"""Read in sww file, interpolate at specified locations and plot time series Additionally, store augmented building database with max inundation depths """ import project from anuga.pyvolution.util import file_function from anuga.pyvolution.coordinate_transforms.redfearn import degminsec2decimal_degrees, redfearn from pylab import * plot = False swwfile = project.outputname + '.sww' def get_gauges_from_file(filename): fid = open(filename) lines = fid.readlines() fid.close() gauges = [] gaugelocation = [] for line in lines[1:]: fields = line.split(',') location = fields[0] easting = float(fields[1]) northing = float(fields[2]) gauges.append([easting, northing]) gaugelocation.append(location) #Return gauges and raw data for subsequent storage return gauges, lines, gaugelocation gauges, lines, locations = get_gauges_from_file(project.gauge_filename) #Read model output quantities = ['stage', 'elevation', 'xmomentum', 'ymomentum'] f = file_function(swwfile, quantities = quantities, interpolation_points = gauges, verbose = True, use_cache = True) lines[0] = lines[0].strip() +\ ',MAX INUNDATION DEPTH (m)' +\ ',MAX MOMENTUM (m^2/s)\n' from math import sqrt N = len(gauges) for k, g in enumerate(gauges): if k%((N+10)/10)==0: print 'Doing row %d of %d' %(k, N) model_time = [] stages = [] elevations = [] momenta = [] max_depth = 0 max_momentum = 0 for i, t in enumerate(f.T): w = f(t, point_id = k)[0] z = f(t, point_id = k)[1] uh = f(t, point_id = k)[2] vh = f(t, point_id = k)[3] m = sqrt(uh*uh + vh*vh) #Absolute momentum model_time.append(t) stages.append(w) elevations.append(z) #Should be constant over time momenta.append(m) if w-z > max_depth: max_depth = w-z if m > max_momentum: max_momentum = m #Augment building data lines[k+1] = lines[k+1].strip() +\ ',%f' %max_depth +\ ',%f\n' %max_momentum print lines[k] #Store new building file with mak depths added #FN = 'inundation_augmented_' + project.gauge_filename FN = project.gauge_outname fid = open(FN, 'w') for line in lines: fid.write(line) fid.close()