#! /usr/env/python """ AppShell provides a GUI application framework. This is a streamlined adaptation of GuiAppD.py, originally created by Doug Hellmann (doughellmann@mindspring.com). Pmw copyright Copyright 1997-1999 Telstra Corporation Limited, Australia Copyright 2000-2002 Really Good Software Pty Ltd, Australia Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ from Tkinter import * import Pmw import sys, string import ProgressBar class AppShell(Pmw.MegaWidget): appversion = '1.0' appname = 'Generic Application Frame' copyright = 'Copyright YYYY Your Company. All Rights Reserved' contactname = 'Your Name' contactphone = '(999) 555-1212' contactemail = 'youremail@host.com' frameWidth = 450 frameHeight = 320 padx = 5 pady = 5 usecommandarea = 0 balloonhelp = 1 busyCursor = 'watch' def __init__(self, **kw): optiondefs = ( ('padx', 1, Pmw.INITOPT), ('pady', 1, Pmw.INITOPT), ('framewidth', 1, Pmw.INITOPT), ('frameheight', 1, Pmw.INITOPT), ('usecommandarea', self.usecommandarea, Pmw.INITOPT)) self.defineoptions(kw, optiondefs) self.root = Tk() self.initializeTk(self.root) Pmw.initialise(self.root) self.root.title(self.appname) self.root.geometry('%dx%d' % (self.frameWidth, self.frameHeight)) # Initialize the base class Pmw.MegaWidget.__init__(self, parent=self.root) # initialize the application self.appInit() # create the interface self.__createInterface() # create a table to hold the cursors for # widgets which get changed when we go busy self.preBusyCursors = None # pack the container and set focus # to ourselves self._hull.pack(side=TOP, fill=BOTH, expand=YES) self.focus_set() # initialize our options self.initialiseoptions(AppShell) def appInit(self): # Called before interface is created (should be overridden). pass def initializeTk(self, root): # Initialize platform-specific options if sys.platform == 'mac': self.__initializeTk_mac(root) elif sys.platform == 'win32': self.__initializeTk_win32(root) else: self.__initializeTk_unix(root) def __initializeTk_colors_common(self, root): root.option_add('*background', 'grey') root.option_add('*foreground', 'black') root.option_add('*EntryField.Entry.background', 'white') root.option_add('*Entry.background', 'white') root.option_add('*MessageBar.Entry.background', 'gray85') root.option_add('*Listbox*background', 'white') root.option_add('*Listbox*selectBackground', 'dark slate blue') root.option_add('*Listbox*selectForeground', 'white') def __initializeTk_win32(self, root): self.__initializeTk_colors_common(root) root.option_add('*Font', 'Verdana 10 bold') root.option_add('*EntryField.Entry.Font', 'Courier 10') root.option_add('*Listbox*Font', 'Courier 10') def __initializeTk_mac(self, root): self.__initializeTk_colors_common(root) def __initializeTk_unix(self, root): self.__initializeTk_colors_common(root) def busyStart(self, newcursor=None): if not newcursor: newcursor = self.busyCursor newPreBusyCursors = {} for component in self.busyWidgets: newPreBusyCursors[component] = component['cursor'] component.configure(cursor=newcursor) component.update_idletasks() self.preBusyCursors = (newPreBusyCursors, self.preBusyCursors) def busyEnd(self): if not self.preBusyCursors: return oldPreBusyCursors = self.preBusyCursors[0] self.preBusyCursors = self.preBusyCursors[1] for component in self.busyWidgets: try: component.configure(cursor=oldPreBusyCursors[component]) except KeyError: pass component.update_idletasks() def __createAboutBox(self): Pmw.aboutversion(self.appversion) Pmw.aboutcopyright(self.copyright) Pmw.aboutcontact( 'For more information, contact:\n %s\n Phone: %s\n Email: %s' %\ (self.contactname, self.contactphone, self.contactemail)) self.about = Pmw.AboutDialog(self._hull, applicationname=self.appname) self.about.withdraw() return None def showAbout(self): # Create the dialog to display about and contact information. self.about.show() self.about.focus_set() def toggleBalloon(self): if self.toggleBalloonVar.get(): self.__balloon.configure(state = 'both') else: self.__balloon.configure(state = 'status') def __createMenuBar(self): self.menuBar = self.createcomponent('menubar', (), None, Pmw.MenuBar, (self._hull,), hull_relief=RAISED, hull_borderwidth=1, balloon=self.balloon()) self.menuBar.pack(fill=X) self.menuBar.addmenu('Help', 'About %s' % self.appname, side='right') self.menuBar.addmenu('File', 'File commands and Quit') def createMenuBar(self): self.menuBar.addmenuitem('Help', 'command', 'Get information on application', label='About...', command=self.showAbout) self.toggleBalloonVar = IntVar() self.toggleBalloonVar.set(1) self.menuBar.addmenuitem('Help', 'checkbutton', 'Toggle balloon help', label='Balloon help', variable = self.toggleBalloonVar, command=self.toggleBalloon) self.menuBar.addmenuitem('File', 'command', 'Quit this application', label='Quit', command=self.quit) def __createBalloon(self): # Create the balloon help manager for the frame. # Create the manager for the balloon help self.__balloon = self.createcomponent('balloon', (), None, Pmw.Balloon, (self._hull,)) def balloon(self): return self.__balloon def __createDataArea(self): # Create data area where data entry widgets are placed. self.dataArea = self.createcomponent('dataarea', (), None, Frame, (self._hull,), relief=GROOVE, bd=1) self.dataArea.pack(side=TOP, fill=BOTH, expand=YES, padx=self['padx'], pady=self['pady']) def __createCommandArea(self): # Create a command area for application-wide buttons. self.__commandFrame = self.createcomponent('commandframe', (), None, Frame, (self._hull,), relief=SUNKEN, bd=1) self.__buttonBox = self.createcomponent('buttonbox', (), None, Pmw.ButtonBox, (self.__commandFrame,), padx=0, pady=0) self.__buttonBox.pack(side=TOP, expand=NO, fill=X) if self['usecommandarea']: self.__commandFrame.pack(side=TOP, expand=NO, fill=X, padx=self['padx'], pady=self['pady']) def __createMessageBar(self): # Create the message bar area for help and status messages. frame = self.createcomponent('bottomtray', (), None, Frame,(self._hull,), relief=SUNKEN) self.__messageBar = self.createcomponent('messagebar', (), None, Pmw.MessageBar, (frame,), #entry_width = 40, entry_relief=SUNKEN, entry_bd=1, labelpos=None) self.__messageBar.pack(side=LEFT, expand=YES, fill=X) self.__progressBar = ProgressBar.ProgressBar(frame, fillColor='slateblue', doLabel=1, width=150) self.__progressBar.frame.pack(side=LEFT, expand=NO, fill=NONE) self.updateProgress(0) frame.pack(side=BOTTOM, expand=NO, fill=X) self.__balloon.configure(statuscommand = \ self.__messageBar.helpmessage) def messageBar(self): return self.__messageBar def updateProgress(self, newValue=0, newMax=0): self.__progressBar.updateProgress(newValue, newMax) def bind(self, child, balloonHelpMsg, statusHelpMsg=None): # Bind a help message and/or status message to a widget. self.__balloon.bind(child, balloonHelpMsg, statusHelpMsg) def interior(self): # Retrieve the interior site where widgets should go. return self.dataArea def buttonBox(self): # Retrieve the button box. return self.__buttonBox def buttonAdd(self, buttonName, helpMessage=None, statusMessage=None, **kw): # Add a button to the button box. newBtn = self.__buttonBox.add(buttonName) newBtn.configure(kw) if helpMessage: self.bind(newBtn, helpMessage, statusMessage) return newBtn def __createInterface(self): self.__createBalloon() self.__createMenuBar() self.__createDataArea() self.__createCommandArea() self.__createMessageBar() self.__createAboutBox() # # Create the parts of the interface # which can be modified by subclasses # self.busyWidgets = ( self.root, ) self.createMenuBar() self.createInterface() def createInterface(self): # Override this method to create the interface for the app. pass def main(self): # This method should be left intact! self.pack() self.mainloop() def run(self): self.main() class TestAppShell(AppShell): usecommandarea=1 def createButtons(self): self.buttonAdd('Ok', helpMessage='Exit', statusMessage='Exit', command=self.quit) def createMain(self): self.label = self.createcomponent('label', (), None, Label, (self.interior(),), text='Data Area') self.label.pack() self.bind(self.label, 'Space taker') def createInterface(self): AppShell.createInterface(self) self.createButtons() self.createMain() if __name__ == '__main__': test = TestAppShell(balloon_state='both') test.run()