def plot_compare_csv(location, file_sim, file_exp, y_label, save_as=None, x_label='Time (s)', legend_sim='ANUGA simulation', legend_exp='Measured flume result', is_interactive=False): """ """ from pylab import ion, plot, xlabel, ylabel, close, legend, \ savefig from anuga.shallow_water.data_manager import csv2dict # Load in the csv files and convert info from strings to floats simulation, _ = csv2dict(file_sim) experiment, _ = csv2dict(file_exp) time_sim = [float(x) for x in simulation['time']] quantity_sim = [float(x) for x in simulation[location]] #print "quantity_sim", quantity_sim time_exp = [float(x) for x in experiment['time']] quantity_exp = [float(x) for x in experiment[location]] if is_interactive: ion() plot(time_sim, quantity_sim, time_exp, quantity_exp) # Add axis stuff and legend xlabel(x_label) ylabel(y_label) legend((legend_sim, legend_exp)) if is_interactive: # Wait for enter pressed raw_input() if save_as is not None: savefig(save_as) #Need to close this plot close() #------------------------------------------------------------- if __name__ == "__main__": """ Plot the stage graph for the ANUGA validation papar """ import project import shutil from os import sep, path depth_file = "uq-flume-depth.eps" velocity_file = "uq-flume-velocity.eps" # create Depth plot plot_compare_csv(location='0.4:0.2', file_sim=project.depth_filename, file_exp=project.experiment_depth_filename, y_label='Water height (m)', save_as=depth_file) # create Velocity plot plot_compare_csv(location='0.45:0.2', file_sim=project.velocity_x_filename, file_exp=project.experiment_vel_filename, y_label='Velocity (m/s)', save_as=velocity_file) # Move the files to the dir where the paper is being put together paper_dir = path.join('..','..','anuga_work','publications','anuga_2007') dest = path.join(paper_dir, depth_file) shutil.copyfile(depth_file,dest) dest = path.join(paper_dir, velocity_file) shutil.copyfile(velocity_file,dest)