1 | %Anuga validation publication |
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3 | %Geoscience Australia and others 2007-2008 |
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42 | \begin{document} |
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44 | |
45 | \begin{frontmatter} |
46 | \title{On The Validation of A Hydrodynamic Model} |
47 | |
48 | |
49 | \author[GA]{D.~S.~Gray} |
50 | \ead{Duncan.Gray@ga.gov.au} |
51 | \author[GA]{O.~M.~Nielsen} |
52 | \ead{Ole.Nielsen@ga.gov.au} |
53 | \author[GA]{M.~J.~Sexton} |
54 | \ead{Jane.Sexton@ga.gov.au} |
55 | \author[GA]{L.~Fountain} |
56 | \author[GA]{K.~VanPutten} |
57 | \author[ANU]{S.~G.~Roberts} |
58 | \ead{Stephen.Roberts@anu.edu.au} |
59 | \author[UQ]{T.~Baldock} |
60 | \ead{Tom.Baldock@uq.edu.au} |
61 | \author[UQ]{M.~Barnes} |
62 | \ead{Matthew.Barnes@uq.edu.au} |
63 | |
64 | \address[GA]{Georisk Project, |
65 | Geospatial and Earh Monitoring Division, |
66 | Geoscience Australia, Canberra, Australia} |
67 | |
68 | \address[ANU]{Department of Mathematics, |
69 | Australian National University, Canberra, Australia} |
70 | |
71 | \address[UQ]{University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia} |
72 | |
73 | |
74 | % Use the \verb|abstract| environment. |
75 | \begin{abstract} |
76 | Modelling the effects on the built environment of natural hazards such |
77 | as riverine flooding, storm surges and tsunami is critical for |
78 | understanding their economic and social impact on our urban |
79 | communities. Geoscience Australia and the Australian National |
80 | University have developed a hydrodynamic inundation modelling tool |
81 | called ANUGA to help simulate the impact of these hazards. |
82 | The core of ANUGA is a Python implementation of a finite-volume method |
83 | for solving the conservative form of the Shallow Water Wave equation. |
84 | |
85 | In this paper, a number of tests are performed to validate ANUGA. These tests |
86 | range from benchmark problems to wave and flume tank examples. |
87 | ANUGA is available as Open Source to enable |
88 | free access to the software and allow the scientific community to |
89 | use, validate and contribute to the software in the future. |
90 | |
91 | %This method allows the study area to be represented by an unstructured |
92 | %mesh with variable resolution to suit the particular problem. The |
93 | %conserved quantities are water level (stage) and horizontal momentum. |
94 | %An important capability of ANUGA is that it can robustly model the |
95 | %process of wetting and drying as water enters and leaves an area. This |
96 | %means that it is suitable for simulating water flow onto a beach or |
97 | %dry land and around structures such as buildings. |
98 | |
99 | \end{abstract} |
100 | |
101 | |
102 | \begin{keyword} |
103 | % keywords here, in the form: keyword \sep keyword |
104 | % PACS codes here, in the form: \PACS code \sep code |
105 | |
106 | Hydrodynamic Modelling \sep Model validation \sep |
107 | Finite-volumes \sep Shallow water wave equation |
108 | |
109 | \end{keyword} |
110 | |
111 | \date{\today()} |
112 | \end{frontmatter} |
113 | |
114 | |
115 | |
116 | |
117 | % Begin document in earnest |
118 | \section{Introduction} |
119 | \label{sec:intro} |
120 | |
121 | Hydrodynamic modelling allows impacts from flooding, storm-surge and |
122 | tsunami to be better understood, their impacts to be anticipated and, |
123 | with appropriate planning, their effects to be mitigated. A significant |
124 | proportion of the Australian population reside in the coastal |
125 | corridors, thus the potential of significant disruption and loss |
126 | is real. The extent of |
127 | inundation is critically linked to the event, tidal conditions, |
128 | bathymetry and topography and it not feasible to make impact |
129 | predictions using heuristics alone. |
130 | Geoscience |
131 | Australia in collaboration with the Mathematical Sciences Institute, |
132 | Australian National University, is developing a software application |
133 | called ANUGA to model the hydrodynamics of floods, storm surges and |
134 | tsunami. These hazards are modelled using the conservative shallow |
135 | water equations which are described in section~\ref{sec:model}. In |
136 | ANUGA these equations are solved using a finite volume method as |
137 | described in section~\ref{sec:model}. A more complete discussion of the |
138 | method can be found in \citet{Nielsen2005} where the model and solution |
139 | technique is validated on a standard tsunami benchmark data set |
140 | or in \citet{Roberts2007} where the numerical method and parallelisation |
141 | of ANUGA is discussed. |
142 | This modelling capability is part of |
143 | Geoscience Australia's ongoing research effort to model and |
144 | understand the potential impact from natural hazards in order to |
145 | reduce their impact on Australian communities \citep{Nielsen2006}. |
146 | ANUGA is currently being trialled for flood |
147 | modelling \citep{Rigby2008}. |
148 | |
149 | The validity of other hydrodynamic models have been reported |
150 | elsewhere, with \citet{Hubbard02} providing an |
151 | excellent review of 1D and 2D models and associated validation |
152 | tests. They described the evolution of these models from fixed, nested |
153 | to adaptive grids and the ability of the solvers to cope with the |
154 | moving shoreline. They highlighted the difficulty in verifying the |
155 | nonlinear shallow water equations themselves as the only standard |
156 | analytical solution is that of \citet{Carrier58} that is strictly for |
157 | non-breaking waves. Further, |
158 | whilst there is a 2D analytic solution from \citet{Thacker81}, it appears |
159 | that the circular island wave tank example of Briggs et al will become |
160 | the standard data set to verify the equations. |
161 | |
162 | This paper will describe the validation outputs in a similar way to |
163 | \citet{Hubbard02} to |
164 | present an exhaustive validation of the numerical model. |
165 | Further to these tests, we will |
166 | incorporate a test to verify friction values. The tests reported in |
167 | this paper are: |
168 | \begin{itemize} |
169 | \item Verification against the 1D analytical solution of Carrier and |
170 | Greenspan (p~\pageref{sec:carrier}) |
171 | \item Testing against 1D (flume) data sets to verify wave height and |
172 | velocity (p~\pageref{sec:stage and velocity}) |
173 | \item Determining friction values from 1D flume data sets |
174 | (p~\pageref{sec:friction}) |
175 | \item Validation against a genuinely 2D analytical |
176 | solution of the model equations (p~\ref{sec:XXX}) |
177 | \item Testing against the 2D Okushiri benchmark problem |
178 | (p~\pageref{sec:okushiri}) |
179 | \item Testing against the 2D data sets modelling wave run-up around a circular island by Briggs et al. |
180 | (p~\pageref{sec:circular island}) |
181 | \end{itemize} |
182 | |
183 | |
184 | Throughout the paper, qualitative comparisons will be drawn against |
185 | other models. Moreover, all source code necessary to reproduce the |
186 | results reported in this paper is available as part of the ANUGA |
187 | distribution in the form of a test suite. It is thus possible for |
188 | anyone to readily verify that the implementation meets the |
189 | requirements set out by these benchmarks. |
190 | |
191 | |
192 | %Hubbard and Dodd's model, OTT-2D, has some similarities to ANUGA, and |
193 | %whilst the mesh can be refined, it is based on rectangular mesh. |
194 | |
195 | %The ANUGA model and numerical scheme is briefly described in |
196 | %section~\ref{sec:model}. A more detailed description of the numerical |
197 | %scheme and software implementation can be found in \citet{Nielsen2005} and |
198 | %\citet{Roberts2007}. |
199 | The six case studies to validation and verify ANUGA |
200 | will be presented in section~\ref{sec:validation}, with the |
201 | conclusions outlined in section~\ref{sec:conclusions}. |
202 | |
203 | NOTE: This is just a brain dump at the moment and needs to be incorporated properly |
204 | in the text somewhere. |
205 | |
206 | Need some discussion on Bousssinesq type models - Boussinesq equations get the |
207 | nonlinearity and dispersive effects to a high degree of accuracy |
208 | |
209 | moving wet-dry boundary algorithms - applicability to coastal engineering |
210 | |
211 | Fuhrman and Madesn 2008 \cite{Fuhrman2008}do validation - they have a Boussinesq type |
212 | model, finite |
213 | difference (therefore needing a supercomputer), 4th order, four stage RK time stepping |
214 | scheme. |
215 | |
216 | their tests are (1) nonlinear run-up on periodic and transient waves on a sloping |
217 | beach with excellent comparison to analytic solutions (2) 2d parabolic basin |
218 | (3) solitary wave evolution through 2d triangular channel (4) solitary wave evolution on |
219 | conical island (we need to compare to their computation time and note they use a |
220 | vertical exaggeration for their images) |
221 | |
222 | excellent accuracy mentioned - but what is it - what does it mean? |
223 | |
224 | of interest is that they mention mass conservation and calculate it throughout the simulations |
225 | |
226 | Kim et al \cite{DaiHong2007} use Riemann solver - talk about improved accuracy by using 2nd order upwind |
227 | scheme. Use finite volume on a structured mesh. Do parabolic basic and circular island. Needed? |
228 | |
229 | Delis et all 2008 \cite{Delis2008}- finite volume, Godunov-type explicit scheme coupled with Roe's |
230 | approximate Riemann solver. It accurately describes breaking waves as bores or hydraulic jumps |
231 | and conserves volume across flow discontinuties - is this just a result of finite volume? |
232 | |
233 | They also show mass conservation for most of the simulations |
234 | |
235 | similar range of validation tests that compare well - our job to compare to these as well |
236 | |
237 | \section{Mathematical model, numerical scheme and implementation} |
238 | \label{sec:model} |
239 | |
240 | The ANUGA model is based on the shallow water wave equations which are |
241 | widely regarded as suitable for modelling 2D flows subject to the |
242 | assumptions that horizontal scales (e.g. wave lengths) greatly exceed |
243 | the depth, vertical velocities are negligible and the fluid is treated |
244 | as inviscid and incompressible. See e.g. the classical texts |
245 | \citet{Stoker57} and \citet{Peregrine67} for the background or |
246 | \citet{Roberts1999} for more details on the mathematical model |
247 | used by ANUGA. |
248 | |
249 | The conservation form of the shallow water wave |
250 | equations used in ANUGA are: |
251 | \[ |
252 | \frac{\partial \UU}{\partial t}+\frac{\partial \EE}{\partial |
253 | x}+\frac{\partial \GG}{\partial y}=\SSS |
254 | \] |
255 | where $\UU=\left[ {{\begin{array}{*{20}c} |
256 | h & {uh} & {vh} \\ |
257 | \end{array} }} \right]^T$ is the vector of conserved quantities; water depth |
258 | $h$, $x$-momentum $uh$ and $y$-momentum $vh$. Other quantities |
259 | entering the system are bed elevation $z$ and stage (absolute water |
260 | level above a reference datum such as Mean Sea Level) $w$, |
261 | where the relation $w = z + h$ holds true at all times. |
262 | The fluxes in the $x$ and $y$ directions, $\EE$ and $\GG$ are given |
263 | by |
264 | \[ |
265 | \EE=\left[ {{\begin{array}{*{20}c} |
266 | {uh} \hfill \\ |
267 | {u^2h+gh^2/2} \hfill \\ |
268 | {uvh} \hfill \\ |
269 | \end{array} }} \right]\mbox{ and }\GG=\left[ {{\begin{array}{*{20}c} |
270 | {vh} \hfill \\ |
271 | {vuh} \hfill \\ |
272 | {v^2h+gh^2/2} \hfill \\ |
273 | \end{array} }} \right] |
274 | \] |
275 | and the source term (which includes gravity and friction) is given |
276 | by |
277 | \[ |
278 | \SSS=\left[ {{\begin{array}{*{20}c} |
279 | 0 \hfill \\ |
280 | -{gh(z_{x} + S_{fx} )} \hfill \\ |
281 | -{gh(z_{y} + S_{fy} )} \hfill \\ |
282 | \end{array} }} \right] |
283 | \] |
284 | where $S_f$ is the bed friction. The friction term is modelled using |
285 | Manning's resistance law |
286 | \[ |
287 | S_{fx} =\frac{u\eta ^2\sqrt {u^2+v^2} }{h^{4/3}}\mbox{ and }S_{fy} |
288 | =\frac{v\eta ^2\sqrt {u^2+v^2} }{h^{4/3}} |
289 | \] |
290 | in which $\eta$ is the Manning resistance coefficient. |
291 | |
292 | %%As demonstrated in our papers, \cite{modsim2005,Roberts1999} these |
293 | %%equations provide an excellent model of flows associated with |
294 | %%inundation such as dam breaks and tsunamis. Question - how do we |
295 | %%know it is excellent? |
296 | |
297 | ANUGA uses a finite-volume method as |
298 | described in \citet{Roberts2007} where the study area is represented by an |
299 | unstructured triangular mesh in which the vector of conserved quantities |
300 | $\UU$ is maintained and updated over time. The flexibility afforded by |
301 | allowing unstructed meshes rather than fixed resolution grids |
302 | is the ability for the user to refine the mesh in areas of interest |
303 | while leaving other areas coarse and thereby conserving computational |
304 | resources. |
305 | |
306 | |
307 | The approach used in ANUGA are distinguished from many |
308 | other implementations (e.g. \citet{Hubbard02} or \citet{Zhang07}) by the |
309 | following features: |
310 | \begin{itemize} |
311 | \item The fluxes across each edge are computed using the semi-discrete |
312 | central-upwind scheme for approximating the Riemann problem |
313 | proposed by \citet{KurNP2001}. This scheme deals with different |
314 | flow regimes such as shocks, rarefactions and sub to super |
315 | critical flow transitions using one general approach. We have |
316 | found this scheme to be pleasingly simple, robust and efficient. |
317 | \item ANUGA does not employ a shoreline detection algorithm as the |
318 | central-upwind scheme is capable of resolving fluxes arising between |
319 | wet and dry cells. ANUGA does optionally bypass unnecessary |
320 | computations for dry-dry cell boundaries purely to improve performance. |
321 | \item ANUGA employs a second order spatial reconstruction of triangles |
322 | to produce a piece-wise linear function construction of the conserved |
323 | quantities. This function is allowed to be discontinuous across the |
324 | edges of the cells, but the slope of this function is limited to avoid |
325 | artificially introduced oscillations. This approach provides good |
326 | approximation of steep gradients in the solution. However, |
327 | where the depths are very small compared to the bed-slope a linear |
328 | combination between second order and first order reconstructions is |
329 | employed to guarantee numerical stability that may arise form very |
330 | small depths. |
331 | \end{itemize} |
332 | |
333 | In the computations presented in this paper we use an explicit Euler |
334 | time stepping method with variable timestepping subject to the |
335 | CFL condition: |
336 | \[ |
337 | \delta t = \min_k \frac{r_k}{v_k} |
338 | \] |
339 | where $r_k$ refers to the radius of the inscribed circle of triangle |
340 | $k$, $v_k$ refers to the maximal velocity calculated from fluxes |
341 | passing in or out of triangle $k$ and $\delta t$ is the resulting |
342 | 'safe' timestep to be used for the next iteration. |
343 | |
344 | |
345 | ANUGA utilises a general velocity limiter described in the |
346 | manual which guarantees a gradual compression of computed velocities |
347 | in the presence of very shallow depths: |
348 | \begin{equation} |
349 | \hat{u} = \frac{\mu}{h + h_0/h}, \bigskip \hat{v} = \frac{\nu}{h + h_0/h}, |
350 | \end{equation} |
351 | where $h_0$ is a regularisation parameter that controls the minimal |
352 | magnitude of the denominator. The default value is $h_0 = 10^{-6}$. |
353 | |
354 | |
355 | ANUGA is mostly written in the object-oriented programming |
356 | language Python with computationally intensive parts implemented |
357 | as highly optimised shared objects written in C. |
358 | |
359 | Python is known for its clarity, elegance, efficiency and |
360 | reliability. Complex software can be built in Python without undue |
361 | distractions arising from idiosyncrasies of the underlying software |
362 | language syntax. In addition, Python's automatic memory management, |
363 | dynamic typing, object model and vast number of libraries means that |
364 | ANUGA scripts can be produced quickly and can be adapted fairly easily to |
365 | changing requirements. |
366 | |
367 | |
368 | |
369 | \section{Validation} |
370 | \label{sec:validation} Validation is an ongoing process and the purpose of this paper |
371 | is to describe a range of tests that validate ANUGA as a hydrodynamic model. |
372 | This section will describe the six tests outlined in section~\ref{sec:intro}. |
373 | Run times where specified measure the model time only and exclude model setup, |
374 | data conversions etc. All examples were timed on a a 2GHz 64-bit |
375 | Dual-Core AMD Opteron(tm) series 2212 Linux server. %This is a tornado compute node (cat /proc/cpuinfo). |
376 | |
377 | |
378 | \subsection{1D analytical validation} |
379 | |
380 | Tom Baldock has done something here for that NSW report |
381 | |
382 | \subsection{Stage and Velocity Validation in a Flume} |
383 | \label{sec:stage and velocity} |
384 | This section will describe tilting flume tank experiments that were |
385 | conducted at the Gordon McKay Hydraulics Laboratory at the University of |
386 | Queensland that confirm ANUGA's ability to estimate wave height |
387 | and velocity. The same flume tank simulations were also used |
388 | to explore Manning's friction and this will be described in the next section. |
389 | |
390 | The flume was set up for dam-break experiments, having a |
391 | water reservior at one end. The flume was glass-sided, 3m long, 0.4m |
392 | in wide, and 0.4m deep, with a PVC bottom. The reservoir in the flume |
393 | was 0.75m long. For this experiment the reservoir water was 0.2m |
394 | deep. At time zero the reservoir gate is manually opened and the water flows |
395 | into the other side of the flume. The water ran up a flume slope of |
396 | 0.03 m/m. To accurately model the bed surface a Manning's friction |
397 | value of 0.01, representing PVC was used. |
398 | |
399 | % Neale, L.C. and R.E. Price. Flow characteristics of PVC sewer pipe. |
400 | % Journal of the Sanitary Engineering Division, Div. Proc 90SA3, ASCE. |
401 | % pp. 109-129. 1964. |
402 | |
403 | Acoustic displacement sensors that produced a voltage that changed |
404 | with the water depth was positioned 0.4m from the reservoir gate. The |
405 | water velocity was measured with an Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter 0.45m |
406 | from the reservoir gate. This sensor only produced reliable results 4 |
407 | seconds after the reservoir gate opened, due to limitations of the sensor. |
408 | |
409 | |
410 | % Validation UQ flume |
411 | % at X:\anuga_validation\uq_sloped_flume_2008 |
412 | % run run_dam.py to create sww file and .csv files |
413 | % run plot.py to create graphs heere automatically |
414 | % The Coasts and Ports '2007 paper is in TRIM d2007-17186 |
415 | \begin{figure}[htbp] |
416 | \centerline{\includegraphics[width=4in]{uq-flume-depth}} |
417 | \caption{Comparison of wave tank and ANUGA water height at .4 m |
418 | from the gate}\label{fig:uq-flume-depth} |
419 | \end{figure} |
420 | |
421 | \begin{figure}[htbp] |
422 | \centerline{\includegraphics[width=4in]{uq-flume-velocity}} |
423 | \caption{Comparison of wave tank and ANUGA water velocity at .45 m |
424 | from the gate}\label{fig:uq-flume-velocity} |
425 | \end{figure} |
426 | |
427 | Figure~\ref{fig:uq-flume-depth} shows that ANUGA predicts the actual |
428 | water depth very well, although there is an initial drop in water depth |
429 | within the first second that is not simulated by ANUGA. |
430 | Water depth and velocity are coupled as described by the nonlinear |
431 | shallow water equations, thus if one of these quantities accurately |
432 | estimates the measured values, we would expect the same for the other |
433 | quantity. This is demonstrated in Figure~\ref{fig:uq-flume-velocity} |
434 | where the water velocity is also predicted accurately. Sediment |
435 | transport studies rely on water velocity estimates in the region where |
436 | the sensors cannot provide this data. With water velocity being |
437 | accurately predicted, studies such as sediment transport can now use |
438 | reliable estimates. |
439 | |
440 | |
441 | \subsection{Okushiri Wavetank Validation} |
442 | \label{sec:okushiri} |
443 | As part of the Third International Workshop on Long-wave Runup |
444 | Models in 2004 (\url{http://www.cee.cornell.edu/longwave}), four |
445 | benchmark problems were specified to allow the comparison of |
446 | numerical, analytical and physical models with laboratory and field |
447 | data. One of these problems describes a wave tank simulation of the |
448 | 1993 Okushiri Island tsunami off Hokkaido, Japan \cite{MatH2001}. A |
449 | significant feature of this tsunami was a maximum run-up of 32~m |
450 | observed at the head of the Monai Valley. This run-up was not |
451 | uniform along the coast and is thought to have resulted from a |
452 | particular topographic effect. Among other features, simulations of |
453 | the Hokkaido tsunami should capture this run-up phenomenon. |
454 | |
455 | This dataset has been used by to validate tsunami models by |
456 | a number of tsunami scientists. Examples include Titov ... lit review |
457 | here on who has used this example for verification (Leharne?) |
458 | |
459 | \begin{figure}[htbp] |
460 | %\centerline{\includegraphics[width=4in]{okushiri-gauge-5.eps}} |
461 | \centerline{\includegraphics[width=4in]{ch5.png}} |
462 | \centerline{\includegraphics[width=4in]{ch7.png}} |
463 | \centerline{\includegraphics[width=4in]{ch9.png}} |
464 | \caption{Comparison of wave tank and ANUGA water stages at gauge |
465 | 5,7 and 9.}\label{fig:val} |
466 | \end{figure} |
467 | |
468 | |
469 | \begin{figure}[htbp] |
470 | \centerline{\includegraphics[width=4in]{okushiri-model.jpg}} |
471 | \caption{Complex reflection patterns and run-up into Monai Valley |
472 | simulated by ANUGA and visualised using our netcdf OSG |
473 | viewer.}\label{fig:run} |
474 | \end{figure} |
475 | |
476 | The wave tank simulation of the Hokkaido tsunami was used as the |
477 | first scenario for validating ANUGA. The dataset provided |
478 | bathymetry and topography along with initial water depth and the |
479 | wave specifications. The dataset also contained water depth time |
480 | series from three wave gauges situated offshore from the simulated |
481 | inundation area. The ANUGA model comprised $41404$ triangles |
482 | and took about $1330$ s to run on the test platform described in |
483 | Section~\ref{sec:validation}. |
484 | |
485 | The script to run this example is available in the ANUGA distribution in the subdirectory |
486 | \code{anuga_validation/automated_validation_tests/okushiri_tank_validation}. |
487 | |
488 | |
489 | Figure~\ref{fig:val} compares the observed wave tank and modelled |
490 | ANUGA water depth (stage height) at one of the gauges. The plots |
491 | show good agreement between the two time series, with ANUGA |
492 | closely modelling the initial draw down, the wave shoulder and the |
493 | subsequent reflections. The discrepancy between modelled and |
494 | simulated data in the first 10 seconds is due to the initial |
495 | condition in the physical tank not being uniformly zero. Similarly |
496 | good comparisons are evident with data from the other two gauges. |
497 | Additionally, ANUGA replicates exceptionally well the 32~m Monai |
498 | Valley run-up, and demonstrates its occurrence to be due to the |
499 | interaction of the tsunami wave with two juxtaposed valleys above |
500 | the coastline. The run-up is depicted in Figure~\ref{fig:run}. |
501 | |
502 | This successful replication of the tsunami wave tank simulation on a |
503 | complex 3D beach is a positive first step in validating the ANUGA |
504 | modelling capability. |
505 | |
506 | \subsection{Runup of solitary wave on circular island wavetank validation} |
507 | \label{sec:circular island} |
508 | This section will describe the ANUGA results for the experiments |
509 | conducted by Briggs et al (1995). Here, a 30x25m basin with a conical |
510 | island is situated near the centre and a directional wavemaker is used |
511 | to produce planar solitary waves of specified crest lenghts and |
512 | heights. A series of gauges were distributed within the experimental |
513 | setup. As described by Hubbard and Dodd \cite{Hubbard02}, a number of |
514 | researchers have used this benchmark problem to test their numerical |
515 | models. {\bf Jane: check whether these results are now avilable as |
516 | they were not in 2002}. Hubbard and Dodd \cite{Hubbard02} note that a |
517 | particular 3D model appears to obtain slightly better results than the |
518 | 2D ones reported but that 3D models are unlikely to be competitive in |
519 | terms of computing power for applications in coastal engineering at |
520 | least. Choi et al \cite{Choi07} use a 3D RANS model (based on the |
521 | Navier-Stokes equations) for the same problem and find a very good |
522 | comparison with laboratory and 2D numerical results. An obvious |
523 | advantage of the 3D model is its ability to investigate the velocity |
524 | field and Choi et al also report on the limitation of depth-averaged |
525 | 2D models for run-up simulations of this type. |
526 | |
527 | Once results are availble, need to compare to Hubbard and Dodd and |
528 | draw any conclusions from nested rectangular grid vs unstructured |
529 | gird. Figure \ref{fig:circular screenshots} shows a sequence of |
530 | screenshots depicting the evolution of the solitary wave as it hits |
531 | the circular island. |
532 | |
533 | \begin{figure}[htbp] |
534 | \centerline{ |
535 | \includegraphics[width=5cm]{circular1.png} |
536 | \includegraphics[width=5cm]{circular2.png}} |
537 | \centerline{ |
538 | \includegraphics[width=5cm]{circular3.png} |
539 | \includegraphics[width=5cm]{circular4.png}} |
540 | \centerline{ |
541 | \includegraphics[width=5cm]{circular5.png} |
542 | \includegraphics[width=5cm]{circular6.png}} |
543 | \centerline{ |
544 | \includegraphics[width=5cm]{circular7.png} |
545 | \includegraphics[width=5cm]{circular8.png}} |
546 | \centerline{ |
547 | \includegraphics[width=5cm]{circular9.png} |
548 | \includegraphics[width=5cm]{circular10.png}} |
549 | \caption{Screenshots of the evolution of solitary wave around circular island.} |
550 | \label{fig:circular screenshots} |
551 | \end{figure} |
552 | |
553 | \clearpage |
554 | \subsection{Flume tank validation before and after breaking waves} |
555 | |
556 | % The Hinwood report is in TRIM: D2008-97610 and in georisk_model/inundation/data/flumes/Hinwood2008 |
557 | % Photo material is photos_movies under that directory |
558 | |
559 | To explicitly determine if ANUGA can model waves after breaking |
560 | several experiments were conducted at the Monash University Institute for |
561 | Sustainable Water Resources using a wave flume. The experiments were |
562 | designed to produce a variety of breaking waves. The experiments were |
563 | conducted on a 2.5$^\circ$ and a 1.5$^\circ$ plane beach slope set-up |
564 | in a glass-sided wave flume of 40m in length, 1.0m wide and 1.6m deep. |
565 | The wave generator can generate waves up to 0.6m in height, with a |
566 | period range of 0.3 - 7.0 seconds. |
567 | |
568 | Four scenarios with different combinations of wave height and wave period |
569 | were used, with each test being repeated. |
570 | |
571 | A variety of measurements were taken during each test. Mid-depth |
572 | water velocity and wave height were measured on the approach section. |
573 | The water height at several points along the flume were measured using |
574 | pressure transducers. The wave profile was video recorded, this |
575 | determined the location of breaking waves. All the tests produced 4 to |
576 | 7 waves. Generally the first wave did not break, with subsequent |
577 | waves breaking; accept for scenario 2, for which the first 3 waves did |
578 | not break. Scenario 1 produced plunging breakers. Scenario 3 |
579 | produced collapsing breakers. All other scenarios produced spilling |
580 | breakers. Details of the tests performed are given in Table |
581 | \ref{tab:hinwoodSummary}. |
582 | |
583 | \begin{table} |
584 | \caption{Details of the Monash University experiments.} % Can't get right |
585 | \begin{center} |
586 | \begin{tabular}{ c p{3cm} p{3cm} p{3cm} } |
587 | |
588 | \hline |
589 | Test Name & Beach slope nominal, \emph{degrees} & Water depth offshore, |
590 | \emph{mm } & Wave frequency nominal, \emph{Hz} \\ \hline |
591 | S1R1 & 3.5 & 400 & 0.200 \\ \hline |
592 | S1R2 & 3.5 & 400 & 0.200 \\ \hline |
593 | S2R1 & 3.5 & 400 & 0.125 \\ \hline |
594 | S2R2 & 3.5 & 400 & 0.125 \\ \hline |
595 | S3R1 & 1.5 & 336 & 0.200 \\ \hline |
596 | S3R2 & 1.5 & 336 & 0.200 \\ \hline |
597 | S4R1 & 1.5 & 336 & 0.125 \\ \hline |
598 | S4R2 & 1.5 & 336 & 0.125 \\ \hline |
599 | |
600 | % Mapping of new names to old names |
601 | % S1R2 T1R3 |
602 | % S1R1 T1R5 |
603 | % S2R1 T2R7 |
604 | % S2R2 T2R8 |
605 | % S3R2 T3R28 |
606 | % S3R1 T3R29 |
607 | % S4R2 T4R31 |
608 | % S4R1 T4R32 |
609 | |
610 | |
611 | |
612 | \end{tabular} |
613 | \label{tab:hinwoodSummary} |
614 | |
615 | \end{center} |
616 | \end{table} |
617 | |
618 | All of these tests were simulated using ANUGA. The Mid-depth water |
619 | velocity and wave height measured on the approach section were used as |
620 | boundary conditions for the ANUGA simulations. The origin of the z |
621 | coordinate was the still water line, positive upwards. The origin of |
622 | the x coordinate was the toe of the beach, x measured positive |
623 | shorewards A Manning's friction coefficient of zero was used. To |
624 | quantify the difference between the simulated stage and the |
625 | experimental stage the Root Mean Square Deviation (RMSD) |
626 | (\cite{Kobayshi2000}) was used |
627 | |
628 | \[ |
629 | RMSD =\sqrt {\frac{1 }{n} \displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{n}{(x_i - y_i)}^2} |
630 | \] |
631 | |
632 | Figures \ref{fig:S1-rmsd} to \ref{fig:S4-rmsd} show the RMSD of each |
633 | sensor for all tests and the location where each wave broke. The |
634 | RMSD is calculated over the time of the experiment. |
635 | |
636 | % To create these figures goto \anuga_work\development\Hinwood_2008 |
637 | % do python validation_graphs.py |
638 | \begin{figure}[htbp] |
639 | \centerline{\includegraphics[width=4in]{S1-rmsd}} |
640 | \caption{RMSD of stage between the wave tank and ANUGA for S1R1 and |
641 | S1R2. Horizontal lines represent the x location of breaking waves.} |
642 | \label{fig:S1-rmsd} |
643 | \end{figure} |
644 | |
645 | |
646 | \begin{figure}[htbp] |
647 | \centerline{\includegraphics[width=4in]{S2-rmsd}} |
648 | \caption{RMSD of stage between the wave tank and ANUGA for S2R1 and |
649 | S2R2. Horizontal lines represent the x location of breaking waves.} |
650 | \label{fig:S2-rmsd} |
651 | \end{figure} |
652 | |
653 | \begin{figure}[htbp] |
654 | \centerline{\includegraphics[width=4in]{S3-rmsd}} |
655 | \caption{RMSD of stage between the wave tank and ANUGA for S3R1 and |
656 | S3R2. Horizontal lines represent the x location of breaking waves. |
657 | The circles represent gauges shown in \ref{fig:S3-stage-compares}} |
658 | % More, circles represent gauges shown in |
659 | %\protect{\ref{fig:S3-stage-compares}} Again, circles represent gauges |
660 | %shown in \ref{fig:S3-stage-compares}} |
661 | \label{fig:S3-rmsd} |
662 | \end{figure} |
663 | |
664 | \begin{figure}[htbp] |
665 | \centerline{\includegraphics[width=4in]{S4-rmsd}} |
666 | \caption{RMSD of stage between the wave tank and ANUGA for S4R1 and |
667 | S4R2. Horizontal lines represent the x location of breaking waves.} |
668 | \label{fig:S4-rmsd} |
669 | \end{figure} |
670 | |
671 | For a more direct comparision between the simulation and the |
672 | experiment the water stages at three gauges, generally the initial, final |
673 | and worst fit, were compared in Figures \ref{fig:S1-stage-compare} to |
674 | \ref{fig:S4-stage-compare}. |
675 | |
676 | \begin{figure}[htbp] |
677 | \centerline{\includegraphics[width=5in]{S1-stage-compare}} |
678 | \caption{Comparison of wave tank (solid line) and ANUGA (broken line) |
679 | water stages at three gauges for S1R1.} |
680 | \label{fig:S1-stage-compare} |
681 | \end{figure} |
682 | |
683 | \begin{figure}[htbp] |
684 | \centerline{\includegraphics[width=5in]{S2-stage-compare}} |
685 | \caption{Comparison of wave tank (solid line) and ANUGA (broken line) |
686 | water stages at three |
687 | gauges for S2R1.} |
688 | \label{fig:S2-stage-compare} |
689 | \end{figure} |
690 | |
691 | \begin{figure}[htbp] |
692 | \centerline{\includegraphics[width=5in]{S3-stage-compare}} |
693 | \caption{Comparison of wave tank (solid line) and ANUGA (broken line) |
694 | water stages at three |
695 | gauges for S3R1.} |
696 | \label{fig:S3-stage-compare} |
697 | \end{figure} |
698 | |
699 | \begin{figure}[htbp] |
700 | \centerline{\includegraphics[width=5in]{S4-stage-compare}} |
701 | \caption{Comparison of wave tank (solid line) and ANUGA (broken line) |
702 | water stages at three |
703 | gauges for S4R1.} |
704 | \label{fig:S4-stage-compare} |
705 | \end{figure} |
706 | |
707 | Overall these results show an excellent level of agreement between |
708 | predicted and measured stage. The RMSD figures generally show a |
709 | decrease in accuracy, the further the gauge is from the initial |
710 | condition, untill wave breaking. Generally after wave breaking the |
711 | RMSD value decreases. This is a clear indication of ANUGA accurately |
712 | predicting the stage after the wave has broken. There are |
713 | several points worth emphasising here. Overall all of the RMSD values |
714 | are good. There is not much difference between the worst and best |
715 | gauges (-0.7 m and 5.6m) for S1R1, for example. A decrease in RMSD |
716 | does not necesarily mean the accuracy of ANUGA is improving. For |
717 | example, in S4R1 the drop in RMSD between gauges 7.6 and 11.6 is partially due |
718 | to vertical water motion effecting gauge 7.6 (vertical water motion creates |
719 | an artificial pressure spike which is not representative of the physical wave |
720 | (Michael Hughes)) and a decrease in the |
721 | time period where waves are being measured, as opposed to still |
722 | water, for gauge 11.6 (Comment: This means that due the late arrival |
723 | of the wave most of the comparison will have very low RMSD error). |
724 | Additionally, sensors near the wave run-up |
725 | have a lower amplitude than the wave at breaking, which can result in |
726 | a low RMSD, which may not be the case if the results were relative, |
727 | see gauge 5.6 and 7.6 \ref{fig:S1-stage-compare}. |
728 | |
729 | |
730 | |
731 | |
732 | |
733 | \label{sec:Hinwood} |
734 | |
735 | |
736 | |
737 | |
738 | \clearpage |
739 | |
740 | \section{Conclusions} |
741 | \label{sec:conclusions} |
742 | ANUGA is a flexible and robust modelling system |
743 | that simulates hydrodynamics by solving the shallow water wave |
744 | equation in a triangular mesh. It can model the process of wetting |
745 | and drying as water enters and leaves an area and is capable of |
746 | capturing hydraulic shocks due to the ability of the finite-volume |
747 | method to accommodate discontinuities in the solution. |
748 | ANUGA can take as input bathymetric and topographic datasets and |
749 | simulate the behaviour of riverine flooding, storm surge, |
750 | tsunami or even dam breaks. |
751 | Initial validation using wave tank data supports ANUGA's |
752 | ability to model complex scenarios. Further validation will be |
753 | pursued as additional datasets become available. |
754 | The ANUGA source code and validation case studies reported here are available |
755 | at \url{http://sourceforge.net/projects/anuga}. |
756 | |
757 | something about use on flood modelling community and their validation initiatives |
758 | |
759 | |
760 | %\bibliographystyle{plainnat} |
761 | \bibliographystyle{elsart-harv} |
762 | \bibliography{anuga-bibliography} |
763 | |
764 | \end{document} |