# -*- coding: cp1252 -*- """Common filenames and locations for topographic data, meshes and outputs. """ from os import sep, environ, getenv, getcwd from os.path import expanduser import sys from time import localtime, strftime, gmtime from anuga.utilities.polygon import read_polygon, plot_polygons, polygon_area, is_inside_polygon if sys.platform == 'win32': home = getenv('INUNDATIONHOME') user = getenv('USERPROFILE') else: home = getenv('INUNDATIONHOME', sep+'d'+sep+'xrd'+sep+'gem'+sep+'2'+sep+'ramp'+sep+'risk_assessment_methods_project'+sep+'inundation') user = getenv('LOGNAME') print 'USER:', user ################################################################### # Slide characteristics ################################################################### # historical slides slide_origin_bulli = [370110,6189489] slide_origin_shovel = [354753,6187397] #slide_origin_yacaaba = [463012,6334735] original work was actually Birubi slide_origin_yacaaba = [476465, 6362424] slide_origin_birubi = [462267,6335100] # potential slides: these correspond approximately to modelled depths slide_origin_bulli_b = [405617,6249852] slide_origin_bulli_c0 = [438583,6308510] slide_origin_bulli_c1 = [465283,6335210] slide_origin_bulli_c2 = [483783,6358810] slide_origin_shovel_b = [396262,6252144] slide_origin_shovel_c0 = [431683,6311110] slide_origin_shovel_c1 = [458694,6340352] slide_origin_shovel_c2 = [475589,6363030] slide_origin_yacaaba_a = [359796,6190943] slide_origin_yacaaba_b = [397330,6251857] slide_origin_yacaaba_c0 = [431283,6312110] slide_origin_yacaaba_c1 = [459983,6339110] slide_origin_birubi_a = [362811,6191183] slide_origin_birubi_b = [403573,6250268] slide_origin_birubi_c0 = [437183,6309410] slide_origin_birubi_c2 = [483392,6359044] #bulli_depth = 2087.0 bulli_depth = 1470.0 bulli_length = 16840.0 bulli_thickness = 424.0 bulli_width = 8860.0 bulli_density = 1.46 bulli_slope = 4.0 bulli_alpha = 126.0 - 90.0 #shovel_depth = 968.0 shovel_depth = 877.0 shovel_length = 13500.0 shovel_thickness = 165.0 shovel_width = 4350.0 shovel_density = 1.49 shovel_slope = 4.0 shovel_alpha = 118.0 - 90.0 #yacaaba_depth = 1119.0 yacaaba_depth = 938. yacaaba_length = 4189. yacaaba_thickness = 53. yacaaba_width = 2898. yacaaba_density = 1.48 yacaaba_slope = 2.3 yacaaba_alpha = 133.0 - 90.0 birubi_depth = 1320. birubi_length = 9903.0 birubi_width = 4150. birubi_density = 1.48 birubi_slope = 3.7 birubi_alpha = 133.0 - 90.0 birubi_thickness = 140.