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| 119 | <TD class=headline align=left>Regular Expressions: Erlang Is Worth a Look</TD> |
| 120 | <TD class=headdate align=right>March 2002</TD> |
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| 124 | <P> by Cameron Laird and Kathryn Soraiz |
| 125 | <P> |
| 126 | Let's write highly-reliable, high-performance distributed applications. |
| 127 | While we're at it, let's choose a development language with a "track |
| 128 | record" of high productivity. |
| 129 | <P> |
| 130 | We'll use the Erlang programming language. |
| 131 | <P> |
| 132 | <H2>Erlang for Real</H2> |
| 133 | <P> The name "Erlang" honors a Danish mathematician by that name, |
| 134 | whose work in stochastic theories flourished at the beginning of the twentieth |
| 135 | century. Although Erlang's name-recognition is low among U.S. programmers |
| 136 | ("Erlang? Isn't that one of the new Winter Olypmics events?"), its accomplishments |
| 137 | are plenty serious. First implemented in 1986 by an engineer at Ericsson |
| 138 | Enterprise, Erlang is the language in which many production telecommunications |
| 139 | and other mission-critical applications are written. Its use on general-purpose |
| 140 | "personal computers" and servers is also growing. |
| 141 | <P> One of the reasons for the interest in Erlang is that the software world |
| 142 | is finally acknowledging the importance of distributed computation. This |
| 143 | has been a good season for distributed computing -- <I>Scientific American</I> |
| 144 | has popularized the topic; the new Usenet newsgroup comp.distributed has |
| 145 | hosted a handful of worthwhile discussions since its launch in mid-February; |
| 146 | and the Global Grid Forum (<A href="http://www.gridforum.org/" target="_blank">http://www.gridforum.org/</A>) |
| 147 | has become one of the hottest events in computing. Ideas about large-scale |
| 148 | operating systems (OSes) are moving out of research laboratories; the |
| 149 | .NET and Web Services marketing machines are starting to propagate technical |
| 150 | content; and peer-to-peer and CORBA partisans are fighting back with significant |
| 151 | engineering advances. This is territory that Erlang experts have been |
| 152 | exploring for more than a decade. |
| 153 | <P>Erlang was originally designed as a "language for programming <I>distributed |
| 154 | fault-tolerant soft real-time non-stop applications</I>." That formulation |
| 155 | correctly suggests there's more to Erlang than just its capacity for distributed |
| 156 | calculations. Erlang is a functional programming language, with deep roots |
| 157 | in logic and functional semantics that contribute to program correctness. |
| 158 | Like such wildly different languages as Ada and Eiffel, Erlang's correctness |
| 159 | characteristics make it easier for programmers to compose applications |
| 160 | that behave predictably. Erlang generalizes correctness to "fault-tolerance" |
| 161 | with its powerful "exception" mechanisms. Ericsson telephone switches |
| 162 | need very high uptimes -- 99.999% and up. Erlang's fault-tolerance, related |
| 163 | to the exceptions in Java and Python, helps achieve this level of reliability. |
| 164 | <P> |
| 165 | <H2>See for Yourself</H2> |
| 166 | <P> |
| 167 | What's it like to work in a language shaped for fault-tolerance, |
| 168 | high productivity, and distribution? As with most of the subjects |
| 169 | we choose for "Regular Expressions," the best answer is likely to |
| 170 | be, "See for yourself." An open-source version of Erlang has been |
| 171 | available since 1998, and extensive resources are available on the |
| 172 | Web. |
| 173 | <P> Source or binary downloads for the recent versions of the standard Erlang |
| 174 | distribution are just over 10 megabytes in size. Although this is toward |
| 175 | the top of the range for the languages "Regular Expressions" most often |
| 176 | covers, it's significantly smaller than typical Java installations. In |
| 177 | our experience, Unix generations of Erlang from source always go smoothly; |
| 178 | whatever errors the latest releases have, they don't show up during installation |
| 179 | or simple tests. |
| 180 | <P> Once that's done, Erlang's "Hello, World" preliminaries go quickly enough. |
| 181 | Erlang's home site even has a "Getting Started" page at <A href="http://www.erlang.org/starting.html" target="_blank">http://www.erlang.org/starting.html</A>. |
| 182 | Like other typical modern interpreters, the Erlang language processor, |
| 183 | <CODE>erl</CODE>, supports both interactive and "batch" operation. You |
| 184 | can bring it up interactively as a convenient calculator: |
| 185 | <PRE> #> erl |
| 186 | Erlang (BEAM) emulator version 5.1 [source] |
| 187 | |
| 188 | Eshell V5.1 (abort with ^G) |
| 189 | 1> pwd(). |
| 190 | /usr/local/src/otp_src_R8B-0 |
| 191 | ok |
| 192 | 2> ls(). |
| 193 | AUTHORS EPLICENCE Makefile Makefile.in |
| 194 | README bin bootstrap config.cache |
| 195 | config.log config.status configure configure.in |
| 196 | erts lib make |
| 197 | ok |
| 198 | 3> 123 * 456 - 999. |
| 199 | 55089 </PRE> |
| 200 | |
| 201 | Notice that a period terminates every complete line. |
| 202 | |
| 203 | <P> |
| 204 | <H2>Safe Power</H2> |
| 205 | <P> |
| 206 | The Erlang downloads are so large because the |
| 207 | standard distribution is intended to "include batteries." |
| 208 | Every Erlang installation builds in functions |
| 209 | that mediate ASN encoding, manage CORBA transactions, |
| 210 | perform cryptographic transformations, implement such |
| 211 | standard networking protocols as FTP, HTTP, SNMP, and SSL, |
| 212 | and even connect to Java classes. |
| 213 | <P> This powerful library combines with Erlang's succinct expressivity to |
| 214 | make remarkable results possible in just a few lines. It's hard to show |
| 215 | Erlang at its best by simply looking at common programming tasks; it doesn't |
| 216 | do the things that Perl or C do any better than those languages. Erlang |
| 217 | comes into its own on applications that must run continuously (think of |
| 218 | air-traffic control), cooperatively (across many machines), and without |
| 219 | surprises. Erlang is largely immune to the buffer overflows, memory leaks, |
| 220 | off-by-one, and other mundane errors that affect many applications. |
| 221 | <P> |
| 222 | A favorite example of Erlang's brevity is this generic |
| 223 | client-server: |
| 224 | <PRE> -module(cs). |
| 225 | -export([start/3, rpc/2, loop/2]). |
| 226 | |
| 227 | start(Name, Data, Fun) -> |
| 228 | register(Name, |
| 229 | spawn(fun() -> |
| 230 | loop(Data, Fun) |
| 231 | end)). |
| 232 | |
| 233 | rpc(Name, Q) -> |
| 234 | Tag = ref(), |
| 235 | Name ! -query, self(), Tag, Q), |
| 236 | receive |
| 237 | (Tag, Reply) -> Reply |
| 238 | end. |
| 239 | |
| 240 | loop(Data, Fun) -> |
| 241 | receive |
| 242 | (query, Pid, Tag, Q) -> |
| 243 | (Reply, Data1) = Fun(Q, Data), |
| 244 | Pid ! (Tag, Reply), |
| 245 | loop(Data1, Fun) |
| 246 | end. |
| 247 | </PRE> |
| 248 | <P> |
| 249 | Invocation of <CODE>start()</CODE> launches a complete |
| 250 | network endpoint. The code above handles communications |
| 251 | and concurrency, while all that's left for an application |
| 252 | developer is to bind <CODE>Fun</CODE> to a definition |
| 253 | that executes the application-specific operation. |
| 254 | <P> |
| 255 | If your programs really, REALLY have to work right every |
| 256 | time, consider using Erlang. |
| 257 | <P> |
| 258 | <H2>Administrative Wrap-Up</H2> |
| 259 | <P> We're collecting notes and hyperlinks on Erlang at <A href="http://starbase.neosoft.com/~claird/comp.lang.functional/Erlang.html" target="_blank">http://starbase.neosoft.com/~claird/comp.lang.functional/Erlang.html</A>. |
| 260 | One ambition for this page is to introduce a functional language for the |
| 261 | "working programmer" in a way that makes the academic abstractions found |
| 262 | in this specialty more appealing. As always, e-mail to us @regularexpressions.com |
| 263 | is welcome. Incidentally, if you want to try out parallel programming |
| 264 | in a more mainstream language than Erlang, consider PyPAR (<A href="http://datamining.anu.edu.au/pypar" target="_blank">http://datamining.anu.edu.au/pypar</A>). |
| 265 | This well-behaved Python extension was just released in its 1.0 version |
| 266 | last month. |
| 267 | <P> |
| 268 | Next time, we'll look at a completely |
| 269 | different approach to construction of correct programs: |
| 270 | use of static syntax analyzers. Until then, good luck |
| 271 | in solving your problems at a high level. |
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