1 | @ARTICLE{madsen02, |
2 | AUTHOR = {P.A. Madsen and H.B. Bingham and H. Liu}, |
3 | TITLE = {A new {B}oussinesq method for fully nonlinear |
4 | waves from shallow to deep water}, |
5 | JOURNAL = {Journal of Fluid Mechanics}, |
6 | YEAR = {2002}, |
7 | PAGES = {1-30}, |
8 | VOLUME = {462} |
9 | } |
10 | |
11 | @ARTICLE{agnon99, |
12 | AUTHOR = {Y. Agnon and P.A. Madsen and H.A. Schiffer.}, |
13 | TITLE = {A new approach to high-order {B}oussinesq models}, |
14 | JOURNAL = {Journal of Fluid Mechanics}, |
15 | YEAR = {1999}, |
16 | PAGES = {319-333}, |
17 | VOLUME = {399} |
18 | } |
19 | |
20 | @ARTICLE{gobbi00, |
21 | AUTHOR = {M.F. Gobbi and J.T. Kirby and G. Wei}, |
22 | TITLE = {A fully nonlinear {B}oussinesq model for surface waves. {P}art 2. {E}xtension to $O(kh)^4$}, |
23 | JOURNAL = {Journal of Fluid Mechanics}, |
24 | YEAR = {2000}, |
25 | PAGES = {181-210}, |
26 | VOLUME = {405} |
27 | } |
28 | |
29 | @ARTICLE{peregrine67, |
30 | AUTHOR = {D.H. Peregrine}, |
31 | TITLE = {Long waves on a beach}, |
32 | JOURNAL = {Journal of Fluid Mechanics}, |
33 | YEAR = {1967}, |
34 | PAEGS = {815-827}, |
35 | VOLUME = {27}, |
36 | NUMBER = {4} |
37 | } |
38 | |
39 | @PHDTHESIS{latham99, |
40 | AUTHOR = {S. Latham}, |
41 | TITLE = {A Free Surface Nonlinearity in the Simplified Steady-State |
42 | Shallow Water Equations}, |
43 | SCHOOL = {The Australian National University}, |
44 | YEAR = {1999} |
45 | } |
46 | |
47 | @BOOK{liggett94, |
48 | AUTHOR = {J.A. Liggett}, |
49 | TITLE = {Fluid Mechanics}, |
50 | PUBLISHER = {McGraw Hill, Inc.}, |
51 | YEAR = {1994} |
52 | } |
53 | |
54 | @BOOK{chorin79, |
55 | AUTHOR = {A. J. Chorin and J. E. Marsden}, |
56 | TITLE = {A Mathematical Introduction to Fluid Mechanics}, |
57 | PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag}, |
58 | YEAR = {1979} |
59 | } |
60 | |
61 | @BOOK{temam05, |
62 | AUTHOR = {R .M. Temam and A. M. Miranville}, |
63 | TITLE = {Mathematical Modeling in Continuum Mechanics}, |
64 | PUBLISHER = {Cambridge University Press}, |
65 | YEAR = {2005}, |
66 | EDITION = {Second} |
67 | } |
68 | |
69 | @article{zoppou03, |
70 | AUTHOR = {C., Zoppou and S.G Roberts}, |
71 | TITLE = {Explicit schemes for dam-break simulations}, |
72 | YEAR = {2003}, |
73 | JOURNAL = {Journal of Hydraulic Engineering}, |
74 | VOLUME = {129}, |
75 | NUMBER = {1}, |
76 | MONTH = {January}, |
77 | PAGES = {11-34} |
78 | } |
79 | |
80 | |
81 | @article{zoppou99, |
82 | AUTHOR = {C., Zoppou and S.G Roberts}, |
83 | TITLE = {Catastrophic collapse of water supply reserviours in urban areas}, |
84 | YEAR = {1999}, |
85 | JOURNAL = {Journal of Hydraulic Engineering}, |
86 | VOLUME = {125}, |
87 | NUMBER = {7}, |
88 | MONTH = {July}, |
89 | PAGES = {686-695} |
90 | } |
91 | |
92 | @article{zoppou00, |
93 | AUTHOR = {C., Zoppou and S.G Roberts}, |
94 | TITLE = {Numerical solution of the two-dimensional unsteady dam break}, |
95 | YEAR = {2000}, |
96 | JOURNAL = {Applied Mathematical Modelling}, |
97 | VOLUME = {24}, |
98 | PAGES = {457-475} |
99 | } |
100 | |
101 | @ARTICLE{kurganov01, |
102 | AUTHOR = {A., Kurganov and S. Noelle and G. Petrova}, |
103 | TITLE = {Semidiscrete central-upwind schemes for hyperbolic conservation |
104 | laws and {H}amilton-{J}acobi equations}, |
105 | YEAR = {2001}, |
106 | JOURNAL = {SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing}, |
107 | VOLUME = {23}, |
108 | NUMBER = {3}, |
109 | MONTH = {}, |
110 | PAGES = {707-740} |
111 | } |
112 | |
113 | @ARTICLE{kurganov02, |
114 | AUTHOR = {A. Kurganov D. Levy}, |
115 | TITLE = {Central-upwind schemes for the {S}aint-{V}enant system}, |
116 | YEAR = {2002}, |
117 | JOURNAL = {Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis}, |
118 | VOLUME = {36}, |
119 | NUMBER = {3}, |
120 | PAGES = {397-425} |
121 | } |
122 | |
123 | @ARTICLE{toro92, |
124 | AUTHOR = {E.F. Toro}, |
125 | TITLE = {Reimann problems and the {WAF} method for solving the |
126 | two-dimensional shallow water equations}, |
127 | YEAR = {1992}, |
128 | JOURNAL = {Philospohical Transacations: Physical Sciences and Engineering}, |
129 | VOLUME = {338}, |
130 | NUMBER = {1649}, |
131 | MONTH = {Janurary}, |
132 | PAGES = {43-68} |
133 | } |
134 | |
135 | @ARTICLE{Toro89, |
136 | AUTHOR = {E.F. Toro}, |
137 | TITLE = {A weighted average flux method for hyperbolic conservation laws}, |
138 | YEAR = {1989}, |
139 | JOURNAL = {Proc. Royal Soc.}, |
140 | } |
141 | |
142 | @ARTICLE{synolakis05, |
143 | AUTHOR = {C., Synolakis and E. Okal and E. Bernard}, |
144 | TITLE = {The megatsunami of {D}ecember 26 2004}, |
145 | YEAR = {2005}, |
146 | JOURNAL = {National Academy of Engineering Publications}, |
147 | } |
148 | |
149 | @BOOK{johnson90book, |
150 | AUTHOR = {C. Johnson}, |
151 | TITLE = {Numerical solution of partial differential equations by the finite element method}, |
152 | PUBLISHER = {Cambridge University Press}, |
153 | YEAR = {1990}, |
154 | ADDRESS = {Sydney} |
155 | } |
156 | |
157 | @ARTICLE{blain05, |
158 | AUTHOR = {C.A. Blain and T.C. Massey}, |
159 | TITLE = {Application of a coupled discontinuous-continuous {G}alerkin finite element shallow water model to coastal ocean dynamics}, |
160 | JOURNAL = {Ocean Modelling}, |
161 | YEAR = {2005}, |
162 | VOLUME = {10}, |
163 | PAGES = {283-315} |
164 | } |
165 | |
166 | @BOOK{tennekes, |
167 | AUTHOR = { H. Tennekes and J.L. Lumley }, |
168 | TITLE = {A First Course in Turbulence}, |
169 | PUBLISHER = { MIT Press }, |
170 | YEAR = {1972}, |
171 | ADDRESS = { Cambridge } |
172 | } |
173 | |
174 | @ARTICLE{mead04, |
175 | AUTHOR = {J.L. Mead }, |
176 | TITLE = {The shallow water equations in {L}agrangian coordinates}, |
177 | JOURNAL = {Journal of Computational Physics}, |
178 | YEAR = {2004}, |
179 | VOLUME = {200}, |
180 | PAGES = {654-669} |
181 | } |
182 | |
183 | @ARTICLE{bennett99, |
184 | AUTHOR = {A.F. Bennett and B.S. Chua}, |
185 | TITLE = { Open boundary conditions for {L}agrangian geophysical fluid dynamics }, |
186 | JOURNAL = {Journal of Computational Physics}, |
187 | YEAR = {1999}, |
188 | VOLUME = {153}, |
189 | PAGES = {418-436}, |
190 | NUMBER = {2} |
191 | } |
192 | |
193 | @ARTICLE{oliger78, |
194 | AUTHOR = {J. Oliger and A. Sundstrom}, |
195 | TITLE = {Theoretical and practical aspects of some initial boundary value problems in fluid}, |
196 | JOURNAL = {SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics}, |
197 | YEAR = {1978}, |
198 | VOLUME = {35}, |
199 | PAGES = {419-446}, |
200 | NUMBER = {3} |
201 | } |
202 | |
203 | @ARTICLE{hughes86, |
204 | AUTHOR = {T.J.R. Hughes and M. Mallet and A. Mizukami}, |
205 | TITLE = {A new finite element formulation for computational fluid dynamics: {II}. {B}eyond {SUPG}}, |
206 | JOURNAL = {Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering}, |
207 | YEAR = {1986}, |
208 | VOLUME = {54}, |
209 | PAGES = {341-355} |
210 | } |
211 | |
212 | @ARTICLE{hughes84, |
213 | AUTHOR = {T.J.R. Hughes and T.E. Tezduyar}, |
214 | TITLE = {Finite element methods for first-order hyperbolic systems with particular focus on the compressible {E}uler equations}, |
215 | JOURNAL = {Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering}, |
216 | YEAR = {1984}, |
217 | VOLUME = {45}, |
218 | PAGES = {217-284} |
219 | } |
220 | |
221 | @ARTICLE{johnson90, |
222 | AUTHOR = {C. Johnson and A .Szepessy and P. Hansbo}, |
223 | TITLE = {On the convergence of shock-capturing streamline diffusion finite element methods for hyperbolic conservation laws}, |
224 | JOURNAL = {Mathematics of Computation}, |
225 | YEAR = {1990}, |
226 | VOLUME = {54}, |
227 | PAGES = {107-129} |
228 | } |
229 | |
230 | @ARTICLE{johnson87, |
231 | AUTHOR = {C. Johnson and A .Szepessy}, |
232 | TITLE = {On the convergence of a finite element methods for a nonlinear hyperbolic conservation law}, |
233 | JOURNAL = {Mathematics of Computation}, |
234 | YEAR = {1987}, |
235 | VOLUME = {49}, |
236 | PAGES = {427-444} |
237 | } |
238 | @ARTICLE{bova96, |
239 | AUTHOR = {S.W. Bova and G.F. Carey}, |
240 | TITLE = {An entropy variable formulation and applications for the two-dimensional shallow water equations}, |
241 | JOURNAL = {International Journal For Numerical Methods in Fluids}, |
242 | YEAR = {1996}, |
243 | VOLUME = {23}, |
244 | PAGES = {29-46} |
245 | } |
246 | |
247 | @ARTICLE{shu03, |
248 | AUTHOR = {C. Shu}, |
249 | TITLE = {High-order finite difference and finite volume {WENO} |
250 | schemes and discontinuous {G}alerkin methods for {CFD}}, |
251 | JOURNAL = {International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics}, |
252 | YEAR = {2003}, |
253 | VOLUME = {17}, |
254 | NUMBER = {2}, |
255 | PAGES = {107-118} |
256 | } |
257 | |
258 | @ARTICLE{shu88, |
259 | AUTHOR = {C. Shu and S. Osher}, |
260 | TITLE = {Efficient implementation of essentially non-oscillatory shock capturing schemes}, |
261 | JOURNAL = {Journal of Computational Physics}, |
262 | YEAR = {1988}, |
263 | VOLUME = {77}, |
264 | PAGES = {4379-471} |
265 | } |
266 | |
267 | @BOOK{leveque02, |
268 | AUTHOR = {R.J. LeVeque}, |
269 | TITLE = {Finite Volume Methods for Hyperbolic Problems}, |
270 | PUBLISHER = {Cambridge University Press}, |
271 | YEAR = {2002}, |
272 | ADDRESS = { Cambridge } |
273 | } |
274 | |
275 | @BOOK{leveque92, |
276 | AUTHOR = {R.J. LeVeque}, |
277 | TITLE = {Numerical Methods for Conservation Laws}, |
278 | PUBLISHER = {Birkh\"{a}user Verlag}, |
279 | YEAR = {1992}, |
280 | ADDRESS = {Basel} |
281 | } |
282 | |
283 | @ARTICLE{cockburn98, |
284 | AUTHOR = {B. Cockburn and C. Shu}, |
285 | TITLE = {The {R}unge-{K}utta discontinuous {G}alerkin method for conservation laws {V}: {M}ultidimensional systems}, |
286 | JOURNAL = {Journal of Computational Physics}, |
287 | YEAR = {1998}, |
288 | VOLUME = {141}, |
289 | PAGES = {199-224} |
290 | } |
291 | |
292 | @ARTICLE{harten87a, |
293 | AUTHOR = { A. Harten and S. Osher }, |
294 | TITLE = {Uniformly high-order accurate non-oscillatory schemes, {I}}, |
295 | JOURNAL = {SIAM Journal of Numerical Analysis}, |
296 | YEAR = {1987}, |
297 | VOLUME = {24}, |
298 | PAGES = {279-309} |
299 | } |
300 | |
301 | @ARTICLE{wang99, |
302 | AUTHOR = {Z. Wang and H.T. Shen}, |
303 | TITLE = {Lagrangian Simulation of one-dimensional dam-break flow}, |
304 | JOURNAL = {Journal of Hydraulic Engineering}, |
305 | YEAR = {1999}, |
306 | VOLUME = {125}, |
307 | NUMBER = {11}, |
308 | PAGES = {1217-1221} |
309 | } |
310 | @ARTICLE{levin06, |
311 | AUTHOR = {J.C. Levin and D.B. Haidvogel and B. Chua and A.F. Bennett and M. Iskandarani}, |
312 | TITLE = {Euler-{L}agrange equations for the spectral element shallow water system}, |
313 | JOURNAL = {Ocean Modelling}, |
314 | YEAR = {2006}, |
315 | VOLUME = {12}, |
316 | PAGES = {348-377} |
317 | } |
318 | @ARTICLE{zhang99, |
319 | AUTHOR = {M.Y. Zhang and J. Monbaliu and C.S. Yu}, |
320 | TITLE = {An {E}ulerian-{L}agrangian method for the simulation of wave propagation}, |
321 | JOURNAL = {Ocean Engineering}, |
322 | YEAR = {1999}, |
323 | VOLUME = {26}, |
324 | PAGES = {255-276} |
325 | } |
326 | @BOOK{tennekes72, |
327 | AUTHOR = {H. Tennekes and J.L. Lumley}, |
328 | TITLE = {A First Course in Turbulence}, |
329 | PUBLISHER = {Cambridge University Press}, |
330 | YEAR = {1972}, |
331 | ADDRESS = {MIT Press} |
332 | } |
333 | @ARTICLE{bermudez94, |
334 | AUTHOR = {A. Bermudez and M.E. Vazquez}, |
335 | TITLE = {Upwind methods for hyperbolic conservation laws with source terms}, |
336 | JOURNAL = {Computers and Fluids}, |
337 | YEAR = {1994}, |
338 | VOLUME = {23}, |
339 | NUMBER = {8}, |
340 | PAGES = {1049-1071} |
341 | } |
342 | |
343 | @ARTICLE{godunov59, |
344 | AUTHOR = {S.K. Godunov}, |
345 | TITLE = {A finite-difference method for the numerical computation of discontinuous solutions of the equations of fluid dynamics}, |
346 | JOURNAL = {Mathemayicsheski Sbornic}, |
347 | YEAR = {1959}, |
348 | VOLUME = {47}, |
349 | PAGES = {271-306}, |
350 | NOTE = {English translation available in U.S. Joint Publication Research Service.} |
351 | } |
352 | |
353 | @ARTICLE{davis87, |
354 | AUTHOR = {S.F. Davis}, |
355 | TITLE = {A simplified {TVD} finite difference scheme via artificial viscosity}, |
356 | JOURNAL = {SIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing}, |
357 | YEAR = {1987}, |
358 | VOLUME = {8}, |
359 | NUMEBR = {1}, |
360 | PAGES = {1-18} |
361 | } |
362 | |
363 | @ARTICLE{borris73, |
364 | AUTHOR = {J.P. Borris and D.L. Book}, |
365 | TITLE = {Flux-corrected transport, {SHASTA}: {A} fluid transport algorithm that works}, |
366 | JOURNAL = {Journal of Computational Physics}, |
367 | YEAR = {1973}, |
368 | VOLUME = {11}, |
369 | NUMBER = {1}, |
370 | PAGES = {38-69} |
371 | } |
372 | |
373 | @ARTICLE{yee87, |
374 | AUTHOR = {H.C. Yee}, |
375 | TITLE = {Construction of explicit implicit symmetric {TVD} schemes and their applications}, |
376 | JOURNAL = {Journal of Computational Physics}, |
377 | YEAR = {1987}, |
378 | VOLUME = {68}, |
379 | NUMBER = {1}, |
380 | PAGES = {151-179} |
381 | } |
382 | |
383 | @ARTICLE{goutal02, |
384 | AUTHOR = {N. Goutal and F. Maurel}, |
385 | TITLE = {A finite volume solver for 1{D} shallow-water equations applied to an actual river}, |
386 | JOURNAL = {International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids}, |
387 | YEAR = {2002}, |
388 | VOLUME = {38}, |
389 | PAGES = {1-19} |
390 | } |
391 | |
392 | @ARTICLE{causon99, |
393 | AUTHOR = {D.M. Causon and C.G. Mingham and D.M. Ingram}, |
394 | TITLE = {Advances in calculation methods for supercritical flow in splillway channels}, |
395 | JOURNAL = {Journal of Hydraulic Engineering}, |
396 | YEAR = {1999}, |
397 | VOLUME = {125}, |
398 | NUMBER = {10}, |
399 | PAGES = {1039-1050} |
400 | } |
401 | |
402 | @ARTICLE{singh98, |
403 | AUTHOR = {V. Singh and S.M. Bhallamundi}, |
404 | TITLE = {Conjective surface subsurace modeling of overland flow}, |
405 | JOURNAL = {Advances in Water Resources}, |
406 | YEAR = {1998}, |
407 | VOLUME = {21}, |
408 | NUMBER = {7}, |
409 | PAGES = {567-579} |
410 | } |
411 | |
412 | @ARTICLE{mingham98, |
413 | AUTHOR = {C.G. Mingham and D.M. Causon}, |
414 | TITLE = {High-resolution finite-volume method for shallow water flows}, |
415 | JOURNAL = {Journal of Hydraulic Engineering}, |
416 | YEAR = {1998}, |
417 | VOLUME = {124}, |
418 | NUMBER = {6}, |
419 | PAGES = {605-614} |
420 | } |
421 | @ARTICLE{cockburn89, |
422 | AUTHOR = {B. Cockburn and C. Shu}, |
423 | TITLE = {{TVB} {R}unge-{K}utta local projection discontinuous {G}alerkin finite element method for conservation laws {II}: {G}eneral framework}, |
424 | JOURNAL = {Mathematics of Computation}, |
425 | YEAR = {1989}, |
426 | VOLUME = {52}, |
427 | PAGES = {411-435} |
428 | } |
429 | |
430 | @ARTICLE{harten87b, |
431 | AUTHOR = {A. Harten and B. Engquist and S. Osher and S. Chakravarthy}, |
432 | TITLE = {Uniformly high order essentially non-oscillatory schemes, {III}}, |
433 | JOURNAL = {Journal of Computational Physics}, |
434 | YEAR = {1987}, |
435 | VOLUME = {71}, |
436 | PAGES = {231-303} |
437 | } |
438 | |
439 | @BOOK{laney98, |
440 | AUTHOR = {C.B. Laney}, |
441 | TITLE = {Computational Gas Dynamics}, |
442 | PUBLISHER = {Cambridge University Press}, |
443 | YEAR = {1998}, |
444 | ADDRESS = {Cambridge} |
445 | } |
446 | |
447 | @ARTICLE{bokhove05, |
448 | AUTHOR = {O. Bokhove}, |
449 | TITLE = {Flooding and Drying in Discontinuous {G}alerkin Finite-Element Discretizations of Shallow-Water Equations. {P}art 1: {O}ne Dimension}, |
450 | JOURNAL = {Journal of Scientific Computing}, |
451 | YEAR = {2005}, |
452 | VOLUME = {22}, |
453 | PAGES = {47-82} |
454 | } |
455 | |
456 | @ARTICLE{chertock06, |
457 | AUTHOR = {A. Chertock and A. Kurganov and G. Petrova}, |
458 | TITLE = {Finite-Volume-Particle Methods for Models of Transport of Pollutant in Shallow Water}, |
459 | JOURNAL = {Journal of Scientific Computing}, |
460 | YEAR = {2006}, |
461 | VOLUME = {27}, |
462 | PAGES = {189-199} |
463 | } |
464 | |
465 | @BOOK{stoker57, |
466 | AUTHOR = {J.J. Stoker}, |
467 | TITLE = {Water waves: the Mathematical Theory with Applications}, |
468 | PUBLISHER = {Interscience Publishers}, |
469 | YEAR = {1957}, |
470 | ADDRESS = {New York} |
471 | } |
472 | |
473 | @ARTICLE{macdonald97, |
474 | AUTHOR = {MacDonald}, |
475 | TITLE = {}, |
476 | JOURNAL = {}, |
477 | YEAR = {1997}, |
478 | VOLUME = {}, |
479 | PAGES = {} |
480 | } |
481 | |
482 | @ARTICLE{wu99, |
483 | AUTHOR = {C. Wu and G. Huang and Y. Zheng}, |
484 | TITLE = {Theoretical Solution of dam-break shock wave}, |
485 | JOURNAL = {Journal of Hydraulic Engineering}, |
486 | YEAR = {1999}, |
487 | VOLUME = {125}, |
488 | NUMBER = {11}, |
489 | PAGES = {1210-1215} |
490 | } |
491 | |
492 | @ARTICLE{thacker81, |
493 | AUTHOR = {W. Thacker}, |
494 | TITLE = {Some Exact Solutions to the nonlinear shallow water wave equations}, |
495 | JOURNAL = {Journal of Fluid Mechanics}, |
496 | YEAR = {1981}, |
497 | VOLUME = {107}, |
498 | PAGES = {499-508} |
499 | } |
500 | |
501 | @ARTICLE{roe85, |
502 | AUTHOR = {P.L. Roe}, |
503 | TITLE = {Some contributions to the modelling of discontinuous flows}, |
504 | JOURNAL = {Lectures in Applied Mathematics}, |
505 | YEAR = {1985}, |
506 | VOLUME = {22}, |
507 | PAGES = {163-193} |
508 | } |
509 | |
510 | @ARTICLE{fraccarollo95, |
511 | AUTHOR = {L. Fraccarollo and E. Toro}, |
512 | TITLE = {Experimental and numerical assessment of the shallow water model for two dimensional dam break type}, |
513 | JOURNAL = {Journal of Computational Physics}, |
514 | YEAR = {1995}, |
515 | VOLUME = {33}, |
516 | NUMBER = {6}, |
517 | PAGES = {843-864} |
518 | } |
519 | |
520 | @ARTICLE{fraccarollo02, |
521 | AUTHOR = {L. Fraccarollo and H. Capart}, |
522 | TITLE = {Riemann wave description of erosional dam-break flows}, |
523 | JOURNAL = {Journal of Fluid Mechanics}, |
524 | YEAR = {2002}, |
525 | VOLUME = {461}, |
526 | PAGES = {183-228} |
527 | } |
528 | |
529 | @ARTICLE{fraccarollo03, |
530 | AUTHOR = {L. Fraccarollo and H. Capart and Y. Zech}, |
531 | TITLE = {A {G}odunov method for the computation of erosional shallow water transients}, |
532 | JOURNAL = {International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids}, |
533 | YEAR = {2003}, |
534 | VOLUME = {41}, |
535 | PAGES = {951-976} |
536 | } |
537 | |
538 | @ARTICLE{begnudelli06, |
539 | AUTHOR = {L. Begnudelli and B. Sanders}, |
540 | TITLE = {Unstructured grid finite volume algorithm for shallow water flow and scalar transport with wetting and drying}, |
541 | JOURNAL = {Journal of Hydraulic Engineering}, |
542 | YEAR = {2006}, |
543 | VOLUME = {132}, |
544 | NUMBER= {4}, |
545 | PAGES = {371-384} |
546 | } |
547 | |
548 | @ARTICLE{cekirge86, |
549 | AUTHOR = {H.M. Cekirge and R.W. Lardner and R.J. Fraga}, |
550 | TITLE = {Adaptation of the solution of the two-dimensional tidal equations using the method of characteristics to wind induced currents and storm surges}, |
551 | JOURNAL = {Computers and Mathematics with Applications}, |
552 | YEAR = {1986}, |
553 | VOLUME = {12}, |
554 | NUMBER= {A}, |
555 | PAGES = {1081-1090} |
556 | } |
557 | |
558 | @ARTICLE{dube85, |
559 | AUTHOR = {S.K. Dube and P.C. Sinha and G.D. Roy}, |
560 | TITLE = {The numerical simulation of storm surges along the {B}angla {D}esh coast}, |
561 | JOURNAL = {Transactions of the American Mathematical Society}, |
562 | YEAR = {1985}, |
563 | VOLUME = {9}, |
564 | PAGES = {121-133} |
565 | } |
566 | |
567 | @INPROCEEDINGS{ogink86, |
568 | AUTHOR = {H.J.M. Ogink and J.G. Grijsen and A.J.H. Wijbenga}, |
569 | TITLE = {Aspects of flood level computations}, |
570 | BOOKTITLE = {International Symposium on Flood Frequency and Risk Analysis}, |
571 | YEAR = {1986}, |
572 | ADDRESS = {USA}, |
573 | } |
574 | |
575 | @INPROCEEDINGS{nixon96, |
576 | AUTHOR = {J.B. Nixon and B.J. Noye}, |
577 | TITLE = {Prawn larvae dispersion modelling}, |
578 | BOOKTITLE = {Computational Techniques and Applications}, |
579 | YEAR = {1996}, |
580 | ORGANIZATION = {Computational Mathematics Group, Australian Mathematical Society}, |
581 | PUBLISHER = {World Scientific}, |
582 | EDITOR = {R.L. May and A.K. Easton} |
583 | } |
584 | |
585 | @MISC{sharon, |
586 | AUTHOR = {S. Koh}, |
587 | TITLE = {Honours Thesis - Theoretical and Numerical Simulation of Rapidly-Varying Flows in Open Channels}, |
588 | HOWPUBLISHED = {The Australian National University}, |
589 | YEAR = {2001} |
590 | } |
591 | |
592 | @ARTICLE{kennedy00, |
593 | AUTHOR = {A.B. Kennedy and Q. Chen and J.T. Kirby and R.A. Dalrymple}, |
594 | TITLE = {Boussinesq modeling of wave transformation, breaking, and runup}, |
595 | JOURNAL = {Journal of Waterway Port Coastal and Ocean Engineering}, |
596 | YEAR = {2000}, |
597 | VOLUME = {126}, |
598 | NUMBER = {1}, |
599 | PAGES = {39-47} |
600 | } |
601 | |
602 | @INPROCEEDINGS{Watts05, |
603 | AUTHOR = {P. Watts and M. Ioualalen and S. Grilli and F. Shi and J. Kirby}, |
604 | TITLE = {Numerical Simulation of the December 26, 2004 Indian Ocean |
605 | Tsunami using a Higher-order Boussinesq Model}, |
606 | BOOKTITLE = {Ocean Waves Measurement and Analysis 5th International |
607 | Symposium}, |
608 | YEAR = {2005} |
609 | } |
610 | |
611 | @ARTICLE{watts03, |
612 | AUTHOR = {P. Watts and S.T. Grilli and J.T. Kirby and G.J. Fryer and D.R. Tappin}, |
613 | TITLE = {Landslide tsunami case studies using a {B}oussinesq model and a fully nonlinear tsunami generation model}, |
614 | JOURNAL = {Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences }, |
615 | YEAR = {2003}, |
616 | VOLUME = {3}, |
617 | NUMBER = {5}, |
618 | PAGES = {391-402} |
619 | } |
620 | |
621 | @INPROCEEDINGS{watts01, |
622 | AUTHOR = {P. Watts and S.T. Grilli and F. Imamura}, |
623 | TITLE = {Coupling of tsunami generation and propagation codes}, |
624 | YEAR = {2001}, |
625 | BOOKTITLE = {ITS Proccedings}, |
626 | } |
627 | |
628 | @INPROCEEDINGS{titov01, |
629 | AUTHOR = {V.V., Titov and F.I. Gonzalez and H.O. Mofjeld and J.C. Newman}, |
630 | TITLE = {Project {SIFT} (Short-term inundation forecasting for tsunamis)}, |
631 | YEAR = {2001}, |
632 | BOOKTITLE = {ITS Proceedings} |
633 | } |
634 | |
635 | @ARTICLE{titov97a, |
636 | AUTHOR = {V.V., Titov and F.I. Gonzalez}, |
637 | TITLE = {Implementation and testing of the method of splitting tsunami ({MOST}) model}, |
638 | YEAR = {1997}, |
639 | JOURNAL = {NOAA Technical Memorandum}, |
640 | } |
641 | |
642 | @ARTICLE{titov98, |
643 | AUTHOR = {V.V. Titov and C. Synolakis}, |
644 | TITLE = {Numerical Modelling of tidal wave runup}, |
645 | YEAR = {1998}, |
646 | JOURNAL = {Journal of Waterwat, Port and Coastal Engineering}, |
647 | VOLUME = {124}, |
648 | NUMBER = {4}, |
649 | PAGES = {157-171} |
650 | } |
651 | |
652 | @INPROCEEDINGS{avdeev01, |
653 | AUTHOR = {A.V. Avdeev and M.M. Lavrentiev Jr. and A.G. Marchuck and E.V. |
654 | Goryunov and K.V. Simonov and V.A. Okhonin}, |
655 | TITLE = {Complex analysis of ocean tsunami observation data for solution |
656 | of the inverse problem}, |
657 | YEAR = {2001}, |
658 | BOOKTITLE = {ITS Proceedings}, |
659 | } |
660 | |
661 | @INPROCEEDINGS{pelinovsky01, |
662 | AUTHOR = {E. Pelinovsky and C. Kharif and I. Riabov and M. Francius}, |
663 | TITLE = {Numerical simulation of tsunami propagation near the {F}rench |
664 | coast of the {M}editerranean}, |
665 | YEAR = {2001}, |
666 | BOOKTITLE = {ITS Procceedings}, |
667 | } |
668 | |
669 | @ARTICLE{ritter1892, |
670 | AUTHOR = {A. Ritter}, |
671 | TITLE = {Die Fortpflanzung der Wasserwellen}, |
672 | JOURNAL = {Zeitschrift des Vereines Deutscher Ingenieure}, |
673 | YEAR = {1892}, |
674 | VOLUME = {36}, |
675 | NUMBER = {33}, |
676 | PAGES = {947-954} |
677 | } |
678 | |
679 | @ARTICLE{strang68, |
680 | AUTHOR = {G. Strang}, |
681 | TITLE = {On the construction and comparison of difference schemes}, |
682 | JOURNAL = {SIAM Journal of Numerical Analysis}, |
683 | YEAR = {1968}, |
684 | VOLUME = {5}, |
685 | PAGES = {507-517} |
686 | } |
687 | |
688 | @ARTICLE{lebrun98, |
689 | AUTHOR = {J.F., Lebrun and G.G. Karner and J.Y. Collot}, |
690 | TITLE = {Fracture zone subduction and reactivation across the {P}uysegur ridge/trench system, southern {N}ew {Z}ealand}, |
691 | JOURNAL = {Journal of Geophysical Research}, |
692 | YEAR = {1998}, |
693 | VOLUME = {103}, |
694 | PAGES = {7293-7313} |
695 | } |
696 | |
697 | @INPROCEEDINGS{matsuyama01, |
698 | AUTHOR = {M., Matsuyama and H. Tanaka}, |
699 | TITLE = {An experimental study of the highest runup height in the 1993 hokkaido nansei-oki earthquake tsunami}, |
700 | BOOKTITLE = {National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program Review and International Tsunami Symposium (ITS)}, |
701 | YEAR = {2001}, |
702 | PAGES = {879-889}, |
703 | NOTE = {U.S. National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program} |
704 | } |
705 | |
706 | @ARTICLE{tsuji95, |
707 | AUTHOR = {Y., Tsuji and S. Matsutomi and F. Imamura and C.E. Synolakis}, |
708 | TITLE = {Field survey of the east java earthquake and tsunami}, |
709 | JOURNAL = {Pure and Applied Geophysics}, |
710 | YEAR = {1995}, |
711 | VOLUME = {144}, |
712 | NUMBER ={3/4}, |
713 | PAGES = {839-855} |
714 | } |
715 | |
716 | @Unpublished{roberts06, |
717 | author = {S.G., Roberts and O.M. Nielsen and J.D. Jakeman}, |
718 | title = {Simulation of Tsunami and Flash Flood}, |
719 | note = {Accepted for publication in the refereed proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance Scientific Computing: Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Complex Processes, March 6-10, 2006, Hanoi Vietnam}, |
720 | year = {2006} |
721 | } |
722 | |
723 | @ARTICLE{kelly06, |
724 | AUTHOR = {A., Kelly and L.A. Dengler and B. Uslu and A. Barebropoulou and S.C. Yim and K.J. Bergen}, |
725 | TITLE = {Recent tsunami highlights the need for awareness of tsunami duration}, |
726 | JOURNAL = {EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union}, |
727 | YEAR = {2006}, |
728 | VOLUME = {87}, |
729 | NUMBER ={50}, |
730 | PAGES = {566-567} |
731 | } |
732 | |
733 | @PHDTHESIS{ham06, |
734 | AUTHOR = {D., Ham}, |
735 | TITLE = {On techniques for modelling coastal and ocean flow with unstructed meshes}, |
736 | SCHOOL = {de Technische Universiteit Delft}, |
737 | YEAR = {2006} |
738 | } |
739 | |
740 | @ARTICLE{anastasiou97, |
741 | AUTHOR = {K., Anastasiou and C.T. Chan}, |
742 | TITLE = {Solution of the 2D shallow water equations using the finite volume method on unstructured triangular meshes}, |
743 | JOURNAL = {International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids}, |
744 | YEAR = {1997}, |
745 | VOLUME = {24}, |
746 | NUMBER ={11}, |
747 | PAGES = {1225-1245} |
748 | } |
749 | |
750 | @TECHREPORT{greensdale07, |
751 | AUTHOR = {D., Greensdale and M . Simanjuntak and D. Burbidge and J. Chittleborough}, |
752 | TITLE = {A first-generation real-time tsunami forecasting system for the {A}ustralian region}, |
753 | INSTITUTION = {Bureau of Meteorology Australia}, |
754 | YEAR = {2007}, |
755 | TYPe = {BMRC Research Report}, |
756 | NUMBER ={126} |
757 | } |
758 | |
759 | @ARTICLE{titov97b, |
760 | AUTHOR = {V.V., Titov and C.E. Synolakis}, |
761 | TITLE = {Extreme inundation flows during the Hokkaido- |
762 | Nansei-Oki tsunami}, |
763 | JOURNAL = {Geophysical Research Letters}, |
764 | YEAR = {1997}, |
765 | VOLUME = {24}, |
766 | NUMBER ={11}, |
767 | PAGES = {1315-1318} |
768 | } |
769 | |
770 | @ARTICLE{yeh94, |
771 | AUTHOR = {H., Yeh and V.V Titov and V. Gusiakov and E. Pelinovsky and V. Khramushin and V. Kaistrenko}, |
772 | TITLE = {The 1994 Shikotan earthquake tsunami}, |
773 | JOURNAL = {Pure and Applied Geophysics}, |
774 | YEAR = {1994}, |
775 | VOLUME = {144}, |
776 | NUMBER ={3/4}, |
777 | PAGES = {569-593} |
778 | } |
779 | |
780 | @ARTICLE{bourgeois99, |
781 | AUTHOR = {J., Bourgeois and C. Petroff and H. Yeh and V. Titov and C. Synolakis and B. Benson and J. Kuroiwa and J. Lander and E. Norabuena}, |
782 | TITLE = {Geologic setting, field survey and modeling of the Chimbote, |
783 | northern Peru, tsunami of 21 February 1996}, |
784 | JOURNAL = {Pure and Applied Geophysics}, |
785 | YEAR = {1999}, |
786 | VOLUME = {154}, |
787 | NUMBER ={3/4}, |
788 | PAGES = {513-540} |
789 | } |
790 | |
791 | @ARTICLE{gusiakov72, |
792 | AUTHOR = {V.K., Gusiakov}, |
793 | TITLE = {Static displacement on the surface of an elastic space. Ill-posed problems of |
794 | mathematical physics and interpretation of geophysical data}, |
795 | JOURNAL = {Novosibirsk, VC SOAN SSSR}, |
796 | YEAR = {1972}, |
797 | PAGES = {23-51}, |
798 | NOTE = {In Russian} |
799 | } |
800 | |
801 | @ARTICLE{grilli06, |
802 | AUTHOR = {S.T., Grilli and M. Ioualalen and J. Asavanant and F. Shi and J.T Kirby and P. Watts}, |
803 | TITLE = {Source Constraints and Model Simulation of the December 26, 2004 Indian |
804 | Ocean Tsunami}, |
805 | JOURNAL = {Journal of Waterways, Port, Ocean and Coastal Engineering}, |
806 | YEAR = {2006}, |
807 | NOTE = {In press} |
808 | } |
809 | |
810 | @ARTICLE{titov05, |
811 | AUTHOR = {V., Titov and F. Gonz\'{a}lez and E. Bernard and M. Eble and H. Mofjeld and J. Newman and A. Venturato}, |
812 | TITLE = {Real-Time Tsunami Forecasting: Challenges and Solutions}, |
813 | JOURNAL = {Natural Hazards}, |
814 | YEAR = {2005}, |
815 | VOLUME = {35}, |
816 | PAGES = {41-58} |
817 | } |
818 | |
819 | |
820 | @ARTICLE{titov95, |
821 | AUTHOR = {V., Titov and C. Synolakis}, |
822 | TITLE = {Modeling of breaking and nonbreaking long wave |
823 | evolution and runup using {VTCS}-2}, |
824 | JOURNAL = {Journal of Waterways, Port, Ocean and Coastal Engineering}, |
825 | YEAR = {1995}, |
826 | VOLUME = {121}, |
827 | NUMBER ={6}, |
828 | PAGES = {308-316} |
829 | } |
830 | |
831 | @Article{vigny05, |
832 | author = {C., Vigny and W.J.F. Simons and S. Abu and R. Bamphenyu and C. Satirapod, N. and Choosakul, C. Subarya and A. Socquet and K. Omar and H.Z. Abidin and B.A.C. Ambrosius}, |
833 | title = {Insight into the 2004 {S}umatra-{A}ndaman earthquake from {GPS} measurements in southeast {A}sia}, |
834 | journal = {Nature}, |
835 | year = {2005}, |
836 | volume = {436}, |
837 | pages = {201-206} |
838 | } |
839 | |
840 | @Article{ammon05, |
841 | author = {C.J., Ammon and C. Ji and H. Thio and D. Robinson and Sidao Ni and V. Hjorleifsdottir and H. and T. Lay and S. Das and D. Helmberger and G. Ichinose and J. Polet and D. Wald}, |
842 | title = {Rupture Process of the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman Earthquake}, |
843 | journal = {Science}, |
844 | year = {2005}, |
845 | volume = {308}, |
846 | OPTpages = {1133-1139} |
847 | } |
848 | |
849 | @TechReport{kawata05, |
850 | author = {T. et XIV alia, Kawata}, |
851 | title = {Comprehensive analysis of the damage and its impact on coastal zones by the 2004 {I}ndian {O}cean tsunami disaster}, |
852 | institution = {Disaster Prevention Research Institute}, |
853 | year = {2005}, |
854 | note = {http://www.tsunami.civil.tohoku.ac.jp/sumatra2004\\/report.html} |
855 | } |
856 | |
857 | @Article{liu05, |
858 | author = {P. L.-F., Liu and P. Lynett and H. Fernando and B.E. Jaffe and H. Fritz and B. Higman and R. Morton and J. Goff and C. Synolakis}, |
859 | title = {Observations by the International Tsunami Survey Team in {S}ri {L}anka}, |
860 | journal = {Science}, |
861 | year = {2005}, |
862 | pages = {1595}, |
863 | volume = {308} |
864 | } |
865 | |
866 | @Article{merrifield05, |
867 | author = {M.A. et XXIII alia, Merrifield}, |
868 | title = {Tide gauge observations of the {I}ndian {O}cean tsunami, {D}ecember 26, 2004}, |
869 | journal = {Geophysical Research Letters}, |
870 | year = {2005}, |
871 | volume = {32}, |
872 | pages = {L09603} |
873 | } |
874 | |
875 | @Article{roberts00, |
876 | author = {S.G, Roberts and C. Zoppou}, |
877 | title = {Robust and efficent solution of the 2D shallow water wave equation with domains containg dry beds}, |
878 | journal = {The ANZIAM Journal}, |
879 | year = {2000}, |
880 | volume = {42}, |
881 | number = {E}, |
882 | pages = {C1260-C1282}, |
883 | } |
884 | |
885 | @Misc{ngdc, |
886 | author = {National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC)}, |
887 | title = {Indian Ocean December 26, 2004: Runups}, |
888 | howpublished = {http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/seg/hazard/tsu.shtml}, |
889 | } |
890 | |
891 | @InProceedings{nielsen05, |
892 | author = {O.M, Nielsen and S.G Roberts and D. Gray and A. McPherson and A. Hitchman}, |
893 | title = {Hydrodynamic modelling of coastal inundation}, |
894 | booktitle = {MODSIM 2005 International Congress on Modelling and Simulation}, |
895 | pages = {518-523}, |
896 | year = {2005}, |
897 | editor = {A. Zerger and R.M. Argent}, |
898 | Tmonth = {December}, |
899 | organization = {Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand}, |
900 | note = {http://www.mssanz.org.au/modsim05/papers/nielsen.pdf} |
901 | } |
902 | |
903 | @Article{wei95, |
904 | author = {G. Wei and J.T. Kirby and S.T. Grilli and R. Subramanya}, |
905 | title = {A fully nonlinear {B}oussinesq model for free surface waves. {P}art 1: Highly nonlinear unsteady waves}, |
906 | journal = {Journal of Fluid Mechanics}, |
907 | year = {1995}, |
908 | volume = {294}, |
909 | pages = {71-92}, |
910 | } |
911 | |
912 | @article{ioualalen07, |
913 | title={Modeling the 26 December 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami: Case study of impact in Thailand}, |
914 | author={Ioualalen, M. and Asavanant, J. and Kaewbanjak, N. and Grilli, S.~T. and Kirby, J.~T. and Watts, P.}, |
915 | year={2007}, |
916 | journal ={ J. Geophys. Res.}, |
917 | volume={112}, |
918 | doi={http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/2006JC003850} |
919 | } |
920 | |
921 | @article{hirata06, |
922 | title={The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami: Tsunami source model from satellite altimetry}, |
923 | author={Hirata, K. and Satake, K. and Tanioka, Y. and Kuragano, T. and Hasegawa, Y. and Hayashi, Y. and Hamada, N.}, |
924 | journal={Earth, Planets and Space}, |
925 | year={2006}, |
926 | volume={58}, |
927 | number={2}, |
928 | pages={195--201} |
929 | } |
930 | |
931 | |
932 | @article{satake95, |
933 | title={Linear and nonlinear computations of the 1992 Nicaragua earthquake tsunami}, |
934 | author={Sataka K.}, |
935 | journal={Pure and Applied Geophysics}, |
936 | year={1995}, |
937 | volume={144}, |
938 | number={3}, |
939 | pages={455--470} |
940 | } |
941 | |
942 | @Misc{schoettle2007, |
943 | author = {Schoettle E. and Sakimoto S.}, |
944 | title = {Modeling the Effects of Coral Reef Health on Tsunami Run-up |
945 | with the Finite-element Model ADCIRC}, |
946 | howpublished = {\url{http://istim.ce.nd.edu/2007/Posters/Schoettle_poster.pdf}}, |
947 | year = {2007}, |
948 | note = {University of Notre Dame} |
949 | } |
950 | |
951 | |
952 | @InBook{asavanant08, |
953 | author = {Asavanant, J. and Ioualalen, M. and Kaewbanjak, N. and Grilli, S.~T. and Watts, P. and Kirby, J.~T. and Shi, F.}, |
954 | title = {Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Complex Processes}, |
955 | chapter = {Numerical Simulation of the December 26, 2004: Indian Ocean Tsunami }, |
956 | publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg}, |
957 | year = {2008}, |
958 | pages = {59--68}, |
959 | } |
960 | |
961 | @article{grilli07, |
962 | author = {St\'{e}phan T. Grilli and Mansour Ioualalen and Jack Asavanant and Fengyan Shi and James T. Kirby and Philip Watts}, |
963 | title = {Source Constraints and Model Simulation of the December 26, 2004, Indian Ocean Tsunami}, |
964 | publisher = {ASCE}, |
965 | year = {2007}, |
966 | journal = {Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering}, |
967 | volume = {133}, |
968 | number = {6}, |
969 | pages = {414-428}, |
970 | url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?QWW/133/414/1}, |
971 | doi = {10.1061/(ASCE)0733-950X(2007)133:6(414)} |
972 | } |
973 | |
974 | @TechReport{synolakis07, |
975 | author = {Synolakis, C.E. and Bernard, E.N. and Titov, V.V. and Kanoglu, U. and Gonzalez, F.I.}, |
976 | title = {Standards,criteria and procedures for \textsc{NOAA} evaluation of tsunami numerical models}, |
977 | institution = {Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory}, |
978 | year = {2007}, |
979 | type = {Tecbical Memorandum}, |
980 | address = {Seattle, WA, USA}, |
981 | month = {May} |
982 | } |
983 | |
984 | @InBook{bates01, |
985 | author = {Bates, P.D. and Anderson, M.G.}, |
986 | title = {Model Validation: Perspectives in Hydrological Science}, |
987 | chapter = {Validation of hydraulic models}, |
988 | publisher = {John Wiley and Sons, Ltd.}, |
989 | year = {2001}, |
990 | pages = {325--356} |
991 | } |
992 | |
993 | |
994 | @article{papadopoulos06, |
995 | title={The large tsunami of 26 December 2004: Field observations and eyewitnesses accounts from Sri Lanka, Maldives Is. and Thailand}, |
996 | author={Papadopoulos, G.~A. and Caputo, R. and McAdoo, B. and Pavlides, S. and Karastathis, V. Fokaefs, A. and Orfanogiannaki, K. and Valkaniotis, S.}, |
997 | journal={Earth, Planets and Space}, |
998 | year={2006}, |
999 | volume={58}, |
1000 | pages={233--241} |
1001 | } |
1002 | |
1003 | @Article{chlieh07, |
1004 | author = {Chlieh, M. and Avouac, J.-P. and Hjorleifsdottir, V. and Song, T.-H.~A. and Ji, C. and Sieh, K. and Sladen, A. and Herbert, H. and Prawirodirdjo, L. and Bock, Y. and Galetzka, J.}, |
1005 | title = {Coseismic slip and afterslip of the great {M}$_W$ 9.15 {S}umartra-{A}ndaman Earthquake of 2004}, |
1006 | journal = {Bulletin of the Seismological Soceity of America}, |
1007 | year = {2007}, |
1008 | volume = {97}, |
1009 | number = {1A}, |
1010 | pages = {S152--S173}, |
1011 | month = {January}, |
1012 | doi={10.1785/0120050631} |
1013 | } |
1014 | |
1015 | @Article{arcas06, |
1016 | author = {Arcas, R. and Titov, V.~V.}, |
1017 | title = {Sumatra tsunami: lessons from modelling}, |
1018 | journal = {Surveys in Geopyhics}, |
1019 | year = {2006}, |
1020 | volume = {27}, |
1021 | number = {6}, |
1022 | pages = {679--705} |
1023 | } |
1024 | |
1025 | @article { harig08, |
1026 | author = "Harig, S. and Chaeroni and Pranowo, W. and Behrens, J.", |
1027 | title = "Tsunami simulations on several scales", |
1028 | journal = "Ocean dynamics", |
1029 | volume = "58", |
1030 | month = "November", |
1031 | pages = "429-440", |
1032 | year = 2008,} |
1033 | |
1034 | @article { Gower05, |
1035 | author = "Gower, J.", |
1036 | title = "Jason 1 detects the 26 december 2004 tsunami", |
1037 | journal = "EOS", |
1038 | volume = "86", |
1039 | number = "4", |
1040 | month = "25 January", |
1041 | pages = "37-38", |
1042 | year = 2005,} |
1043 | |
1044 | @Article{burbidge08, |
1045 | author = {Burbidge, D. and Cummins, P.R. and Mleczko, R. and Thio, H.K.}, |
1046 | title = {A Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment for Western Australia}, |
1047 | journal = {Pure appl. geophys.}, |
1048 | year = {2008}, |
1049 | volume = {165}, |
1050 | pages = {2059--2088}, |
1051 | doi = {10.1007/s00024-008-0421-x}, |
1052 | } |
1053 | |
1054 | @Article{thio08, |
1055 | author = {Thio, H.K. and Somerville, P. and Inchinose, G.}, |
1056 | title = {Probabilistic analysis of tsunami hazards in southeast Asia}, |
1057 | journal = {J. Earthquakes and Tsunami}, |
1058 | year = {2008}, |
1059 | volume = {1}, |
1060 | pages = {119--137}, |
1061 | } |
1062 | |
1063 | @Article{wessel98, |
1064 | author = {Wessel, P. and Smith, W.H.F.}, |
1065 | title = {New, improved version of Generic Mapping Tools released}, |
1066 | journal = {EOS trans. AGU}, |
1067 | year = {1998}, |
1068 | OPTvolume = {79}, |
1069 | OPTpages = {579}, |
1070 | } |
1071 | |
1072 | @Article{wang03, |
1073 | author = {Wang, R. and Martin, F. L. and Roth, F.}, |
1074 | title = {Computation of deformation induced by earthquakes in a multi-layered crust â FORTRAN programs EDGRN EDCMP}, |
1075 | journal = {Comp. and Geosc.}, |
1076 | year = {2006}, |
1077 | OPTvolume = {2003}, |
1078 | OPTpages = {195--207}, |
1079 | } |
1080 | |
1081 | @Article{stein07, |
1082 | author = {Stein, S. and Okal, E.A.}, |
1083 | title = {Ultralong Period Seismic Study of the December 2004 Indian Ocean Earthquake and Implications for Regional Tectonics and the Subduction Process}, |
1084 | journal = {Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America}, |
1085 | year = {2007}, |
1086 | volume = {97}, |
1087 | number = {1A}, |
1088 | pages = {S279âS295}, |
1089 | OPTdoi = {10.1785/0120050617.}, |
1090 | } |
1091 | |
1092 | @Article{fritz06, |
1093 | author = {Fritz, Hermann M. and Jose C. Borrero and Costas E. Synolakis and Jeseon Yoo.}, |
1094 | title = {2004 Indian Ocean tsunami flow velocity measurements from survivor videos}, |
1095 | journal = {Geophys. Res. Lett.}, |
1096 | year = {2006}, |
1097 | number = {L24605}, |
1098 | pages = {1--5}, |
1099 | OPTdoi = {10.1029/2006GL026784}, |
1100 | |
1101 | } |
1102 | @ARTICLE{szczucinski06, |
1103 | AUTHOR = {Szczucinski, W. and Chaimanee, N. and Niedzielski, P. and |
1104 | Rachlewicz, G. and Saisuttichai, D. and Tepsuwan, T. and Lorenc, S. |
1105 | and Siepak, J.}, |
1106 | TITLE = {Environmental and geological impacts of the 26 December 2004 tsunami in coastal zone of Thailand - overview of short and long-term effects}, |
1107 | JOURNAL = {Polish Journal of Environmental Studies}, |
1108 | YEAR = {2006}, |
1109 | VOLUME = {15}, |
1110 | NUMBER ={5}, |
1111 | PAGES = {793--810} |