ANUGA VALIDATION AGAINST THE OKUSHIRI ISLAND TSUNAMI WAVETANK EXPERIMENT This directory contains code conducting a validation of ANUGA aganst a wave tank simulation of the 1993 Okushiri island tsunami as described at the Third International Conference on Long Wave Runup: The original files published at the website and also available in this directory are problem02.doc: A description of the validation problem Benchmark_2_Bathymetry.txt: The digital elevation model Benchmark_2_input.txt: The timeseries applied at the western boundary output_ch5-7-9.xls: Experimental data measured at three gauges One derived file is output_ch5-7-9.txt: The Excel file stored as TAB separated ascii text The ANUGA scripts to run are This script will convert the text files to native ANUGA netcdf formats and also create a suitable triangular mesh. This script will run a numerical simulation based on the the bathymetry and the given boundary condition and store the model output in an ANUGA sww file which can be viewed using one of the viewers, e.g. Swollen. This script will extract timeseries from the sww file and plot them together with the experimental data provided. Numerical similarity measures will also be computed.