import os from math import sqrt, pi, sin, cos from shallow_water_vel_domain import * from Numeric import allclose, array, zeros, ones, Float, take, sqrt from config import g, epsilon def analytic_cannal(C,t): N = len(C) u = zeros(N,Float) ## water velocity h = zeros(N,Float) ## water depth x = C g = 9.81 ## Define Basin Bathymetry z_b = zeros(N,Float) ## elevation of basin z = zeros(N,Float) ## elevation of water surface z_infty = 10.0 ## max equilibrium water depth at lowest point. L_x = 2500.0 ## width of channel A0 = 0.5*L_x ## determines amplitudes of oscillations omega = sqrt(2*g*z_infty)/L_x ## angular frequency of osccilation for i in range(N): z_b[i] = z_infty*(x[i]**2/L_x**2) u[i] = -A0*omega*sin(omega*t) z[i] = z_infty+2*A0*z_infty/L_x*cos(omega*t)*(x[i]/L_x-0.5*A0/(L_x)*cos(omega*t)) h = z-z_b T = 2.0*pi/omega return u,h,z,z_b, T L_x = 2500.0 # Length of channel (m) N = 400 # Number of compuational cells cell_len = 4*L_x/N # Origin = 0.0 points = zeros(N+1,Float) for i in range(N+1): points[i] = -2*L_x +i*cell_len def stage(x): z_infty = 10.0 ## max equilibrium water depth at lowest point. L_x = 2500.0 ## width of channel A0 = 0.5*L_x ## determines amplitudes of oscillations omega = sqrt(2*g*z_infty)/L_x ## angular frequency of osccilation t=0.0 y = zeros(len(x),Float) for i in range(len(x)): y[i] = z_infty+2*A0*z_infty/L_x*cos(omega*t)*(x[i]/L_x-0.5*A0/(L_x)*cos(omega*t)) #y[i] = 12.0 return y def elevation(x): N = len(x) z_infty = 10.0 z = zeros(N,Float) L_x = 2500.0 A0 = 0.5*L_x omega = sqrt(2*g*z_infty)/L_x for i in range(N): z[i] = z_infty*(x[i]**2/L_x**2) return z def height(x): z_infty = 10.0 ## max equilibrium water depth at lowest point. L_x = 2500.0 ## width of channel A0 = 0.5*L_x ## determines amplitudes of oscillations omega = sqrt(2*g*z_infty)/L_x ## angular frequency of osccilation t=0.0 y = zeros(len(x),Float) for i in range(len(x)): y[i] = max(z_infty+2*A0*z_infty/L_x*cos(omega*t)*(x[i]/L_x-0.5*A0/(L_x)*cos(omega*t))-z_infty*(x[i]**2/L_x**2),0.0) return y domain = Domain(points) domain.order = 2 domain.set_timestepping_method('euler') domain.set_CFL(1.0) domain.beta = 1.0 domain.set_limiter("vanleer") domain.set_quantity('stage', stage) domain.set_quantity('elevation',elevation) domain.set_boundary({'exterior': Reflective_boundary(domain)}) X = domain.vertices u,h,z,z_b,T = analytic_cannal(X.flat,domain.time) print 'T = ',T yieldstep = finaltime = 10.0 #T/2.0 StageQ = domain.quantities['stage'].vertex_values XmomQ = domain.quantities['xmomentum'].vertex_values import time t0 = time.time() for t in domain.evolve(yieldstep = yieldstep, finaltime = finaltime): domain.write_time() print "integral", domain.quantities['stage'].get_integral() if t>0.0: x = X.flat print 'domain.time=',domain.time w_V = domain.quantities['stage'].vertex_values.flat uh_V = domain.quantities['xmomentum'].vertex_values.flat u_V = domain.quantities['velocity'].vertex_values.flat h_V = domain.quantities['height'].vertex_values.flat u,h,z,z_b,T = analytic_cannal(x,domain.time) w = z for k in range(len(h)): if h[k] < 0.0: h[k] = 0.0 w[k] = z_b[k] from pylab import plot,title,xlabel,ylabel,legend,savefig,show,hold,subplot hold(False) #print 'size X',X.shape #print 'size w',w.shape signh = (h_V>0) plot1 = subplot(311) #plot(x,w, x,w_V, x,z_b) plot(x,signh) plot1.set_xlim([-6000,6000]) xlabel('Position') ylabel('Stage') legend(('Analytic Solution', 'Numerical Solution', 'Bed'), 'upper center', shadow=True) plot2 = subplot(312) plot(x,u*h,x,uh_V) #plot2.set_ylim([-1,25]) xlabel('Position') ylabel('Xmomentum') print u_V plot3 = subplot(313) plot(x,u, x,u_V) #plot2.set_ylim([-1,25]) xlabel('Position') ylabel('Velocity') show() raw_input("Press the return key!")