy\end{verbatim} \item Install the NetCDF package from the .tar.gz file: \begin{verbatim}tar xzf netcdf.tar.gz cd netcdf-4.0.1 ./configure make check sudo make install cd\end{verbatim} \item Install the ScientificPython package from the .tar.gz file: \begin{verbatim}tar xzf ScientificPython-2.9.0.tar.gz cd ScientificPython-2.9.0 python setup.py build --numpy sudo python setup.py install cd\end{verbatim} \item Install matplotlib, either through Synaptic or by: \begin{verbatim}sudo apt-get install python-matplotlib\end{verbatim} \end{enumerate} \subsubsection{ANUGA Installation - 32 or 64 bit} \label{sec:ANUGA32-64bit} \begin{enumerate} \item Get the ANUGA source from \url{http://sourceforge.net/projects/anuga} (\code{anuga-1.0_5789.tgz} say), and expand it into the python site-packages directory \code{/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages}. In the unpacked ANUGA directory \code{/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/anuga} run the command: \begin{verbatim}sudo python compile_all.py\end{verbatim} \item In the ANUGA root directory (\code{/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/anuga}) run the test suite: \begin{verbatim}python test_all.py\end{verbatim} ANUGA has been succesfully installed if the tests pass. \item To verify that ANUGA succesfully reproduces a series of validation examples, go to the directory \linebreak \code{/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/anuga_validation/automated_validation_tests} where you can run validation tests to ensure the correct running of ANUGA: \begin{verbatim}python validate_all.py\end{verbatim} This may take some time. \end{enumerate} \section{Optional but recommended software} This software is not required to run the ANUGA toolbox, but it is recommended. \begin{itemize} \item psyco. Speeds up ANUGA by about 30\%, so is strongly recommended. Under Ubuntu install either through Synaptic or by: \begin{verbatim}sudo apt-get install python-psyco\end{verbatim} Under Windows install the file \code{psyco-1.6.win32-py25.exe} which you can find on the \url{http://psyco.sourceforge.net/download.html} page. \item VTK. The Visualization Toolkit. Under Ubuntu install either through Synaptic or by: \begin{verbatim}sudo apt-get install python-vtk\end{verbatim} Under Windows install the file \code{vtk-5.4.2-win32.exe} from the \url{http://www.vtk.org/VTK/resources/software.html} page. \end{itemize} \section{Testing} In the ANUGA root directory, run the test suite: \begin{verbatim} python test_all.py \end{verbatim} ANUGA has been succesfully installed if the tests pass as follows: \begin{verbatim} ... test_data_manager.py test_interpolate_sww.py test_mesh.py test_mesh_interface.py test_triangmodule.py test_triangmoduleII.py test_advection.py ................................................................................. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. .......................... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 593 tests in 42.712s OK \end{verbatim} Note that if psycho is not installed, a number of psycho related warnings will appear. These warnings can be ignored. %\section{Other stuff to be included} % %\begin{verbatim} %Install tortoise from downloads (ITs didn't integrate wih explorer). %In settings set proxy to proxy.agso.gov.au 8080 %% % %Install swollen from latest distro (in subversion) % % %\end{verbatim} \appendix \chapter{Miscellaneous procedures} \section{Setting the PATH on Windows} \label{sec:setwindowspath} The Windows one-click installer should automatically set the necessary PATH environment "System variables". However, in case you do not have permission to modify the system variable, then the method of setting the PATH environment "User variable" for Windows XP is shown here. Setting the variable for Windows Vista should be similar. \setlength\fboxsep{0pt} \setlength\fboxrule{1.0pt} First, open the Control Panel: \begin{figure}[ht] \centerline{\fbox{\includegraphics[scale=0.75]{installgraphics/winsetpath1.png}}} % \caption{Run Control Panel from the Start menu} \label{fig:winsetpath1} \end{figure} Next, start the System applet: \begin{figure}[ht] \centerline{\fbox{\includegraphics[scale=0.75]{installgraphics/winsetpath2.png}}} % \caption{Start the System applet} \label{fig:winsetpath2} \end{figure} \pagebreak Select the \code{Advanced} tab in the System Properties window: \begin{figure}[ht] \centerline{\includegraphics[scale=0.5]{installgraphics/winsetpath3.png}} % \caption{Select the Advanced tab} \label{fig:winsetpath3} \end{figure} %\pagebreak Press the \code{Environment Variables} button in the \code{Advanced} tab: \begin{figure}[ht] \centerline{\includegraphics[scale=0.5]{installgraphics/winsetpath4.png}} % \caption{Press the Environment Variables button} \label{fig:winsetpath4} \end{figure} \pagebreak If the \code{PATH} variable is not defined in the 'User variables' or 'System variables' windows, press the \code{New} button in either of the two windows (for a personal machine, choose the 'System variables' window). If \code{PATH} already exists in the 'User variable' or 'System variables' window, select the row with the \code{PATH} variable name in the appropriate window and press the \code{Edit} button next to the \code{New} button in that window: \begin{figure}[ht] \centerline{\includegraphics[scale=0.5]{installgraphics/winsetpath5.png}} % \caption{Press the New button} \label{fig:winsetpath5} \end{figure} %\pagebreak You will be shown the editor window whichever button you pressed in the above step. If the \code{Variable name} box is empty type in the name \code{PATH}. In the \code{Variable value} box type the value you want the \code{PATH} variable to have. If there is already some text in the box, place your additional value at the front of the existing value, not forgetting to terminate your additional string with the ';' character. The final value string must be a series of directory names seperated by ';' characters: \begin{figure}[ht] \centerline{\includegraphics[scale=0.75]{installgraphics/winsetpath6.png}} % \caption{Modifying the PATH value} \label{fig:winsetpath6} \end{figure} When you are finished, press the \code{OK} button and exit from the applet. \pagebreak \section{Associating animate.exe with a .sww file} \label{sec:assocanimatesww} The one-click installer should associate animate.exe with .sww files automatically. However, the method of associating \code{animate.exe} with a \code{.sww} file manually is shown here for Windows XP. A similar process should work for Windows Vista. Double left-click on any \code{.sww} file. This brings up a dialog because Windows doesn't know how to open the file: \begin{figure}[ht] \centerline{\fbox{\includegraphics[scale=0.5]{installgraphics/winassoc1.png}}} % \caption{Try to open the .sww file} \label{fig:winassoc1} \end{figure} Select the "\code{Select the program from a list}" radiobutton and press the \code{OK} button: \begin{figure}[ht] \centerline{\includegraphics[scale=0.5]{installgraphics/winassoc2.png}} % \caption{Select the program from a list} \label{fig:winassoc2} \end{figure} \pagebreak Press the \code{Browse...} button to find the \code{animate.exe} program: \begin{figure}[ht] \centerline{\includegraphics[scale=0.5]{installgraphics/winassoc3.png}} % \caption{Find animate.exe program} \label{fig:winassoc3} \end{figure} Navigate to the \code{C:$\backslash$Program Files$\backslash$anuga_viewer} directory: \begin{figure}[ht] \centerline{\includegraphics[scale=0.5]{installgraphics/winassoc4.png}} % \caption{Navigate into Program Files|anuga_viewer directory} \label{fig:winassoc4} \end{figure} \pagebreak Select \code{animate.exe} and press the \code{Open} button: \begin{figure}[ht] \centerline{\includegraphics[scale=0.5]{installgraphics/winassoc5.png}} % \caption{Select the animate.exe program press Open} \label{fig:winassoc5} \end{figure} Finally, press the \code{OK} button: \begin{figure}[ht] \centerline{\includegraphics[scale=0.5]{installgraphics/winassoc6.png}} % \caption{Press the OK button} \label{fig:winassoc6} \end{figure} \end{document}