"""Class Domain - 1D interval domains for finite-volume computations of the shallow water wave equation. This module contains a specialisation of class Domain from module domain.py consisting of methods specific to the Shallow Water Wave Equation U_t + E_x = S where U = [w, uh] E = [uh, u^2h + gh^2/2] S represents source terms forcing the system (e.g. gravity, friction, wind stress, ...) and _t, _x, _y denote the derivative with respect to t, x and y respectiely. The quantities are symbol variable name explanation x x horizontal distance from origin [m] z elevation elevation of bed on which flow is modelled [m] h height water height above z [m] w stage absolute water level, w = z+h [m] u speed in the x direction [m/s] uh xmomentum momentum in the x direction [m^2/s] eta mannings friction coefficient [to appear] nu wind stress coefficient [to appear] The conserved quantities are w, uh For details see e.g. Christopher Zoppou and Stephen Roberts, Catastrophic Collapse of Water Supply Reservoirs in Urban Areas, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, vol. 127, No. 7 July 1999 John Jakeman, Ole Nielsen, Stephen Roberts, Duncan Gray, Christopher Zoppou Geoscience Australia, 2006 """ import numpy from flow_1d.generic_1d.generic_domain import Generic_domain from sww_boundary_conditions import * from sww_forcing_terms import * #Shallow water domain class Domain(Generic_domain): def __init__(self, coordinates, boundary = None, tagged_elements = None): conserved_quantities = ['stage', 'xmomentum'] evolved_quantities = ['stage', 'xmomentum', 'elevation', 'height', 'velocity'] other_quantities = ['friction'] Generic_domain.__init__(self, coordinates = coordinates, boundary = boundary, conserved_quantities = conserved_quantities, evolved_quantities = evolved_quantities, other_quantities = other_quantities, tagged_elements = tagged_elements) from flow_1d.config import minimum_allowed_height, g, h0 self.minimum_allowed_height = minimum_allowed_height self.g = g self.h0 = h0 #forcing terms self.forcing_terms.append(gravity) #self.forcing_terms.append(manning_friction) #Stored output self.store = True self.format = 'sww' self.smooth = True #Evolve parametrs self.cfl = 1.0 #Reduction operation for get_vertex_values from flow_1d.utilities.util import mean self.reduction = mean #self.reduction = min #Looks better near steep slopes self.quantities_to_be_stored = ['stage','xmomentum'] self.__doc__ = 'shallow_water_domain' def set_quantities_to_be_stored(self, q): """Specify which quantities will be stored in the sww file. q must be either: - the name of a quantity - a list of quantity names - None In the two first cases, the named quantities will be stored at each yieldstep (This is in addition to the quantities elevation and friction) If q is None, storage will be switched off altogether. """ if q is None: self.quantities_to_be_stored = [] self.store = False return if isinstance(q, basestring): q = [q] # Turn argument into a list #Check correcness for quantity_name in q: msg = 'Quantity %s is not a valid conserved quantity' %quantity_name assert quantity_name in self.conserved_quantities, msg self.quantities_to_be_stored = q def check_integrity(self): Generic_Domain.check_integrity(self) #Check that we are solving the shallow water wave equation msg = 'First conserved quantity must be "stage"' assert self.conserved_quantities[0] == 'stage', msg msg = 'Second conserved quantity must be "xmomentum"' assert self.conserved_quantities[1] == 'xmomentum', msg def compute_fluxes(self): #Call correct module function #(either from this module or C-extension) import sys timestep = float(sys.maxint) stage = self.quantities['stage'] xmom = self.quantities['xmomentum'] bed = self.quantities['elevation'] height = self.quantities['height'] velocity = self.quantities['velocity'] from sww_comp_flux_ext import compute_fluxes_ext_short #self.flux_timestep = compute_fluxes_ext(timestep,self,stage,xmom,bed,height,velocity) self.flux_timestep = compute_fluxes_ext_short(timestep,self,stage,xmom,bed) def distribute_to_vertices_and_edges(self): #Call correct module function #(either from this module or C-extension) distribute_to_vertices_and_edges(self) def evolve(self, yieldstep = None, finaltime = None, duration = None, skip_initial_step = False): """Specialisation of basic evolve method from parent class """ #Call basic machinery from parent class for t in Generic_domain.evolve(self, yieldstep, finaltime,duration, skip_initial_step): #Pass control on to outer loop for more specific actions yield(t) def initialise_storage(self): """Create and initialise self.writer object for storing data. Also, save x and bed elevation """ import data_manager #Initialise writer self.writer = data_manager.get_dataobject(self, mode = 'w') #Store vertices and connectivity self.writer.store_connectivity() def store_timestep(self, name): """Store named quantity and time. Precondition: self.write has been initialised """ self.writer.store_timestep(name) #=============== End of Shallow Water Domain =============================== # Module functions for gradient limiting (distribute_to_vertices_and_edges) def distribute_to_vertices_and_edges(domain): """Distribution from centroids to vertices specific to the shallow water wave equation. It will ensure that h (w-z) is always non-negative even in the presence of steep bed-slopes by taking a weighted average between shallow and deep cases. In addition, all conserved quantities get distributed as per either a constant (order==1) or a piecewise linear function (order==2). FIXME: more explanation about removal of artificial variability etc Precondition: All quantities defined at centroids and bed elevation defined at vertices. Postcondition Conserved quantities defined at vertices """ #from config import optimised_gradient_limiter #Remove very thin layers of water #protect_against_infinitesimal_and_negative_heights(domain) import sys from config import epsilon, h0 N = domain.number_of_elements #Shortcuts Stage = domain.quantities['stage'] Xmom = domain.quantities['xmomentum'] Bed = domain.quantities['elevation'] Height = domain.quantities['height'] Velocity = domain.quantities['velocity'] #Arrays w_C = Stage.centroid_values uh_C = Xmom.centroid_values z_C = Bed.centroid_values h_C = Height.centroid_values u_C = Velocity.centroid_values #print id(h_C) #FIXME replace with numpy.where for i in range(N): h_C[i] = w_C[i] - z_C[i] if h_C[i] <= 0.0: #print 'h_C[%d]= %15.5e\n' % (i,h_C[i]) h_C[i] = 1.0e-15 w_C[i] = z_C[i] uh_C[i] = 0.0 ## for i in range(len(h_C)): ## if h_C[i] < epsilon: ## u_C[i] = 0.0 #Could have been negative ## h_C[i] = 0.0 ## else: u_C[:,] = uh_C/(h_C + h0/h_C) for name in [ 'velocity', 'stage' ]: Q = domain.quantities[name] if domain.order == 1: Q.extrapolate_first_order() elif domain.order == 2: #print "add extrapolate second order to shallow water" #if name != 'height': Q.extrapolate_second_order() #Q.limit() else: raise 'Unknown order' stage_V = domain.quantities['stage'].vertex_values bed_V = domain.quantities['elevation'].vertex_values h_V = domain.quantities['height'].vertex_values u_V = domain.quantities['velocity'].vertex_values xmom_V = domain.quantities['xmomentum'].vertex_values h_V[:,:] = stage_V - bed_V for i in range(len(h_C)): for j in range(2): if h_V[i,j] < 0.0 : #print 'h_V[%d,%d] = %f \n' % (i,j,h_V[i,j]) dh = h_V[i,j] h_V[i,j] = 0.0 stage_V[i,j] = bed_V[i,j] h_V[i,(j+1)%2] = h_V[i,(j+1)%2] + dh stage_V[i,(j+1)%2] = stage_V[i,(j+1)%2] + dh xmom_V[:,:] = u_V * h_V return # # def protect_against_infinitesimal_and_negative_heights(domain): """Protect against infinitesimal heights and associated high velocities """ #Shortcuts wc = domain.quantities['stage'].centroid_values zc = domain.quantities['elevation'].centroid_values xmomc = domain.quantities['xmomentum'].centroid_values hc = wc - zc #Water depths at centroids zv = domain.quantities['elevation'].vertex_values wv = domain.quantities['stage'].vertex_values hv = wv-zv xmomv = domain.quantities['xmomentum'].vertex_values #remove the above two lines and corresponding code below #Update #FIXME replace with numpy.where for k in range(domain.number_of_elements): if hc[k] < domain.minimum_allowed_height: #Control stage if hc[k] < domain.epsilon: wc[k] = zc[k] # Contain 'lost mass' error wv[k,0] = zv[k,0] wv[k,1] = zv[k,1] xmomc[k] = 0.0 #N = domain.number_of_elements #if (k == 0) | (k==N-1): # wc[k] = zc[k] # Contain 'lost mass' error # wv[k,0] = zv[k,0] # wv[k,1] = zv[k,1] def h_limiter(domain): """Limit slopes for each volume to eliminate artificial variance introduced by e.g. second order extrapolator limit on h = w-z This limiter depends on two quantities (w,z) so it resides within this module rather than within quantity.py """ N = domain.number_of_elements beta_h = domain.beta_h #Shortcuts wc = domain.quantities['stage'].centroid_values zc = domain.quantities['elevation'].centroid_values hc = wc - zc wv = domain.quantities['stage'].vertex_values zv = domain.quantities['elevation'].vertex_values hv = wv-zv hvbar = zeros(hv.shape, numpy.float) #h-limited values #Find min and max of this and neighbour's centroid values hmax = zeros(hc.shape, numpy.float) hmin = zeros(hc.shape, numpy.float) for k in range(N): hmax[k] = hmin[k] = hc[k] #for i in range(3): for i in range(2): n = domain.neighbours[k,i] if n >= 0: hn = hc[n] #Neighbour's centroid value hmin[k] = min(hmin[k], hn) hmax[k] = max(hmax[k], hn) #Diffences between centroids and maxima/minima dhmax = hmax - hc dhmin = hmin - hc #Deltas between vertex and centroid values dh = zeros(hv.shape, numpy.float) #for i in range(3): for i in range(2): dh[:,i] = hv[:,i] - hc #Phi limiter for k in range(N): #Find the gradient limiter (phi) across vertices phi = 1.0 #for i in range(3): for i in range(2): r = 1.0 if (dh[k,i] > 0): r = dhmax[k]/dh[k,i] if (dh[k,i] < 0): r = dhmin[k]/dh[k,i] phi = min( min(r*beta_h, 1), phi ) #Then update using phi limiter #for i in range(3): for i in range(2): hvbar[k,i] = hc[k] + phi*dh[k,i] return hvbar def balance_deep_and_shallow(domain): """Compute linear combination between stage as computed by gradient-limiters limiting using w, and stage computed by gradient-limiters limiting using h (h-limiter). The former takes precedence when heights are large compared to the bed slope while the latter takes precedence when heights are relatively small. Anything in between is computed as a balanced linear combination in order to avoid numpyal disturbances which would otherwise appear as a result of hard switching between modes. The h-limiter is always applied irrespective of the order. """ #Shortcuts wc = domain.quantities['stage'].centroid_values zc = domain.quantities['elevation'].centroid_values hc = wc - zc wv = domain.quantities['stage'].vertex_values zv = domain.quantities['elevation'].vertex_values hv = wv-zv #Limit h hvbar = h_limiter(domain) for k in range(domain.number_of_elements): #Compute maximal variation in bed elevation # This quantitiy is # dz = max_i abs(z_i - z_c) # and it is independent of dimension # In the 1d case zc = (z0+z1)/2 # In the 2d case zc = (z0+z1+z2)/3 dz = max(abs(zv[k,0]-zc[k]), abs(zv[k,1]-zc[k]))#, # abs(zv[k,2]-zc[k])) hmin = min( hv[k,:] ) #Create alpha in [0,1], where alpha==0 means using the h-limited #stage and alpha==1 means using the w-limited stage as #computed by the gradient limiter (both 1st or 2nd order) #If hmin > dz/2 then alpha = 1 and the bed will have no effect #If hmin < 0 then alpha = 0 reverting to constant height above bed. if dz > 0.0: alpha = max( min( 2*hmin/dz, 1.0), 0.0 ) else: #Flat bed alpha = 1.0 alpha = 0.0 #Let # # wvi be the w-limited stage (wvi = zvi + hvi) # wvi- be the h-limited state (wvi- = zvi + hvi-) # # #where i=0,1,2 denotes the vertex ids # #Weighted balance between w-limited and h-limited stage is # # wvi := (1-alpha)*(zvi+hvi-) + alpha*(zvi+hvi) # #It follows that the updated wvi is # wvi := zvi + (1-alpha)*hvi- + alpha*hvi # # Momentum is balanced between constant and limited #for i in range(3): # wv[k,i] = zv[k,i] + hvbar[k,i] #return if alpha < 1: #for i in range(3): for i in range(2): wv[k,i] = zv[k,i] + (1.0-alpha)*hvbar[k,i] + alpha*hv[k,i] #Momentums at centroids xmomc = domain.quantities['xmomentum'].centroid_values # ymomc = domain.quantities['ymomentum'].centroid_values #Momentums at vertices xmomv = domain.quantities['xmomentum'].vertex_values # ymomv = domain.quantities['ymomentum'].vertex_values # Update momentum as a linear combination of # xmomc and ymomc (shallow) and momentum # from extrapolator xmomv and ymomv (deep). xmomv[k,:] = (1.0-alpha)*xmomc[k] + alpha*xmomv[k,:] # ymomv[k,:] = (1-alpha)*ymomc[k] + alpha*ymomv[k,:]