1 | \section{Data}\label{sec:data} |
2 | The sheer magnitude of the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake and the |
3 | devastation caused by the subsequent tsunami have generated much |
4 | scientific interest. As a result an unusually large amount of post |
5 | seismic data has been collected and documented. Data sets from |
6 | seismometers, tide gauges, \textsc{gps} surveys, satellite overpasses, |
7 | subsequent coastal field surveys of run-up and flooding, and |
8 | measurements of coseismic displacements as well as bathymetry from ship-based |
9 | expeditions, have now been made |
10 | available. %~\cite{vigny05,amnon05,kawata05,liu05}. FIXME (Ole): Refs? Are the references here inappropriate? |
11 | |
12 | In this section we present the corresponding data necessary to implement |
13 | the proposed benchmark. Here we note that the overwhelming focus of tsunami |
14 | modelling is the prediction of inundation extent. The ``fit'' of observed and |
15 | modelled runup should have the greatest influence on conclusions regarding |
16 | model validity. In fact for non-physics based models it may not be possible |
17 | to validate the generation and propagation phases of tsunami evolution. |
18 | However, for physics-based models evaluation of the model during the generation |
19 | and propagation phases is still useful. If a model is physics-based one |
20 | should ensure that all physics are being modelled accurately. Moreover |
21 | evaluation of all three stages of tsunami evolution can help identify the |
22 | cause of any discrepancies between modelled and observed inundation. |
23 | Consequently in this section we present data not only to facilitate |
24 | validation of inundation but to also aid the assessment of tsunami |
25 | generation and propagation. |
26 | |
27 | \subsection{Generation}\label{sec:gen_data} |
28 | All tsunami are generated from an initial disturbance of the ocean |
29 | which develops into a low frequency wave that propagates outwards from |
30 | the source. The initial deformation of the water surface is most |
31 | commonly caused by coseismic displacement of the sea floor, but |
32 | submarine mass failures, landslides, volcanoes or asteroids can also |
33 | cause tsunami. In this section we detail the information used in |
34 | this study to validate models of the sea floor deformation generated |
35 | by the 2004 Sumatra--Andaman earthquake. |
36 | |
37 | The 2004 Sumatra--Andaman tsunami was generated by a coseismic |
38 | displacement of the sea floor resulting from one of the largest |
39 | earthquakes on record. The mega-thrust earthquake started on the 26 |
40 | December 2004 at 0h58'53'' UTC (or just before 8 am local time) |
41 | approximately 70 km offshore of North Sumatra |
42 | (\url{http://earthquake.usgs.gov/eqcenter/eqinthenews/2004/usslav}). The |
43 | rupture propagated 1000-1300 km along the Sumatra-Andaman trench to |
44 | the north at a rate of 2.5-3 km.s$^{-1}$ and lasted approximately 8-10 |
45 | minutes~\cite{ammon05}. Estimates of the moment magnitude of this |
46 | event range from about 9.1 to 9.3 $M_w$~\cite{chlieh07,stein07}. |
47 | |
48 | The unusually large surface deformation caused by this earthquake |
49 | means that there were a range of different geodetic measurements of |
50 | the surface deformation available. These include field measurements of |
51 | uplifted or subsided coral heads, continuous or campaign \textsc{GPS} |
52 | measurements and remote sensing measurements of uplift or subsidence |
53 | (see~\cite{chlieh07} and references therein). Here we use the the near-field |
54 | estimates of vertical deformation in northwestern Sumatra and |
55 | the Nicobar-Andaman islands collated by~\cite{chlieh07} to assess whether |
56 | our crustal deformation model of the 2004 Sumatra--Andaman |
57 | earthquake is producing reasonable results. Note that the geodetic |
58 | data used here is a combination of the vertical deformation that |
59 | happened in the $\sim$10 minutes of the earthquake plus the |
60 | deformation that followed in the days following the earthquake before |
61 | each particular measurement was actually made (typically of order |
62 | days). Therefore some of the observations may not contain the purely |
63 | co-seismic deformation but could include some post-seismic deformation |
64 | as well~\cite{chlieh07}. |
65 | |
66 | \subsection{Propagation} |
67 | \label{sec:propagation data} |
68 | Once generated, a tsunami will propagate outwards from the source until |
69 | it encounters the shoreline bordering coastal regions. This period |
70 | of the tsunami evolution is referred to as the propagation stage. The |
71 | height and velocity of the tsunami is dependent on the local |
72 | bathymetry in the regions through which the wave travels and the size |
73 | of the initial wave. This section details the bathymetry data needed |
74 | to model the tsunami propagation and the satellite altimetry transects |
75 | used here to validate open ocean tsunami models. |
76 | |
77 | \subsubsection{Bathymetry Data}\label{sec:bathymetry data} |
78 | The bathymetry data used in this study was derived from the following |
79 | sources: |
80 | \begin{itemize} |
81 | \item a two arc minute grid data set covering the Bay of Bengal, |
82 | DBDB2, obtained from US Naval Research Labs |
83 | (\url{http://www7320.nrlssc.navy.mil/DBDB2_WWW}); |
84 | \item a 3 second arc grid covering the whole of the Andaman Sea based |
85 | on Thai Navy charts no. 45 and no. 362; and |
86 | (FIXME (OLE): wait for DB's reply) |
87 | \item a one second grid created from the digitised Thai Navy |
88 | bathymetry chart, no. 358, which covers Patong Bay and the |
89 | immediately adjacent regions. |
90 | The gridding of data was performed using {\bf Intrepid}, a commercial |
91 | geophysical processing package developed by Intrepid Geophysics. The |
92 | gridding scheme employed the nearest neighbour algorithm followed by |
93 | an application of minimum curvature akima spline smoothing. |
94 | See \url{http://www.intrepid-geophysics.com/ig/manuals/english/gridding.pdf} |
95 | for details on the Intrepid model. |
96 | \end{itemize} |
97 | |
98 | These sets were combined via |
99 | interpolation and resampling to produce four nested grids |
100 | which are relatively coarse in the deeper water and |
101 | progressively finer as the distance to |
102 | Patong Beach decreases as shown in Figure~\ref{fig:nested_grids}. |
103 | |
104 | The coarsest |
105 | bathymetry was obtained by interpolating the DBDB2 grid to a 27 second |
106 | arc grid. A subsection of this region was then replaced by nine second |
107 | data which was generated by sub-sampling the three second of arc grid from |
108 | NOAA. It is an artificially generated data set which is a subset of the original data. |
109 | |
110 | A subset of the nine second grid was replaced by the three second |
111 | data. Finally, the one second grid was used to approximate the |
112 | bathymetry in Patong Bay and the immediately adjacent regions. Any |
113 | points that deviated from the general trend near the boundary were |
114 | deleted as a quality check. |
115 | |
116 | A one second grid was used to approximate the bathymetry in Patong |
117 | Bay. This elevation data was created from the digitised Thai |
118 | Navy bathymetry chart, no 358. The digitised points and contour lines |
119 | from this chart are shown in Figure~\ref{fig:patong_bathymetry}. |
120 | |
121 | |
122 | The sub-sampling of larger grids was performed by using {\bf resample}, |
123 | a Generic Mapping Tools (\textsc{GMT}) program (\cite{wessel98}). |
124 | |
125 | |
126 | \begin{figure}[ht] |
127 | \begin{center} |
128 | \includegraphics[width=\textwidth,keepaspectratio=true]{figures/nested_grids} |
129 | \caption{Nested bathymetry grids.} |
130 | \label{fig:nested_grids} |
131 | \end{center} |
132 | \end{figure} |
133 | |
134 | \subsubsection{JASON Satellite Altimetry}\label{sec:data_jason} |
135 | During the 26 December 2004 event, the \textsc{jason} satellite tracked from |
136 | north to south and over the equator at 02:55 UTC nearly two hours |
137 | after the earthquake \cite{gower05}. The satellite recorded the sea |
138 | level anomaly compared to the average sea level from its previous five |
139 | passes over the same region in the 20-30 days prior. This data was |
140 | used to validate the propagation stage in Section |
141 | \ref{sec:resultsPropagation}. |
142 | |
143 | |
144 | %DB I suggest we combine with model data to reduce the number of figures. The satellite track is shown in Figure~\ref{fig:satelliteTrack}. |
145 | |
146 | \subsection{Inundation} |
147 | \label{sec:inundation data} |
148 | Inundation is the final stage of the evolution of a tsunami and |
149 | refers to the run-up of tsunami onto land. This process is typically the most |
150 | difficult of the three stages to model due to thin layers of water |
151 | flowing rapidly over dry land. Aside from requiring robust solvers |
152 | which can simulate such complex flow patterns, this part of the |
153 | modelling process also requires high resolution and quality elevation |
154 | data which is often not available. In the case of model validation |
155 | high quality field measurements are also required. For the proposed |
156 | benchmark a high resolution (1 second) topography data set and a |
157 | tsunami inundation survey map from the |
158 | Coordinating Committee Co-ordinating Committee for Geoscience Programmes |
159 | in East and Southeast Asia (CCOP) (\cite{szczucinski06}) was obtained |
160 | to validate model inundation. See also acknowledgements at the end of this paper. In this section we also present eye-witness accounts which can be used |
161 | to qualitatively validate tsunami inundation. |
162 | |
163 | \subsubsection{Topography Data} |
164 | The 1 second onshore topography for Patong Beach provided by the CCOP was |
165 | merged with the nearshore 1 second bathymetry described in Section |
166 | \ref{sec:bathymetry data} to provide a seamless terrain model for the |
167 | bay and community as shown in Figure~\ref{fig:patong_bathymetry}. |
168 | |
169 | |
170 | \begin{figure}[ht] |
171 | \begin{center} |
172 | \includegraphics[width=8.0cm,keepaspectratio=true]{figures/patong_bay_data.jpg} |
173 | \caption{3D visualisation of the elevation data set used in Patong Bay showing data points, contours, rivers and roads draped over the final model.} |
174 | \label{fig:patong_bathymetry} |
175 | \end{center} |
176 | \end{figure} |
177 | FIXME (Jane): legend? Were the contours derived from the final dataset? |
178 | This is not the entire model, only the bay and the beach. RICHARD |
179 | |
180 | \subsubsection{Buildings and Other Structures} |
181 | Human-made buildings and structures can significantly affect tsunami |
182 | inundation. The footprint and number of floors of the |
183 | buildings in Patong Bay were extracted from a GIS data set which was also provided by the CCOP (see Section \ref{sec:inundation data} for details). |
184 | The heights of these |
185 | buildings were estimated assuming that each floor has a height of 3 m and they |
186 | were added to the topographic dataset. |
187 | |
188 | \subsubsection{Inundation Survey} |
189 | Tsunami run-up in built-up areas can be the cause of large financial and human |
190 | losses, yet run-up data that can be used to validate model run-up |
191 | predictions is scarce because such events are relatively infrequent. |
192 | Of the two field benchmarks proposed |
193 | in~\cite{synolakis08}, |
194 | only the Okushiri benchmark facilitates comparison between |
195 | modelled and observed run-up. One of the major strengths of the |
196 | benchmark proposed here is that modelled run-up can be compared to an |
197 | inundation survey which maps the maximum run-up along an entire coastline |
198 | rather than at a series of discrete sites. The survey map is |
199 | shown in Figure~\ref{fig:patongescapemap} and plots the maximum run-up |
200 | of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami in Patong city. Refer to Szczucinski et |
201 | al~\cite{szczucinski06} for further details. |
202 | |
203 | \begin{figure}[ht] |
204 | \begin{center} |
205 | %\includegraphics[width=8.0cm,keepaspectratio=true]{patongescapemap.jpg} |
206 | \includegraphics[width=\textwidth,keepaspectratio=true]{figures/post_tsunami_survey.jpg} |
207 | \caption{Tsunami survey mapping the maximum observed inundation at |
208 | Patong beach courtesy of the CCOP \protect \cite{szczucinski06}.} |
209 | \label{fig:patongescapemap} |
210 | \end{center} |
211 | \end{figure} |
212 | |
213 | |
214 | \subsubsection{Eyewitness Accounts}\label{sec:eyewitness data} |
215 | Eyewitness accounts detailed in~\cite{papadopoulos06} |
216 | report that many people at Patong Beach observed an initial |
217 | retreat (trough or draw down) of |
218 | the shoreline of more than 100 m followed a few minutes later by a |
219 | strong wave (crest). Another less powerful wave arrived another five |
220 | or ten minutes later. Eyewitness statements place the arrival time of |
221 | the first wave between 9:55 am and 10:05 am local time or about 2 hours |
222 | after the source rupture. |
223 | FIXME (Ole): We should add observed arrival time and later relate that to |
224 | the modelled dynamics. Wait for Drew's updated animation. |
225 | |
226 | |
227 | \begin{figure}[ht] |
228 | \begin{center} |
229 | %\includegraphics[width=8.0cm,keepaspectratio=true]{gauge_locations.jpg} |
230 | \includegraphics[width=\textwidth,keepaspectratio=true]{figures/gauges.jpg} |
231 | \caption{Location of timeseries extracted from the model output. FIXME(John): |
232 | should we combine the inundation map with the gauages map?} |
233 | \label{fig:gauge_locations} |
234 | \end{center} |
235 | \end{figure} |
236 | |
237 | Two videos were sourced\footnote{The footage is |
238 | widely available and can, for example, be obtained from |
239 | \url{http://www.archive.org/download/patong_bavarian/patong_bavaria.wmv} |
240 | (Comfort Hotel) and |
241 | \url{http://www.archive.org/download/tsunami_patong_beach/tsunami_patong_beach.wmv} |
242 | (Novotel)} |
243 | %http://wizbangblog.com/content/2005/01/01/wizbang-tsunami.php |
244 | which include footage of the tsunami in Patong Bay on the day |
245 | of the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami. Both videos show an already inundated |
246 | group of buildings. They also show what is to be assumed as the second |
247 | and third waves approaching and further flooding of the buildings and |
248 | street. The first video is in the very north, filmed from what is |
249 | believed to be the roof of the Novotel Hotel marked ``north'' in Figure |
250 | \ref{fig:gauge_locations}. The second video is in the very south, |
251 | filmed from the second story of a building next door to the Comfort |
252 | Resort near the corner of Ruam Chai St and Thaweewong Road. This |
253 | location is marked ``south'' in Figure \ref{fig:gauge_locations}. |
254 | Figure~\ref{fig:video_flow} shows stills from this video. Both videos |
255 | were used to estimate flow speeds and inundation depths over time. |
256 | |
257 | \begin{figure}[ht] |
258 | \begin{center} |
259 | \includegraphics[width=5.0cm,keepaspectratio=true]{figures/flow_rate_south_0_00sec.jpg} |
260 | \includegraphics[width=5.0cm,keepaspectratio=true]{figures/flow_rate_south_5_04sec.jpg} |
261 | \includegraphics[width=5.0cm,keepaspectratio=true]{figures/flow_rate_south_7_12sec.jpg} |
262 | \includegraphics[width=5.0cm,keepaspectratio=true]{figures/flow_rate_south_7_60sec.jpg} |
263 | \caption{Four frames from a video where flow rate could be estimated, |
264 | circle indicates tracked debris, from top left: 0.0 sec, 5.0 s, 7.1 |
265 | s, 7.6 s.} |
266 | \label{fig:video_flow} |
267 | \end{center} |
268 | \end{figure} |
269 | |
270 | Flow rates were estimated using landmarks found in both videos and |
271 | were found to be in the range of 5 to 7 metres per second (+/- 2 m/s) |
272 | in the north and 0.5 to 2 metres per second (+/- 1 m/s) in the |
273 | south\footnote{These error bounds were estimated from uncertainty in aligning the debris with building boundaries in the videos.}. |
274 | Water depths could also |
275 | be estimated from the videos by the level at which water rose up the |
276 | sides of buildings such as shops. Our estimates are in the order of |
277 | 1.5 to 2.0 metres (+/- 0.5 m estimated error bounds). |
278 | Fritz ~\cite{fritz06} performed a detailed |
279 | analysis of video frames taken around Banda Aceh and arrived at flow |
280 | speeds in the range of 2 to 5 m/s. |
281 | |
282 | |
283 | \subsection{Validation Check-List} |
284 | \label{sec:checkList} |
285 | The data described in this section can be used to construct a |
286 | benchmark to validate tsunami models. |
287 | In particular we propose that a legitimate tsunami model |
288 | should reproduce the following behaviour: |
289 | \begin{itemize} |
290 | \item reproduce the inundation survey map in Patong city |
291 | (Figure~\ref{fig:patongescapemap}), |
292 | \item simulate a leading depression followed by two distinct crests |
293 | of decreasing magnitude at the beach, and |
294 | \item predict the water depths and flow speeds, at the locations of |
295 | the eye-witness videos, that fall within the bounds obtained from |
296 | the videos. |
297 | \item reproduce the \textsc{jason} satellite altimetry sea surface |
298 | anomalies (see Section~\ref{sec:data_jason}), |
299 | \item reproduce the vertical deformation observed in north-western |
300 | Sumatra and along the Nicobar--Andaman islands (see |
301 | Section~\ref{sec:gen_data}), |
302 | \end{itemize} |
303 | |
304 | Ideally, the model should also be compared to measured timeseries of |
305 | waveheights and velocities but the authors are not aware of the |
306 | availability of such data near Patong Bay. |