1 | """Common filenames and locations for topographic data, meshes and outputs. |
2 | Also includes origin for slump scenario. |
3 | """ |
4 | |
5 | from os import sep, environ |
6 | from os.path import expanduser |
7 | import sys |
8 | |
9 | # We'll do this for the final thing |
10 | home = '.' |
11 | |
12 | if sys.platform == 'win32': |
13 | home = environ['INUNDATIONHOME'] #Sandpit's parent dir |
14 | else: |
15 | home = expanduser('~') |
16 | |
17 | basename = 'Sydney' |
18 | |
19 | #Setting the location of scenario data |
20 | scenario_dir_name = 'sydney_tsunami_example_2006' |
21 | # revised 100m data |
22 | #coarsename = 'bathyland100' |
23 | # revised 25m data |
24 | #finename = 'bathy_dem25' |
25 | # revised 25m data |
26 | dem_name = 'sydney_MGA56' |
27 | |
28 | home += sep + 'data' + sep + 'new_south_wales' |
29 | |
30 | #Derive subdirectories and filenames |
31 | meshdir = home+sep+scenario_dir_name+sep+'meshes'+sep |
32 | datadir = home+sep+scenario_dir_name+sep+'topographies'+sep |
33 | outputdir = home+sep+scenario_dir_name+sep+'output'+sep |
34 | polygondir = home+sep+scenario_dir_name+sep+'polygons'+sep |
35 | |
36 | meshname = meshdir + basename |
37 | #coarsedemname = datadir + coarsename |
38 | #finedemname = datadir + finename |
39 | demname = datadir + dem_name |
40 | combineddemname = datadir + 'sydneytopo' |
41 | |
42 | refzone = 56 |
43 | print 'refzone', refzone |
44 | |
45 | # demo poly |
46 | j0 = [385000, 6280000] |
47 | j1 = [360000, 6273000] |
48 | j2 = [335000, 6273000] |
49 | j3 = [330000, 6265000] |
50 | j31 = [325000, 6260000] |
51 | j4 = [316000, 6260000] |
52 | j5 = [316000, 6246750] |
53 | j6 = [350000, 6246750] |
54 | j7 = [385000, 6238000] |
55 | |
56 | demopoly = [j0, j1, j2, j3, j31, j4, j5, j6, j7] |
57 | |
58 | from anuga.utilities.polygon import read_polygon, plot_polygons |
59 | #polygonptsfile4 = polygondir + 'poly1' |
60 | #polygonptsfile0 = polygondir + 'poly2' |
61 | #polygonptsfile1 = polygondir + 'poly3' |
62 | #polygonptsfile2 = polygondir + 'poly4' |
63 | #polygonptsfile3 = polygondir + 'poly5' |
64 | #northern_polygon = read_polygon(polygonptsfile0 + '.csv') |
65 | #manly_polygon = read_polygon(polygonptsfile1 + '.csv') |
66 | #harbour_polygon = read_polygon(polygonptsfile2 + '.csv') |
67 | #southern_polygon = read_polygon(polygonptsfile3 + '.csv') |
68 | #top_polygon = read_polygon(polygonptsfile4 + '.csv') |
69 | coastal_polygon = read_polygon(polygondir+'coastal'+'.csv') |
70 | shallow_polygon = read_polygon(polygondir+'shallow'+'.csv') |
71 | |
72 | #plot_polygons([demopoly,northern_polygon,manly_polygon,harbour_polygon,southern_polygon,top_polygon],'model_setup',verbose=False) |
73 | plot_polygons([demopoly,coastal_polygon,shallow_polygon],'new_model_setup',verbose=False) |
74 | |
75 | slump_origin = [372500.0, 6255000.0] #Absolute UTM |