1 | #!/usr/bin/env python |
2 | # Test a run of the sequential shallow water domain against |
3 | # a run of the parallel shallow water domain. |
4 | # WARNING: This assumes that the command to run jobs is mpirun. |
5 | # Tested with MPICH. |
6 | |
7 | #mesh_filename = "test-100.tsh" |
8 | mesh_filename= "merimbula_10785_1.tsh" |
9 | yieldstep = 1 |
10 | finaltime = 90 |
11 | quantity = 'stage' |
12 | nprocs = 8 |
13 | |
14 | import unittest |
15 | import os |
16 | import sys |
17 | import print_stats |
18 | import pypar |
19 | |
20 | from Numeric import array, zeros, Float, take, nonzero |
21 | from anuga.pyvolution.shallow_water import Domain |
22 | from anuga.pyvolution.shallow_water import Reflective_boundary as sw_reflective_boundary |
23 | from anuga.pyvolution.shallow_water import Transmissive_boundary as sw_transmissive_boundary |
24 | from parallel_shallow_water import Parallel_Domain |
25 | from parallel_shallow_water import Reflective_boundary as par_reflective_boundary |
26 | from parallel_shallow_water import Transmissive_boundary as par_transmissive_boundary |
27 | from anuga.pyvolution.pmesh2domain import pmesh_to_domain_instance |
28 | from anuga.utilities.norms import * |
29 | from anuga.utilities.util_ext import double_precision |
30 | from print_stats import print_test_stats, build_full_flag |
31 | from pmesh_divide import pmesh_divide_metis |
32 | from build_submesh import build_submesh |
33 | from build_local import build_local_mesh |
34 | from build_commun import send_submesh, rec_submesh, extract_hostmesh |
35 | |
36 | class Set_Stage: |
37 | """Set an initial condition with constant water height, for x<x0 |
38 | """ |
39 | |
40 | def __init__(self, x0=0.25, x1=0.5, h=1.0): |
41 | self.x0 = x0 |
42 | self.x1 = x1 |
43 | self.h = h |
44 | |
45 | def __call__(self, x, y): |
46 | return self.h*((x>self.x0)&(x<self.x1)) |
47 | |
48 | sys.path.append(".." + os.sep + "pyvolution") |
49 | |
50 | def parallel_test(): |
51 | myid = pypar.rank() |
52 | numprocs = pypar.size() |
53 | proc_name = pypar.Get_processor_name() |
54 | |
55 | rect = zeros(4,Float) # Buffer for results |
56 | if myid == 0: |
57 | # Partition |
58 | domain_full = pmesh_to_domain_instance(mesh_filename, Domain) |
59 | rect = array(domain_full.xy_extent, Float) |
60 | |
61 | domain_full.set_quantity('stage', Set_Stage(756000.0, 756500.0, 2.0)) |
62 | #domain_full.set_quantity('stage', Set_Stage(200.0,300.0,1.0)) |
63 | domain_full.check_integrity() |
64 | domain_full.smooth = False |
65 | domain_full.reduction = min |
66 | domain_full.checkpoint = False |
67 | domain_full.visualise = False |
68 | |
69 | nodes, triangles, boundary, triangles_per_proc, quantities = \ |
70 | pmesh_divide_metis(domain_full, numprocs) |
71 | |
72 | submesh = build_submesh(nodes, triangles, boundary,\ |
73 | quantities, triangles_per_proc) |
74 | |
75 | for p in range(1, numprocs): |
76 | send_submesh(submesh, triangles_per_proc, p) |
77 | |
78 | points, vertices, boundary, quantities, ghost_recv_dict, full_send_dict = \ |
79 | extract_hostmesh(submesh, triangles_per_proc) |
80 | |
81 | else: |
82 | points, vertices, boundary, quantities, ghost_recv_dict, full_send_dict = \ |
83 | rec_submesh(0) |
84 | |
85 | pypar.broadcast(rect, 0) |
86 | domain = Parallel_Domain(points, vertices, boundary, |
87 | full_send_dict = full_send_dict, |
88 | ghost_recv_dict = ghost_recv_dict) |
89 | tri_full_flag = build_full_flag(domain, ghost_recv_dict) |
90 | |
91 | domain.default_order = 1 |
92 | R = par_reflective_boundary(domain) |
93 | domain.set_boundary({'outflow' : R, 'inflow' : R, 'inner' : R, 'exterior' : R, 'open' : R, 'ghost' : None}) |
94 | domain.set_quantity('stage', quantities['stage']) |
95 | domain.set_quantity('elevation', quantities['elevation']) |
96 | domain.store = False |
97 | |
98 | l1list = [] |
99 | l2list = [] |
100 | linflist = [] |
101 | l1norm = zeros(3, Float) |
102 | l2norm = zeros(3, Float) |
103 | linfnorm = zeros(3, Float) |
104 | recv_norm = zeros(3, Float) |
105 | # Evolution |
106 | for t in domain.evolve(yieldstep = yieldstep, finaltime = finaltime): |
107 | edges = take(domain.quantities[quantity].edge_values, nonzero(tri_full_flag)) |
108 | l1norm[0] = l1_norm(edges[:, 0]) |
109 | l1norm[1] = l1_norm(edges[:, 1]) |
110 | l1norm[2] = l1_norm(edges[:, 2]) |
111 | l2norm[0] = pow(l2_norm(edges[:,0]), 2) |
112 | l2norm[1] = pow(l2_norm(edges[:,1]), 2) |
113 | l2norm[2] = pow(l2_norm(edges[:,2]), 2) |
114 | linfnorm[0] = linf_norm(edges[:,0]) |
115 | linfnorm[1] = linf_norm(edges[:,1]) |
116 | linfnorm[2] = linf_norm(edges[:,2]) |
117 | if myid == 0: |
118 | domain.write_time() |
119 | for p in range(1, numprocs): |
120 | pypar.receive(p, recv_norm) |
121 | l1norm += recv_norm |
122 | pypar.receive(p, recv_norm) |
123 | l2norm += recv_norm |
124 | pypar.receive(p, recv_norm) |
125 | linfnorm[0] = max(linfnorm[0], recv_norm[0]) |
126 | linfnorm[1] = max(linfnorm[1], recv_norm[1]) |
127 | linfnorm[2] = max(linfnorm[2], recv_norm[2]) |
128 | l1list.append(l1norm) |
129 | l2norm[0] = pow(l2norm[0], 0.5) |
130 | l2norm[1] = pow(l2norm[1], 0.5) |
131 | l2norm[2] = pow(l2norm[2], 0.5) |
132 | l2list.append(l2norm) |
133 | linflist.append(linfnorm) |
134 | else: |
135 | pypar.send(l1norm, 0) |
136 | pypar.send(l2norm, 0) |
137 | pypar.send(linfnorm, 0) |
138 | return (l1list, l2list, linflist) |
139 | |
140 | def sequential_test(): |
141 | domain_full = pmesh_to_domain_instance(mesh_filename, Domain) |
142 | |
143 | domain_full.set_quantity('stage', Set_Stage(756000.0, 756500.0, 2.0)) |
144 | domain_full.check_integrity() |
145 | domain_full.default_order = 1 |
146 | domain_full.smooth = False |
147 | domain_full.reduction = min |
148 | domain_full.store = False |
149 | domain_full.checkpoint = False |
150 | domain_full.visualise = False |
151 | R = sw_reflective_boundary(domain_full) |
152 | domain_full.set_boundary({'outflow' : R, 'inflow' : R, 'inner' : R, 'exterior' : R, 'open' : R}) |
153 | l1list = [] |
154 | l2list = [] |
155 | linflist = [] |
156 | l1norm = zeros(3, Float) |
157 | l2norm = zeros(3, Float) |
158 | linfnorm = zeros(3, Float) |
159 | for t in domain_full.evolve(yieldstep = yieldstep, finaltime = finaltime): |
160 | domain_full.write_time() |
161 | edge = domain_full.quantities[quantity].edge_values |
162 | l1norm[0] = l1_norm(edge[:,0]) |
163 | l1norm[1] = l1_norm(edge[:,1]) |
164 | l1norm[2] = l1_norm(edge[:,2]) |
165 | l2norm[0] = l2_norm(edge[:,0]) |
166 | l2norm[1] = l2_norm(edge[:,1]) |
167 | l2norm[2] = l2_norm(edge[:,2]) |
168 | linfnorm[0] = linf_norm(edge[:,0]) |
169 | linfnorm[1] = linf_norm(edge[:,1]) |
170 | linfnorm[2] = linf_norm(edge[:,2]) |
171 | l1list.append(l1norm) |
172 | l2list.append(l2norm) |
173 | linflist.append(linfnorm) |
174 | return (l1list, l2list, linflist) |
175 | |
176 | # Test an 8-way run of the shallow water equations |
177 | # against the sequential code. |
178 | |
179 | class Test_Parallel_Sw(unittest.TestCase): |
180 | def testParallelSw(self): |
181 | print "Expect this test to fail if not run from the parallel directory." |
182 | result = os.system("mpirun -np %d python test_parallel_sw.py" % nprocs) |
183 | assert_(result == 0) |
184 | |
185 | # Because we are doing assertions outside of the TestCase class |
186 | # the PyUnit defined assert_ function can't be used. |
187 | def assert_(condition, msg="Assertion Failed"): |
188 | if condition == False: |
189 | pypar.finalize() |
190 | raise AssertionError, msg |
191 | |
192 | if __name__=="__main__": |
193 | if pypar.size() == 1: |
194 | runner = unittest.TextTestRunner() |
195 | suite = unittest.makeSuite(Test_Parallel_Sw, 'test') |
196 | runner.run(suite) |
197 | else: |
198 | if pypar.rank() == 0: |
199 | l1norm_seq, l2norm_seq, linfnorm_seq = sequential_test() |
200 | l1norm_par, l2norm_par, linfnorm_par = parallel_test() |
201 | if pypar.rank() == 0: |
202 | assert_(len(l1norm_seq) == len(l1norm_par)) |
203 | assert_(len(l2norm_seq) == len(l2norm_par)) |
204 | assert_(len(linfnorm_seq) == len(linfnorm_par)) |
205 | assert_(len(l1norm_seq) == len(l2norm_seq)) |
206 | assert_(len(l2norm_seq) == len(linfnorm_seq)) |
207 | # Anything smaller than tol we consider to be 0. |
208 | # This usualy comes out to be 10^-14 (DBL_DIG = 10^-15) |
209 | # * 10 to cater for rounding error in computation. |
210 | tol = pow(10, -1 * (double_precision() - 1)) |
211 | for x in range(len(l1norm_seq)): |
212 | for y in range(3): |
213 | # Calculate relative difference in the norms |
214 | assert_(abs(l1norm_seq[x][y] - l1norm_par[x][y])/l1norm_seq[x][y] < tol) |
215 | assert_(abs(l2norm_seq[x][y] - l2norm_par[x][y])/l2norm_seq[x][y] < tol) |
216 | assert_(abs(linfnorm_seq[x][y] - linfnorm_par[x][y])/linfnorm_seq[x][y] < tol) |
217 | if x > 0: |
218 | # Verify that the quantity is being conserved across iterations. |
219 | assert_(abs(l1norm_seq[x][y] - l1norm_seq[x-1][y]) < tol) |
220 | assert_(abs(l2norm_seq[x][y] - l2norm_seq[x-1][y]) < tol) |
221 | assert_(abs(linfnorm_seq[x][y] - linfnorm_seq[x-1][y]) < tol) |
222 | assert_(abs(l1norm_par[x][y] - l1norm_par[x-1][y]) < tol) |
223 | assert_(abs(l2norm_par[x][y] - l2norm_par[x-1][y]) < tol) |
224 | assert_(abs(linfnorm_par[x][y] - linfnorm_par[x-1][y]) < tol) |
225 | pypar.finalize() |
226 | |