""" This file contains all your file and directory definitions for elevation, meshes and outputs. """ import os from anuga.utilities.system_tools import get_user_name, get_host_name from time import localtime, strftime, gmtime from os.path import join, exists from anuga.lib.add_csv_header.add_csv_header import add_csv_header #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Directory setup #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # this section needs to be updated to reflect the modelled community. # Note, the user needs to set up the directory system accordingly state = 'western_australia' scenario_name = 'dampier' scenario_folder = 'dampier_tsunami_scenario_2009' #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Initial Conditions #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Model specific parameters. # One or all can be changed each time the run_model script is executed tide = 0.0 # 3.6 difference between MSL and HAT in metres zone = 50 # specify UTM zone of model central_meridian = None event_number = 27283 # 27255,27283 the event number or the mux file name alpha = 0.1 # smoothing parameter for mesh friction=0.01 # manning's friction coefficient starttime=0 # start time for simulation finaltime=1000 # final time for simulation setup = 'final' # This can be one of three values # trial - coarsest mesh, fast # basic - coarse mesh # final - fine mesh, slowest #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Output filename # # Your output filename should be unique between different runs on different data. # The list of items below will be used to create a file in your output directory. # Your user name and time+date will be automatically added. For example, # [setup, tide, event_number] # will result in a filename like # 20090212_091046_run_final_0_27283_rwilson #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- output_comment = [setup, tide, event_number] #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Input Data #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ELEVATION DATA # Used in build_elevation.py # Format for ascii grids, as produced in ArcGIS + a projection file ascii_grid_filenames = [] # Format for point is x,y,elevation (with header) point_filenames = [] ### Add csv header list to all files in point_filenames ##headerlist = ['x', 'y', 'elevation'] ##for f in point_filenames: ## add_csv_header(join(topographies_folder, f), headerlist) # BOUNDING POLYGON - for data clipping and estimate of triangles in mesh # Used in build_elevation.py # Format for points easting,northing (no header) bounding_polygon_filename = 'bounding_polygon.csv' bounding_polygon_maxarea = 100000 # INTERIOR REGIONS - for designing the mesh # Used in run_model.py # Format for points easting,northing (no header) interior_regions_data = [['dampier_region.csv', 3000], ['dampier_aos.csv', 800], ['dampier_aoi.csv', 500], ['dampier_north_aos.csv', 800], ['dampier_north_aoi.csv', 500], ['karratha_aos.csv', 800], ['karratha_aoi.csv', 500], ['ref_ne_islands1.csv', 1500], ## islands to the NE and headland between dampier and karratha ['ref_ne_islands2.csv', 1500], ## island in entrance to bay for Karratha ## ['nwislands.csv', 1500], ## all islands to the NW: ['ref_nw4.csv', 1500], ['ref_nw5.csv', 1500], ['ref_nw6.csv', 1500], ['ref_nw7.csv', 1500], ['ref_nw8.csv', 1500], ['island0.csv', 10000], ## make large triangles for land areas of islands to reduce no. of triangles ['island1.csv', 10000], ['island2.csv', 10000], ['island3.csv', 10000], ['island4.csv', 10000], ['island5.csv', 10000], ['island6.csv', 10000], ['island7.csv', 10000], ['island8.csv', 10000]] PriorityArea_filename = None # LAND - used to set the initial stage/water to be offcoast only # Used in run_model.py. Format for points easting,northing,id,value land_initial_conditions_filename = [['mainland_only.csv',0], ## these are all placeholders until proper initial conditions made ['island0.csv',0]] # GAUGES - for creating timeseries at a specific point # Used in get_timeseries.py. # Format easting,northing,name,elevation (with header) gauges_filename = '' # BUILDINGS EXPOSURE - for identifying inundated houses # Used in run_building_inundation.py # Format latitude,longitude etc (geographic) building_exposure_filename = '' # from NEXIS # AREA OF IMAGES - Extent of each image to find out highest runup # Header - easting,northing,id,value # Used in get_runup.py images_filename = '' # BOUNDING POLYGON - used in build_boundary.py and run_model.py respectively # NOTE: when files are put together the points must be in sequence # For ease go clockwise! # Check the run_model.py for boundary_tags # Thinned ordering file from Hazard Map (geographic) # Format is index,latitude,longitude (with header) urs_order_filename = 'thinned_boundary_ordering.csv' # Landward bounding points # Format easting,northing (no header) landward_boundary_filename = 'landward_boundary.csv' # MUX input filename. # If a meta-file from EventSelection is used, set 'multi-mux' to True. # If a single MUX stem filename (*.grd) is used, set 'multi-mux' to False. ##mux_input_filename = event_number # to be found in event_folder # (ie boundaries/event_number/) ##multi_mux = False mux_input_filename = 'event.list' multi_mux = True #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Clipping regions for export to asc and regions for clipping data # Final inundation maps should only be created in regions of the finest mesh #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ASCII export grid for Dampier ##xmin = ##xmax = ##ymin = ##ymax = # ASCII export grid for Karratha ##xmin = ##xmax = ##ymin = ##ymax = # ASCII export grid for Dampier northern area ##xmin = ##xmax = ##ymin = ##ymax = ################################################################################ ################################################################################ #### NOTE: NOTHING WOULD NORMALLY CHANGE BELOW THIS POINT. #### ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # Get system user and host names. # These values can be used to distinguish between two similar runs by two # different users or runs by the same user on two different machines. user = get_user_name() host = get_host_name() # Environment variable names. # The inundation directory, not the data directory. ENV_INUNDATIONHOME = 'INUNDATIONHOME' # Path to MUX data ENV_MUXHOME = 'MUXHOME' #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Output Elevation Data #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Output filename for elevation # this is a combination of all the data generated in build_elevation.py combined_elevation_basename = scenario_name + '_combined_elevation' #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Directory Structure #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # determines time for setting up output directories time = strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S', localtime()) gtime = strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S', gmtime()) build_time = time + '_build' run_time = time + '_run_' # create paths generated from environment variables. home = join(os.getenv(ENV_INUNDATIONHOME), 'data') # Absolute path for data folder muxhome = os.getenv(ENV_MUXHOME) # check various directories/files that must exist anuga_folder = join(home, state, scenario_folder, 'anuga') topographies_folder = join(anuga_folder, 'topographies') polygons_folder = join(anuga_folder, 'polygons') boundaries_folder = join(anuga_folder, 'boundaries') output_folder = join(anuga_folder, 'outputs') gauges_folder = join(anuga_folder, 'gauges') event_folder = join(boundaries_folder, str(event_number)) ### Add csv header list to all files in point_filenames ##headerlist = ['x', 'y', 'elevation'] ##for f in point_filenames: ## add_csv_header(join(topographies_folder, f), headerlist) # MUX data files # Directory containing the MUX data files to be used with EventSelection. mux_data_folder = join(muxhome, 'mux') #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Location of input and output data #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Convert the user output_comment to a string for run_model.py output_comment = ('_'.join([str(x) for x in output_comment if x != user]) + '_' + user) # The absolute pathname of the all elevation, generated in build_elevation.py combined_elevation = join(topographies_folder, combined_elevation_basename) # The pathname for the urs order points, used within build_urs_boundary.py if urs_order_filename: urs_order = join(boundaries_folder, urs_order_filename) # The absolute pathname for the landward points of the bounding polygon, # Used within run_model.py) if landward_boundary_filename: landward_boundary = join(boundaries_folder, landward_boundary_filename) # The absolute pathname for the .sts file, generated in build_boundary.py event_sts = join(event_folder, scenario_name) # The absolute pathname for the output folder names # Used for build_elevation.py output_build = join(output_folder, build_time) + '_' + str(user) # Used for run_model.py output_run = join(output_folder, run_time) + output_comment # Used by post processing output_run_time = join(output_run, scenario_name) # The absolute pathname of the mesh, generated in run_model.py meshes = join(output_run, scenario_name) + '.msh' # The absolute pathname for the gauges file # Used for get_timeseries.py if gauges_filename: gauges = join(gauges_folder, gauges_filename) # The absolute pathname for the building file # Used for run_building_inundation.py if building_exposure_filename: building_exposure = join(gauges_folder, building_exposure_filename) # The absolute pathname for the image file # Used for get_runup.py if images_filename: images = join(polygons_folder, images_filename) # full path to where MUX files (or meta-files) live mux_input = join(event_folder, mux_input_filename) #Multiple polygons in one CSV file to make internal polygons if not PriorityArea_filename == None: PriorityAreas = join(polygons_folder, PriorityArea_filename)