"""Create several realisations of bathymetries for use with run_model. This script will create a number of random samples of the input bathymetry and then fit all of them to arrays that can be used in set_quantity inside run_model. The reason for this is that doing all fits in one sweep saves computation time """ from RandomArray import normal, seed from Numeric import concatenate, NewAxis import cPickle from load_mesh.loadASCII import import_points_file, import_mesh_file from anuga.pyvolution.least_squares import fit_to_mesh import project bathymetry_filename = project.bathymetry_filename mesh_filename = project.working_dir + project.mesh_filename # Read mesh mesh_dict = import_mesh_file(mesh_filename) vertex_coordinates = mesh_dict['vertices'] triangles = mesh_dict['triangles'] # Read basic bathymetry from NetCDF .pts file print 'Reading bathymetry' base_bathymetry = import_points_file(bathymetry_filename) # Extract relevant Numeric arrays print 'Extract bathymetry' point_coordinates = base_bathymetry['pointlist'] elevation = base_bathymetry['attributelist']['elevation'] N = len(elevation) print 'read', N, 'points:' + 'z in [%f, %f]' %(min(elevation), max(elevation)) # Create different bathymetries based on sampling (Suresh to fill this in) print 'Create different realisations' Z = None block_number = 0 seed(13,17) for n in range(project.number_of_realisations): print 'Creating sample #%d' %n # nth realisation of bathymetry if n == 0: z = elevation # Keep the first realisation as original else: z = elevation + normal(project.mean, project.std_dev, N) #Concatenate into array with each realisation a column if Z is None: Z = z[:, NewAxis] # The first realisation of this block else: Z = concatenate((Z, z[:, NewAxis]), axis=1) if (n+1)%project.blocksize == 0 or n == project.number_of_realisations-1: #Fit all of them to computational mesh print 'fit block %d to the mesh' %block_number V = fit_to_mesh(vertex_coordinates, triangles, point_coordinates, Z, alpha = 0.0001, verbose = True, expand_search = True, precrop = True, use_cache = False) Z = None #Store this block for use with model print 'Store fitted quantities in block %d for use with model'\ %block_number filename = project.working_dir + project.basename +\ '_block%d.pck' %block_number block_number += 1 fid = open(filename, 'wb') cPickle.dump(V, fid) fid.close()