1 | from threading import Thread |
2 | from Queue import Queue |
3 | from Tkinter import Tk, Button, Frame, N, E, S, W |
4 | from types import FunctionType, TupleType |
5 | from vtk import vtkActor, vtkCubeAxesActor2D, vtkDelaunay2D, vtkFloatArray, vtkPoints, vtkPolyData, vtkPolyDataMapper, vtkRenderer |
6 | from vtk.tk.vtkTkRenderWidget import vtkTkRenderWidget |
7 | |
8 | class Visualiser(Thread): |
9 | """Superclass of both the realtime and offline VTK visualisers |
10 | """ |
11 | def __init__(self, source): |
12 | Thread.__init__(self) |
13 | |
14 | self.source = source |
15 | |
16 | # Structures for Height Based quantities |
17 | self.height_quantities = [] |
18 | self.height_zScales = {} |
19 | self.height_dynamic = {} |
20 | self.height_offset = {} |
21 | |
22 | # Structures for colouring quantities |
23 | self.colours_height = {} |
24 | |
25 | # Structures used for VTK |
26 | self.vtk_actors = {} |
27 | self.vtk_axesSet = False |
28 | self.vtk_drawAxes = False |
29 | self.vtk_mappers = {} |
30 | self.vtk_polyData = {} |
31 | |
32 | # A list of operations to be performed on the cube axes. Type: [(func, (args))] |
33 | self.conf_axesAlterations = [] |
34 | # A list of all polygons to overlay. Type: [([coords], height, (colour)] |
35 | self.conf_overlaidPolygons = [] |
36 | # A list of alterations to be performed on the Tk root. Type: [(func, (args))] |
37 | self.conf_tkAlterations = [] |
38 | |
39 | def run(self): |
40 | self.vtk_renderer = vtkRenderer() |
41 | self.setup_gui() |
42 | self.setup_grid() |
43 | |
44 | # Handle any deferred configuration |
45 | # Overlaid polygons |
46 | for args in self.conf_overlaidPolygons: |
47 | self.overlay_polygon_internal(*args) |
48 | # Draw (and maybe alter) the axes |
49 | if self.vtk_drawAxes: |
50 | self.vtk_axes = vtkCubeAxesActor2D() |
51 | # Perform all of the alterations required, by applying func to the vtk_axes instance (with the given args). |
52 | for func, args in self.conf_axesAlterations: |
53 | func(*((self.vtk_axes,) + args)) |
54 | # Alter the Tk root as necessary. |
55 | for func, args in self.conf_tkAlterations: |
56 | func(*((self.tk_root,) + args)) |
57 | # Finished with deferred configuration. |
58 | |
59 | # Draw Height Quantities |
60 | for q in self.height_quantities: |
61 | self.update_height_quantity(q, self.height_dynamic[q]) |
62 | self.draw_height_quantity(q) |
63 | |
64 | self.tk_root.mainloop() |
65 | |
66 | def redraw_quantities(self): |
67 | """Redraw all dynamic quantities. |
68 | """ |
69 | # Height quantities |
70 | for q in self.height_quantities: |
71 | if (self.height_dynamic[q]): |
72 | self.update_height_quantity(q, self.height_dynamic[q]) |
73 | self.draw_height_quantity(q) |
74 | if self.vtk_drawAxes is True: |
75 | self.draw_axes() |
76 | |
77 | # --- Axes --- # |
78 | |
79 | def render_axes(self): |
80 | """Intstruct the visualiser to render cube axes around the render. |
81 | """ |
82 | self.vtk_drawAxes = True |
83 | |
84 | def draw_axes(self): |
85 | """Update the 3D bounds on the axes and add them to the pipeline if not yet connected. |
86 | """ |
87 | self.vtk_axes.SetBounds(self.get_3d_bounds()) |
88 | if not self.vtk_axesSet: |
89 | self.vtk_axesSet = True |
90 | self.vtk_axes.SetCamera(self.vtk_renderer.GetActiveCamera()) |
91 | self.vtk_renderer.AddActor(self.vtk_axes) |
92 | self.vtk_renderer.ResetCamera(self.get_3d_bounds()) |
93 | |
94 | def alter_axes(self, func, args): |
95 | """Attempt to apply the function 'func' with args tuple 'args' to the |
96 | vtkCubeAxesActor2D instance set up by render_axes. This is done this way to ensure |
97 | the axes setup is handled in the visualiser thread. |
98 | |
99 | Example call: |
100 | from vtk import vtkCubeAxesActor2D |
101 | alter_axes(vtkCubeAxesActor2D.SetNumberOfPoints, (5,)) |
102 | """ |
103 | self.conf_axesAlterations.append((func, args)) |
104 | |
105 | # --- Height Based Rendering --- # |
106 | |
107 | def setup_grid(self): |
108 | """Create the vtkCellArray instance that represents the |
109 | triangles. Subclasses are expected to override this function |
110 | to read from their source as appropriate. The vtkCellArray should |
111 | be stored to self.vtk_cells. |
112 | """ |
113 | pass |
114 | |
115 | def render_quantity_height(self, quantityName, zScale=1.0, offset=0.0, dynamic=True): |
116 | """Instruct the visualiser to render a quantity using the |
117 | value at a point as its height. The value at each point is |
118 | multiplied by z_scale and is added to offset, and if |
119 | dynamic=False, the quantity is not recalculated on each |
120 | update. |
121 | """ |
122 | self.height_quantities.append(quantityName) |
123 | self.height_zScales[quantityName] = zScale |
124 | self.height_offset[quantityName] = offset |
125 | self.height_dynamic[quantityName] = dynamic |
126 | |
127 | def update_height_quantity(self, quantityName, dynamic=True): |
128 | """Create a vtkPolyData object and store it in |
129 | self.vtk_polyData[quantityName]. Subclasses are expected to override this |
130 | function. |
131 | """ |
132 | pass |
133 | |
134 | def get_3d_bounds(self): |
135 | """Get the minimum and maximum bounds for the x, y and z directions. |
136 | Return as a list of double in the order (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax), |
137 | suitable for passing to vtkCubeAxesActor2D::SetRanges(). Subclasses are expected |
138 | to override this function. |
139 | """ |
140 | pass |
141 | |
142 | def draw_height_quantity(self, quantityName): |
143 | """Use the vtkPolyData and prepare/update the rest of the VTK |
144 | rendering pipeline. |
145 | """ |
146 | if self.vtk_mappers.has_key(quantityName): |
147 | mapper = self.vtk_mappers[quantityName] |
148 | else: |
149 | mapper = self.vtk_mappers[quantityName] = vtkPolyDataMapper() |
150 | mapper.SetInput(self.vtk_polyData[quantityName]) |
151 | mapper.Update() |
152 | |
153 | if not self.vtk_actors.has_key(quantityName): |
154 | actor = self.vtk_actors[quantityName] = vtkActor() |
155 | actor.SetMapper(mapper) |
156 | self.vtk_renderer.AddActor(actor) |
157 | else: |
158 | actor = self.vtk_actors[quantityName] |
159 | |
160 | if self.colours_height.has_key(quantityName): |
161 | colour = self.colours_height[quantityName] |
162 | if type(colour) == TupleType: |
163 | if type(colour[0]) == FunctionType: |
164 | # It's a function, so take colour[1] as the |
165 | # lower bound on the scalar range and |
166 | # colour[2] as the upper bound on the scalar |
167 | # range. |
168 | scalars = vtkFloatArray() |
169 | map(scalars.InsertNextValue, colour[0](self.build_quantity_dict())) |
170 | self.vtk_polyData[quantityName].GetPointData().SetScalars(scalars) |
171 | mapper.SetScalarRange(colour[1:]) |
172 | mapper.Update() |
173 | else: |
174 | # It's a 3-tuple representing an RGB value. |
175 | actor.GetProperty().SetColor(colour) |
176 | else: |
177 | actor.GetProperty().SetColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) |
178 | else: |
179 | actor.GetProperty().SetColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) |
180 | |
181 | # --- Colour Coding --- # |
182 | |
183 | def build_quantity_dict(self): |
184 | """Build and return a dictionary mapping quantity name->Numeric array of vertex |
185 | values for that quantity. Subclasses are expected to override |
186 | this function.""" |
187 | pass |
188 | |
189 | def colour_height_quantity(self, quantityName, colour=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)): |
190 | """Add colouring to a height based quantity. |
191 | |
192 | The colour parameter can be one of the following: |
193 | - a 3-tuple of values in [0,1] to specify R, G, B values |
194 | - a 3-tuple of values: |
195 | - a function that takes a dictionary mapping quantity name->Numeric array of vertex values. |
196 | This function returns a list of vertex values to be used in the colour coding. |
197 | - a float for the lower bound on the colouring |
198 | - a float for the upper bound on the colouring |
199 | """ |
200 | self.colours_height[quantityName] = colour |
201 | |
202 | # --- Overlaid Polygons --- # |
203 | |
204 | def overlay_polygon(self, coords, height=0.0, colour=(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)): |
205 | """Add a polygon to the output of the visualiser. |
206 | |
207 | coords is a list of 2-tuples representing x and y coordinates. |
208 | These are triangulated by vtkDelaunay2D. |
209 | |
210 | height is the z-value given to all points. |
211 | |
212 | colour is the colour of the polygon, as a 3-tuple representing |
213 | r, g, b values between 0 and 1.""" |
214 | self.conf_overlaidPolygons.append((coords, height, colour)) |
215 | |
216 | def overlay_polygon_internal(self, coords, height, colour): |
217 | """Add a polygon to the output of the visualiser. |
218 | |
219 | coords is a list of 2-tuples representing x and y coordinates. |
220 | These are triangulated by vtkDelaunay2D. |
221 | |
222 | height is the z-value given to all points. |
223 | |
224 | colour is the colour of the polygon, as a 3-tuple representing |
225 | r, g, b values between 0 and 1. |
226 | |
227 | This function should not be called from outside the visualiser thread. |
228 | Use overlay_polygon instead. |
229 | |
230 | """ |
231 | points = vtkPoints() |
232 | for coord in coords: |
233 | points.InsertNextPoint(coord[0], coord[1], height) |
234 | profile = vtkPolyData() |
235 | profile.SetPoints(points) |
236 | delny = vtkDelaunay2D() |
237 | delny.SetInput(profile) |
238 | mesh = vtkPolyDataMapper() |
239 | mesh.SetInput(delny.GetOutput()) |
240 | actor = vtkActor() |
241 | actor.SetMapper(mesh) |
242 | actor.GetProperty().SetColor(colour) |
243 | self.vtk_renderer.AddActor(actor) |
244 | |
245 | # --- Vector Fields --- # |
246 | |
247 | # --- GUI Setup --- # |
248 | |
249 | def setup_gui(self): |
250 | self.tk_root = Tk() |
251 | self.tk_root.title("Visualisation") |
252 | self.tk_root.after(100, self.redraw) |
253 | self.tk_root.bind("<Destroy>", self.destroyed) |
254 | self.tk_root.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1) |
255 | self.tk_root.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1) |
256 | |
257 | self.tk_renderWidget = vtkTkRenderWidget(self.tk_root, width=400, height=400) |
258 | self.tk_renderWidget.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=N+S+E+W) |
259 | self.tk_controlFrame = Frame(self.tk_root) |
260 | self.tk_controlFrame.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=E+W) |
261 | self.tk_controlFrame.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1) |
262 | self.tk_controlFrame.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1) |
263 | |
264 | self.tk_quit = Button(self.tk_controlFrame, text="Quit", command=self.shutdown) |
265 | self.tk_quit.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=E+W) |
266 | self.tk_renderWidget.GetRenderWindow().AddRenderer(self.vtk_renderer) |
267 | |
268 | def alter_tkroot(self, func, args): |
269 | """Apply func, with arguments tuple args to the root tk window for this visualiser. |
270 | """ |
271 | self.conf_tkAlterations.append((func, args)) |
272 | |
273 | # --- GUI Events --- # |
274 | |
275 | def destroyed(self, event): |
276 | if event.widget == self.tk_root: |
277 | self.shutdown() |
278 | |
279 | def redraw(self): |
280 | self.tk_renderWidget.GetRenderWindow().Render() |
281 | self.tk_root.update_idletasks() |
282 | self.tk_root.after(100, self.redraw) |
283 | |
284 | def shutdown(self): |
285 | self.tk_root.withdraw() |
286 | self.tk_root.destroy() |