"""Common filenames and locations for topographic data, meshes and outputs. Also includes origin for slump scenario. """ from os import sep, environ, getenv, getcwd from os.path import expanduser, basename #from anuga.utilities.polygon import read_polygon import sys from anuga.coordinate_transforms.redfearn import degminsec2decimal_degrees from time import localtime, strftime from anuga.geospatial_data.geospatial_data import * #Making assumptions about the location of scenario data state = 'western_australia' scenario_dir_name = 'pt_hedland_tsunami_scenario_2006' # onshore data from 30m DTED level 2 onshore_name_dted = 'pt_hedland_onshore_30m_dted' # get from Neil/Ingo (DEM or topo data) onshore_name_dli = 'pt_hedland_onshore_20m_dli' # get from Neil/Ingo (DEM or topo data) # offshore data from GA digitised charts offshore_name1 = 'pt_hedland_offshore_points_orig' # offshore data from AHO fairsheets offshore_name2 = 'pt_hedland_offshore_points_fairsheet_orig' # coastline developed from aerial photography and 1.5m DLI contour #coast_name = 'pt_hedland_coastline_points_dted2_new' coast_name = 'coast_with_extracted_z' boundary_basename = 'SU-AU_clip' #swollen/ all data output basename = 'source' codename = 'project.py' if sys.platform == 'win32': home = getenv('INUNDATIONHOME') #Sandpit's parent dir # python_home = getenv('PWD') user = getenv('USERPROFILE') #print 'USER:', user else: # original #home = getenv('INUNDATIONHOME', sep+'d'+sep+'cit'+sep+'1'+sep+'cit'+sep+'risk_assessment_methods_project'+sep+'inundation') # update to perlite 2 home = getenv('INUNDATIONHOME', sep+'d'+sep+'cit'+sep+'2'+sep+'cit'+sep+'inundation'+sep+'data') user = getenv('LOGNAME') # INUNDATIONHOME is the inundation directory, not the data directory. home += sep +'data' #Derive subdirectories and filenames time = strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S',localtime()) #gets time for new dir outputtimedir = time+sep #print 'outputtimedir', outputtimedir #meshdir = home+sep+scenario_dir_name+sep+'meshes'+sep #datadir = home+sep+scenario_dir_name+sep+'topographies'+sep #gaugedir = home+sep+scenario_dir_name+sep+'gauges'+sep #polygondir = home+sep+scenario_dir_name+sep+'polygons'+sep #boundarydir = home+sep+scenario_dir_name+sep+'boundaries'+sep #outputdir = home+sep+scenario_dir_name+sep+'outputs'+sep #tidedir = home+sep+scenario_dir_name+sep+'tide_data'+sep meshdir = home+sep+state+sep+scenario_dir_name+sep+'anuga'+sep+'meshes'+sep datadir = home+sep+state+sep+scenario_dir_name+sep+'anuga'+sep+'topographies'+sep gaugedir = home+sep+state+sep+scenario_dir_name+sep+'anuga'+sep+'gauges'+sep polygondir = home+sep+state+sep+scenario_dir_name+sep+'anuga'+sep+'polygons'+sep boundarydir = home+sep+state+sep+scenario_dir_name+sep+'anuga'+sep+'boundaries'+sep outputdir = home+sep+state+sep+scenario_dir_name+sep+'anuga'+sep+'outputs'+sep tidedir = home+sep+state+sep+scenario_dir_name+sep+'anuga'+sep+'tide_data'+sep gauge_filename = gaugedir + 'gauge_location_port_hedland.csv' gauge_checking = gaugedir + 'gauge_checking_test.csv' buildings_filename = gaugedir + 'pt_hedland_res.csv' buildings_filename_out = 'pt_hedland_res_modified.csv' buildings_filename_damage_out = 'pt_hedland_res_modified_damage.csv' community_filename = gaugedir + 'CHINS_v2.csv' community_scenario = gaugedir + 'community_pt_hedland.csv' tidal_filename = tidedir + 'pt_hedland_tide.txt' meshname = outputtimedir + basename+time mesh_elevname = outputtimedir + basename+time+'_elev' #onshore_dem_name = datadir + onshore_name_dted onshore_dem_name = datadir + onshore_name_dli offshore_dem_name1 = datadir + offshore_name1 offshore_dem_name2 = datadir + offshore_name2 coast_dem_name = datadir + coast_name combined_dem_name = 'pt_hedland_combined_elevation' outputname = outputtimedir + basename #Used by post processing # clipping region to make DEM (pts file) from onshore data eastingmin = 594000 eastingmax = 715000 northingmin = 7720000 northingmax = 7880000 # for ferret2sww south = degminsec2decimal_degrees(-20,30,0) north = degminsec2decimal_degrees(-17,10,0) west = degminsec2decimal_degrees(117,00,0) east = degminsec2decimal_degrees(120,00,0) # region to export (used from export_results.py) e_min_area = 648000 e_max_area = 675000 n_min_area = 7745000 n_max_area = 7761000 export_region = [[e_min_area,n_min_area],[e_min_area,n_max_area],[e_max_area,n_max_area],[e_max_area,n_min_area]] refzone = 50 from anuga.coordinate_transforms.redfearn import redfearn # boundary up to 50 m contour lat1_50 = degminsec2decimal_degrees(-19,20,0) lat2_50 = degminsec2decimal_degrees(-19,30,0) lat3_50 = degminsec2decimal_degrees(-19,45,0) lon1_50 = degminsec2decimal_degrees(119,05,0) lon2_50 = degminsec2decimal_degrees(118,20,0) lon3_50 = degminsec2decimal_degrees(117,45,0) z, easting, northing = redfearn(lat1_50, lon1_50) d0_50 = [easting, northing] z, easting, northing = redfearn(lat2_50, lon2_50) d1_50 = [easting, northing] z, easting, northing= redfearn(lat3_50, lon3_50) d2_50 = [easting, northing] d4_50 = [285000, 7585000] d6_50 = [330000, 7605000] #bounding_poly50 = [p0_50, p1_50, p2_50, d6_50, d5, d4_50] d0 = [763852.0, 7934358.0] d1 = [710987.0, 7925797.0] d2 = [658264.0, 7926314.0] d3 = [552686.0, 7871580.0] #d4 = [604415.81, 7733013.56] d4 = [638000.0, 7733013.56] #d5 = [656561.15, 7732615.11] d5 = [662000.0, 7732615.11] #d6 = [708940.32, 7750510.33] d6 = [690000.0, 7740510.33] #polyAll = [d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6] #polyAll = [d0_50, d1_50, d2_50, d4, d5, d6] # from Hamish h0=[629262.17, 7747205.47] h1=[552686.00, 7871579.99] #d3 h2=[658264.00, 7926314.00] #d2 h3=[710986.99, 7925796.99] #d1 h4=[763851.99, 7934357.99] #d0 h5=[701485.21, 7770656.86] h6=[698273.75, 7762227.38] h7=[698194.23, 7762018.65] h8=[691627.41, 7744781.98] h9=[679220.75, 7743604.59] h10=[653512.59, 7740528.56] h11=[634777.71, 7738247.17] h12=[629443.86, 7746910.37] h13=[629396.84, 7746986.75] h14=[629352.32, 7747059.06] h15=[629276.24, 7747182.63] h16=[629262.17, 7747205.47] #repeat of h0 # using Hamish's new bounding polygon #polyAll = [d0_50, d1_50, d2_50, h16,h15,h14,h13,h12,h11,h10,h9,h8,h7,h6,h5] polyAll = [d0_50, d1_50, d2_50, h16,h11,h8,h6, h5] #Interior region - Pt Hedland town i0 = [668000, 7757000] i1 = [659000, 7755000] i2 = [660000, 7749000] i3 = [667000, 7746000] i4 = [678000, 7751000] poly_pt_hedland = [i0, i1, i2, i3, i4] #Are there other significant features? j0 = [670000, 7760000] j1 = [633000, 7745000] j2 = [665000, 7743000] j3 = [690000, 7755000] poly_region = [j0, j1, j2, j3]