1 | It is assumed that the earthquake is |
2 | generated at the beginning of the simulation, i.e. time = 0 minutes. |
3 | Stage is defined as the absolute |
4 | water level (in metres) relative to AHD |
5 | \footnote{For an offshore location such as Beadon Bay West, |
6 | the initial water level will be that of the tidal scenario. In the |
7 | case of MSL, this water level will be 0. As the tsunami wave moves |
8 | through this point, the water height may grow and thus the stage will |
9 | represent the amplitude of the wave.} For an onshore location such as the |
10 | Light Tower, the actual water depth will be shown rather than the stage. |
11 | Both stage and speed |
12 | (in metres/second) for |
13 | each scenario (HAT, MSL and LAT) are shown |
14 | on consistent scales to allow comparison between point locations. |
15 | As a useful benchmark, Table \ref{table:speedexamples} |
16 | describes typical examples for a range of speeds found in the |
17 | simulations. |
18 | |
19 | \begin{table}[h] |
20 | \label{table:speedexamples} |
21 | \caption{Examples of a range of velocities.} |
22 | \begin{center} |
23 | \begin{tabular}{|l|l|}\hline |
24 | {\bf Velocity (m/s)} & {\bf Example} \\ \hline |
25 | 1 & leisurely stroll pace\\ \hline |
26 | 1.5 & average walking pace \\ \hline |
27 | %2 & 100m Olympic male freestyle \\ \hline |
28 | %3 & mackeral \\ \hline |
29 | 4 & average person can maintain running for 1000m \\ \hline |
30 | %5 & blue whale \\ \hline |
31 | 10 & 100m Olympic male sprinter \\ \hline |
32 | 16 & car travelling in urban zones (60 km/hr) \\ \hline |
33 | \end{tabular} |
34 | \end{center} |
35 | \end{table} |
36 | |
37 | A tsunami wave typically has a small amplitude and typically travels at 100's of kilometres per hour. |
38 | The low amplitude complicates the ability to detect |
39 | the wave. As the water depth decreases, |
40 | the speed of the wave |
41 | decreases and the amplitude grows. Another important feature of tsunamis |
42 | is drawdown. This means that the water is seen to retreat from the beaches |
43 | before a tsunami wave |
44 | impacts that location. Other features |
45 | include reflections (where the wave is redirected due to the |
46 | influence |
47 | of the coast) and shoaling (where the wave's amplitude is amplified |
48 | close to the coast due to wave interactions). |
49 | These features are seen in these scenarios, and are consistent |
50 | for HAT, MSL and LAT. |
51 | There is a small wave, followed |
52 | by a large drawdown and then a large secondary wave. |
53 | |
54 | These |
55 | features are illustrated in Figure \ref{fig:gaugeBeadonBayeast} |
56 | where a small wave can be seen at around 200 mins. For the HAT |
57 | case (shown in blue), the amplitude |
58 | of the wave at this location is around 0.8 m\footnote{In this |
59 | scenario, the initial water level is 1.5 m, which means that |
60 | the actual amplitude is the difference between the stage value |
61 | and the initial water level; 2.3 - 1.5}. |
62 | The drawdown of 4.05 m (i.e. 2.3 - -1.75) then occurs at around 230 mins |
63 | (i.e. 3.8 hours after the event has been generated), before |
64 | the second wave arrives |
65 | with an amplitude of around 3.6 m (i.e. 4.1 - 1.5). A further wave |
66 | is then evident a short time later (around 255 mins) |
67 | which further increases the amplitude to around 5 m (i.e. 6.6 - 1.5). |
68 | These features are replicated at each of the offshore points (those |
69 | points with negative elevation as shown in Table \ref{table:locations}). |
70 | |
71 | The wave amplitude is typically greater |
72 | for those locations which are in the shallowest water. For example, |
73 | the maximum wave amplitude at the Beadon Bay East location |
74 | (Figure \ref{fig:gaugeBeadonBayeast}) is over |
75 | 4.5m where the water depth would normally be 3.56 m. In the |
76 | Beadon Bay West location (Figure \ref{fig:gaugeBeadonBaywest}) |
77 | where the water depth would normally be 4.62 m, |
78 | the maximum wave amplitude is much less (around 3 m). The wave amplitude |
79 | at the West of Groyne location (Figure \ref{fig:gaugeWestofGroyne}) |
80 | is not greater than that seen |
81 | at the Beadon Bay East location, even though the water depth is |
82 | much less, at 2.11m. This is probably due to its proximity |
83 | to the groyne\footnote{A groyne is a man made structure to combat |
84 | coastal erosion.} |
85 | which has impeded the tsunami wave to some degree. However, the |
86 | maximum speed found amongst the locations is at the West of Groyne |
87 | point which is in the shallowest water. |
88 | |
89 | The speed of the tsunami sharply increases as it moves onshore. There |
90 | is minimal inundation found at the locations chosen, with the Bindi Bindi |
91 | community receiving the greatest inundation for all tidal scenarios. |
92 | At HAT, the community would receive over 1 m of inundation with |
93 | the water moving through the community at approximately 16 m/s. Referring |
94 | to Table \ref{table:speedexamples}, a person in this location could |
95 | not outrun this water movement. A small amount of water is found |
96 | at the hospital (10 cm). Whilst this seems minimal, the water is moving |
97 | at around 6 m/s which could dislodge some items if the water was able to enter the hospital. |