[5995] | 1 | """ |
| 2 | Read in event time series and determine max stage for Ph2 comparison |
| 3 | Compare with Green's function (no focussing) |
| 4 | Compare with ANUGA outputs (full model, 250m no polys, 250m all polys) |
| 5 | Leharne Fountain and Jane Sexton, 2008 |
| 6 | """ |
| 7 | |
| 8 | import project |
| 9 | from pylab import plot, xlabel, ylabel, savefig, ion, close, axis, title, legend, grid, figure |
| 10 | from os import sep |
| 11 | |
| 12 | ################################################### |
| 13 | # Relevant definitions |
| 14 | ################################################### |
| 15 | |
| 16 | def get_max_boundary_data(filename): |
| 17 | from anuga.utilities.numerical_tools import mean |
| 18 | fid = open(filename) |
| 19 | lines = fid.readlines() |
| 20 | fid.close() |
| 21 | stage = [] |
| 22 | for line in lines[1:]: |
| 23 | fields = line.split(',') |
| 24 | stage.append(float(fields[3])) |
| 25 | return mean(stage) |
| 26 | |
| 27 | def get_stage_data(filename,depth,no_models): |
| 28 | from anuga.utilities.numerical_tools import mean |
| 29 | fid = open(filename) |
| 30 | lines = fid.readlines() |
| 31 | fid.close() |
| 32 | |
| 33 | mean_stages = zeros((len(depth),no_models), Float) |
| 34 | max_stages = zeros((len(depth),no_models), Float) |
| 35 | for i in range(no_models): |
| 36 | stage5 = [] |
| 37 | stage10 = [] |
| 38 | stage20 = [] |
| 39 | stage50 = [] |
| 40 | for line in lines[1:]: |
| 41 | fields = line.split(',') |
| 42 | x = float(fields[0]) |
| 43 | # based on csv file output from ArcGIS: depth, x,y, no poly, all poly, and orig |
| 44 | y = float(fields[i+3]) |
| 45 | if x == -depth[0]: |
| 46 | stage5.append(y) |
| 47 | if x == -depth[1]: |
| 48 | stage10.append(y) |
| 49 | if x == -depth[2]: |
| 50 | stage20.append(y) |
| 51 | if x == -depth[3]: |
| 52 | stage50.append(y) |
| 53 | |
| 54 | mean_stages[:,i] = [mean(stage5), mean(stage10), mean(stage20), mean(stage50)] |
| 55 | max_stages[:,i] = [max(stage5), max(stage10), max(stage20), max(stage50)] |
| 56 | return mean_stages, max_stages |
| 57 | |
| 58 | ################################################### |
| 59 | # Determine max stage at boundary points |
| 60 | ################################################### |
| 61 | |
| 62 | event_number = 27283 |
| 63 | boundary_mean = get_max_boundary_data(project.boundaries_dir+str(event_number)+sep+'max_sts_stage.csv') |
| 64 | |
| 65 | ################################################### |
| 66 | # Read in max data from all models |
| 67 | ################################################### |
| 68 | |
| 69 | from Numeric import zeros, Float |
| 70 | directory = project.home+project.state+sep+project.scenario+sep+'map_work' |
| 71 | depth = [5.0,10.,20.,50.] |
| 72 | no_models = 3 |
| 73 | filename = directory + sep + 'Busselton_ph2_compare_v2.csv' |
| 74 | mean_stages, max_stages = get_stage_data(filename, depth, no_models) |
| 75 | |
| 76 | ################################################### |
| 77 | # Compare with Green's function and plot |
| 78 | ################################################### |
| 79 | |
| 80 | from anuga.abstract_2d_finite_volumes.util import greens_law |
| 81 | from Numeric import arange |
| 82 | d1 = 100. |
| 83 | d2 = arange(d1,1,-0.1) |
| 84 | h1 = boundary_mean |
| 85 | green = [] |
| 86 | for d in d2: |
| 87 | h2 = greens_law(d1,d,h1) |
| 88 | green.append(h2) |
| 89 | |
| 90 | ion() |
| 91 | figure(1) |
| 92 | plot(depth,mean_stages[:,2],'>g',d2,green,'-g') |
| 93 | xlabel('depth (m)') |
| 94 | ylabel('stage (m)') |
| 95 | title('ANUGA outputs (average stage) versus Green\'s approximation \n \ |
| 96 | for event 27283 at Busselton') |
| 97 | legend(['original','Green\'s law']) |
| 98 | #axis([5,105,min(min(stages))*0.9,max(max(stages))*1.1]) |
| 99 | grid(True) |
| 100 | figname = 'ph2compare_Busselton_mean_ORIG_' + str(event_number) + '_mean' |
| 101 | savefig(figname) |
| 102 | |
| 103 | figure(2) |
| 104 | plot(depth,mean_stages[:,1],'+r',depth,mean_stages[:,2],'>g',d2,green,'-g') |
| 105 | xlabel('depth (m)') |
| 106 | ylabel('stage (m)') |
| 107 | title('ANUGA outputs (average stage) versus Green\'s approximation \n \ |
| 108 | for event 27283 at Busselton') |
| 109 | legend(['250m poly','original','Green\'s law']) |
| 110 | #axis([5,105,min(min(stages))*0.9,max(max(stages))*1.1]) |
| 111 | grid(True) |
| 112 | figname = 'ph2compare_Busselton_mean_250AP_' + str(event_number) + '_mean' |
| 113 | savefig(figname) |
| 114 | |
| 115 | figure(3) |
| 116 | plot(depth,mean_stages[:,0],'ob',depth,mean_stages[:,1],'+r',depth,mean_stages[:,2],'>g',d2,green,'-g') |
| 117 | xlabel('depth (m)') |
| 118 | ylabel('stage (m)') |
| 119 | title('ANUGA outputs (average stage) versus Green\'s approximation \n \ |
| 120 | for event 27283 at Busselton') |
| 121 | legend(['250m no poly','250m poly','original','Green\'s law']) |
| 122 | #axis([5,105,min(min(stages))*0.9,max(max(stages))*1.1]) |
| 123 | grid(True) |
| 124 | figname = 'ph2compare_Busselton_mean_ALL_' + str(event_number) + '_mean' |
| 125 | savefig(figname) |
| 126 | |
| 127 | figure(4) |
| 128 | plot(depth,max_stages[:,0],'ob',depth,max_stages[:,1],'+r',depth,max_stages[:,2],'>g',d2,green,'-g') |
| 129 | xlabel('depth (m)') |
| 130 | ylabel('stage (m)') |
| 131 | title('ANUGA outputs (max stage) versus Green\'s approximation \n \ |
| 132 | for event 27283 at Busselton') |
| 133 | legend(['250m no poly','250m poly','original','Green\'s law']) |
| 134 | #axis([5,105,min(min(stages))*0.9,max(max(stages))*1.1]) |
| 135 | grid(True) |
| 136 | figname = 'ph2compare_Busselton_max_ALL_' + str(event_number) + '_mean' |
| 137 | savefig(figname) |
| 138 | close('all') |
| 139 | |