1 | |
2 | The modelling has considered three separate regions based on the location |
3 | of the historical and potential slide failures. The regions A, B and C refer |
4 | to Wollongong, Sydney and Newcastle. Figure \ref{fig:overallmodel} shows |
5 | each model with respect to each other and highlights the location |
6 | of the slides modelled in this study. See Appendix \ref{sec:anugasetup} |
7 | for the detailed inundation modelling setup for each study region. |
8 | |
9 | \begin{figure}[p] |
10 | \centering |
11 | \begin{tabular}{cc} |
12 | \includegraphics[scale=0.4]{../report_figures/overallmodelv3.jpg} & |
13 | \includegraphics[scale=0.4]{../report_figures/detailedmodel.jpg} \\ |
14 | (a) & (b) \\ |
15 | \end{tabular} |
16 | \caption{(a) NSW region showing the location of study regions A, B and C and the location |
17 | of the origins of the historical and potential slides. (b) Region C0 developed to allow |
18 | modelling of the potential slide area withine region C.} |
19 | \label{fig:overallmodel} |
20 | \end{figure} |
21 | |
22 | The purpose of this section is show the maximum inundation map for each |
23 | slide scenario for region A, B and C. The Bulli and Shovel slide occurring |
24 | in region A and the Birubi and Yacaaba slide in region C are considered to have occurred. |
25 | The potential slides are based on the volumes of these slides located in |
26 | appropriate locations in the other regions. |
27 | The outputs in region B and C0 should thus be interpretted as potential tsunami inundation |
28 | for slides of varied volume. |
29 | The modelling effectively describes the output as a function of slide |
30 | volume with Bulli the largest. This event may be used in paleo-tsunami |
31 | investigations due to occur in early 2007. |
32 | |
33 | The time to impact after the initiation of the slide is approximately 25 mins |
34 | for region A and B and approximately 35 mins for region C. See Appendix \ref{sec:timeseries} |
35 | for time series outputs at Fairy Meadow (for region A), Manly Beach (for region B) and |
36 | Stockton Beach (for region C). |
37 | |
38 | \begin{table} |
39 | \begin{center} |
40 | |
41 | \caption{Parameters used in ANUGA for the the submarine mass failure scenarios.} |
42 | \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|l|l|}\hline |
43 | {\bf Parameter} & {\bf Bulli} & {\bf Shovel} & {\bf Yacaaba } & {\bf Birubi }\\ \hline |
44 | Length (m) & 16840 & 13500 & 4189 & 9903 \\ \hline |
45 | Width (m) & 8860 & 4350 & 2898 & 4150 \\ \hline |
46 | Thickness (m) & 424 & 165 & 53 & 140 \\ \hline |
47 | Density g m$^{-3}$ & 1.46 & 1.49 & 1.48 & 1.48 \\ \hline |
48 | Water depth to centre of mass (m) & 1470 & 877 & 938 & 1320 \\ \hline |
49 | Bathymetric slope (\degree) & 4 & 4 & 2.3 & 3.7\\ \hline |
50 | Angular orientation (\degree) & 126 & 118 & 133 & 133 \\ \hline |
51 | \end{tabular} |
52 | |
53 | \end{center} |
54 | \end{table} |
55 | |
56 | Figures \ref{fig:bulliA}, \ref{fig:bulliB}, \ref{fig:bulliC0}, \ref{fig:bulliC} and \ref{fig:bulliC2} |
57 | describe the inundation extent to regions A, B, C0, C (near historical Birubi) and C |
58 | (near historical Yacaaba) respectively |
59 | for the Bulli volume, noting that \ref{fig:bulliA} is the historical event. |
60 | Similarly, Figures \ref{fig:shovelA}, \ref{fig:shovelB}, \ref{fig:shovelC0}, \ref{fig:shovelC} |
61 | and \ref{fig:shovelC2} describe the inundation extent for the Shovel |
62 | volume, noting that \ref{fig:shovelA} is the historical event. |
63 | Figures \ref{fig:yacaabaA}, \ref{fig:yacaabaB}, \ref{fig:yacaabaC0}, \ref{fig:yacaabaC} and |
64 | \ref{fig:yacaabaC2} describe the inundation extent for the Yacaaba volume, noting |
65 | that \ref{fig:yacaabaC2} is the historical event. |
66 | Figures \ref{fig:birubiA}, \ref{fig:birubiB}, \ref{fig:birubiC0}, \ref{fig:birubiC} and |
67 | \ref{fig:birubiC2} describe the inundation extent for the Birubi volume, noting |
68 | that \ref{fig:birubiC} is the historical event. |
69 | It appears that the inundation extent grows with the volume of the slide. This may |
70 | be explained through Figure \ref{fig:depthvsamp} where the |
71 | characteristic three dimensional |
72 | amplitude is shown as a function of depth for each |
73 | slide volume (see Appendix \ref{sec:smfmodel} for details). The depth |
74 | for each specific slide is marked on the curve corresponding to its volume. From this we |
75 | can see that the initial amplitude is greatest for the Bulli slide, followed by the Shovel and Birubi |
76 | slides. |
77 | |
78 | |
79 | \begin{figure}[p] |
80 | %\centerline{\includegraphics[scale=0.25]{../report_figures/depthvsampdataslide.png}} |
81 | \caption{Relationship between characteristic 3D amplitude and depth |
82 | for each slide volume.} |
83 | \label{fig:depthvsamp} |
84 | \end{figure} |