"""This script tests that caching works for set_quantity using point data from a file. First cache is cleared, then set_quantity is run twice checking that fitting is evaluated only first time and that the result from cache on the second round is correct. This script depends on Benchmark_2.msh and Benchmark_2_Bathymetry.pts """ # FIXME(Ole): This needs to become a unit test - in automated validation tests under Okushiri. # FIXME(Ole): This won't work until ticket:314 has been fixed. # Module imports from anuga.shallow_water import Domain from anuga.caching import cache from anuga.fit_interpolate.fit import _fit_to_mesh import project import Numeric as num import time internal_verbose = True # Verbose used in set_quantity and passed into fit_to_mesh filename=project.bathymetry_filename alpha=0.02 from anuga.config import points_file_block_line_size as max_read_lines #------------------------- # Create Domain from mesh #------------------------- domain = cache(Domain, (project.mesh_filename, {'verbose': True}), verbose=False) # Clear caching of underlying function args = (filename, ) kwargs = {'vertex_coordinates': None, 'triangles': None, 'mesh': domain.mesh, 'point_attributes': None, 'alpha': alpha, 'verbose': internal_verbose, 'acceptable_overshoot': 1.01, # This is the default value in _fit_to_mesh - actually, not implemented. Remove! 'mesh_origin': None, 'data_origin': None, 'max_read_lines': max_read_lines, 'attribute_name': None } cache(_fit_to_mesh, args, kwargs, verbose=False, dependencies=[filename], clear=True) # Check that cache is empty flag = cache(_fit_to_mesh, args, kwargs, verbose=False, dependencies=[filename], test=True) assert flag is None #------------------------- # Initial Conditions #------------------------- #print 'Set elevation and cache' t0 = time.time() domain.set_quantity('elevation', filename=filename, alpha=0.02, verbose=internal_verbose, use_cache=True) compute_time = time.time()-t0 ref = domain.get_quantity('elevation').get_values() # Check that cache is now present (and correct) flag = cache(_fit_to_mesh, args, kwargs, verbose=False, dependencies=[filename], test=True) assert flag is not None res = domain.get_quantity('elevation').get_values() assert num.allclose(res, ref) # Now check this using the high level call print 'Try to read in via cache' t0 = time.time() domain.set_quantity('elevation', filename=filename, alpha=0.02, verbose=internal_verbose, use_cache=True) cache_time = time.time()-t0 res = domain.get_quantity('elevation').get_values() assert num.allclose(res, ref) print 'cache_time', cache_time print 'compute_time', compute_time assert cache_time < compute_time/10