"""Class Quantity - Implements values at each triangular element To create: Quantity(domain, vertex_values) domain: Associated domain structure. Required. vertex_values: N x 3 array of values at each vertex for each element. Default None If vertex_values are None Create array of zeros compatible with domain. Otherwise check that it is compatible with dimenions of domain. Otherwise raise an exception """ from anuga.utilities.numerical_tools import ensure_numeric, is_scalar from anuga.utilities.polygon import inside_polygon from anuga.geospatial_data.geospatial_data import Geospatial_data from anuga.fit_interpolate.fit import fit_to_mesh from anuga.config import points_file_block_line_size as default_block_line_size from anuga.config import epsilon import Numeric as num class Quantity: def __init__(self, domain, vertex_values=None): from anuga.abstract_2d_finite_volumes.domain import Domain msg = 'First argument in Quantity.__init__ ' msg += 'must be of class Domain (or a subclass thereof). ' msg += 'I got %s.' %str(domain.__class__) # FIXME(Ole): Why doesn't this work now? #assert isinstance(domain, Domain), msg if vertex_values is None: N = len(domain) # number_of_elements self.vertex_values = num.zeros((N, 3), num.Float) else: self.vertex_values = num.array(vertex_values, num.Float) N, V = self.vertex_values.shape assert V == 3,\ 'Three vertex values per element must be specified' msg = 'Number of vertex values (%d) must be consistent with'\ %N msg += 'number of elements in specified domain (%d).'\ %len(domain) assert N == len(domain), msg self.domain = domain # Allocate space for other quantities self.centroid_values = num.zeros(N, num.Float) self.edge_values = num.zeros((N, 3), num.Float) # Allocate space for Gradient self.x_gradient = num.zeros(N, num.Float) self.y_gradient = num.zeros(N, num.Float) # Allocate space for Limiter Phi self.phi = num.zeros(N, num.Float) # Intialise centroid and edge_values self.interpolate() # Allocate space for boundary values L = len(domain.boundary) self.boundary_values = num.zeros(L, num.Float) # Allocate space for updates of conserved quantities by # flux calculations and forcing functions # Allocate space for update fields self.explicit_update = num.zeros(N, num.Float ) self.semi_implicit_update = num.zeros(N, num.Float ) self.centroid_backup_values = num.zeros(N, num.Float) self.set_beta(1.0) # Methods for operator overloading def __len__(self): return self.centroid_values.shape[0] def __neg__(self): """Negate all values in this quantity giving meaning to the expression -Q where Q is an instance of class Quantity """ Q = Quantity(self.domain) Q.set_values(-self.vertex_values) return Q def __add__(self, other): """Add to self anything that could populate a quantity E.g other can be a constant, an array, a function, another quantity (except for a filename or points, attributes (for now)) - see set_values for details """ Q = Quantity(self.domain) Q.set_values(other) result = Quantity(self.domain) result.set_values(self.vertex_values + Q.vertex_values) return result def __radd__(self, other): """Handle cases like 7+Q, where Q is an instance of class Quantity """ return self + other def __sub__(self, other): return self + -other #Invoke __neg__ def __mul__(self, other): """Multiply self with anything that could populate a quantity E.g other can be a constant, an array, a function, another quantity (except for a filename or points, attributes (for now)) - see set_values for details """ if isinstance(other, Quantity): Q = other else: Q = Quantity(self.domain) Q.set_values(other) result = Quantity(self.domain) # The product of vertex_values, edge_values and centroid_values # are calculated and assigned directly without using # set_values (which calls interpolate). Otherwise # edge and centroid values wouldn't be products from q1 and q2 result.vertex_values = self.vertex_values * Q.vertex_values result.edge_values = self.edge_values * Q.edge_values result.centroid_values = self.centroid_values * Q.centroid_values return result def __rmul__(self, other): """Handle cases like 3*Q, where Q is an instance of class Quantity """ return self * other def __div__(self, other): """Divide self with anything that could populate a quantity E.g other can be a constant, an array, a function, another quantity (except for a filename or points, attributes (for now)) - see set_values for details Zero division is dealt with by adding an epsilon to the divisore FIXME (Ole): Replace this with native INF once we migrate to NumPy """ if isinstance(other, Quantity): Q = other else: Q = Quantity(self.domain) Q.set_values(other) result = Quantity(self.domain) # The quotient of vertex_values, edge_values and centroid_values # are calculated and assigned directly without using # set_values (which calls interpolate). Otherwise # edge and centroid values wouldn't be quotient of q1 and q2 result.vertex_values = self.vertex_values/(Q.vertex_values + epsilon) result.edge_values = self.edge_values/(Q.edge_values + epsilon) result.centroid_values = self.centroid_values/(Q.centroid_values + epsilon) return result def __rdiv__(self, other): """Handle cases like 3/Q, where Q is an instance of class Quantity """ return self / other def __pow__(self, other): """Raise quantity to (numerical) power As with __mul__ vertex values are processed entry by entry while centroid and edge values are re-interpolated. Example using __pow__: Q = (Q1**2 + Q2**2)**0.5 """ if isinstance(other, Quantity): Q = other else: Q = Quantity(self.domain) Q.set_values(other) result = Quantity(self.domain) # The power of vertex_values, edge_values and centroid_values # are calculated and assigned directly without using # set_values (which calls interpolate). Otherwise # edge and centroid values wouldn't be correct result.vertex_values = self.vertex_values ** other result.edge_values = self.edge_values ** other result.centroid_values = self.centroid_values ** other return result #def __sqrt__(self, other): # """Define in terms of x**0.5 # """ # pass def set_beta(self,beta): """Set default beta value for limiting """ if beta < 0.0: print 'WARNING: setting beta < 0.0' if beta > 2.0: print 'WARNING: setting beta > 2.0' self.beta = beta def get_beta(self): """Get default beta value for limiting """ return self.beta def interpolate(self): """Compute interpolated values at edges and centroid Pre-condition: vertex_values have been set """ # FIXME (Ole): Maybe this function # should move to the C-interface? # However, it isn't called by validate_all.py, so it # may not be that important to optimise it? N = self.vertex_values.shape[0] for i in range(N): v0 = self.vertex_values[i, 0] v1 = self.vertex_values[i, 1] v2 = self.vertex_values[i, 2] self.centroid_values[i] = (v0 + v1 + v2)/3 self.interpolate_from_vertices_to_edges() def interpolate_from_vertices_to_edges(self): # Call correct module function # (either from this module or C-extension) interpolate_from_vertices_to_edges(self) def interpolate_from_edges_to_vertices(self): # Call correct module function # (either from this module or C-extension) interpolate_from_edges_to_vertices(self) #--------------------------------------------- # Public interface for setting quantity values #--------------------------------------------- def set_values(self, numeric=None, # List, numeric array or constant quantity=None, # Another quantity function=None, # Callable object: f(x,y) geospatial_data=None, # Arbitrary dataset filename=None, attribute_name=None, # Input from file alpha=None, location='vertices', polygon=None, indices=None, smooth=False, verbose=False, use_cache=False): """Set values for quantity based on different sources. numeric: Compatible list, Numeric array (see below) or constant. If callable it will treated as a function (see below) If instance of another Quantity it will be treated as such. If geo_spatial object it will be treated as such quantity: Another quantity (compatible quantity, e.g. obtained as a linear combination of quantities) function: Any callable object that takes two 1d arrays x and y each of length N and returns an array also of length N. The function will be evaluated at points determined by location and indices in the underlying mesh. geospatial_data: Arbitrary geo spatial dataset in the form of the class Geospatial_data. Mesh points are populated using fit_interpolate.fit fitting filename: Name of a points file containing data points and attributes for use with fit_interpolate.fit. attribute_name: If specified, any array matching that name will be used. from file or geospatial_data. Otherwise a default will be used. alpha: Smoothing parameter to be used with fit_interpolate.fit. See module fit_interpolate.fit for further details about alpha. Alpha will only be used with points, values or filename. Otherwise it will be ignored. location: Where values are to be stored. Permissible options are: vertices, edges, centroids Default is 'vertices' In case of location == 'centroids' the dimension values must be a list of a Numerical array of length N, N being the number of elements. Otherwise it must be of dimension Nx3 The values will be stored in elements following their internal ordering. If location is 'unique vertices' indices refers the set of node ids that the operation applies to. If location is not 'unique vertices' indices refers the set of triangle ids that the operation applies to. If selected location is vertices, values for centroid and edges will be assigned interpolated values. In any other case, only values for the specified locations will be assigned and the others will be left undefined. polygon: Restrict update of quantity to locations that fall inside polygon. Polygon works by selecting indices and calling set_values recursively. Polygon mode has only been implemented for constant values so far. indices: Restrict update of quantity to locations that are identified by indices (e.g. node ids if location is 'unique vertices' or triangle ids otherwise). verbose: True means that output to stdout is generated use_cache: True means that caching of intermediate results is attempted for fit_interpolate.fit. Exactly one of the arguments numeric, quantity, function, filename must be present. """ from anuga.geospatial_data.geospatial_data import Geospatial_data from types import FloatType, IntType, LongType, ListType, NoneType # Treat special case: Polygon situation # Location will be ignored and set to 'centroids' # FIXME (Ole): This needs to be generalised and # perhaps the notion of location and indices simplified # FIXME (Ole): Need to compute indices based on polygon # (and location) and use existing code after that. # See ticket:275, ticket:250, ticeket:254 for refactoring plan if polygon is not None: if indices is not None: msg = 'Only one of polygon and indices can be specified' raise Exception, msg msg = 'With polygon selected, set_quantity must provide ' msg += 'the keyword numeric and it must (currently) be ' msg += 'a constant.' if numeric is None: raise Exception, msg else: # Check that numeric is as constant assert type(numeric) in [FloatType, IntType, LongType], msg location = 'centroids' points = self.domain.get_centroid_coordinates(absolute=True) indices = inside_polygon(points, polygon) self.set_values_from_constant(numeric, location, indices, verbose) self.extrapolate_first_order() if smooth: self.smooth_vertex_values() return # General input checks L = [numeric, quantity, function, geospatial_data, filename] msg = 'Exactly one of the arguments '+\ 'numeric, quantity, function, geospatial_data, '+\ 'or filename must be present.' assert L.count(None) == len(L)-1, msg if location == 'edges': msg = 'edges has been deprecated as valid location' raise Exception, msg if location not in ['vertices', 'centroids', 'unique vertices']: msg = 'Invalid location: %s' %location raise Exception, msg msg = 'Indices must be a list or None' assert type(indices) in [ListType, NoneType, num.ArrayType], msg # Determine which 'set_values_from_...' to use if numeric is not None: if type(numeric) in [FloatType, IntType, LongType]: self.set_values_from_constant(numeric, location, indices, verbose) elif type(numeric) in [num.ArrayType, ListType]: self.set_values_from_array(numeric, location, indices, verbose) elif callable(numeric): self.set_values_from_function(numeric, location, indices, verbose) elif isinstance(numeric, Quantity): self.set_values_from_quantity(numeric, location, indices, verbose) elif isinstance(numeric, Geospatial_data): self.set_values_from_geospatial_data(numeric, alpha, location, indices, verbose=verbose, use_cache=use_cache) else: msg = 'Illegal type for argument numeric: %s' %str(numeric) raise msg elif quantity is not None: self.set_values_from_quantity(quantity, location, indices, verbose) elif function is not None: msg = 'Argument function must be callable' assert callable(function), msg self.set_values_from_function(function, location, indices, verbose) elif geospatial_data is not None: self.set_values_from_geospatial_data(geospatial_data, alpha, location, indices, verbose=verbose, use_cache=use_cache) elif filename is not None: if hasattr(self.domain, 'points_file_block_line_size'): max_read_lines = self.domain.points_file_block_line_size else: max_read_lines = default_block_line_size self.set_values_from_file(filename, attribute_name, alpha, location, indices, verbose=verbose, max_read_lines=max_read_lines, use_cache=use_cache) else: raise Exception, 'This can\'t happen :-)' # Update all locations in triangles if location == 'vertices' or location == 'unique vertices': # Intialise centroid and edge_values self.interpolate() if location == 'centroids': # Extrapolate 1st order - to capture notion of area being specified self.extrapolate_first_order() #------------------------------------------------------------- # Specific internal functions for setting values based on type #------------------------------------------------------------- def set_values_from_constant(self, X, location, indices, verbose): """Set quantity values from specified constant X """ # FIXME (Ole): Somehow indices refer to centroids # rather than vertices as default. See unit test # test_set_vertex_values_using_general_interface_with_subset(self): if location == 'centroids': if indices is None: self.centroid_values[:] = X else: # Brute force for i in indices: self.centroid_values[i] = X #elif location == 'edges': # if indices is None: # self.edge_values[:] = X # else: # # Brute force # for i in indices: # self.edge_values[i] = X elif location == 'unique vertices': if indices is None: self.edge_values[:] = X #FIXME (Ole): Shouldn't this be vertex_values? else: # Go through list of unique vertices for unique_vert_id in indices: triangles = self.domain.get_triangles_and_vertices_per_node(node=unique_vert_id) # In case there are unused points if len(triangles) == 0: continue # Go through all triangle, vertex pairs # and set corresponding vertex value for triangle_id, vertex_id in triangles: self.vertex_values[triangle_id, vertex_id] = X # Intialise centroid and edge_values self.interpolate() else: if indices is None: self.vertex_values[:] = X else: # Brute force for i_vertex in indices: self.vertex_values[i_vertex] = X def set_values_from_array(self, values, location='vertices', indices=None, verbose=False): """Set values for quantity values: Numeric array location: Where values are to be stored. Permissible options are: vertices, centroid, unique vertices Default is 'vertices' indices - if this action is carried out on a subset of elements or unique vertices The element/unique vertex indices are specified here. In case of location == 'centroid' the dimension values must be a list of a Numerical array of length N, N being the number of elements. Otherwise it must be of dimension Nx3 The values will be stored in elements following their internal ordering. If selected location is vertices, values for centroid and edges will be assigned interpolated values. In any other case, only values for the specified locations will be assigned and the others will be left undefined. """ values = num.array(values, num.Float) if indices is not None: indices = num.array(indices, num.Int) msg = 'Number of values must match number of indices:' msg += ' You specified %d values and %d indices'\ %(values.shape[0], indices.shape[0]) assert values.shape[0] == indices.shape[0], msg N = self.centroid_values.shape[0] if location == 'centroids': assert len(values.shape) == 1, 'Values array must be 1d' if indices is None: msg = 'Number of values must match number of elements' assert values.shape[0] == N, msg self.centroid_values = values else: msg = 'Number of values must match number of indices' assert values.shape[0] == indices.shape[0], msg # Brute force for i in range(len(indices)): self.centroid_values[indices[i]] = values[i] elif location == 'unique vertices': assert len(values.shape) == 1 or num.allclose(values.shape[1:], 1),\ 'Values array must be 1d' self.set_vertex_values(values.flat, indices=indices) else: # Location vertices if len(values.shape) == 1: self.set_vertex_values(values, indices=indices) elif len(values.shape) == 2: # Vertex values are given as a triplet for each triangle msg = 'Array must be N x 3' assert values.shape[1] == 3, msg if indices is None: self.vertex_values = values else: for element_index, value in map(None, indices, values): self.vertex_values[element_index] = value else: msg = 'Values array must be 1d or 2d' raise msg def set_values_from_quantity(self, q, location, indices, verbose): """Set quantity values from specified quantity instance q Location is ignored - vertices will always be used here. """ A = q.vertex_values msg = 'Quantities are defined on different meshes. '+\ 'This might be a case for implementing interpolation '+\ 'between different meshes.' assert num.allclose(A.shape, self.vertex_values.shape), msg self.set_values(A, location='vertices', indices=indices, verbose=verbose) def set_values_from_function(self, f, location='vertices', indices=None, verbose=False): """Set values for quantity using specified function Input f: x, y -> z Function where x, y and z are arrays location: Where values are to be stored. Permissible options are: vertices, centroid, unique vertices Default is "vertices" indices: """ # FIXME: Should check that function returns something sensible and # raise a meaningfull exception if it returns None for example # FIXME: Should supply absolute coordinates # Compute the function values and call set_values again if location == 'centroids': if indices is None: indices = range(len(self)) V = num.take(self.domain.get_centroid_coordinates(), indices) self.set_values(f(V[:,0], V[:,1]), location=location, indices=indices) elif location == 'vertices': M = self.domain.number_of_triangles V = self.domain.get_vertex_coordinates() x = V[:,0]; y = V[:,1]; values = f(x, y) # FIXME (Ole): This code should replace all the # rest of this function and it would work, except # one unit test in test_region fails. # If that could be resolved this one will be # more robust and simple. #values = num.reshape(values, (M,3)) #self.set_values(values, # location='vertices', # indices=indices) # This should be removed if is_scalar(values): # Function returned a constant value self.set_values_from_constant(values, location, indices, verbose) return # This should be removed if indices is None: for j in range(3): self.vertex_values[:,j] = values[j::3] else: # Brute force for i in indices: for j in range(3): self.vertex_values[i,j] = values[3*i+j] else: raise 'Not implemented: %s' %location def set_values_from_geospatial_data(self, geospatial_data, alpha, location, indices, verbose=False, use_cache=False): """ Set values based on geo referenced geospatial data object. """ points = geospatial_data.get_data_points(absolute=False) values = geospatial_data.get_attributes() data_georef = geospatial_data.get_geo_reference() from anuga.coordinate_transforms.geo_reference import Geo_reference points = ensure_numeric(points, num.Float) values = ensure_numeric(values, num.Float) if location != 'vertices': msg = 'set_values_from_points is only defined for '+\ 'location=\'vertices\'' raise ms coordinates = self.domain.get_nodes() triangles = self.domain.get_triangles() # Take care of georeferencing if data_georef is None: data_georef = Geo_reference() mesh_georef = self.domain.geo_reference # Call fit_interpolate.fit function # args = (coordinates, triangles, points, values) args = (points, ) kwargs = {'vertex_coordinates': coordinates, 'triangles': triangles, 'mesh': None, 'point_attributes': values, 'data_origin': data_georef.get_origin(), 'mesh_origin': mesh_georef.get_origin(), 'alpha': alpha, 'verbose': verbose} vertex_attributes = apply(fit_to_mesh, args, kwargs) # Call underlying method using array values self.set_values_from_array(vertex_attributes, location, indices, verbose) def set_values_from_points(self, points, values, alpha, location, indices, data_georef=None, verbose=False, use_cache=False): """ Set quantity values from arbitray data points using fit_interpolate.fit """ raise Exception, 'set_values_from_points is obsolete, use geospatial data object instead' def set_values_from_file(self, filename, attribute_name, alpha, location, indices, verbose=False, use_cache=False, max_read_lines=None): """Set quantity based on arbitrary points in a points file using attribute_name selects name of attribute present in file. If attribute_name is not specified, use first available attribute as defined in geospatial_data. """ from types import StringType msg = 'Filename must be a text string' assert type(filename) == StringType, msg if location != 'vertices': msg = 'set_values_from_file is only defined for '+\ 'location=\'vertices\'' raise msg if False: # FIXME (Ole) # Use mesh as defined by domain # This causes problems for caching # due to quantities changing, but # it would work if we only passed in # the appropriate Mesh object. # See ticket:242 vertex_attributes = fit_to_mesh(filename, mesh=self.domain, alpha=alpha, attribute_name=attribute_name, use_cache=use_cache, verbose=verbose, max_read_lines=max_read_lines) else: # This variant will cause Mesh object to be recreated # in fit_to_mesh thus doubling up on the neighbour structure nodes = self.domain.get_nodes(absolute=True) triangles = self.domain.get_triangles() vertex_attributes = fit_to_mesh(filename, nodes, triangles, mesh=None, alpha=alpha, attribute_name=attribute_name, use_cache=use_cache, verbose=verbose, max_read_lines=max_read_lines) # Call underlying method using array values self.set_values_from_array(vertex_attributes, location, indices, verbose) #----------------------------------------------------- def get_extremum_index(self, mode=None, indices=None): """Return index for maximum or minimum value of quantity (on centroids) Optional arguments: mode is either 'max'(default) or 'min'. indices is the set of element ids that the operation applies to. Usage: i = get_extreme_index() Notes: We do not seek the extremum at vertices as each vertex can have multiple values - one for each triangle sharing it. If there are multiple cells with same maximum value, the first cell encountered in the triangle array is returned. """ V = self.get_values(location='centroids', indices=indices) # Always return absolute indices if mode is None or mode == 'max': i = num.argmax(V) elif mode == 'min': i = num.argmin(V) if indices is None: return i else: return indices[i] def get_maximum_index(self, indices=None): """See get extreme index for details """ return self.get_extremum_index(mode='max', indices=indices) def get_maximum_value(self, indices=None): """Return maximum value of quantity (on centroids) Optional argument: indices is the set of element ids that the operation applies to. Usage: v = get_maximum_value() Note, we do not seek the maximum at vertices as each vertex can have multiple values - one for each triangle sharing it """ i = self.get_maximum_index(indices) V = self.get_values(location='centroids') #, indices=indices) return V[i] def get_maximum_location(self, indices=None): """Return location of maximum value of quantity (on centroids) Optional argument: indices is the set of element ids that the operation applies to. Usage: x, y = get_maximum_location() Notes: We do not seek the maximum at vertices as each vertex can have multiple values - one for each triangle sharing it. If there are multiple cells with same maximum value, the first cell encountered in the triangle array is returned. """ i = self.get_maximum_index(indices) x, y = self.domain.get_centroid_coordinates()[i] return x, y def get_minimum_index(self, indices=None): """See get extreme index for details """ return self.get_extremum_index(mode='min', indices=indices) def get_minimum_value(self, indices=None): """Return minimum value of quantity (on centroids) Optional argument: indices is the set of element ids that the operation applies to. Usage: v = get_minimum_value() See get_maximum_value for more details. """ i = self.get_minimum_index(indices) V = self.get_values(location='centroids') return V[i] def get_minimum_location(self, indices=None): """Return location of minimum value of quantity (on centroids) Optional argument: indices is the set of element ids that the operation applies to. Usage: x, y = get_minimum_location() Notes: We do not seek the maximum at vertices as each vertex can have multiple values - one for each triangle sharing it. If there are multiple cells with same maximum value, the first cell encountered in the triangle array is returned. """ i = self.get_minimum_index(indices) x, y = self.domain.get_centroid_coordinates()[i] return x, y def get_interpolated_values(self, interpolation_points, use_cache=False, verbose=False): """ Get values at interpolation points The argument interpolation points must be given as either a list of absolute UTM coordinates or a geospatial data object. """ # FIXME (Ole): Points might be converted to coordinates relative to mesh origin # This could all be refactored using the # 'change_points_geo_ref' method of Class geo_reference. # The purpose is to make interpolation points relative # to the mesh origin. # # Speed is also a consideration here. # Ensure that interpolation points is either a list of # points, Nx2 array, or geospatial and convert to Numeric array if isinstance(interpolation_points, Geospatial_data): # Ensure interpolation points are in absolute UTM coordinates interpolation_points = interpolation_points.get_data_points(absolute=True) # Reconcile interpolation points with georeference of domain interpolation_points = self.domain.geo_reference.get_relative(interpolation_points) interpolation_points = ensure_numeric(interpolation_points) # Get internal representation (disconnected) of vertex values vertex_values, triangles = self.get_vertex_values(xy=False, smooth=False) # Get possibly precomputed interpolation object I = self.domain.get_interpolation_object() # Call interpolate method with interpolation points result = I.interpolate_block(vertex_values, interpolation_points, use_cache=use_cache, verbose=verbose) return result def get_values(self, interpolation_points=None, location='vertices', indices=None, use_cache=False, verbose=False): """get values for quantity Extract values for quantity as a Numeric array. Inputs: interpolation_points: List of x, y coordinates where value is sought (using interpolation). If points are given, values of location and indices are ignored. Assume either absolute UTM coordinates or geospatial data object. location: Where values are to be stored. Permissible options are: vertices, edges, centroids and unique vertices. Default is 'vertices' The returned values will have the leading dimension equal to length of the indices list or N (all values) if indices is None. In case of location == 'centroids' the dimension of returned values will be a list or a Numerical array of length N, N being the number of elements. In case of location == 'vertices' or 'edges' the dimension of returned values will be of dimension Nx3 In case of location == 'unique vertices' the average value at each vertex will be returned and the dimension of returned values will be a 1d array of length "number of vertices" Indices is the set of element ids that the operation applies to. The values will be stored in elements following their internal ordering. """ # FIXME (Ole): I reckon we should have the option of passing a # polygon into get_values. The question becomes how # resulting values should be ordered. if verbose is True: print 'Getting values from %s' %location if interpolation_points is not None: return self.get_interpolated_values(interpolation_points, use_cache=use_cache, verbose=verbose) # FIXME (Ole): Consider deprecating 'edges' - but not if it is used # elsewhere in ANUGA. # Edges have already been deprecated in set_values, see changeset:5521, # but *might* be useful in get_values. Any thoughts anyone? if location not in ['vertices', 'centroids', 'edges', 'unique vertices']: msg = 'Invalid location: %s' %location raise msg import types assert type(indices) in [types.ListType, types.NoneType, num.ArrayType],\ 'Indices must be a list or None' if location == 'centroids': if (indices == None): indices = range(len(self)) return num.take(self.centroid_values,indices) elif location == 'edges': if (indices == None): indices = range(len(self)) return num.take(self.edge_values,indices) elif location == 'unique vertices': if (indices == None): indices=range(self.domain.get_number_of_nodes()) vert_values = [] # Go through list of unique vertices for unique_vert_id in indices: triangles = self.domain.get_triangles_and_vertices_per_node(node=unique_vert_id) # In case there are unused points if len(triangles) == 0: msg = 'Unique vertex not associated with triangles' raise msg # Go through all triangle, vertex pairs # Average the values # FIXME (Ole): Should we merge this with get_vertex_values sum = 0 for triangle_id, vertex_id in triangles: sum += self.vertex_values[triangle_id, vertex_id] vert_values.append(sum/len(triangles)) return num.array(vert_values, num.Float) else: if (indices is None): indices = range(len(self)) return num.take(self.vertex_values, indices) def set_vertex_values(self, A, indices = None): """Set vertex values for all unique vertices based on input array A which has one entry per unique vertex, i.e. one value for each row in array self.domain.nodes. indices is the list of vertex_id's that will be set. This function is used by set_values_from_array """ # Assert that A can be converted to a Numeric array of appropriate dim A = ensure_numeric(A, num.Float) # print 'SHAPE A', A.shape assert len(A.shape) == 1 if indices is None: assert A.shape[0] == self.domain.get_nodes().shape[0] vertex_list = range(A.shape[0]) else: assert A.shape[0] == len(indices) vertex_list = indices # Go through list of unique vertices for i_index, unique_vert_id in enumerate(vertex_list): triangles = self.domain.get_triangles_and_vertices_per_node(node=unique_vert_id) # In case there are unused points if len(triangles) == 0: continue # Go through all triangle, vertex pairs # touching vertex unique_vert_id and set corresponding vertex value for triangle_id, vertex_id in triangles: self.vertex_values[triangle_id, vertex_id] = A[i_index] # Intialise centroid and edge_values self.interpolate() def smooth_vertex_values(self): """ Smooths vertex values. """ A,V = self.get_vertex_values(xy=False, smooth=True) self.set_vertex_values(A) # Methods for outputting model results def get_vertex_values(self, xy=True, smooth=None, precision=None): """Return vertex values like an OBJ format i.e. one value per node. The vertex values are returned as one sequence in the 1D float array A. If requested the coordinates will be returned in 1D arrays X and Y. The connectivity is represented as an integer array, V, of dimension Mx3, where M is the number of triangles. Each row has three indices defining the triangle and they correspond to elements in the arrays X, Y and A. if smooth is True, vertex values corresponding to one common coordinate set will be smoothed by taking the average of vertex values for each node. In this case vertex coordinates will be de-duplicated corresponding to the original nodes as obtained from the method general_mesh.get_nodes() If no smoothings is required, vertex coordinates and values will be aggregated as a concatenation of values at vertices 0, vertices 1 and vertices 2. This corresponds to the node coordinates obtained from the method general_mesh.get_vertex_coordinates() Calling convention if xy is True: X,Y,A,V = get_vertex_values else: A,V = get_vertex_values """ if smooth is None: # Take default from domain try: smooth = self.domain.smooth except: smooth = False if precision is None: precision = num.Float if smooth is True: # Ensure continuous vertex values by averaging # values at each node V = self.domain.get_triangles() N = self.domain.number_of_full_nodes # Ignore ghost nodes if any A = num.zeros(N, num.Float) points = self.domain.get_nodes() if 1: # Fast C version average_vertex_values(ensure_numeric(self.domain.vertex_value_indices), ensure_numeric(self.domain.number_of_triangles_per_node), ensure_numeric(self.vertex_values), A) A = A.astype(precision) else: # Slow Python version current_node = 0 k = 0 # Track triangles touching on node total = 0.0 for index in self.domain.vertex_value_indices: if current_node == N: msg = 'Current node exceeding number of nodes (%d) ' %(N) raise msg k += 1 volume_id = index / 3 vertex_id = index % 3 #assert V[volume_id, vertex_id] == current_node v = self.vertex_values[volume_id, vertex_id] total += v #print 'current_node=%d, index=%d, k=%d, total=%f' %(current_node, index, k, total) if self.domain.number_of_triangles_per_node[current_node] == k: A[current_node] = total/k # Move on to next node total = 0.0 k = 0 current_node += 1 else: # Return disconnected internal vertex values V = self.domain.get_disconnected_triangles() points = self.domain.get_vertex_coordinates() A = self.vertex_values.flat.astype(precision) # Return if xy is True: X = points[:,0].astype(precision) Y = points[:,1].astype(precision) return X, Y, A, V else: return A, V def extrapolate_first_order(self): """Extrapolate conserved quantities from centroid to vertices and edges for each volume using first order scheme. """ qc = self.centroid_values qv = self.vertex_values qe = self.edge_values for i in range(3): qv[:,i] = qc qe[:,i] = qc self.x_gradient *= 0.0 self.y_gradient *= 0.0 def get_integral(self): """Compute the integral of quantity across entire domain """ areas = self.domain.get_areas() integral = 0 for k in range(len(self.domain)): area = areas[k] qc = self.centroid_values[k] integral += qc*area return integral def get_gradients(self): """Provide gradients. Use compute_gradients first """ return self.x_gradient, self.y_gradient def update(self, timestep): # Call correct module function # (either from this module or C-extension) return update(self, timestep) def compute_gradients(self): # Call correct module function # (either from this module or C-extension) return compute_gradients(self) def limit(self): # Call correct module depending on whether # basing limit calculations on edges or vertices limit_old(self) def limit_vertices_by_all_neighbours(self): # Call correct module function # (either from this module or C-extension) limit_vertices_by_all_neighbours(self) def limit_edges_by_all_neighbours(self): # Call correct module function # (either from this module or C-extension) limit_edges_by_all_neighbours(self) def limit_edges_by_neighbour(self): # Call correct module function # (either from this module or C-extension) limit_edges_by_neighbour(self) def extrapolate_second_order(self): # Call correct module function # (either from this module or C-extension) compute_gradients(self) extrapolate_from_gradient(self) def extrapolate_second_order_and_limit_by_edge(self): # Call correct module function # (either from this module or C-extension) extrapolate_second_order_and_limit_by_edge(self) def extrapolate_second_order_and_limit_by_vertex(self): # Call correct module function # (either from this module or C-extension) extrapolate_second_order_and_limit_by_vertex(self) def bound_vertices_below_by_constant(self, bound): # Call correct module function # (either from this module or C-extension) bound_vertices_below_by_constant(self, bound) def bound_vertices_below_by_quantity(self, quantity): # Call correct module function # (either from this module or C-extension) # check consistency assert self.domain == quantity.domain bound_vertices_below_by_quantity(self, quantity) def backup_centroid_values(self): # Call correct module function # (either from this module or C-extension) backup_centroid_values(self) def saxpy_centroid_values(self,a,b): # Call correct module function # (either from this module or C-extension) saxpy_centroid_values(self,a,b) #Conserved_quantity = Quantity class Conserved_quantity(Quantity): """Class conserved quantity being removed, use Quantity """ def __init__(self, domain, vertex_values=None): #Quantity.__init__(self, domain, vertex_values) msg = 'ERROR: Use Quantity instead of Conserved_quantity' raise Exception, msg from anuga.utilities import compile if compile.can_use_C_extension('quantity_ext.c'): # Underlying C implementations can be accessed from quantity_ext import \ average_vertex_values,\ backup_centroid_values,\ saxpy_centroid_values,\ compute_gradients,\ limit_old,\ limit_vertices_by_all_neighbours,\ limit_edges_by_all_neighbours,\ limit_edges_by_neighbour,\ limit_gradient_by_neighbour,\ extrapolate_from_gradient,\ extrapolate_second_order_and_limit_by_edge,\ extrapolate_second_order_and_limit_by_vertex,\ bound_vertices_below_by_constant,\ bound_vertices_below_by_quantity,\ interpolate_from_vertices_to_edges,\ interpolate_from_edges_to_vertices,\ update else: msg = 'C implementations could not be accessed by %s.\n ' %__file__ msg += 'Make sure compile_all.py has been run as described in ' msg += 'the ANUGA installation guide.' raise Exception, msg