"""Class Domain - 1D interval domains for finite-volume computations of the shallow water wave equation. This module contains a specialisation of class Domain from module domain.py consisting of methods specific to the Shallow Water Wave Equation This particular modification of the Domain class implements the ability to vary the width of the 1D channel that the water flows in. As a result the conserved variables are different than previous implementations and so are the equations. U_t + E_x = S where ------------!!!! NOTE THIS NEEDS UPDATING !!!!------------------ U = [A, Q] E = [Q, Q^2/A + gh^2/2] S represents source terms forcing the system (e.g. gravity, friction, wind stress, ...) and _t, _x, _y denote the derivative with respect to t, x and y respectiely. The quantities are symbol variable name explanation x x horizontal distance from origin [m] z elevation elevation of bed on which flow is modelled [m] h height water height above z [m] w stage absolute water level, w = z+h [m] u speed in the x direction [m/s] uh xmomentum momentum in the x direction [m^2/s] eta mannings friction coefficient [to appear] nu wind stress coefficient [to appear] The conserved quantities are w, uh -------------------------------------------------------------------------- For details see e.g. Christopher Zoppou and Stephen Roberts, Catastrophic Collapse of Water Supply Reservoirs in Urban Areas, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, vol. 127, No. 7 July 1999 John Jakeman, Ole Nielsen, Stephen Roberts, Duncan Gray, Christopher Zoppou, Padarn Wilson, Geoscience Australia, 2008 """ from domain import * Generic_Domain = Domain #Rename #Shallow water domain class Domain(Generic_Domain): def __init__(self, coordinates, boundary = None, tagged_elements = None): conserved_quantities = ['area', 'discharge'] evolved_quantities = ['area', 'discharge', 'elevation', 'height', 'velocity','width','stage'] other_quantities = ['friction'] Generic_Domain.__init__(self, coordinates = coordinates, boundary = boundary, conserved_quantities = conserved_quantities, evolved_quantities = evolved_quantities, other_quantities = other_quantities, tagged_elements = tagged_elements) from config import minimum_allowed_height, g, h0 self.minimum_allowed_height = minimum_allowed_height self.g = g self.h0 = h0 self.forcing_terms.append(gravity) self.forcing_terms.append(boundary_stress) #self.forcing_terms.append(manning_friction) #Stored output self.store = True self.format = 'sww' self.smooth = True #Reduction operation for get_vertex_values from util import mean self.reduction = mean #self.reduction = min #Looks better near steep slopes self.set_quantities_to_be_stored(['area','discharge']) self.__doc__ = 'channel_domain_Ab' self.check_integrity() def check_integrity(self): #Check that we are solving the shallow water wave equation msg = 'First conserved quantity must be "area"' assert self.conserved_quantities[0] == 'area', msg msg = 'Second conserved quantity must be "discharge"' assert self.conserved_quantities[1] == 'discharge', msg msg = 'First evolved quantity must be "area"' assert self.evolved_quantities[0] == 'area', msg msg = 'Second evolved quantity must be "discharge"' assert self.evolved_quantities[1] == 'discharge', msg msg = 'Third evolved quantity must be "elevation"' assert self.evolved_quantities[2] == 'elevation', msg msg = 'Fourth evolved quantity must be "height"' assert self.evolved_quantities[3] == 'height', msg msg = 'Fifth evolved quantity must be "velocity"' assert self.evolved_quantities[4] == 'velocity', msg msg = 'Fifth evolved quantity must be "width"' assert self.evolved_quantities[5] == 'width', msg Generic_Domain.check_integrity(self) def compute_fluxes(self): #Call correct module function #(either from this module or C-extension) compute_fluxes_channel(self) def distribute_to_vertices_and_edges(self): #Call correct module function #(either from this module or C-extension) distribute_to_vertices_and_edges_limit_a_d(self) #=============== End of Channel Domain =============================== #----------------------------------- # Compute flux definition with channel #----------------------------------- def compute_fluxes_channel(domain): from Numeric import zeros, Float import sys timestep = float(sys.maxint) area = domain.quantities['area'] discharge = domain.quantities['discharge'] bed = domain.quantities['elevation'] height = domain.quantities['height'] velocity = domain.quantities['velocity'] width = domain.quantities['width'] from channel_domain_ext import compute_fluxes_channel_ext domain.flux_timestep = compute_fluxes_channel_ext(timestep,domain,area,discharge,bed,height,velocity,width) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Distribute to verticies with stage reconstructed and then extrapolated #----------------------------------------------------------------------- def distribute_to_vertices_and_edges_limit_a_d(domain): #Remove very thin layers of water #protect_against_infinitesimal_and_negative_heights(domain) import sys from Numeric import zeros, Float from config import epsilon, h0 N = domain.number_of_elements #Shortcuts Area = domain.quantities['area'] Discharge = domain.quantities['discharge'] Bed = domain.quantities['elevation'] Height = domain.quantities['height'] Velocity = domain.quantities['velocity'] Width = domain.quantities['width'] Stage = domain.quantities['stage'] #Arrays a_C = Area.centroid_values d_C = Discharge.centroid_values z_C = Bed.centroid_values h_C = Height.centroid_values u_C = Velocity.centroid_values b_C = Width.centroid_values w_C = Stage.centroid_values h0 = 1.0e-12 #print id(h_C) for i in range(N): if a_C[i] <= h0: a_C[i] = 0.0 h_C[i] = 0.0 d_C[i] = 0.0 u_C[i] = 0.0 w_C[i] = z_C[i] else: if b_C[i]<=h0: a_C[i] = 0.0 h_C[i] = 0.0 d_C[i] = 0.0 u_C[i] = 0.0 w_C[i] = z_C[i] else: h_C[i] = a_C[i]/(b_C[i]+h0/b_C[i]) w_C[i] = h_C[i]+z_C[i] u_C[i] = d_C[i]/(a_C[i]+h0/a_C[i]) for name in ['discharge','elevation','width','stage','height','area','velocity']: Q = domain.quantities[name] if domain.order == 1: Q.extrapolate_first_order() elif domain.order == 2: Q.extrapolate_second_order() else: raise 'Unknown order' a_V = domain.quantities['area'].vertex_values w_V = domain.quantities['stage'].vertex_values z_V = domain.quantities['elevation'].vertex_values h_V = domain.quantities['height'].vertex_values u_V = domain.quantities['velocity'].vertex_values d_V = domain.quantities['discharge'].vertex_values b_V = domain.quantities['width'].vertex_values ## for i in range(len(h_C)): ## for j in range(2): ## if b_V[i,j] < h0 : ## a_V[i,j]=0 ## h_V[i,j]=0 ## d_V[i,j]=0 ## u_V[i,j]=0 ## else: ## h_V[i,j] = w_V[i,j]-z_V[i,j] ## if h_V[i,j]5 and k<15: print discharge_ud[k],-g*zx*avg_h*avg_b discharge_ud[k] +=-g*zx*avg_h*avg_b """ def __init__(self, evolved_quantities=None): Boundary.__init__(self) if evolved_quantities is None: msg = 'Must specify one value for each evolved quantity' raise msg from Numeric import array, Float self.evolved_quantities=array(evolved_quantities).astype(Float) def __repr__(self): return 'Dirichlet boundary (%s)' %self.evolved_quantities def evaluate(self, vol_id=None, edge_id=None): return self.evolved_quantities #---------------------------- #Standard forcing terms: #--------------------------- def gravity(domain): """Apply gravitational pull in the presence of bed slope """ from util import gradient from Numeric import zeros, Float, array, sum Area = domain.quantities['area'] Discharge = domain.quantities['discharge'] Elevation = domain.quantities['elevation'] Height = domain.quantities['height'] Width = domain.quantities['width'] discharge_ud = Discharge.explicit_update h = Height.vertex_values b = Width.vertex_values a = Area.vertex_values z = Elevation.vertex_values x = domain.get_vertex_coordinates() g = domain.g for k in range(domain.number_of_elements): avg_h = 0.5*(h[k,0] + h[k,1]) avg_b = 0.5*(b[k,0] + b[k,1]) #Compute bed slope x0, x1 = x[k,:] z0, z1 = z[k,:] zx = gradient(x0, x1, z0, z1) #Update momentum (explicit update is reset to source values) discharge_ud[k]+= -g*zx*avg_h*avg_b def boundary_stress(domain): from util import gradient from Numeric import zeros, Float, array, sum Area = domain.quantities['area'] Discharge = domain.quantities['discharge'] Elevation = domain.quantities['elevation'] Height = domain.quantities['height'] Width = domain.quantities['width'] discharge_ud = Discharge.explicit_update h = Height.vertex_values b = Width.vertex_values a = Area.vertex_values z = Elevation.vertex_values x = domain.get_vertex_coordinates() g = domain.g for k in range(domain.number_of_elements): avg_h = 0.5*(h[k,0] + h[k,1]) #Compute bed slope x0, x1 = x[k,:] b0, b1 = b[k,:] bx = gradient(x0, x1, b0, b1) #Update momentum (explicit update is reset to source values) discharge_ud[k] += 0.5*g*bx*avg_h*avg_h #stage_ud[k] = 0.0 def manning_friction(domain): """Apply (Manning) friction to water momentum """ from math import sqrt w = domain.quantities['stage'].centroid_values z = domain.quantities['elevation'].centroid_values h = w-z uh = domain.quantities['xmomentum'].centroid_values #vh = domain.quantities['ymomentum'].centroid_values eta = domain.quantities['friction'].centroid_values xmom_update = domain.quantities['xmomentum'].semi_implicit_update #ymom_update = domain.quantities['ymomentum'].semi_implicit_update N = domain.number_of_elements eps = domain.minimum_allowed_height g = domain.g for k in range(N): if eta[k] >= eps: if h[k] >= eps: #S = -g * eta[k]**2 * sqrt((uh[k]**2 + vh[k]**2)) S = -g * eta[k]**2 * uh[k] S /= h[k]**(7.0/3) #Update momentum xmom_update[k] += S*uh[k] #ymom_update[k] += S*vh[k] def linear_friction(domain): """Apply linear friction to water momentum Assumes quantity: 'linear_friction' to be present """ from math import sqrt w = domain.quantities['stage'].centroid_values z = domain.quantities['elevation'].centroid_values h = w-z uh = domain.quantities['xmomentum'].centroid_values tau = domain.quantities['linear_friction'].centroid_values xmom_update = domain.quantities['xmomentum'].semi_implicit_update N = domain.number_of_elements eps = domain.minimum_allowed_height for k in range(N): if tau[k] >= eps: if h[k] >= eps: S = -tau[k]/h[k] #Update momentum xmom_update[k] += S*uh[k] def check_forcefield(f): """Check that f is either 1: a callable object f(t,x,y), where x and y are vectors and that it returns an array or a list of same length as x and y 2: a scalar """ from Numeric import ones, Float, array if callable(f): #N = 3 N = 2 #x = ones(3, Float) #y = ones(3, Float) x = ones(2, Float) #y = ones(2, Float) try: #q = f(1.0, x=x, y=y) q = f(1.0, x=x) except Exception, e: msg = 'Function %s could not be executed:\n%s' %(f, e) #FIXME: Reconsider this semantics raise msg try: q = array(q).astype(Float) except: msg = 'Return value from vector function %s could ' %f msg += 'not be converted into a Numeric array of floats.\n' msg += 'Specified function should return either list or array.' raise msg #Is this really what we want? msg = 'Return vector from function %s ' %f msg += 'must have same lenght as input vectors' assert len(q) == N, msg else: try: f = float(f) except: msg = 'Force field %s must be either a scalar' %f msg += ' or a vector function' raise msg return f