"""This is the public API to ANUGA. Ideally, all tools needed to run simulations should be imported from this module """ # FIXME(Ole): This is one step towards the API envisioned in ticket:308 from anuga.shallow_water import Domain from anuga.shallow_water import Dirichlet_boundary from anuga.shallow_water import File_boundary from anuga.shallow_water import Reflective_boundary from anuga.shallow_water import Field_boundary from anuga.shallow_water import Transmissive_stage_zero_momentum_boundary from anuga.shallow_water import Transmissive_momentum_set_stage_boundary from anuga.shallow_water import Transmissive_n_momentum_zero_t_momentum_set_stage_boundary from anuga.abstract_2d_finite_volumes.generic_boundary_conditions import Time_boundary from anuga.abstract_2d_finite_volumes.util import file_function from anuga.shallow_water.data_manager import export_grid, create_sts_boundary from anuga.shallow_water.data_manager import csv2building_polygons from anuga.utilities.polygon import read_polygon, plot_polygons, polygon_area from anuga.utilities.polygon import Polygon_function #--------------------------- # Create domain from regions #--------------------------- def create_domain_from_regions(bounding_polygon, boundary_tags, maximum_triangle_area=None, mesh_filename=None, interior_regions=None, interior_holes=None, poly_geo_reference=None, mesh_geo_reference=None, minimum_triangle_angle=28.0, fail_if_polygons_outside=True, use_cache=False, verbose=True): """Create domain from bounding polygons and resolutions. bounding_polygon is a list of points in Eastings and Northings, relative to the zone stated in poly_geo_reference if specified. Otherwise points are just x, y coordinates with no particular association to any location. boundary_tags is a dictionary of symbolic tags. For every tag there is a list of indices referring to segments associated with that tag. If a segment is omitted it will be assigned the default tag ''. maximum_triangle_area is the maximal area per triangle for the bounding polygon, excluding the interior regions. Interior_regions is a list of tuples consisting of (polygon, resolution) for each region to be separately refined. Do not have polygon lines cross or be on-top of each other. Also do not have polygon close to each other. NOTE: If a interior_region is outside the bounding_polygon it should throw an error Interior_holes is a list of ploygons for each hole. This function does not allow segments to share points - use underlying pmesh functionality for that poly_geo_reference is the geo_reference of the bounding polygon and the interior polygons. If none, assume absolute. Please pass one though, since absolute references have a zone. mesh_geo_reference is the geo_reference of the mesh to be created. If none is given one will be automatically generated. It was use the lower left hand corner of bounding_polygon (absolute) as the x and y values for the geo_ref. Returns the shallow water domain instance Note, interior regions should be fully nested, as overlaps may cause unintended resolutions. fail_if_polygons_outside: If True (the default) Exception in thrown where interior polygons fall outside bounding polygon. If False, these will be ignored and execution continued. """ # Build arguments and keyword arguments for use with caching or apply. args = (bounding_polygon, boundary_tags) kwargs = {'maximum_triangle_area': maximum_triangle_area, 'mesh_filename': mesh_filename, 'interior_regions': interior_regions, 'interior_holes': interior_holes, 'poly_geo_reference': poly_geo_reference, 'mesh_geo_reference': mesh_geo_reference, 'minimum_triangle_angle': minimum_triangle_angle, 'fail_if_polygons_outside': fail_if_polygons_outside, 'verbose': verbose} #FIXME (Ole): See ticket:14 # Call underlying engine with or without caching if use_cache is True: try: from anuga.caching import cache except: msg = 'Caching was requested, but caching module'+\ 'could not be imported' raise msg domain = cache(_create_domain_from_regions, args, kwargs, verbose=verbose, compression=False) else: domain = apply(_create_domain_from_regions, args, kwargs) return domain def _create_domain_from_regions(bounding_polygon, boundary_tags, maximum_triangle_area=None, mesh_filename=None, interior_regions=None, interior_holes=None, poly_geo_reference=None, mesh_geo_reference=None, minimum_triangle_angle=28.0, fail_if_polygons_outside=True, verbose=True): """_create_domain_from_regions - internal function. See create_domain_from_regions for documentation. """ from anuga.shallow_water import Domain from anuga.pmesh.mesh_interface import create_mesh_from_regions create_mesh_from_regions(bounding_polygon, boundary_tags, maximum_triangle_area=maximum_triangle_area, interior_regions=interior_regions, filename=mesh_filename, interior_holes=interior_holes, poly_geo_reference=poly_geo_reference, mesh_geo_reference=mesh_geo_reference, minimum_triangle_angle=minimum_triangle_angle, fail_if_polygons_outside=fail_if_polygons_outside, use_cache=False, verbose=verbose) domain = Domain(mesh_filename, use_cache=False, verbose=verbose) return domain