1 | This report is being provided to the Fire and Emergency Services Authority |
2 | (FESA) as part of the Collaborative Research Agreement (CRA) |
3 | with Geoscience Australia (GA). |
4 | FESA has recognised the potential vulnerability of the Western Australia |
5 | coastline to tsunami originating from earthquakes on |
6 | the Sunda Arc subduction zone. |
7 | There is historic evidence of tsunami affecting the |
8 | Western Australia coastline, \cite{CB:ausgeo}, |
9 | and FESA has sought to assess |
10 | the relative risk of its urban and regional communities to the tsunami |
11 | threat and develop detailed response plans for a range of plausible events. |
12 | |
13 | This report describes the modelling methodology and initial results |
14 | for a specific tsunami-genic event as it impacts the Onslow township |
15 | and its surrounds. In particular, maximum inundation maps are shown |
16 | and discussed |
17 | for the event occurring at mean sea level as well as |
18 | highest and lowest astronomical tide. The inundation results allow |
19 | estimation of the number of houses inundated and collapsed, as well as |
20 | the numbers of persons affected. The Onslow township has approximately |
21 | 350 residential structures and a population of around 800. |
22 | For this specific event at high tide, approximately |
23 | 100 houses are inundated with two of those collapsing. Approximately |
24 | 15-20\% of the population will sustain injuries, including fatalities. |
25 | |
26 | Future studies |
27 | will present a series of scenarios for a range of return periods to |
28 | assist FESA in developing appropriate plans for a range of event impacts. |
29 | This will also allow an assessment of the relative tsunami risk |
30 | to communities along the NW Shelf of WA. |
31 | This report and the decision support tool are the |
32 | June 2006 deliverables of the Collaborative Research Agreement, |
33 | Tsunami Impact Modelling for WA, between FESA and GA. |
34 | |