1 | |
2 | The purpose of this section is show the maximum inundation map for each |
3 | slide scenario for region A, B and C. The Bulli slide is considered to |
4 | have occurred with the Shovel and Yacaaba considered as potential slides. |
5 | The modelling effectively describes the output as a function of slide |
6 | volume with Bulli the largest. The outputs should thus be interpretted |
7 | as potential outputs with the Bulli volume occurring in region A as the |
8 | only to have occurred. This event may be used in paleo-tsunami |
9 | investigations due to occur in early 2007. The remaining events may |
10 | then be used to described the potential tsunami inundation for slides |
11 | of varied volume. |
12 | |
13 | \begin{table} |
14 | \begin{center} |
15 | |
16 | \caption{Parameters used in ANUGA for the the submarine mass failure scenarios.} |
17 | \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|l|}\hline |
18 | Parameter & Bulli & Shovel & Yacaaba \\ \hline |
19 | Length & 16840m & 13500m & 7050m \\ \hline |
20 | Width & 8860m & 4350m & 3080m \\ \hline |
21 | Thickness & 424m & 165m & 144m \\ \hline |
22 | Density & 1.46 & 1.49 & 1.48 \\ \hline |
23 | Water depth to centre of mass & 2087m & 968m & 1119m \\ \hline |
24 | Bathymetric slope & 4 \degree & 4 \degree & 3 \degree \\ \hline |
25 | Angular orientation & 126 \degree & 118 \degree & 133 \degree \\ \hline |
26 | \end{tabular} |
27 | |
28 | \end{center} |
29 | \end{table} |
30 | |
31 | Figures \ref{fig:bulliA}, \ref{fig:bulliB} and \ref{fig:bulliC} |
32 | describe the inundation extent to regions A, B and C respectively |
33 | for the Bulli volume. Similarly, Figures \ref{fig:shovelA}, \ref{fig:shovelB} |
34 | and \ref{fig:shovelC} describe the inundation extent for the Shovel |
35 | volume with Figures \ref{fig:yacaabaA}, \ref{fig:yacaabaB} and |
36 | \ref{fig:yacaabaC} describing the inundation extent for the Yacaaba volume. |
37 | It is immediately apparent that there is little difference in the |
38 | inundation extents between the Bulli and Shovel slide volumes. The reason |
39 | for this may possibly be explained in Figure \ref{fig:depthvsamp}. Here, the |
40 | characteristic three dimensional |
41 | amplitude is determined as a function of depth for each |
42 | slide volume (see Appendix \ref{sec:smfmodel}. |
43 | The location of each specific slide is marked on its |
44 | corresponding volume. |
45 | As Figure \ref{fig:depthvsamp} shows, even though the Bulli and Shovel |
46 | slides are considered to occur in different depths of water, the |
47 | resultant amplitude are approximately equal. |