@INPROCEEDINGS{modsim2005, AUTHOR = {O. Nielsen and S. Roberts and D. Gray and A. McPherson and A. Hitchman}, TITLE = {Hydrodynamic modelling of coastal inundation}, BOOKTITLE = {MODSIM 2005 International Congress on Modelling and Simulation}, YEAR = {2005}, editor = {A. Zerger and R.M. Argent}, pages = {518--523}, month = {December}, organization = {Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand}, note = {\url{http://www.mssanz.org.au/modsim05/papers/nielsen.pdf}}, ISBN = {0-9758400-2-9}, } @inProceedings{Roberts2007, author = "S. G. Roberts and L. Stals and O. M. Nielsen", title = "Parallelisation of a finite volume method for hydrodynamic inundation modelling", series = "ANZIAM J.", volume = "48", pages = "C558--C572", year = 2007, booktitle = " Proceedings of the 13th Biennial Computational Techniques and Applications Conference, CTAC-2006", editor = "Wayne Read and A. J. Roberts", month = nov, note = "\url {http://anziamj.austms.org.au/ojs/index.php/ANZIAMJ/article/view/153} [November 27, 2007]", keywords = "", subjclass = "", } @ARTICLE{gk:metis, AUTHOR = {George Karypis and Vipin Kumar}, TITLE = {A fast and high quality multilevel scheme for partitioning irregular graphs}, JOURNAL = {SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing}, YEAR = {1999}, volume = {20}, number = {1}, pages = {359--392}, note = {\url{http://glaros.dtc.umn.edu/gkhome/fetch/papers/mlSIAMSC99.pdf}}, } @TECHREPORT{TitG1997, AUTHOR = { V. V. Titov and F. I. Gonzalez}, TITLE = {Imple-mentation and testing of the Method of Splitting Tsunami (MOST) model}, INSTITUTION = {NOAA}, YEAR = {1997}, type = {Technical Memorandum}, number = {ERL PMEL-112}, } @ARTICLE{Toro-92, author = {Toro, E. F.}, title = {Riemann Problems and the WAF Method for Solving the Two-Dimensional Shallow Water Equations}, journal = {Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, Series A}, year = {1992}, volume = {338}, pages = {43-68} } @ARTICLE{Baldwin-2006, author = {Baldwin, S.}, title = {Our Aussie Tsunami Terror}, journal = {Take 5}, year = {2006}, month = {August}, date = {9}, volume = {32}, pages = {18-19} } @ARTICLE{TsuMIS1995, AUTHOR = {Y. Tsuji and S. Matsutomi and F. Imamura and C.E. Synolakis}, TITLE = {Field survey of the East Java Earthquake and tsunami}, JOURNAL = {Pure and Applied Geophysics}, YEAR = {1995}, volume = {144}, number = {3/4}, pages = {839--855} } @ARTICLE{Nielsen2006, author = {O. Nielsen and J. Sexton and D. Gray and N. Bartzis}, title = {Modelling answers tsunami questions}, journal = {AusGeo News}, month = {September}, year = {2006}, volume = 83, note = {\url{http://www.ga.gov.au/ausgeonews/ausgeonews200609/modelling.jsp}} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Rigby2008, AUTHOR = {T. Rigby and R. VanDrie}, TITLE = {ANUGA --- A New Free \& Open Source Hydrodynamic Model}, BOOKTITLE = {Water Down Under 2008}, YEAR = {2008}, editor = {Martin Lambert and Trevor Daniell and Michael Leonard}, pages = {629--638}, month = {April}, organization = {Engineers Australia}, ISBN = {0 858 25735 1} } @ARTICLE{Rob99l, author = {C. Zoppou and S. Roberts}, year = 1999, title = {{Catastrophic Collapse of Water Supply Reservoirs in Urban Areas}}, journal = {ASCE J. Hydraulic Engineering}, volume = 125, number = 7, pages = {686--695} } @TECHREPORT{Blong-2005, AUTHOR = {R. Blong}, TITLE = {Natural hazards risk assessment: an Australian perspective}, INSTITUTION = {Benfield Hazard Research Centre}, YEAR = {2005}, type = {Issues in Risk Science series}, address = {London}, } @ARTICLE{KurNP2001, AUTHOR = {A. Kurganov and S. Noelle and G. Petrova}, TITLE = {Semidiscrete central-upwind schemes for hyperbolic conservation laws and Hamilton-Jacobi equations}, JOURNAL = {SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing}, YEAR = {2001}, volume = {23}, number = {3}, pages = {707--740} } @ARTICLE{LebKC1998, AUTHOR = {J.F. Lebrun and G.D. Karner and J.Y. Collot}, TITLE = {Fracture zone subduction and reactivation across the Puysegur ridge/trench system, southern New Zealand}, JOURNAL = {Journal of Geophysical Research}, YEAR = {1998}, volume = {103}, pages = {7293--7313}, } @INCOLLECTION{MatH2001, AUTHOR = {M. Matsuyama and H. Tanaka}, TITLE = {An experimental study of the highest run-up height in the 1993 Hokkaido Nansei-oki earthquake tsunami}, BOOKTITLE = {National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program Review and International Tsunami Symposium (ITS)}, PUBLISHER = {U.S. National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program}, YEAR = {2001}, pages = {879--889}, } @article{Zoppou99, AUTHOR = {Christopher Zoppou and Stephen Roberts}, TITLE = {Catastrophic collapse of water supply reserviours in urban areas}, YEAR = {1999}, JOURNAL = {Journal of Hydraulic Engineering}, VOLUME = {125}, NUMBER = {7}, MONTH = {July}, PAGES = {686--695} } @ARTICLE{Ole05, AUTHOR = {Ole Nielsen and S.Roberts and D. Gray and A. McPherson and A. Hitchman}, TITLE = {Hydrodynamic modelling of coastal indundation}, YEAR = {2005}, JOURNAL = {MODSIM Conference}, VOLUME = {FIX ME}, NUMBER = {}, MONTH = {}, PAGES = {} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Titov01, AUTHOR = {V.V. Titov and F.I. Gonzalez and H.O. Mofjeld and J.C. Newman}, TITLE = {Project {SIFT} (Short-term inundation forecasting for tsunamis)}, YEAR = {2001}, BOOKTITLE = {ITS Proceedings}, VOLUME = {}, NUMBER = {}, MONTH = {}, PAGES = {} } @ARTICLE{Titov97, AUTHOR = {V.V. Titov and F.I. Gonzalez}, TITLE = { Implementation and testing of the method of splitting tsunami ({MOST}) model }, YEAR = {1997}, JOURNAL = {NOAA Technical Memorandum}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{Watts01, AUTHOR = {P. Watts and S.T. Grilli and F. Imamura}, TITLE = {Coupling of tsunami generation and propagation codes}, YEAR = {2001}, BOOKTITLE = {ITS Proccedings}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{Avdeev01, AUTHOR = {A.V. Avdeev and M.M. Lavrentiev Jr. and A.G. Marchuck and E.V. Goryunov and K.V. Simonov and V.A. Okhonin}, TITLE = {Complex analysis of ocean tsunami observation data for solution of the inverse problem}, YEAR = {2001}, BOOKTITLE = {ITS Proceedings}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{Pelinovsky01, AUTHOR = {E. Pelinovsky and C. Kharif and I. Riabov and M. Francius}, TITLE = {Numerical simulation of tsunami propagation near the {F}rench coast of the {M}editerranean}, YEAR = {2001}, BOOKTITLE = {ITS Procceedings}, } @ARTICLE{Shu88, AUTHOR = {C.W. Shu and S. Osher}, TITLE = {Efficient implementation of essentially non-oscillatory shock capturing schemes}, YEAR = {1988}, JOURNAL = {Journal of Computational Physics}, } @ARTICLE{Toro92, AUTHOR = {E.F. Toro}, TITLE = {Reimann problems and the WAF method for solving the two-dimensional shallow water equations}, YEAR = {1992}, JOURNAL = {Philospohical Trans Royal Society }, } @ARTICLE{Toro89, AUTHOR = {E.F. Toro}, TITLE = {A weighted average flux method for hyperbolic conservation laws}, YEAR = {1989}, JOURNAL = {Proc. Royal Soc.}, } @ARTICLE{Kurganov01, AUTHOR = {A. Kurganov and S. Noelle and G. Petrova}, TITLE = {Semidiscrete central-upwind schemes for hyperbolic conservation laws and {H}amilton-{J}acobi equations}, YEAR = {2001}, JOURNAL = {SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing}, } @ARTICLE{Synolakis05, AUTHOR = {C. Synolakis and E. Okal and E. Bernard}, TITLE = {The megatsunami of {D}ecember 26 2004}, YEAR = {2005}, JOURNAL = {National Academy of Engineering Publications}, } @PHDTHESIS{Latham99, AUTHOR = {Shane Latham}, TITLE = {A Free Surface Nonlinearity in the Simplified Steady-State Shallow Water Equations}, SCHOOL = {The Australian National University}, YEAR = {1999}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{Watts05, AUTHOR = {P. Watts and M. Ioualalen and S. Grilli and F. Shi and J. Kirby}, TITLE = {Numerical Simulation of the December 26, 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami using a Higher-order Boussinesq Model}, BOOKTITLE = {Ocean Waves Measurement and Analysis 5th International Symposium}, YEAR = {2005} }