""" Replacement function that wraps the legacy function urs2sts() and passes in the data from the EventSelection .list file. """ import os import os.path from time import localtime, strftime, gmtime import project from Scientific.IO.NetCDF import NetCDFFile import Numeric as num from anuga.shallow_water.data_manager import urs2sts import Numeric as num #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Get gauges (timeseries of index points) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_sts_gauge_data(filename, verbose=False): print 'get_sts_gauge_data: filename=%s' % filename fid = NetCDFFile(filename+'.sts', 'r') #Open existing file for read permutation = fid.variables['permutation'][:] x = fid.variables['x'][:] + fid.xllcorner #x-coordinates of vertices y = fid.variables['y'][:] + fid.yllcorner #y-coordinates of vertices points = num.transpose(num.asarray([x.tolist(), y.tolist()])) time = fid.variables['time'][:] + fid.starttime elevation = fid.variables['elevation'][:] basename = 'sts_gauge' quantity_names = ['stage', 'xmomentum', 'ymomentum'] quantities = {} for i, name in enumerate(quantity_names): quantities[name] = fid.variables[name][:] #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Get maximum wave height throughout timeseries at each index point #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- maxname = 'max_sts_stage.csv' print 'get_sts_gauge_data: maxname=%s' % maxname fid_max = open(os.path.join(project.event_folder, maxname), 'w') fid_max.write('index, x, y, max_stage \n') for j in range(len(x)): index = permutation[j] stage = quantities['stage'][:,j] xmomentum = quantities['xmomentum'][:,j] ymomentum = quantities['ymomentum'][:,j] fid_max.write('%d, %.6f, %.6f, %.6f\n' % (index, x[j], y[j], max(stage))) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Get minimum wave height throughout timeseries at each index point #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- minname = 'min_sts_stage.csv' fid_min = open(os.path.join(project.event_folder, minname), 'w') fid_min.write('index, x, y, max_stage \n') for j in range(len(x)): index = permutation[j] stage = quantities['stage'][:,j] xmomentum = quantities['xmomentum'][:,j] ymomentum = quantities['ymomentum'][:,j] fid_min.write('%d, %.6f, %.6f, %.6f\n' %(index, x[j], y[j], min(stage))) out_file = os.path.join(project.event_folder, basename+'_'+str(index)+'.csv') fid_sts = open(out_file, 'w') fid_sts.write('time, stage, xmomentum, ymomentum \n') #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # End of the get gauges #----------------------------------------------------------------------- for k in range(len(time)-1): fid_sts.write('%.6f, %.6f, %.6f, %.6f\n' % (time[k], stage[k], xmomentum[k], ymomentum[k])) fid_sts.close() fid.close() return quantities,elevation,time ## # @brief Build boundary STS files from one or more MUX files. # @param event_file Name of mux meta-file or single mux stem. # @param output_dir Directory to write STS data to. # @note 'event_file' is produced by EventSelection. def build_urs_boundary(event_file, output_dir): '''Build a boundary STS file from a set of MUX files.''' # if we are using an EventSelection multi-mux file if project.multi_mux: # get the mux+weight data from the meta-file (in ) mux_event_file = os.path.join(project.event_folder, event_file) print 'using multi-mux file', mux_event_file try: fd = open(mux_event_file, 'r') mux_data = fd.readlines() fd.close() except IOError, e: msg = 'File %s cannot be read: %s' % (mux_event_file, str(e)) raise Exception, msg except: raise # first line of file is # filenames+weight in rest of file num_lines = int(mux_data[0].strip()) mux_data = mux_data[1:] print 'number of sources %d' % num_lines # quick sanity check on input mux meta-file if num_lines != len(mux_data): msg = ('Bad file %s: %d data lines, but line 1 count is %d' % (event_file, len(mux_data), num_lines)) raise Exception, msg # Create filename and weights lists. # Must chop GRD filename just after '*.grd'. mux_filenames = [] for line in mux_data: muxname = line.strip().split()[0] split_index = muxname.index('.grd') muxname = muxname[:split_index+len('.grd')] muxname = os.path.join(project.mux_data_folder, muxname) mux_filenames.append(muxname) mux_weights = [float(line.strip().split()[1]) for line in mux_data] # Call legacy function to create STS file. print 'creating sts file' urs2sts(mux_filenames, basename_out=output_dir, ordering_filename=project.urs_order, weights=mux_weights, mean_stage=project.tide, verbose=True) else: # a single mux stem file, assume 1.0 weight mux_file = os.path.join(project.event_folder, event_file) mux_filenames = [mux_file] print 'using single-mux file', mux_file weight_factor = 1.0 mux_weights = weight_factor*num.ones(len(mux_filenames), num.Float) order_filename = project.urs_order print 'reading', order_filename # Create ordered sts file urs2sts(mux_filenames, basename_out=output_dir, ordering_filename=order_filename, weights=mux_weights, mean_stage=project.tide, verbose=True) # report on progress so far sts_file = os.path.join(project.event_folder, project.scenario_name) quantities, elevation, time = get_sts_gauge_data(sts_file, verbose=False) print len(elevation), len(quantities['stage'][0,:])