#!/usr/bin/env python ''' A program to compare two SWW files for "equality". This program makes lots of assumptions about the structure of the SWW files, so if that structure changes, this program must change. ''' import sys import os import os.path import getopt from Scientific.IO.NetCDF import NetCDFFile import Numeric as num from anuga.config import netcdf_mode_r ##### # Various constants. ##### # allowable 'slop' when testing two float values epsilon = 1.0e-9 # Global attributes that should exist and be same in both files # Don't have to have all of these, and we don't care about others. expect_global_attributes = ['smoothing', 'vertices_are_stored_uniquely', 'order', 'starttime', 'xllcorner', 'yllcorner', 'zone', 'false_easting', 'false_northing', 'datum', 'projection', 'units'] # dimensions expected, with expected values (None means unknown) expected_dimensions = {'number_of_volumes': None, 'number_of_vertices': 3, 'numbers_in_range': 2, 'number_of_points': None, 'number_of_timesteps': None} # Variables expected, with expected dimensions. # Don't have to have all of these, and we don't care about others. expected_variables = {'x': ('number_of_points',), 'y': ('number_of_points',), 'elevation': ('number_of_points',), 'elevation_range': ('numbers_in_range',), 'z': ('number_of_points',), 'volumes': ('number_of_volumes', 'number of vertices'), 'time': ('number_of_timesteps',), 'stage': ('number_of_timesteps', 'numbers_of_points',), 'stage_range': ('numbers_in_range',), 'xmomentum': ('number_of_timesteps', 'number_of_points'), 'xmomentum_range': ('numbers_in_range'), 'ymomentum': ('number_of_timesteps', 'number_of_points'), 'ymomentum_range': ('numbers_in_range')} ## # @brief An exception to inform user of usage problems. class Usage(Exception): def __init__(self, msg): self.msg = msg ## # @brief Compare two SWW files. # @param files A tuple of two filenames. # @param globals A list of global attribute names to compare. # @param timesteps A list of timesteps to compare at. # @param variables A list of variable names to compare. # @return Returns if files 'equal', else raises RuntimeError. def files_are_the_same(files, globals=None, timesteps=None, variables=None): # split out the filenames and check they exist (file1, file2) = files filename1 = os.path.basename(file1) filename2 = os.path.basename(file2) # width = max(len(filename1), len(filename2)) # filename1 = filename1.rjust(width) # filename2 = filename2.rjust(width) error = False error_msg = '' try: fid1 = NetCDFFile(file1, netcdf_mode_r) except: error_msg += "\nFile '%s' can't be opened?\n" % file1 error = True try: fid2 = NetCDFFile(file2, netcdf_mode_r) except: error_msg += "\nFile '%s' can't be opened?\n" % file2 error = True fid1.close() if error: raise RuntimeError, error_msg if globals is None: globals = expect_global_attributes ##### # First, check that files have the required structure ##### # dimensions - only check expected dimensions for key in expected_dimensions: if key not in fid1.dimensions.keys(): error_msg += ("\nFile %s doesn't contain dimension '%s'\n" % (filename1, key)) error = True if key not in fid2.dimensions.keys(): error_msg += ("\nFile %s doesn't contain dimension '%s'\n" % (filename2, key)) error = True # now check that dimensions are the same length # NOTE: DOESN'T CHECK 'UNLIMITED' DIMENSIONS YET! (get None at the moment) for dim in expected_dimensions: dim1_shape = fid1.dimensions.get(dim, None) dim2_shape = fid2.dimensions.get(dim, None) if dim1_shape != dim2_shape: error_msg += ("\nFile %s has '%s' dimension of size %s,\n" "file %s has that dimension of size %s\n" % (filename1, dim, str(dim1_shape), filename2, str(dim2_shape))) error = True # check that we have the required globals if globals: for glob in globals: if glob not in dir(fid1): error_msg += ("\nGlobal attribute '%s' isn't in file %s\n" % (glob, filename1)) error = True if glob not in dir(fid2): error_msg += ("\nGlobal attribute '%s' isn't in file %s\n" % (glob, filename2)) error = True else: # get list of global attributes glob_vars1 = [] glob_vars2 = [] for glob in expect_global_attributes: if glob in dir(fid1): glob_vars1.append(glob) if glob in dir(fid2): glob_vars2.append(glob) # now check attribute lists are same if glob_vars1 != glob_vars2: error_msg = ('\nFiles differ in global attributes:\n' '%s: %s,\n' '%s: %s\n' % (filename1, str(glob_vars1), filename2, str(glob_vars2))) error = True # get variables to test if variables: for var in variables: if var not in fid1.variables.keys(): error_msg += ("\nVariable '%s' isn't in file %s\n" % (var, filename1)) error = True if var not in fid2.variables.keys(): error_msg += ("\nVariable '%s' isn't in file %s\n" % (var, filename2)) error = True else: # check that variables are as expected in both files var_names1 = [] var_names2 = [] for var_name in expected_variables: if fid1.variables.has_key(var_name): var_names1.append(var_name) if fid2.variables.has_key(var_name): var_names2.append(var_name) if var_names1 != var_names2: error_msg += ('\nVariables are not the same between files:\n' '%s variables=%s,\n' '%s variables=%s\n' % (filename1, str(var_names1), filename2, str(var_names2))) error = True variables = var_names1 # get size of time dimension num_timesteps1 = fid1.variables['time'].shape num_timesteps2 = fid2.variables['time'].shape if num_timesteps1 != num_timesteps2: error_msg += ('Files have different number of timesteps:\n' '%s=%s,\n' '%s=%s\n' % (filename1, str(num_timesteps1), filename2, str(num_timesteps2))) error = True num_timesteps = num_timesteps1[0] # variable shapes same? for var_name in variables: var1 = fid1.variables[var_name] var2 = fid2.variables[var_name] var1_shape = var1.shape var2_shape = var2.shape if var1_shape != var2_shape: error_msg += ('Files differ in variable %s shape:\n' '%s: %s,\n' '%s: %s\n' % (var_name, filename1, str(var1_shape), filename2, str(var2_shape))) error = True if error: fid1.close() fid2.close() raise RuntimeError, error_msg ##### # Now check that actual data values are the same ##### # check values of global attributes for glob_name in globals: if getattr(fid1, glob_name) != getattr(fid2, glob_name): error_msg += ("\nFiles differ in global '%s':\n" "%s: '%s',\n" "%s: '%s'\n" % (glob_name, filename1, str(g1), filename2, str(g2))) error = True # check data variables, be clever with time series data for var_name in variables: var_dims = expected_variables[var_name] if (len(var_dims) > 1) and (var_dims[0] == 'number_of_timesteps'): # time series, check by timestep block for t in xrange(num_timesteps): var1 = num.array(fid1.variables[var_name][t,:]) var2 = num.array(fid2.variables[var_name][t,:]) if var1 != var2: for i in xrange(len(var1)): if var1[i] != var2[i]: error_msg += ('\nFiles differ in variable ' '%s[%d,%d]:\n' '%s: %f\n' '%s: %f\n' 'difference=%f\n' % (var_name, t, i, filename1, var1[i], filename2, var2[i], var1[i]-var2[i])) break error = True else: # simple data, check whole thing at once var1 = num.array(fid1.variables[var_name][:]) var2 = num.array(fid2.variables[var_name][:]) if not num.allclose(var1, var2): for j in xrange(len(var1)): if abs(var1[j] - var2[j]) > epsilon: error_msg += ('\nFiles differ in variable ' '%s[%d]:\n' '%s: %f\n' '%s: %f\n' 'difference=%f\n' % (var_name, j, filename1, var1[j], filename2, var2[j], var1[j]-var2[j])) break error = True ##### # close files and signal OK or ERROR ##### fid1.close() fid2.close() if error: raise RuntimeError, error_msg return ## # @brief Return a usage string. def usage(): result = [] a = result.append a('Usage: %s \n' % ProgName) a('where is zero or more of:\n') a(' -h print this help\n') a(" -a set absolute threshold of 'equivalent'\n") a(" -r set relative threshold of 'equivalent'\n") a(' -g check only global attributes specified\n') a(' has the form [,[,...]]\n') a(' -t check only timesteps specified\n') a(' has the form [,[,]]\n') a(' -v check only the named variables\n') a(' has the form [,[,...]]\n') a('and and are two SWW files to compare.\n') a('\n') a('The program exit status is one of:\n') a(' 0 the two files are equivalent\n') a(' else the files are not equivalent.') return ''.join(result) ## # @brief Print a message to stderr. def warn(msg): print >>sys.stderr, msg ## # @brief # @param argv # @return The status code the program will exit with. def main(argv=None): if argv is None: argv = sys.argv try: try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], 'hg:t:v:', ['help', 'globals', 'variables', 'timesteps']) except getopt.error, msg: raise Usage(msg) except Usage, err: print >>sys.stderr, err.msg print >>sys.stderr, "for help use --help" return 2 # process options globals = None timesteps = None variables = None for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ('-h', '--help'): print usage() sys.exit(0) elif opt in ('-g', '--globals'): globals = arg.split(',') elif opt in ('-t', '--timesteps'): timesteps = arg.split(',') elif opt in ('-v', '--variables'): variables = arg.split(',') # process arguments if len(args) != 2: msg = usage() print 'msg=%s' % msg raise Usage(msg) try: files_are_the_same(args, globals=globals, timesteps=timesteps, variables=variables) except RuntimeError, msg: print msg return 10 if __name__ == "__main__": global ProgName ProgName = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) sys.exit(main())