/* * Copyright 1997, Regents of the University of Minnesota * * util.c * * This function contains various utility routines * * Started 9/28/95 * George * * $Id: util.c,v 1.1 1998/11/27 17:59:32 karypis Exp $ */ #include /************************************************************************* * This function prints an error message and exits **************************************************************************/ void errexit(char *f_str,...) { va_list argp; char out1[256], out2[256]; va_start(argp, f_str); vsprintf(out1, f_str, argp); va_end(argp); sprintf(out2, "Error! %s", out1); fprintf(stdout, out2); fflush(stdout); abort(); } #ifndef DMALLOC /************************************************************************* * The following function allocates an array of integers **************************************************************************/ int *imalloc(int n, char *msg) { if (n == 0) return NULL; return (int *)GKmalloc(sizeof(int)*n, msg); } /************************************************************************* * The following function allocates an array of integers **************************************************************************/ idxtype *idxmalloc(int n, char *msg) { if (n == 0) return NULL; return (idxtype *)GKmalloc(sizeof(idxtype)*n, msg); } /************************************************************************* * The following function allocates an array of float **************************************************************************/ float *fmalloc(int n, char *msg) { if (n == 0) return NULL; return (float *)GKmalloc(sizeof(float)*n, msg); } /************************************************************************* * The follwoing function allocates an array of integers **************************************************************************/ int *ismalloc(int n, int ival, char *msg) { if (n == 0) return NULL; return iset(n, ival, (int *)GKmalloc(sizeof(int)*n, msg)); } /************************************************************************* * The follwoing function allocates an array of integers **************************************************************************/ idxtype *idxsmalloc(int n, idxtype ival, char *msg) { if (n == 0) return NULL; return idxset(n, ival, (idxtype *)GKmalloc(sizeof(idxtype)*n, msg)); } /************************************************************************* * This function is my wrapper around malloc **************************************************************************/ void *GKmalloc(int nbytes, char *msg) { void *ptr; if (nbytes == 0) return NULL; ptr = (void *)malloc(nbytes); if (ptr == NULL) errexit("***Memory allocation failed for %s. Requested size: %d bytes", msg, nbytes); return ptr; } #endif /************************************************************************* * This function is my wrapper around free, allows multiple pointers **************************************************************************/ void GKfree(void **ptr1,...) { va_list plist; void **ptr; if (*ptr1 != NULL) free(*ptr1); *ptr1 = NULL; va_start(plist, ptr1); /* while ((int)(ptr = va_arg(plist, void **)) != -1) { */ while ((ptr = va_arg(plist, void **)) != LTERM) { if (*ptr != NULL) free(*ptr); *ptr = NULL; } va_end(plist); } /************************************************************************* * These functions set the values of a vector **************************************************************************/ int *iset(int n, int val, int *x) { int i; for (i=0; i x[max] ? i : max); return max; } /************************************************************************* * These functions return the index of the maximum element in a vector **************************************************************************/ int idxamax(int n, idxtype *x) { int i, max=0; for (i=1; i x[max] ? i : max); return max; } /************************************************************************* * These functions return the index of the maximum element in a vector **************************************************************************/ int idxamax_strd(int n, idxtype *x, int incx) { int i, max=0; n *= incx; for (i=incx; i x[max] ? i : max); return max/incx; } /************************************************************************* * These functions return the index of the maximum element in a vector **************************************************************************/ int samax(int n, float *x) { int i, max=0; for (i=1; i x[max] ? i : max); return max; } /************************************************************************* * These functions return the index of the almost maximum element in a vector **************************************************************************/ int samax2(int n, float *x) { int i, max1, max2; if (x[0] > x[1]) { max1 = 0; max2 = 1; } else { max1 = 1; max2 = 0; } for (i=2; i x[max1]) { max2 = max1; max1 = i; } else if (x[i] > x[max2]) max2 = i; } return max2; } /************************************************************************* * These functions return the index of the minimum element in a vector **************************************************************************/ int idxamin(int n, idxtype *x) { int i, min=0; for (i=1; i=0; n--) y[n] += x[n]; } /************************************************************************* * This function sums the entries in an array **************************************************************************/ int charsum(int n, char *x) { int i, sum = 0; for (i=0; i>1); return (a > 1 ? 0 : 1); } /************************************************************************* * This function initializes the random number generator **************************************************************************/ void InitRandom(int seed) { if (seed == -1) { #ifndef __VC__ srand48(7654321L); #endif srand(4321); } else { #ifndef __VC__ srand48(seed); #endif srand(seed); } } /************************************************************************* * This function returns the log2(x) **************************************************************************/ int log2(int a) { int i; for (i=1; a > 1; i++, a = a>>1); return i-1; }