[5324] | 1 | %% |
| 2 | %% This is file `elsart.cls', |
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| 5 | %% The original source files were: |
| 6 | %% |
| 7 | %% esl.dtx (with options: `package,elsart,ONECOL,DEEPLIST') |
| 8 | %% |
| 9 | %% elsart.cls Copyright (C) 1994-2007 Elsevier Science |
| 10 | %% |
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| 12 | %% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.2 |
| 13 | %% of this license or (at your option) any later version. |
| 14 | %% The latest version of this license is in |
| 15 | %% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt |
| 16 | %% and version 1.2 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX |
| 17 | %% version 1999/12/01 or later. |
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| 393 | \else%\bgroup removed on request from BW (1993-05-17) |
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| 400 | \hbox to\linewidth\bgroup$ \displaystyle |
| 401 | \hskip\mathindent\bgroup\fi} |
| 402 | \def\]{\relax\ifmmode \egroup $\hfil \egroup |
| 403 | \end{trivlist}% \egroup removed on request from BW (1993-05-17) |
| 404 | \else \@badmath \fi} |
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| 406 | \@endparpenalty\postdisplaypenalty |
| 407 | \refstepcounter{equation}\trivlist |
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| 409 | \@topsepadd \eqntopsep % used by \@endparenv |
| 410 | \calcmathindent |
| 411 | \item[]\leavevmode |
| 412 | \hbox to\linewidth\bgroup $ \displaystyle \hskip\mathindent\bgroup} |
| 413 | \def\endequation{\egroup$\hfil \displaywidth\linewidth |
| 414 | \@eqnnum\egroup \endtrivlist} |
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| 416 | \par %BW |
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| 419 | \lineskiplimit\eqnlineskip %BW |
| 420 | \calcmathindent |
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| 431 | $$\halign to \displaywidth\bgroup\@eqnsel |
| 432 | \pre@coli$\displaystyle\tabskip\z@{##}$\post@coli |
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| 440 | \global\advance\c@equation\m@ne$$\global\@ignoretrue } |
| 441 | \def\pre@coli{\hskip\@centering} \def\post@coli{} |
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| 444 | \arraycolsep 2\p@ % Half the space between columns in array environment. |
| 445 | \tabcolsep 6\p@ % idem in tabular environment. |
| 446 | \def\arraystretch{1.5} % More vertical space in tables |
| 447 | \arrayrulewidth 0.4\p@ % \@Width of rules and space between adjacent |
| 448 | \doublerulesep 2\p@ % rules in any of these two environments. |
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| 451 | \tabbingsep \labelsep % Space used by the \' command. (See LaTeX{} manual.) |
| 452 | \skip\@mpfootins = 6\p@ \@plus 2\p@ % Space between last line of text and |
| 453 | % top of first footnote. |
| 454 | \fboxsep = 7\p@ % Space left between box and text by \fbox and \framebox. |
| 455 | \fboxrule = 0.4\p@ % \@Width of rules in box made by \fbox and \framebox. |
| 456 | \newcounter{section} |
| 457 | \newcounter{subsection}[section] |
| 458 | \newcounter{subsubsection}[subsection] |
| 459 | \newcounter{paragraph}[subsubsection] |
| 460 | \newcounter{subparagraph}[paragraph] |
| 461 | \if@seceqn |
| 462 | \@addtoreset{equation}{section} |
| 463 | \def\theequation{\arabic{section}.\arabic{equation}} |
| 464 | \else |
| 465 | \def\theequation{\arabic{equation}} |
| 466 | \fi |
| 467 | \def\thesection {\arabic{section}} |
| 468 | \def\thesubsection {\thesection.\arabic{subsection}} |
| 469 | \def\thesubsubsection{\thesubsection.\arabic{subsubsection}} |
| 470 | \def\theparagraph {\thesubsubsection.\arabic{paragraph}} |
| 471 | \def\thesubparagraph {\theparagraph.\arabic{subparagraph}} |
| 472 | \@addtoreset{section}{part} % reset section numbers at beginning of part |
| 473 | |
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| 483 | \RequirePackage{latexsym} |
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| 492 | } |
| 493 | \def\th@definition{% |
| 494 | \thm@preskip\parskip |
| 495 | \thm@postskip\z@ |
| 496 | \normalfont % body font |
| 497 | } |
| 498 | \def\th@remark{% |
| 499 | \thm@headfont{\itshape}% |
| 500 | \normalfont % body font |
| 501 | \thm@preskip\parskip \divide\thm@preskip\tw@ |
| 502 | \thm@postskip\z@ |
| 503 | } |
| 504 | \else\let\theoremstyle\@gobble\fi |
| 505 | \newenvironment{pf}% |
| 506 | {\par\addvspace{\@bls \@plus 0.5\@bls \@minus 0.1\@bls}\noindent |
| 507 | {\bfseries\Elproofname}\enspace\ignorespaces}% |
| 508 | {\par\addvspace{\@bls \@plus 0.5\@bls \@minus 0.1\@bls}} |
| 509 | \def\Elproofname{PROOF.} |
| 510 | \@namedef{pf*}#1{\par\begingroup\def\Elproofname{#1}\pf\endgroup\ignorespaces} |
| 511 | \expandafter\let\csname endpf*\endcsname=\endpf |
| 512 | \theoremstyle{plain} |
| 513 | \if@secthm |
| 514 | \newtheorem{thm}{Theorem}[section] |
| 515 | \@addtoreset{thm}{section} |
| 516 | \else |
| 517 | \newtheorem{thm}{Theorem} |
| 518 | \fi |
| 519 | \newtheorem{cor}[thm]{Corollary} |
| 520 | \newtheorem{lem}[thm]{Lemma} |
| 521 | \newtheorem{claim}[thm]{Claim} |
| 522 | \newtheorem{axiom}[thm]{Axiom} |
| 523 | \newtheorem{conj}[thm]{Conjecture} |
| 524 | \newtheorem{fact}[thm]{Fact} |
| 525 | \newtheorem{hypo}[thm]{Hypothesis} |
| 526 | \newtheorem{assum}[thm]{Assumption} |
| 527 | \newtheorem{prop}[thm]{Proposition} |
| 528 | \newtheorem{crit}[thm]{Criterion} |
| 529 | \theoremstyle{definition} |
| 530 | \newtheorem{defn}[thm]{Definition} |
| 531 | \newtheorem{exmp}[thm]{Example} |
| 532 | \newtheorem{rem}[thm]{Remark} |
| 533 | \newtheorem{prob}[thm]{Problem} |
| 534 | \newtheorem{prin}[thm]{Principle} |
| 535 | \newtheorem{alg}{Algorithm} |
| 536 | \long\def\@makealgocaption#1#2{\vskip 2ex \small |
| 537 | \hbox to \hsize{\parbox[t]{\hsize}{{\bfseries #1.} #2}}} |
| 538 | \newcounter{algorithm} |
| 539 | \def\thealgorithm{\@arabic\c@algorithm} |
| 540 | \def\fps@algorithm{tbp} |
| 541 | \def\ftype@algorithm{4} |
| 542 | \def\ext@algorithm{lof} |
| 543 | \def\fnum@algorithm{Algorithm \thealgorithm} |
| 544 | \def\algorithm{\let\@makecaption\@makealgocaption\@float{algorithm}} |
| 545 | \def\endalgorithm{\end@float} |
| 546 | \newtheorem{note}{Note} |
| 547 | \newtheorem{summ}{Summary} |
| 548 | \newtheorem{case}{Case} |
| 549 | \def\@pnumwidth{2.55em} |
| 550 | \def\@tocrmarg{2.55em \@plus 5em} |
| 551 | \def\@dotsep{-2.5} |
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| 555 | \@mkboth{\MakeUppercase\listfigurename}% |
| 556 | {\MakeUppercase\listfigurename}}% |
| 557 | \@starttoc{lof}% |
| 558 | } |
| 559 | \newcommand*\l@figure{\@dottedtocline{1}{1.5em}{2.3em}} |
| 560 | \newcommand\listoftables{% |
| 561 | \section*{\listtablename |
| 562 | \@mkboth{% |
| 563 | \MakeUppercase\listtablename}{\MakeUppercase\listtablename}}% |
| 564 | \@starttoc{lot}% |
| 565 | } |
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| 570 | \setcounter{secnumdepth}{4}% |
| 571 | \setcounter{tocdepth}{2}% |
| 572 | {\@starttoc{toc}}% |
| 573 | \end{small} |
| 574 | } |
| 575 | \newcommand*\l@section{\@dottedtocline{1}{1.5em}{2.3em}} |
| 576 | \newcommand*\l@subsection{\@dottedtocline{2}{1.5em}{2.3em}} |
| 577 | \newcommand*\l@subsubsection{\@dottedtocline{3}{3.8em}{3.2em}} |
| 578 | \newcommand*\l@paragraph{\@dottedtocline{4}{7.0em}{4.1em}} |
| 579 | \newcommand*\l@subparagraph{\@dottedtocline{5}{10em}{5em}} |
| 580 | \def\@dotsep{2000} |
| 581 | \def\thebibliography{% |
| 582 | \@startsection{section}{1}{\z@}{20\p@ \@plus 8\p@ \@minus 4pt} |
| 583 | {\@bls}{\normalsize\bfseries}*{\refname}% |
| 584 | \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\refname}% |
| 585 | \@thebibliography} |
| 586 | \let\endthebibliography=\endlist |
| 587 | \def\@thebibliography#1{\@bibliosize |
| 588 | \list{\@biblabel{\arabic{enumiv}}}{\settowidth\labelwidth{\@biblabel{#1}} |
| 589 | \if@nameyear |
| 590 | \labelwidth\z@ \labelsep\z@ \leftmargin\parindent |
| 591 | \itemindent-\parindent |
| 592 | \else |
| 593 | \labelsep 3\p@ \itemindent\z@ |
| 594 | \leftmargin\labelwidth \advance\leftmargin\labelsep |
| 595 | \fi |
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| 597 | \usecounter{enumiv}\let\p@enumiv\@empty |
| 598 | \def\theenumiv{\arabic{enumiv}}}% |
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| 601 | \hbadness5000 \sfcode`\.=1000\relax} |
| 602 | \newcommand\newblock{\hskip .11em\@plus.33em\@minus.07em} |
| 603 | \if@nameyear |
| 604 | \def\@biblabel#1{} |
| 605 | \else |
| 606 | \def\@biblabel#1{[#1]\hskip \z@ \@plus 1filll} |
| 607 | \fi |
| 608 | \let\make@bb@error\relax |
| 609 | \def\@mkbberr{\def\bibitem{\ClassError{elsart}% |
| 610 | {Bibitem after note}% |
| 611 | {You are using a bibitem after a note in a subbibitems |
| 612 | environment;\MessageBreak |
| 613 | note should the last item in a subbibitems environment}}} |
| 614 | \def\@itemnote{\make@bb@error\item[]} |
| 615 | \def\mk@noitemnote{\ifx\@tempa\note \let\note\@noitemnote \fi} |
| 616 | \def\@noitemnote{\let\note\@itemnote} |
| 617 | \AtBeginDocument{% |
| 618 | \let\nopeek@bibitem\@bibitem |
| 619 | \let\nopeek@lbibitem\@lbibitem |
| 620 | \def\@bibitem#1{\let\note\@itemnote\nopeek@bibitem{#1}% |
| 621 | \futurelet\@tempa\mk@noitemnote} |
| 622 | \def\@lbibitem[#1]#2{\let\note\@itemnote\nopeek@lbibitem[#1]{#2}% |
| 623 | \futurelet\@tempa\mk@noitemnote} |
| 624 | } |
| 625 | \newif\if@natbibloaded\@natbibloadedfalse |
| 626 | \AtBeginDocument{\@ifpackageloaded{natbib}{\@natbibloadedtrue}{}} |
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| 630 | {\string \nocollapse@cites}% |
| 631 | \global\let\nocollapse@cites\relax}\fi |
| 632 | \def\@itemslabel{#1}% |
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| 636 | \def\thebib@ctr{\main@bibnum\alph{\bib@ctr}}% |
| 637 | \if@natbibloaded |
| 638 | \def\bibitem{\@ifnextchar [{\@lbibitem }{\global \NAT@stdbsttrue |
| 639 | \stepcounter {\bib@ctr}\@lbibitem [\thebib@ctr]}}% |
| 640 | \else |
| 641 | \def\@bibitem##1{\stepcounter{\bib@ctr}\@lbibitem[\thebib@ctr]{##1}}% |
| 642 | \fi |
| 643 | \let\make@bb@error\@mkbberr |
| 644 | }{% |
| 645 | \if@filesw {% |
| 646 | \if@natbibloaded{% |
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| 649 | {{\main@bibnum a--\alph {\bib@ctr}}{}{{}}{{}}}}% |
| 650 | \immediate\write\@auxout {\string\bibcite{\@itemslabel :s}% |
| 651 | {{\main@bibnum}{}{{}}{{}}}}% |
| 652 | }\else{% |
| 653 | \let\protect\noexpand |
| 654 | \immediate\write\@auxout {\string\bibcite{\@itemslabel}% |
| 655 | {\main@bibnum a--\alph{\bib@ctr}}}% |
| 656 | \immediate\write\@auxout {\string\bibcite{\@itemslabel :s}% |
| 657 | {\main@bibnum}}% |
| 658 | }\fi |
| 659 | }\fi |
| 660 | \setcounter{\bib@ctr}{\main@bibnum}% |
| 661 | } |
| 662 | \let\nocollapse@citex\@citex |
| 663 | \newcount\@tempcntc |
| 664 | \def\collapse@citex[#1]#2{\if@filesw\immediate\write\@auxout{\string\citation{#2}}\fi |
| 665 | \@tempcnta\z@\@tempcntb\m@ne\def\@citea{}\@cite{\@for\@citeb:=#2\do |
| 666 | {\edef\@citeb{\expandafter\@firstofone\@citeb\@empty}% |
| 667 | \@ifundefined |
| 668 | {b@\@citeb}{\@citeo\@tempcntb\m@ne\@citea\def\@citea{,}{\bfseries ?}\@warning |
| 669 | {Citation `\@citeb' on page \thepage \space undefined}}% |
| 670 | {\setbox\z@\hbox{\global\@tempcntc0\csname b@\@citeb\endcsname\relax}% |
| 671 | \ifnum\@tempcntc=\z@ \@citeo\@tempcntb\m@ne |
| 672 | \@citea\def\@citea{,}\hbox{\csname b@\@citeb\endcsname}% |
| 673 | \else |
| 674 | \advance\@tempcntb\@ne |
| 675 | \ifnum\@tempcntb=\@tempcntc |
| 676 | \else\advance\@tempcntb\m@ne\@citeo |
| 677 | \@tempcnta\@tempcntc\@tempcntb\@tempcntc\fi\fi}}\@citeo}{#1}} |
| 678 | \let\@citex\collapse@citex |
| 679 | \def\nocollapse@cites{% |
| 680 | \@ifpackageloaded{hyperref}{}{\global\let\@citex\nocollapse@citex}% |
| 681 | \global\let\nocollapse@cites\relax} |
| 682 | \def\@citeo{\ifnum\@tempcnta>\@tempcntb\else\@citea\def\@citea{,}% |
| 683 | \ifnum\@tempcnta=\@tempcntb\the\@tempcnta\else |
| 684 | {\advance\@tempcnta\@ne\ifnum\@tempcnta=\@tempcntb \else \def\@citea{--}\fi |
| 685 | \advance\@tempcnta\m@ne\the\@tempcnta\@citea\the\@tempcntb}\fi\fi} |
| 686 | \@namedef{cv*}{\section*{Curriculum Vitae}\cv} |
| 687 | \def\cv{\hangindent=7pc \hangafter=-12 \parskip\bigskipamount \small} |
| 688 | \def\footnote{\@ifnextchar[{\@xfootnote}{\refstepcounter |
| 689 | {\@mpfn}\protected@xdef\@thefnmark{\thempfn}\@footnotemark\@footnotetext}} |
| 690 | \def\footnotemark{\@ifnextchar[{\@xfootnotemark |
| 691 | }{\refstepcounter{footnote}\xdef\@thefnmark{\thefootnote}\@footnotemark}} |
| 692 | \def\footnoterule{\kern-3\p@ |
| 693 | \hrule \@width 3pc % The \hrule has default \@height of 0.4pt. |
| 694 | \kern 2.6\p@} |
| 695 | \def\thempfootnote{\alph{mpfootnote}} |
| 696 | \def\mpfootnotemark{% |
| 697 | \@ifnextchar[{\@xmpfootnotemark}{\stepcounter{mpfootnote}% |
| 698 | \begingroup |
| 699 | \let\protect\noexpand |
| 700 | \xdef\@thefnmark{\thempfootnote}% |
| 701 | \endgroup |
| 702 | \@footnotemark}} |
| 703 | \def\@xmpfootnotemark[#1]{% |
| 704 | \begingroup |
| 705 | \c@mpfootnote #1\relax |
| 706 | \let\protect\noexpand |
| 707 | \xdef\@thefnmark{\thempfootnote}% |
| 708 | \endgroup |
| 709 | \@footnotemark} |
| 710 | \def\@mpmakefnmark{\,\hbox{$^{\mathrm{\@thefnmark}}$}} |
| 711 | \long\def\@mpmakefntext#1{\noindent |
| 712 | \hbox{$^{\mathrm{\@thefnmark}}$} #1} |
| 713 | \def\@iiiminipage#1#2[#3]#4{% |
| 714 | \leavevmode |
| 715 | \@pboxswfalse |
| 716 | \setlength\@tempdima{#4}% |
| 717 | \def\@mpargs{{#1}{#2}[#3]{#4}}% |
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| 719 | \color@begingroup |
| 720 | \hsize\@tempdima |
| 721 | \textwidth\hsize \columnwidth\hsize |
| 722 | \@parboxrestore |
| 723 | \def\@mpfn{mpfootnote}\def\thempfn{\thempfootnote}\c@mpfootnote\z@ |
| 724 | \let\@footnotetext\@mpfootnotetext |
| 725 | \let\@makefntext\@mpmakefntext |
| 726 | \let\@makefnmark\@mpmakefnmark |
| 727 | \let\@listdepth\@mplistdepth \@mplistdepth\z@ |
| 728 | \@minipagerestore\global\@minipagetrue %% \global added 24 May 89 |
| 729 | \everypar{\global\@minipagefalse\everypar{}}} |
| 730 | \def\fn@presym{} |
| 731 | \long\def\@makefntext#1{\noindent\hbox to 1em |
| 732 | {$^{\fn@presym\mathrm{\@thefnmark}}$\hss}#1} |
| 733 | \def\@makefnmark{\,\hbox{$^{\fn@presym\mathrm{\@thefnmark}}$}\,} |
| 734 | \def\patched@end@dblfloat{% |
| 735 | \if@twocolumn |
| 736 | \par\vskip\z@skip %% \par\vskip\z@ added 15 Dec 87 |
| 737 | \global\@minipagefalse |
| 738 | \outer@nobreak |
| 739 | \egroup %% end of vbox |
| 740 | \color@endbox |
| 741 | \ifnum\@floatpenalty <\z@ |
| 742 | \@largefloatcheck |
| 743 | \@cons\@dbldeferlist\@currbox |
| 744 | \fi |
| 745 | \ifnum \@floatpenalty =-\@Mii \@Esphack\fi |
| 746 | \else |
| 747 | \end@float |
| 748 | \fi |
| 749 | } |
| 750 | \setcounter{topnumber}{5} |
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| 757 | \def\dbltopfraction{0.99} |
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| 759 | \setcounter{dbltopnumber}{5} |
| 760 | \long\def\@maketablecaption#1#2{\@tablecaptionsize |
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| 762 | \hbox to \hsize{\parbox[t]{\hsize}{#1 \\ #2}}} |
| 763 | \long\def\@makefigurecaption#1#2{\@figurecaptionsize |
| 764 | \vskip \@overcaptionskip |
| 765 | \setbox\@tempboxa\hbox{#1. #2} |
| 766 | \ifdim \wd\@tempboxa >\hsize % IF longer than one line THEN |
| 767 | \unhbox\@tempboxa\par % set as justified paragraph |
| 768 | \else % ELSE |
| 769 | \global \@minipagefalse |
| 770 | \hbox to\hsize{\hfil\box\@tempboxa\hfil}% center single line. |
| 771 | \fi} |
| 772 | \def\@makecaption{\@makefigurecaption} |
| 773 | \def\conttablecaption{\par \begingroup \@parboxrestore \normalsize |
| 774 | \@makecaption{\fnum@table\,---\,continued}{}\par |
| 775 | \vskip-1pc \endgroup} |
| 776 | \def\contfigurecaption{\vskip-1pc \par \begingroup \@parboxrestore |
| 777 | \@captionsize |
| 778 | \@makecaption{\fnum@figure\,---\,continued}{}\par |
| 779 | \endgroup} |
| 780 | \newcounter{figure} |
| 781 | \def\thefigure{\@arabic\c@figure} |
| 782 | \def\fps@figure{tbp} |
| 783 | \def\ftype@figure{1} |
| 784 | \def\ext@figure{lof} |
| 785 | \def\fnum@figure{\figurename~\thefigure} |
| 786 | \def\figure{% |
| 787 | \let\@makecaption\@makefigurecaption |
| 788 | \let\contcaption\contfigurecaption \@float{figure}} |
| 789 | \def\endfigure{\end@float} |
| 790 | \@namedef{figure*}{% |
| 791 | \let\@makecaption\@makefigurecaption |
| 792 | \let\contcaption\contfigurecaption \@dblfloat{figure}} |
| 793 | \@namedef{endfigure*}{\end@dblfloat} |
| 794 | \newcounter{table} |
| 795 | \def\thetable{\@arabic\c@table} |
| 796 | \def\fps@table{tbp} |
| 797 | \def\ftype@table{2} |
| 798 | \def\ext@table{lot} |
| 799 | \def\fnum@table{\tablename~\thetable} |
| 800 | \let\old@floatboxreset\@floatboxreset |
| 801 | \def\table{% |
| 802 | \let\@makecaption\@maketablecaption |
| 803 | \def\@floatboxreset{% |
| 804 | \old@floatboxreset |
| 805 | \@tablesize |
| 806 | }% |
| 807 | \let\footnoterule\relax |
| 808 | \let\contcaption\conttablecaption \@float{table}} |
| 809 | \def\endtable{\end@float} |
| 810 | \@namedef{table*}{% |
| 811 | \let\@makecaption\@maketablecaption |
| 812 | \def\@floatboxreset{% |
| 813 | \old@floatboxreset |
| 814 | \@tablesize |
| 815 | }% |
| 816 | \let\footnoterule\relax |
| 817 | \let\contcaption\conttablecaption \@dblfloat{table}} |
| 818 | \@namedef{endtable*}{\end@dblfloat} |
| 819 | \newtoks\t@glob@notes % List of all notes |
| 820 | \newtoks\t@loc@notes % List of notes for one element |
| 821 | \newcount\note@cnt % Number of notes per element |
| 822 | \newtoks\corauth@text |
| 823 | \newtoks\email@text |
| 824 | \newtoks\url@text |
| 825 | \newcounter{corauth} |
| 826 | \newcounter{author} % Author counter |
| 827 | \newcount\n@author % Total number of authors |
| 828 | \def\n@author@{1} % idem, read from .aux file |
| 829 | \newcounter{collab} % Collaboration counter |
| 830 | \newcount\n@collab % Total number of collaborations |
| 831 | \def\n@collab@{} % idem, read from .aux file |
| 832 | \newcounter{address} % Address counter |
| 833 | \def\theHaddress{\arabic{address}}% for hyperref |
| 834 | \newdimen\sv@mathsurround % Dimen register to save \mathsurround |
| 835 | \newcount\sv@hyphenpenalty % Count register to save \hyphenpenalty |
| 836 | \newcount\prev@elem \prev@elem=0 % Variables to keep track of |
| 837 | \newcount\cur@elem \cur@elem=0 % types of elements that are processed |
| 838 | \chardef\e@title=1 |
| 839 | \chardef\e@subtitle=1 |
| 840 | \chardef\e@author=2 |
| 841 | \chardef\e@collab=3 |
| 842 | \chardef\e@address=4 |
| 843 | \newif\if@newelem % Switch to new type of element? |
| 844 | \newif\if@firstauthor % First author or collaboration? |
| 845 | \newif\if@preface % If preface: omit history and abstract |
| 846 | \newif\if@hasabstract % If abstract / keywords: do not omit rules |
| 847 | \newif\if@haskeywords % If abstract / keywords: do not omit rules |
| 848 | \newbox\fm@box % Box for collected front matter |
| 849 | \newdimen\fm@size % Total height of \fm@box |
| 850 | \newbox\t@abstract % Box for abstract |
| 851 | \newbox\t@keyword % Box for keyword abstract |
| 852 | \let\report@elt\@gobble |
| 853 | \def\add@tok#1#2{\global#1\expandafter{\the#1#2}} |
| 854 | \def\add@xtok#1#2{\begingroup |
| 855 | \no@harm |
| 856 | \xdef\@act{\global\noexpand#1{\the#1#2}}\@act |
| 857 | \endgroup} |
| 858 | \def\beg@elem{\global\t@loc@notes={}\global\note@cnt\z@} |
| 859 | \def\@xnamedef#1{\expandafter\xdef\csname #1\endcsname} |
| 860 | \def\no@harm{% |
| 861 | \let\\=\relax \let\rm\relax |
| 862 | \let\ss=\relax \let\ae=\relax \let\oe=\relax |
| 863 | \let\AE=\relax \let\OE=\relax |
| 864 | \let\o=\relax \let\O=\relax |
| 865 | \let\i=\relax \let\j=\relax |
| 866 | \let\aa=\relax \let\AA=\relax |
| 867 | \let\l=\relax \let\L=\relax |
| 868 | \let\d=\relax \let\b=\relax \let\c=\relax |
| 869 | \let\bar=\relax |
| 870 | \def\protect{\noexpand\protect\noexpand}} |
| 871 | \def\proc@elem#1#2{\begingroup |
| 872 | \no@harm % make a few instructions harmless |
| 873 | \let\thanksref\@gobble % remove \thanksref from element |
| 874 | \let\corauthref\@gobble |
| 875 | \@xnamedef{@#1}{#2}% % and store as \@#1 |
| 876 | \let\thanksref\add@thanksref |
| 877 | \let\corauthref\add@thanksref |
| 878 | \setbox\@tempboxa\hbox{#2}% |
| 879 | \endgroup |
| 880 | \prev@elem=\cur@elem % keep track of type of previous |
| 881 | \cur@elem=\csname e@#1\endcsname % and current element |
| 882 | } |
| 883 | \def\add@thanksref#1{\global\advance\note@cnt\@ne |
| 884 | \ifnum\note@cnt>\@ne \add@xtok\t@loc@notes{\note@sep}\fi |
| 885 | \add@tok\t@loc@notes{\ref{#1}}} |
| 886 | \def\note@sep{,} |
| 887 | \def\thanks{\@ifnextchar[{\@tempswatrue |
| 888 | \thanks@optarg}{\@tempswafalse\thanks@optarg[]}} |
| 889 | \def\thanks@optarg[#1]#2{\refstepcounter{footnote}% |
| 890 | \if@tempswa\label{#1}\else\relax\fi |
| 891 | \add@tok\t@glob@notes{\footnotetext}% |
| 892 | \add@xtok\t@glob@notes{[\the\c@footnote]}% |
| 893 | \add@tok\t@glob@notes{{#2}}% |
| 894 | \ignorespaces} |
| 895 | \def\corauth{\@ifnextchar[{\@tempswatrue |
| 896 | \corauth@optarg}{\@tempswafalse\corauth@optarg[]}} |
| 897 | \def\corauth@optarg[#1]#2{\refstepcounter{corauth}% |
| 898 | \if@tempswa\label{#1}\else\relax\fi |
| 899 | \add@tok\corauth@text{\footnotetext}% |
| 900 | \add@xtok\corauth@text{[\the\c@corauth]}% |
| 901 | \add@tok\corauth@text{{#2}}\ignorespaces} |
| 902 | \newcommand\ead[1][email]{% |
| 903 | \add@eadcomma{#1}% |
| 904 | \expandafter\ifcase\csname has@ead@#1\endcsname |
| 905 | \expandafter\global\expandafter\chardef |
| 906 | \csname has@ead@#1\endcsname=1\relax\else |
| 907 | \expandafter\global\expandafter\chardef |
| 908 | \csname has@ead@#1\endcsname=2\relax\fi |
| 909 | \add@ead{#1}% |
| 910 | } |
| 911 | \def\add@ead#1#2{% |
| 912 | \expandafter\add@tok\csname #1@text\endcsname{\texttt{#2}\ead@au}% |
| 913 | \expandafter\add@xtok\csname #1@text\endcsname{{\@author}}% |
| 914 | \ignorespaces |
| 915 | } |
| 916 | \def\add@eadcomma#1{% |
| 917 | \expandafter\ifcase\csname has@ead@#1\endcsname\else |
| 918 | \expandafter\add@tok\csname #1@text\endcsname{, }\fi |
| 919 | } |
| 920 | \let\@ead@au\@empty |
| 921 | \def\ead@newau{\ifx\@ead@au\@empty\else\ead@addau\@ead@au |
| 922 | \let\@ead@au\@empty\fi} |
| 923 | \let\ead@endau\ead@newau |
| 924 | \def\ead@addau#1{ (#1)} |
| 925 | \def\ead@au#1{\def\@ead@au{#1}} |
| 926 | \def\email@name{Email address} |
| 927 | \def\emails@name{Email addresses} |
| 928 | \chardef\has@ead@email=0 |
| 929 | \def\url@name{URL} |
| 930 | \def\urls@name{URLs} |
| 931 | \chardef\has@ead@url=0 |
| 932 | \let\real@refstepcounter\refstepcounter |
| 933 | \def\footnote{\@ifnextchar[{\@xfootnote}{\real@refstepcounter |
| 934 | {\@mpfn}\protected@xdef\@thefnmark{\thempfn}\@footnotemark\@footnotetext}} |
| 935 | \def\footnotemark{\@ifnextchar[{\@xfootnotemark |
| 936 | }{\real@refstepcounter{footnote}\xdef\@thefnmark{\thefootnote}\@footnotemark}} |
| 937 | \def\footnoterule{\kern-3\p@ |
| 938 | \hrule \@width 3pc % The \hrule has default \@height of 0.4pt. |
| 939 | \kern 2.6\p@} |
| 940 | \let\report@elt\@gobble |
| 941 | \newenvironment{NoHyper}{}{} |
| 942 | \def\frontmatter{% |
| 943 | \newif\if@hastoc\@hastocfalse |
| 944 | \let\ltx@tableofcontents\tableofcontents |
| 945 | \def\tableofcontents{\global\@hastoctrue} |
| 946 | \NoHyper |
| 947 | \let\@corresp@note\relax |
| 948 | \global\t@glob@notes={}\global\c@author\z@ |
| 949 | \global\c@collab\z@ \global\c@address\z@ |
| 950 | \sv@mathsurround\mathsurround \m@th |
| 951 | \global\n@author=0\n@author@\relax |
| 952 | \global\n@collab=0\n@collab@\relax |
| 953 | \global\advance\n@author\m@ne % In comparisons later on we need |
| 954 | \global\advance\n@collab\m@ne % n@author-1 and n@collab-1 |
| 955 | \global\@firstauthortrue % set to false by first \author or \collab |
| 956 | \global\@hasabstractfalse % Default: no abstract or keywords |
| 957 | \global\@haskeywordsfalse % Default: no abstract or keywords |
| 958 | \global\@prefacefalse % not preface |
| 959 | \ifnum\c@firstpage=\c@lastpage |
| 960 | \gdef\@pagerange{\@pagenumprefix\ESpagenumber{firstpage}} |
| 961 | \else |
| 962 | \gdef\@pagerange{\@pagenumprefix |
| 963 | \ESpagenumber{firstpage}--\@pagenumprefix\ESpagenumber{lastpage}}% |
| 964 | \fi |
| 965 | \parskip 4\p@ |
| 966 | \open@fm \ignorespaces} |
| 967 | \def\preface{\@prefacetrue} |
| 968 | \def\endfrontmatter{% |
| 969 | \ifx\@runauthor\relax |
| 970 | \global\let\@runauthor\@runningauthor |
| 971 | \fi |
| 972 | \global\n@author=\c@author |
| 973 | \global\n@collab=\c@collab \@writecount |
| 974 | \global\@topnum\z@ |
| 975 | \thispagestyle{copyright}% % Format rest of front matter: |
| 976 | \if@preface \else % IF not preface THEN |
| 977 | \vskip \@overhistoryskip |
| 978 | \history@fmt % print history (received, ...) |
| 979 | \newcount\c@sv@footnote |
| 980 | \global\c@sv@footnote=\c@footnote % save current footnote number |
| 981 | \if@hasabstract % IF abstract/ keywords THEN |
| 982 | \vskip \@preabstractskip % Space above rule |
| 983 | \hrule height 0.4\p@ % Rule above abstract/keywords |
| 984 | \vskip 8\p@ |
| 985 | \unvbox\t@abstract % print abstract, if any |
| 986 | \fi |
| 987 | \if@haskeywords % IF keywords THEN |
| 988 | \vskip \@overkeywordskip |
| 989 | \unvbox\t@keyword % Keyword abstract, if any |
| 990 | \fi % FI |
| 991 | \if@hastoc % IF keywords THEN |
| 992 | \vskip \@overkeywordskip |
| 993 | \ltx@tableofcontents % Keyword abstract, if any |
| 994 | \fi % FI |
| 995 | \vskip 10\p@ |
| 996 | \hrule height 0.4\p@ % rule below abstract/keywords |
| 997 | \dedicated@fmt % print dedication |
| 998 | \vskip \@belowfmskip % Vertical space below frontmatter |
| 999 | \fi % FI |
| 1000 | \close@fm % Close front matter material. |
| 1001 | \output@glob@notes % Put notes at bottom of 1st page |
| 1002 | \endNoHyper |
| 1003 | \global\c@footnote=\c@sv@footnote % restore footnote number |
| 1004 | \global\@prefacefalse |
| 1005 | \global\leftskip\z@ % Restore the normal values of |
| 1006 | \global\@rightskip\z@ % \leftskip, |
| 1007 | \global\rightskip\@rightskip % \rightskip and |
| 1008 | \global\mathsurround\sv@mathsurround % \mathsurround. |
| 1009 | \let\title\relax \let\author\relax |
| 1010 | \let\collab\relax \let\address\relax |
| 1011 | \let\frontmatter\relax \let\endfrontmatter\relax |
| 1012 | \let\@maketitle\relax \let\@@maketitle\relax |
| 1013 | \normal@text |
| 1014 | } |
| 1015 | \let\maketitle\relax |
| 1016 | \newdimen\t@xtheight |
| 1017 | \t@xtheight\textheight \advance\t@xtheight-\splittopskip |
| 1018 | \let\nolinenumbers\relax |
| 1019 | \def\open@fm{\global\setbox\fm@box=\vbox\bgroup\nolinenumbers |
| 1020 | \hsize=\@frontmatterwidth % Front matter is page-wide by default |
| 1021 | \centering % and centered |
| 1022 | \sv@hyphenpenalty\hyphenpenalty % (save \hyphenpenalty) |
| 1023 | \hyphenpenalty\@M} % and not hyphenated |
| 1024 | \def\close@fm{\egroup % close \vbox (\fm@box) |
| 1025 | \fm@size=\dp\fm@box \advance\fm@size by \ht\fm@box |
| 1026 | \@whiledim\fm@size>\t@xtheight \do{% |
| 1027 | \global\setbox\@tempboxa=\vsplit\fm@box to \t@xtheight |
| 1028 | \unvbox\@tempboxa \newpage |
| 1029 | \fm@size=\dp\fm@box \advance\fm@size by \ht\fm@box} |
| 1030 | \if@TwoColumn |
| 1031 | \emergencystretch=1pc \twocolumn[\unvbox\fm@box] |
| 1032 | \else |
| 1033 | \unvbox\fm@box |
| 1034 | \fi} |
| 1035 | \def\output@glob@notes{\bgroup |
| 1036 | \the\t@glob@notes |
| 1037 | \egroup} |
| 1038 | \def\justify@off{\let\\=\@normalcr |
| 1039 | \leftskip\z@ \@rightskip\@flushglue \rightskip\@rightskip} |
| 1040 | \def\justify@on{\let\\=\@normalcr |
| 1041 | \leftskip\z@ \@rightskip\z@ \rightskip\@rightskip} |
| 1042 | \def\normal@text{\global\let\\=\@normalcr |
| 1043 | \global\leftskip\z@ \global\@rightskip\z@ \global\rightskip\@rightskip |
| 1044 | \global\parfillskip\@flushglue} |
| 1045 | \def\@writecount{\write\@mainaux{\string\global |
| 1046 | \string\@namedef{n@author@}{\the\n@author}}% |
| 1047 | \write\@mainaux{\string\global\string |
| 1048 | \@namedef{n@collab@}{\the\n@collab}}} |
| 1049 | \def\title#1{% |
| 1050 | \beg@elem |
| 1051 | \title@note@fmt % formatting instruction |
| 1052 | \add@tok\t@glob@notes % for \thanks commands |
| 1053 | {\title@note@fmt}% |
| 1054 | \proc@elem{title}{#1}% |
| 1055 | \def\title@notes{\the\t@loc@notes}% % store the notes of the title, |
| 1056 | \title@fmt{\@title}{\title@notes}% % print the title |
| 1057 | \ignorespaces} |
| 1058 | \def\subtitle#1{% |
| 1059 | \beg@elem |
| 1060 | \proc@elem{subtitle}{#1}% |
| 1061 | \def\title@notes{\the\t@loc@notes}% % store the notes of the title, |
| 1062 | \subtitle@fmt{\@subtitle}{\title@notes}% print the title |
| 1063 | \ignorespaces} |
| 1064 | \newdimen \@logoheight \@logoheight 5pc |
| 1065 | \def\@Lhook{\vrule \@height \@logoheight \@width \z@ \vrule \@height 10\p@ \@width 0.2\p@ \vrule \@height 0.2\p@ \@width 10pt} |
| 1066 | \def\@Rhook{\vrule \@height 0.2\p@ \@width 10\p@ \vrule \@height 10\p@ \@width 0.2\p@ \vrule \@height \@logoheight \@width \z@} |
| 1067 | \def\title@fmt#1#2{% |
| 1068 | \@ifundefined{@runtitle}{\global\def\@runtitle{#1}}{}% |
| 1069 | \vspace*{12pt} % Vertical space above title |
| 1070 | {\@titlesize #1\,\hbox{$^{#2}$}\par}% |
| 1071 | \vskip\@undertitleskip |
| 1072 | \vskip24\p@ % Vertical space below title |
| 1073 | } |
| 1074 | \def\subtitle@fmt#1#2{% % No vertical space above sub-title |
| 1075 | {\@titlesize #1\,\hbox{$^{#2}$}}\par} |
| 1076 | \def\title@note@fmt{\def\thefootnote{\fnstar{footnote}}} |
| 1077 | \def\author{\@ifnextchar[{\author@optarg}{\author@optarg[]}} |
| 1078 | \def\author@optarg[#1]#2{\stepcounter{author}% |
| 1079 | \beg@elem |
| 1080 | \add@tok\email@text{\ead@newau}% |
| 1081 | \add@tok\url@text{\ead@newau}% |
| 1082 | \@for\@tempa:=#1\do{\expandafter\add@thanksref\expandafter{\@tempa}}% |
| 1083 | \report@elt{author}\proc@elem{author}{#2}% |
| 1084 | \ifnum0\n@collab@=\z@ \runningauthor@fmt \fi |
| 1085 | \author@fmt{\the\c@author}{\the\t@loc@notes}{\@author}% |
| 1086 | } |
| 1087 | \def\runningauthor@fmt{% |
| 1088 | \begingroup\no@harm |
| 1089 | \if@firstauthor |
| 1090 | \ifnum0\n@author@ > 2 |
| 1091 | \global\edef\@runningauthor{\@author\ et al.}% |
| 1092 | \else |
| 1093 | \global\let\@runningauthor\@author% |
| 1094 | \fi |
| 1095 | \else % \c@author > 1 |
| 1096 | \ifnum0\n@author@ = 2 |
| 1097 | \global\edef\@runningauthor{\@runningauthor\ \& \noexpand\@author}% |
| 1098 | \fi |
| 1099 | \fi |
| 1100 | \endgroup |
| 1101 | } |
| 1102 | \def\author@fmt#1#2#3{\@newelemtrue |
| 1103 | \if@firstauthor |
| 1104 | \first@author \global\@firstauthorfalse \fi |
| 1105 | \ifnum\prev@elem=\e@author \global\@newelemfalse \fi |
| 1106 | \if@newelem \author@fmt@init \fi |
| 1107 | \edef\@tempb{#2}\ifx\@tempb\@empty |
| 1108 | \hbox{{\author@font #3}}\else |
| 1109 | \hbox{{\author@font #3}\,$^{\mathrm{#2}}$}% |
| 1110 | \fi} |
| 1111 | \def\first@author{\author@note@fmt |
| 1112 | \corauth@mark@fmt |
| 1113 | \add@tok\t@glob@notes |
| 1114 | {\output@corauth@text |
| 1115 | \output@ead@text{email}% |
| 1116 | \output@ead@text{url}% |
| 1117 | \author@note@fmt}% |
| 1118 | }% |
| 1119 | \def\author@fmt@init{% |
| 1120 | \par |
| 1121 | \vskip 8\p@ \@plus 4\p@ \@minus 2\p@ |
| 1122 | \@authorsize |
| 1123 | \leavevmode} % Vertical space above author list |
| 1124 | \def\and{\unskip~and~} |
| 1125 | \def\collab{\@ifstar{\collab@arg}{\collab@arg}} |
| 1126 | \let\collaboration=\collab |
| 1127 | \def\collab@arg#1{\stepcounter{collab}% |
| 1128 | \if@firstauthor \first@author \global\@firstauthorfalse \fi |
| 1129 | \gdef\@runningauthor{#1}% |
| 1130 | \beg@elem |
| 1131 | \proc@elem{collab}{#1}% |
| 1132 | \collab@fmt{\the\c@collab}{\the\t@loc@notes}{\@collab}% |
| 1133 | \ignorespaces} |
| 1134 | \def\collab@fmt#1#2#3{\@newelemtrue |
| 1135 | \ifnum\prev@elem=\e@collab \global\@newelemfalse \fi |
| 1136 | \if@newelem \collab@fmt@init \fi |
| 1137 | \par % Start new paragraph |
| 1138 | \edef\@tempb{#2}\ifx\@tempb\@empty |
| 1139 | {\@authorsize #3}\else |
| 1140 | {\@authorsize #3\,$^{\mathrm{#2}}$}% |
| 1141 | \fi} |
| 1142 | \def\collab@fmt@init{\vskip 1em} % Vertical space above list |
| 1143 | \def\author@note@fmt{\setcounter{footnote}{0}% |
| 1144 | \def\thefootnote{\xarabic{footnote}}} |
| 1145 | \let\collab@note@fmt=\author@note@fmt |
| 1146 | \def\corauth@mark@fmt{\def\thecorauth{\astsymbol{corauth}}} |
| 1147 | \def\output@corauth@text{\def\thefootnote{\astsymbol{footnote}}% |
| 1148 | \the\corauth@text} |
| 1149 | \def\output@ead@text#1{% |
| 1150 | \expandafter\add@tok\csname #1@text\endcsname{\ead@endau}% |
| 1151 | \expandafter\ifcase\csname has@ead@#1\endcsname\else |
| 1152 | {\let\thefootnote\relax |
| 1153 | \footnotetext[0]{\raggedright\textit{% |
| 1154 | \expandafter\ifcase\csname has@ead@#1\endcsname\or |
| 1155 | \csname #1@name\endcsname\else |
| 1156 | \csname #1s@name\endcsname\fi |
| 1157 | : }% |
| 1158 | \expandafter\the\csname #1@text\endcsname.}}% |
| 1159 | \fi} |
| 1160 | \def\xarabic#1{% |
| 1161 | \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\ifnum\expandafter\the\@nameuse{c@#1}<0 |
| 1162 | *\else\arabic{#1} \fi} |
| 1163 | \def\xalph#1{% |
| 1164 | \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\ifnum\expandafter\the\@nameuse{c@#1}<0 |
| 1165 | *\else\alph{#1} \fi} |
| 1166 | \def\xfnsymbol#1{% |
| 1167 | \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\ifnum\expandafter\the\@nameuse{c@#1}<0 |
| 1168 | *\else\fnsymbol{#1} \fi} |
| 1169 | \def\address{\@ifstar{\address@star}% |
| 1170 | {\@ifnextchar[{\address@optarg}{\address@noptarg}}} |
| 1171 | \def\address@optarg[#1]#2{\real@refstepcounter{address}% |
| 1172 | \beg@elem |
| 1173 | \report@elt{address}\proc@elem{address}{#2}% |
| 1174 | \address@fmt{\c@address}{\the\t@loc@notes}{\@address}{#1}% |
| 1175 | \if@Elproofing\else\label{#1}\fi |
| 1176 | \ignorespaces} |
| 1177 | \def\address@noptarg#1{\real@refstepcounter{address}% |
| 1178 | \beg@elem |
| 1179 | \proc@elem{address}{#1}% |
| 1180 | \address@fmt{\z@}{\the\t@loc@notes}{\@address}{\theaddress}% |
| 1181 | \ignorespaces} |
| 1182 | \def\address@star#1{% |
| 1183 | \beg@elem |
| 1184 | \proc@elem{address}{#1}% |
| 1185 | \address@fmt{\m@ne}{\the\t@loc@notes}{\@address}{*}% |
| 1186 | \ignorespaces} |
| 1187 | \def\theaddress{\alph{address}} |
| 1188 | \def\address@fmt#1#2#3#4{\@newelemtrue |
| 1189 | \if@Elproofing\def\@eltag{#4}\else\def\@eltag{\theaddress}\fi |
| 1190 | \ifnum\prev@elem=\e@address \@newelemfalse \fi |
| 1191 | \if@newelem \address@fmt@init \fi |
| 1192 | \noindent \bgroup \@addressstyle |
| 1193 | \ifnum#1=\z@ |
| 1194 | #3\,$^{\mathrm{#2}}$\space% |
| 1195 | \else |
| 1196 | \ifnum#1=\m@ne |
| 1197 | $^{\phantom{\mathrm{\@eltag}}}$\space #3\,$^{\mathrm{#2}}$% |
| 1198 | \else |
| 1199 | $^{\mathrm{\@eltag}}\space$#3\,$^{\mathrm{#2}}$% |
| 1200 | \fi |
| 1201 | \fi |
| 1202 | \par \egroup} |
| 1203 | \def\address@fmt@init{% |
| 1204 | \par % Start new paragraph |
| 1205 | \vskip 6\p@ \@plus 3\p@ \@minus 1.5pt} |
| 1206 | \def\abstract{\@ifnextchar[{\@abstract}{\@abstract[]}} |
| 1207 | \def\@abstract[#1]{% |
| 1208 | \global\@hasabstracttrue |
| 1209 | \hyphenpenalty\sv@hyphenpenalty % restore \hyphenpenalty |
| 1210 | \global\setbox\t@abstract=\vbox\bgroup |
| 1211 | \leftskip\z@ |
| 1212 | \@rightskip\z@ \rightskip\@rightskip \parfillskip\@flushglue |
| 1213 | \small |
| 1214 | \parindent 1em % \parindent in abstract |
| 1215 | \noindent {\bfseries\abstractname} % caption `Abstract' (bold) |
| 1216 | \vskip 0.5\@bls % half a line of space below |
| 1217 | \noindent\ignorespaces |
| 1218 | } |
| 1219 | \def\endabstract{\par \egroup} |
| 1220 | \def\keyword{% |
| 1221 | \global\@haskeywordstrue % Implies rules are to be printed |
| 1222 | \hyphenpenalty\sv@hyphenpenalty % restore \hyphenpenalty |
| 1223 | \def\sep{\unskip, } % separator for multiple keywords |
| 1224 | \def\MSC{\par\leavevmode\hbox {\it 1991 MSC:\ }}% |
| 1225 | \def\PACS{\par\leavevmode\hbox {\it PACS:\ }}% |
| 1226 | \global\setbox\t@keyword=\vbox\bgroup |
| 1227 | \@keywordsize |
| 1228 | \parskip\z@ |
| 1229 | \vskip 10\p@ \@plus 2\p@ \@minus 2\p@ % One line of space above keywords. |
| 1230 | \noindent\@keywordheading |
| 1231 | \justify@off % Keywords are not justified. |
| 1232 | \ignorespaces} |
| 1233 | \def\endkeyword{\par \egroup} |
| 1234 | \def\runtitle#1{\gdef\@runtitle{#1}} |
| 1235 | \def\runauthor#1{\gdef\@runauthor{#1}} |
| 1236 | \let\@runauthor\relax |
| 1237 | \let\@runtitle\relax |
| 1238 | \let\@runningauthor\relax |
| 1239 | \def\RUNDATE{} |
| 1240 | \def\RUNJNL{} |
| 1241 | \def\RUNART{} |
| 1242 | \def\journal#1{\gdef\@journal{#1}} |
| 1243 | \def\volume#1{\gdef\@volume{#1}} \def\@volume{0} |
| 1244 | \def\issue#1{\gdef\@issue{#1}} \def\@issue{0} |
| 1245 | \newcount\@pubyear |
| 1246 | \@pubyear=\number\year |
| 1247 | \def\company#1{\def\@company{#1}} |
| 1248 | \def\@copyrightyear{\number\year} |
| 1249 | \def\@shortenyear#1#2#3#4\\{\global\def\@shortyear{#3#4}} |
| 1250 | \expandafter\@shortenyear\the\@pubyear\\ |
| 1251 | \def\pubyear#1{\global\@pubyear#1 |
| 1252 | \expandafter\@shortenyear\the\@pubyear\\% |
| 1253 | \ignorespaces} |
| 1254 | \def\copyear#1{% |
| 1255 | \gdef\@copyrightyear{#1}% |
| 1256 | \ignorespaces} |
| 1257 | \let\copyrightyear\copyear |
| 1258 | \newcounter{firstpage} |
| 1259 | \newcounter{lastpage} |
| 1260 | \let\ESpagenumber\arabic |
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| 1295 | \def\revised@prefix{; revised~} |
| 1296 | \def\accepted@prefix{; accepted~} |
| 1297 | \def\communicated@prefix{; communicated~by~} |
| 1298 | \def\history@prefix{} |
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| 1333 | u\or v\or w\or x\or y\or z\or aa\or ab\or ac\or ad\or ae\or af\or ag\or |
| 1334 | ah\or ai\or aj\or ak\or a\ensuremath{\ell}\or am\or an\or ao\or ap\or |
| 1335 | aq\or ar\or as\or at\or au\or av\or aw\or ay\or az\or ba\or bb\or bc\or |
| 1336 | bd\or be\or bf\or bg\or bh\or bi\or bj\or bk\or b\ensuremath{\ell}\or |
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| 1356 | \fi |
| 1357 | \relax} |
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| 1391 | Preprint submitted to \@journal\hfil\@date\/% |
| 1392 | \else |
| 1393 | Article published in \@jou@vol@pag\hfil\hbox{}\fi}% |
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| 1399 | January\or February\or March\or April\or May\or June\or |
| 1400 | July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or December\fi |
| 1401 | \space\number\year} |
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| 1445 | %% |
| 1446 | %% End of file `elsart.cls'. |