class AnalyticDam: def __init__(self, h0 = 5.0, h1 = 10.0, L = 2000.0): from math import sqrt self.h0 = h0 # depth upstream (m) self.h1 = h1 # depth downstream (m) self.L = L # length of domain g = 9.81 # gravity (m/s^2) c0 = sqrt(g*h0) #left celerity c1 = sqrt(g*h1) #right celerity zmin=-100.0 zmax=101.0 for i in range(100): z=(zmin+zmax)/2.0 u2=z-c0*c0/4.0/z*(1.0+sqrt(1.0+8.0*z*z/c0/c0)) c2=c0*sqrt(0.5*(sqrt(1.0+8.0*z*z/c0/c0)-1.0)) func=2.0*c1/c0-u2/c0-2.0*c2/c0 if (func > 0.0): zmin=z else: zmax=z #print 'func=',func if( abs(z) > 99.0): print 'no convergence' self.u2 = u2 self.c0 = c0 self.c1 = c1 self.c2 = c2 self.g = g self.z = z def __call__(self, C,t): from Numeric import zeros,Float from math import sqrt #t = 0.0 # time (s) h0 = self.h0 h1 = self.h1 L = self.L n = len(C) # number of cells u2 = self.u2 c0 = self.c0 c1 = self.c1 c2 = self.c2 g = self.g z = self.z u = zeros(n,Float) h = zeros(n,Float) uh = zeros(n,Float) x = C-3*L/4.0 #x = zeros(n,Float) #for i in range(n): # x[i] = C[i]-1000.0 # Upstream and downstream boundary conditions are set to the intial water # depth for all time. # Calculate Shock Speed #h2 = 7.2692044 #S2 = 2*h2/(h2-h0)*(sqrt(g*h1)-sqrt(g*h2)) #u2 = S2 - g*h0/(4*S2)*(1+sqrt(1+8*S2*S2/(g*h0))) h2=h0/(1.0-u2/z) x3=(u2-c2)*t x2=z*t x1=-c1*t x1_ = -1*L/2.0-x1 x2_ = -1*L/2.0+2*x1 #x3_ = -1*L/2.0-x3 #t=50 #x = (-L/2:L/2) for i in range(n): # Calculate Analytical Solution at time t > 0 u3 = 2.0/3.0*(sqrt(g*h1)+x[i]/t) h3 = 4.0/(9.0*g)*(sqrt(g*h1)-x[i]/(2.0*t))*(sqrt(g*h1)-x[i]/(2.0*t)) u3_ = 2.0/3.0*((x[i]+L/2.0)/t-sqrt(g*h1)) h3_ = 1.0/(9.0*g)*((x[i]+L/2.0)/t+2*sqrt(g*h1))*((x[i]+L/2.0)/t+2*sqrt(g*h1)) #if t == 30: # x[i] = 500 # print 'x2',x2 # print 'x3',x3 # print 'x1',x1 if ( x[i] <= x2_ ): #print 'here x2_=', x2_ u[i] = 0.0 h[i] = 0.0 uh [i] = u[i]*h[i] #elif ( x[i] <= x3_ ): # print 'here x3_=', x3_ # u[i] = -1*u2 # h[i] = h2 # uh[i] = u[i]*h[i] elif ( x[i] <= x1_ ): #print 'here x1_=', x1_ u[i] = u3_ h[i] = h3_ uh[i] = u[i]*h[i] #else: # u[i] = 0.0 # h[i] = h0 # uh[i] = u[i]*h[i] #elif ( x[i] <= x1/2.0 ): # u[i] = 0.0 # h[i] = h1 # uh[i] = u[i]*h[i] elif ( x[i] <= x1 ): #print 'here x1=', x1 u[i] = 0.0 h[i] = h1 uh[i] = u[i]*h[i] elif ( x[i] <= x3 ): #print 'here x3=', x3 u[i] = u3 h[i] = h3 uh[i] = u[i]*h[i] elif ( x[i] < x2 ): #print 'here x2=', x2 u[i] = u2 h[i] = h2 uh[i] = u[i]*h[i] else: #print 'here the last section' u[i] = 0.0 h[i] = h0 uh[i] = u[i]*h[i] return h , uh