1 | """ |
2 | Generate latex output comparing time series of given sww files |
3 | |
4 | Inputs: |
5 | |
6 | production dirs: dictionary of output directories with a |
7 | association to simulation, eg 50m boundary, 100m boundary |
8 | |
9 | gauge_map: graphical output from make_gauges.py |
10 | |
11 | Outputs: |
12 | |
13 | * latex output to generate figures for report |
14 | * figures used for report stored in the report_figure directory |
15 | NOTE, this directory will need to be committed, as well as |
16 | the latex files. |
17 | |
18 | June 2006 |
19 | """ |
20 | |
21 | from os import sep, getcwd, F_OK, access, mkdir |
22 | import project |
23 | from anuga.pyvolution.util import sww2timeseries, get_gauges_from_file |
24 | |
25 | # User defined inputs |
26 | production_dirs = {'20060515_001733': '100m boundary', |
27 | '20060530_102753': '50m boundary'}#, |
28 | #'MOST': 'MOST'} |
29 | |
30 | gauge_map = 'boundarycomparison.png' |
31 | |
32 | # Create sections and graphs for each designated production directory |
33 | latex_output = [] |
34 | swwfiles = {} |
35 | for label_id in production_dirs.keys(): |
36 | |
37 | file_loc = project.outputdir + label_id + sep |
38 | swwfile = file_loc + project.basename + '.sww' |
39 | if label_id == 'MOST': |
40 | swwfile = project.boundarydir + project.boundary_basename + '.sww' |
41 | swwfiles[swwfile] = label_id |
42 | |
43 | print 'swwfiles', swwfiles |
44 | |
45 | texname, vec = sww2timeseries(swwfiles, |
46 | project.gauges50,#project.gauge_comparison, |
47 | production_dirs, |
48 | report = True, |
49 | reportname = 'latexoutput_MOST_ANUGA_comparison', |
50 | plot_quantity = ['stage', 'speed'], |
51 | generate_fig = True, |
52 | surface = False, |
53 | time_min = None, |
54 | time_max = None, |
55 | title_on = False, |
56 | verbose = True) |
57 | |
58 | latex_output.append(texname) |
59 | |
60 | from shutil import copy, move |
61 | copy ('report' + sep + texname + '.tex', project.comparereportdir + sep + texname + '.tex') |
62 | |
63 | # Start report generation |
64 | input_name = project.comparereportdir + sep + 'MOST_ANUGA_comparison_onslow.tex' |
65 | fid = open(input_name, 'w') |
66 | |
67 | s = '\\begin{figure}[hbt] \n \centerline{ \includegraphics[width=150mm, height=100mm]{../report_figures/%s}}' %gauge_map |
68 | fid.write(s) |
69 | |
70 | s = """ |
71 | \caption{Point locations used to compare MOST and ANUGA for Onslow region.} |
72 | \label{fig:comparisonpoints} |
73 | \end{figure} |
74 | """ |
75 | fid.write(s) |
76 | |
77 | s = '\input{%s} \n \clearpage \n \n' %latex_output[0] |
78 | fid.write(s) |
79 | |
80 | |
81 | # Generate latex output for location points |
82 | #s = '\\begin{table} \label{table:MOSTlocationsonslow} \n' |
83 | #fid.write(s) |
84 | #s = '\caption{Defined point locations for comparison study for Onslow region.}' |
85 | #fid.write(s) |
86 | #s = """ |
87 | #\\begin{center} |
88 | #\\begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|l|}\hline |
89 | #\\bf{Point Name} & \\bf{Easting} & \\bf{Northing} & \\bf{Elevation (m)}\\\\ \hline |
90 | #""" |
91 | #fid.write(s) |
92 | |
93 | #for i, thisvec in enumerate(vec): |
94 | # name = thisvec[0] |
95 | # east = thisvec[1] |
96 | # north = thisvec[2] |
97 | # elev = thisvec[3] |
98 | # s = '%s & %.2f & %.2f & %.2f \\\\ \hline \n' %(name, east, north, elev) |
99 | # fid.write(s) |
100 | # for which_one in plot_quantity: |
101 | # move ('report_figures' + sep + 'gauge'+name.replace(' ','')+which_one+'.png', project.comparereportfigdir) |
102 | |
103 | #s = '\\end{tabular} \n \end{center} \n \end{table} \n \n' |
104 | #fid.write(s) |