1 | """Least squares fitting. |
2 | |
3 | Implements a penalised least-squares fit. |
4 | putting point data onto the mesh. |
5 | |
6 | The penalty term (or smoothing term) is controlled by the smoothing |
7 | parameter alpha. |
8 | With a value of alpha=0, the fit function will attempt |
9 | to interpolate as closely as possible in the least-squares sense. |
10 | With values alpha > 0, a certain amount of smoothing will be applied. |
11 | A positive alpha is essential in cases where there are too few |
12 | data points. |
13 | A negative alpha is not allowed. |
14 | A typical value of alpha is 1.0e-6 |
15 | |
16 | |
17 | Ole Nielsen, Stephen Roberts, Duncan Gray, Christopher Zoppou |
18 | Geoscience Australia, 2004. |
19 | |
20 | TO DO |
21 | * test geo_ref, geo_spatial |
22 | |
23 | IDEAS |
24 | * (DSG-) Change the interface of fit, so a domain object can |
25 | be passed in. (I don't know if this is feasible). If could |
26 | save time/memory. |
27 | """ |
28 | import types |
29 | |
30 | from anuga.abstract_2d_finite_volumes.neighbour_mesh import Mesh |
31 | from anuga.caching import cache |
32 | from anuga.geospatial_data.geospatial_data import Geospatial_data, \ |
33 | ensure_absolute |
34 | from anuga.fit_interpolate.general_fit_interpolate import FitInterpolate |
35 | from anuga.utilities.sparse import Sparse, Sparse_CSR |
36 | from anuga.utilities.polygon import inside_polygon, is_inside_polygon |
37 | from anuga.fit_interpolate.search_functions import search_tree_of_vertices |
38 | |
39 | from anuga.utilities.cg_solve import conjugate_gradient |
40 | from anuga.utilities.numerical_tools import ensure_numeric, gradient |
41 | from anuga.config import default_smoothing_parameter as DEFAULT_ALPHA |
42 | |
43 | import exceptions |
44 | class TooFewPointsError(exceptions.Exception): pass |
45 | class VertsWithNoTrianglesError(exceptions.Exception): pass |
46 | |
47 | import Numeric as num |
48 | |
49 | |
50 | class Fit(FitInterpolate): |
51 | |
52 | def __init__(self, |
53 | vertex_coordinates=None, |
54 | triangles=None, |
55 | mesh=None, |
56 | mesh_origin=None, |
57 | alpha = None, |
58 | verbose=False, |
59 | max_vertices_per_cell=None): |
60 | |
61 | |
62 | """ |
63 | Fit data at points to the vertices of a mesh. |
64 | |
65 | Inputs: |
66 | |
67 | vertex_coordinates: List of coordinate pairs [xi, eta] of |
68 | points constituting a mesh (or an m x 2 Numeric array or |
69 | a geospatial object) |
70 | Points may appear multiple times |
71 | (e.g. if vertices have discontinuities) |
72 | |
73 | triangles: List of 3-tuples (or a Numeric array) of |
74 | integers representing indices of all vertices in the mesh. |
75 | |
76 | mesh_origin: A geo_reference object or 3-tuples consisting of |
77 | UTM zone, easting and northing. |
78 | If specified vertex coordinates are assumed to be |
79 | relative to their respective origins. |
80 | |
81 | max_vertices_per_cell: Number of vertices in a quad tree cell |
82 | at which the cell is split into 4. |
83 | |
84 | Note: Don't supply a vertex coords as a geospatial object and |
85 | a mesh origin, since geospatial has its own mesh origin. |
86 | |
87 | |
88 | Usage, |
89 | To use this in a blocking way, call build_fit_subset, with z info, |
90 | and then fit, with no point coord, z info. |
91 | |
92 | """ |
93 | # Initialise variabels |
94 | if alpha is None: |
95 | self.alpha = DEFAULT_ALPHA |
96 | else: |
97 | self.alpha = alpha |
98 | |
99 | FitInterpolate.__init__(self, |
100 | vertex_coordinates, |
101 | triangles, |
102 | mesh, |
103 | mesh_origin, |
104 | verbose, |
105 | max_vertices_per_cell) |
106 | |
107 | m = self.mesh.number_of_nodes # Nbr of basis functions (vertices) |
108 | |
109 | self.AtA = None |
110 | self.Atz = None |
111 | |
112 | self.point_count = 0 |
113 | if self.alpha <> 0: |
114 | if verbose: print 'Building smoothing matrix' |
115 | self._build_smoothing_matrix_D() |
116 | |
117 | bd_poly = self.mesh.get_boundary_polygon() |
118 | self.mesh_boundary_polygon = ensure_numeric(bd_poly) |
119 | |
120 | def _build_coefficient_matrix_B(self, |
121 | verbose = False): |
122 | """ |
123 | Build final coefficient matrix |
124 | |
125 | Precon |
126 | If alpha is not zero, matrix D has been built |
127 | Matrix Ata has been built |
128 | """ |
129 | |
130 | if self.alpha <> 0: |
131 | #if verbose: print 'Building smoothing matrix' |
132 | #self._build_smoothing_matrix_D() |
133 | self.B = self.AtA + self.alpha*self.D |
134 | else: |
135 | self.B = self.AtA |
136 | |
137 | # Convert self.B matrix to CSR format for faster matrix vector |
138 | self.B = Sparse_CSR(self.B) |
139 | |
140 | def _build_smoothing_matrix_D(self): |
141 | """Build m x m smoothing matrix, where |
142 | m is the number of basis functions phi_k (one per vertex) |
143 | |
144 | The smoothing matrix is defined as |
145 | |
146 | D = D1 + D2 |
147 | |
148 | where |
149 | |
150 | [D1]_{k,l} = \int_\Omega |
151 | \frac{\partial \phi_k}{\partial x} |
152 | \frac{\partial \phi_l}{\partial x}\, |
153 | dx dy |
154 | |
155 | [D2]_{k,l} = \int_\Omega |
156 | \frac{\partial \phi_k}{\partial y} |
157 | \frac{\partial \phi_l}{\partial y}\, |
158 | dx dy |
159 | |
160 | |
161 | The derivatives \frac{\partial \phi_k}{\partial x}, |
162 | \frac{\partial \phi_k}{\partial x} for a particular triangle |
163 | are obtained by computing the gradient a_k, b_k for basis function k |
164 | """ |
165 | |
166 | # FIXME: algorithm might be optimised by computing local 9x9 |
167 | # "element stiffness matrices: |
168 | |
169 | m = self.mesh.number_of_nodes # Nbr of basis functions (1/vertex) |
170 | |
171 | self.D = Sparse(m,m) |
172 | |
173 | # For each triangle compute contributions to D = D1+D2 |
174 | for i in range(len(self.mesh)): |
175 | |
176 | # Get area |
177 | area = self.mesh.areas[i] |
178 | |
179 | # Get global vertex indices |
180 | v0 = self.mesh.triangles[i,0] |
181 | v1 = self.mesh.triangles[i,1] |
182 | v2 = self.mesh.triangles[i,2] |
183 | |
184 | # Get the three vertex_points |
185 | xi0 = self.mesh.get_vertex_coordinate(i, 0) |
186 | xi1 = self.mesh.get_vertex_coordinate(i, 1) |
187 | xi2 = self.mesh.get_vertex_coordinate(i, 2) |
188 | |
189 | # Compute gradients for each vertex |
190 | a0, b0 = gradient(xi0[0], xi0[1], xi1[0], xi1[1], xi2[0], xi2[1], |
191 | 1, 0, 0) |
192 | |
193 | a1, b1 = gradient(xi0[0], xi0[1], xi1[0], xi1[1], xi2[0], xi2[1], |
194 | 0, 1, 0) |
195 | |
196 | a2, b2 = gradient(xi0[0], xi0[1], xi1[0], xi1[1], xi2[0], xi2[1], |
197 | 0, 0, 1) |
198 | |
199 | # Compute diagonal contributions |
200 | self.D[v0,v0] += (a0*a0 + b0*b0)*area |
201 | self.D[v1,v1] += (a1*a1 + b1*b1)*area |
202 | self.D[v2,v2] += (a2*a2 + b2*b2)*area |
203 | |
204 | # Compute contributions for basis functions sharing edges |
205 | e01 = (a0*a1 + b0*b1)*area |
206 | self.D[v0,v1] += e01 |
207 | self.D[v1,v0] += e01 |
208 | |
209 | e12 = (a1*a2 + b1*b2)*area |
210 | self.D[v1,v2] += e12 |
211 | self.D[v2,v1] += e12 |
212 | |
213 | e20 = (a2*a0 + b2*b0)*area |
214 | self.D[v2,v0] += e20 |
215 | self.D[v0,v2] += e20 |
216 | |
217 | def get_D(self): |
218 | return self.D.todense() |
219 | |
220 | |
221 | |
222 | def _build_matrix_AtA_Atz(self, |
223 | point_coordinates, |
224 | z, |
225 | verbose = False): |
226 | """Build: |
227 | AtA m x m interpolation matrix, and, |
228 | Atz m x a interpolation matrix where, |
229 | m is the number of basis functions phi_k (one per vertex) |
230 | a is the number of data attributes |
231 | |
232 | This algorithm uses a quad tree data structure for fast binning of |
233 | data points. |
234 | |
235 | If Ata is None, the matrices AtA and Atz are created. |
236 | |
237 | This function can be called again and again, with sub-sets of |
238 | the point coordinates. Call fit to get the results. |
239 | |
240 | Preconditions |
241 | z and points are numeric |
242 | Point_coordindates and mesh vertices have the same origin. |
243 | |
244 | The number of attributes of the data points does not change |
245 | """ |
246 | |
247 | # Build n x m interpolation matrix |
248 | if self.AtA == None: |
249 | # AtA and Atz need to be initialised. |
250 | m = self.mesh.number_of_nodes |
251 | if len(z.shape) > 1: |
252 | att_num = z.shape[1] |
253 | self.Atz = num.zeros((m,att_num), num.Float) |
254 | else: |
255 | att_num = 1 |
256 | self.Atz = num.zeros((m,), num.Float) |
257 | assert z.shape[0] == point_coordinates.shape[0] |
258 | |
259 | AtA = Sparse(m,m) |
260 | # The memory damage has been done by now. |
261 | else: |
262 | AtA = self.AtA # Did this for speed, did ~nothing |
263 | self.point_count += point_coordinates.shape[0] |
264 | |
265 | |
266 | inside_indices = inside_polygon(point_coordinates, |
267 | self.mesh_boundary_polygon, |
268 | closed=True, |
269 | verbose=False) # Suppress output |
270 | |
271 | n = len(inside_indices) |
272 | |
273 | # Compute matrix elements for points inside the mesh |
274 | triangles = self.mesh.triangles # Shorthand |
275 | for d, i in enumerate(inside_indices): |
276 | # For each data_coordinate point |
277 | # if verbose and d%((n+10)/10)==0: print 'Doing %d of %d' %(d, n) |
278 | x = point_coordinates[i] |
279 | |
280 | element_found, sigma0, sigma1, sigma2, k = \ |
281 | search_tree_of_vertices(self.root, x) |
282 | |
283 | if element_found is True: |
284 | j0 = triangles[k,0] # Global vertex id for sigma0 |
285 | j1 = triangles[k,1] # Global vertex id for sigma1 |
286 | j2 = triangles[k,2] # Global vertex id for sigma2 |
287 | |
288 | sigmas = {j0:sigma0, j1:sigma1, j2:sigma2} |
289 | js = [j0,j1,j2] |
290 | |
291 | for j in js: |
292 | self.Atz[j] += sigmas[j]*z[i] |
293 | #print "self.Atz building", self.Atz |
294 | #print "self.Atz[j]", self.Atz[j] |
295 | #print " sigmas[j]", sigmas[j] |
296 | #print "z[i]",z[i] |
297 | #print "result", sigmas[j]*z[i] |
298 | |
299 | for k in js: |
300 | AtA[j,k] += sigmas[j]*sigmas[k] |
301 | else: |
302 | flag = is_inside_polygon(x, |
303 | self.mesh_boundary_polygon, |
304 | closed=True, |
305 | verbose=False) # Suppress output |
306 | msg = 'Point (%f, %f) is not inside mesh boundary' % tuple(x) |
307 | assert flag is True, msg |
308 | |
309 | # FIXME(Ole): This is the message referred to in ticket:314 |
310 | minx = min(self.mesh_boundary_polygon[:,0]) |
311 | maxx = max(self.mesh_boundary_polygon[:,0]) |
312 | miny = min(self.mesh_boundary_polygon[:,1]) |
313 | maxy = max(self.mesh_boundary_polygon[:,1]) |
314 | msg = 'Could not find triangle for point %s. ' % str(x) |
315 | msg += 'Mesh boundary extent is (%.f, %.f), (%.f, %.f)'\ |
316 | % (minx, maxx, miny, maxy) |
317 | #msg += '\nBoundary polygon = %s' %str(self.mesh_boundary_polygon) |
318 | raise RuntimeError, msg |
319 | |
320 | self.AtA = AtA |
321 | |
322 | |
323 | def fit(self, point_coordinates_or_filename=None, z=None, |
324 | verbose=False, |
325 | point_origin=None, |
326 | attribute_name=None, |
327 | max_read_lines=500): |
328 | """Fit a smooth surface to given 1d array of data points z. |
329 | |
330 | The smooth surface is computed at each vertex in the underlying |
331 | mesh using the formula given in the module doc string. |
332 | |
333 | Inputs: |
334 | point_coordinates: The co-ordinates of the data points. |
335 | List of coordinate pairs [x, y] of |
336 | data points or an nx2 Numeric array or a Geospatial_data object |
337 | or points file filename |
338 | z: Single 1d vector or array of data at the point_coordinates. |
339 | |
340 | """ |
341 | # Use blocking to load in the point info |
342 | if type(point_coordinates_or_filename) == types.StringType: |
343 | msg = "Don't set a point origin when reading from a file" |
344 | assert point_origin is None, msg |
345 | filename = point_coordinates_or_filename |
346 | G_data = Geospatial_data(filename, |
347 | max_read_lines=max_read_lines, |
348 | load_file_now=False, |
349 | verbose=verbose) |
350 | |
351 | for i, geo_block in enumerate(G_data): |
352 | if verbose is True and 0 == i%200: |
353 | # The time this will take |
354 | # is dependant on the # of Triangles |
355 | |
356 | print 'Processing Block %d' %i |
357 | # FIXME (Ole): It would be good to say how many blocks |
358 | # there are here. But this is no longer necessary |
359 | # for pts files as they are reported in geospatial_data |
360 | # I suggest deleting this verbose output and make |
361 | # Geospatial_data more informative for txt files. |
362 | # |
363 | # I still think so (12/12/7, Ole). |
364 | |
365 | |
366 | |
367 | # Build the array |
368 | |
369 | points = geo_block.get_data_points(absolute=True) |
370 | z = geo_block.get_attributes(attribute_name=attribute_name) |
371 | self.build_fit_subset(points, z, verbose=verbose) |
372 | |
373 | # FIXME(Ole): I thought this test would make sense here |
374 | # See test_fitting_example_that_crashed_2 in test_shallow_water_domain.py |
375 | # Committed 11 March 2009 |
376 | msg = 'Matrix AtA was not built' |
377 | assert self.AtA is not None, msg |
378 | |
379 | #print 'Matrix was built OK' |
380 | |
381 | |
382 | point_coordinates = None |
383 | else: |
384 | point_coordinates = point_coordinates_or_filename |
385 | |
386 | if point_coordinates is None: |
387 | if verbose: print 'Warning: no data points in fit' |
388 | msg = 'No interpolation matrix.' |
389 | assert self.AtA is not None, msg |
390 | assert self.Atz is not None |
391 | |
392 | # FIXME (DSG) - do a message |
393 | else: |
394 | point_coordinates = ensure_absolute(point_coordinates, |
395 | geo_reference=point_origin) |
396 | # if isinstance(point_coordinates,Geospatial_data) and z is None: |
397 | # z will come from the geo-ref |
398 | self.build_fit_subset(point_coordinates, z, verbose) |
399 | |
400 | # Check sanity |
401 | m = self.mesh.number_of_nodes # Nbr of basis functions (1/vertex) |
402 | n = self.point_count |
403 | if n<m and self.alpha == 0.0: |
404 | msg = 'ERROR (least_squares): Too few data points\n' |
405 | msg += 'There are only %d data points and alpha == 0. ' %n |
406 | msg += 'Need at least %d\n' %m |
407 | msg += 'Alternatively, set smoothing parameter alpha to a small ' |
408 | msg += 'positive value,\ne.g. 1.0e-3.' |
409 | raise TooFewPointsError(msg) |
410 | |
411 | self._build_coefficient_matrix_B(verbose) |
412 | loners = self.mesh.get_lone_vertices() |
413 | # FIXME - make this as error message. |
414 | # test with |
415 | # Not_yet_test_smooth_att_to_mesh_with_excess_verts. |
416 | if len(loners)>0: |
417 | msg = 'WARNING: (least_squares): \nVertices with no triangles\n' |
418 | msg += 'All vertices should be part of a triangle.\n' |
419 | msg += 'In the future this will be inforced.\n' |
420 | msg += 'The following vertices are not part of a triangle;\n' |
421 | msg += str(loners) |
422 | print msg |
423 | #raise VertsWithNoTrianglesError(msg) |
424 | |
425 | |
426 | return conjugate_gradient(self.B, self.Atz, self.Atz, |
427 | imax=2*len(self.Atz) ) |
428 | |
429 | |
430 | def build_fit_subset(self, point_coordinates, z=None, attribute_name=None, |
431 | verbose=False): |
432 | """Fit a smooth surface to given 1d array of data points z. |
433 | |
434 | The smooth surface is computed at each vertex in the underlying |
435 | mesh using the formula given in the module doc string. |
436 | |
437 | Inputs: |
438 | point_coordinates: The co-ordinates of the data points. |
439 | List of coordinate pairs [x, y] of |
440 | data points or an nx2 Numeric array or a Geospatial_data object |
441 | z: Single 1d vector or array of data at the point_coordinates. |
442 | attribute_name: Used to get the z values from the |
443 | geospatial object if no attribute_name is specified, |
444 | it's a bit of a lucky dip as to what attributes you get. |
445 | If there is only one attribute it will be that one. |
446 | |
447 | """ |
448 | |
449 | # FIXME(DSG-DSG): Check that the vert and point coords |
450 | # have the same zone. |
451 | if isinstance(point_coordinates,Geospatial_data): |
452 | point_coordinates = point_coordinates.get_data_points( \ |
453 | absolute = True) |
454 | |
455 | # Convert input to Numeric arrays |
456 | if z is not None: |
457 | z = ensure_numeric(z, num.Float) |
458 | else: |
459 | msg = 'z not specified' |
460 | assert isinstance(point_coordinates,Geospatial_data), msg |
461 | z = point_coordinates.get_attributes(attribute_name) |
462 | |
463 | point_coordinates = ensure_numeric(point_coordinates, num.Float) |
464 | self._build_matrix_AtA_Atz(point_coordinates, z, verbose) |
465 | |
466 | |
467 | ############################################################################ |
468 | |
469 | def fit_to_mesh(point_coordinates, # this can also be a points file name |
470 | vertex_coordinates=None, |
471 | triangles=None, |
472 | mesh=None, |
473 | point_attributes=None, |
474 | alpha=DEFAULT_ALPHA, |
475 | verbose=False, |
476 | mesh_origin=None, |
477 | data_origin=None, |
478 | max_read_lines=None, |
479 | attribute_name=None, |
480 | use_cache=False): |
481 | """Wrapper around internal function _fit_to_mesh for use with caching. |
482 | |
483 | """ |
484 | |
485 | args = (point_coordinates, ) |
486 | kwargs = {'vertex_coordinates': vertex_coordinates, |
487 | 'triangles': triangles, |
488 | 'mesh': mesh, |
489 | 'point_attributes': point_attributes, |
490 | 'alpha': alpha, |
491 | 'verbose': verbose, |
492 | 'mesh_origin': mesh_origin, |
493 | 'data_origin': data_origin, |
494 | 'max_read_lines': max_read_lines, |
495 | 'attribute_name': attribute_name |
496 | } |
497 | |
498 | if use_cache is True: |
499 | if isinstance(point_coordinates, basestring): |
500 | # We assume that point_coordinates is the name of a .csv/.txt |
501 | # file which must be passed onto caching as a dependency |
502 | # (in case it has changed on disk) |
503 | dep = [point_coordinates] |
504 | else: |
505 | dep = None |
506 | |
507 | |
508 | #from caching import myhash |
509 | #import copy |
510 | #print args |
511 | #print kwargs |
512 | #print 'hashing:' |
513 | #print 'args', myhash( (args, kwargs) ) |
514 | #print 'again', myhash( copy.deepcopy( (args, kwargs)) ) |
515 | |
516 | #print 'mesh hash', myhash( kwargs['mesh'] ) |
517 | |
518 | #print '-------------------------' |
519 | #print 'vertices hash', myhash( kwargs['mesh'].nodes ) |
520 | #print 'triangles hash', myhash( kwargs['mesh'].triangles ) |
521 | #print '-------------------------' |
522 | |
523 | #for key in mesh.__dict__: |
524 | # print key, myhash(mesh.__dict__[key]) |
525 | |
526 | #for key in mesh.quantities.keys(): |
527 | # print key, myhash(mesh.quantities[key]) |
528 | |
529 | #import sys; sys.exit() |
530 | |
531 | return cache(_fit_to_mesh, |
532 | args, kwargs, |
533 | verbose=verbose, |
534 | compression=False, |
535 | dependencies=dep) |
536 | else: |
537 | return apply(_fit_to_mesh, |
538 | args, kwargs) |
539 | |
540 | def _fit_to_mesh(point_coordinates, # this can also be a points file name |
541 | vertex_coordinates=None, |
542 | triangles=None, |
543 | mesh=None, |
544 | point_attributes=None, |
545 | alpha=DEFAULT_ALPHA, |
546 | verbose=False, |
547 | mesh_origin=None, |
548 | data_origin=None, |
549 | max_read_lines=None, |
550 | attribute_name=None): |
551 | """ |
552 | Fit a smooth surface to a triangulation, |
553 | given data points with attributes. |
554 | |
555 | |
556 | Inputs: |
557 | vertex_coordinates: List of coordinate pairs [xi, eta] of |
558 | points constituting a mesh (or an m x 2 Numeric array or |
559 | a geospatial object) |
560 | Points may appear multiple times |
561 | (e.g. if vertices have discontinuities) |
562 | |
563 | triangles: List of 3-tuples (or a Numeric array) of |
564 | integers representing indices of all vertices in the mesh. |
565 | |
566 | point_coordinates: List of coordinate pairs [x, y] of data points |
567 | (or an nx2 Numeric array). This can also be a .csv/.txt/.pts |
568 | file name. |
569 | |
570 | alpha: Smoothing parameter. |
571 | |
572 | |
573 | mesh_origin: A geo_reference object or 3-tuples consisting of |
574 | UTM zone, easting and northing. |
575 | If specified vertex coordinates are assumed to be |
576 | relative to their respective origins. |
577 | |
578 | |
579 | point_attributes: Vector or array of data at the |
580 | point_coordinates. |
581 | |
582 | """ |
583 | |
584 | if mesh is None: |
585 | # FIXME(DSG): Throw errors if triangles or vertex_coordinates |
586 | # are None |
587 | |
588 | #Convert input to Numeric arrays |
589 | triangles = ensure_numeric(triangles, num.Int) |
590 | vertex_coordinates = ensure_absolute(vertex_coordinates, |
591 | geo_reference = mesh_origin) |
592 | |
593 | if verbose: print 'FitInterpolate: Building mesh' |
594 | mesh = Mesh(vertex_coordinates, triangles) |
595 | mesh.check_integrity() |
596 | |
597 | |
598 | interp = Fit(mesh=mesh, |
599 | verbose=verbose, |
600 | alpha=alpha) |
601 | |
602 | vertex_attributes = interp.fit(point_coordinates, |
603 | point_attributes, |
604 | point_origin=data_origin, |
605 | max_read_lines=max_read_lines, |
606 | attribute_name=attribute_name, |
607 | verbose=verbose) |
608 | |
609 | |
610 | # Add the value checking stuff that's in least squares. |
611 | # Maybe this stuff should get pushed down into Fit. |
612 | # at least be a method of Fit. |
613 | # Or intigrate it into the fit method, saving teh max and min's |
614 | # as att's. |
615 | |
616 | return vertex_attributes |
617 | |
618 | |
619 | #def _fit(*args, **kwargs): |
620 | # """Private function for use with caching. Reason is that classes |
621 | # may change their byte code between runs which is annoying. |
622 | # """ |
623 | # |
624 | # return Fit(*args, **kwargs) |
625 | |
626 | |
627 | def fit_to_mesh_file(mesh_file, point_file, mesh_output_file, |
628 | alpha=DEFAULT_ALPHA, verbose= False, |
629 | expand_search = False, |
630 | precrop = False, |
631 | display_errors = True): |
632 | """ |
633 | Given a mesh file (tsh) and a point attribute file, fit |
634 | point attributes to the mesh and write a mesh file with the |
635 | results. |
636 | |
637 | Note: the points file needs titles. If you want anuga to use the tsh file, |
638 | make sure the title is elevation. |
639 | |
640 | NOTE: Throws IOErrors, for a variety of file problems. |
641 | |
642 | """ |
643 | |
644 | from load_mesh.loadASCII import import_mesh_file, \ |
645 | export_mesh_file, concatinate_attributelist |
646 | |
647 | |
648 | try: |
649 | mesh_dict = import_mesh_file(mesh_file) |
650 | except IOError,e: |
651 | if display_errors: |
652 | print "Could not load bad file. ", e |
653 | raise IOError #Could not load bad mesh file. |
654 | |
655 | vertex_coordinates = mesh_dict['vertices'] |
656 | triangles = mesh_dict['triangles'] |
657 | if type(mesh_dict['vertex_attributes']) == num.ArrayType: |
658 | old_point_attributes = mesh_dict['vertex_attributes'].tolist() |
659 | else: |
660 | old_point_attributes = mesh_dict['vertex_attributes'] |
661 | |
662 | if type(mesh_dict['vertex_attribute_titles']) == num.ArrayType: |
663 | old_title_list = mesh_dict['vertex_attribute_titles'].tolist() |
664 | else: |
665 | old_title_list = mesh_dict['vertex_attribute_titles'] |
666 | |
667 | if verbose: print 'tsh file %s loaded' %mesh_file |
668 | |
669 | # load in the points file |
670 | try: |
671 | geo = Geospatial_data(point_file, verbose=verbose) |
672 | except IOError,e: |
673 | if display_errors: |
674 | print "Could not load bad file. ", e |
675 | raise IOError #Re-raise exception |
676 | |
677 | point_coordinates = geo.get_data_points(absolute=True) |
678 | title_list,point_attributes = concatinate_attributelist( \ |
679 | geo.get_all_attributes()) |
680 | |
681 | if mesh_dict.has_key('geo_reference') and \ |
682 | not mesh_dict['geo_reference'] is None: |
683 | mesh_origin = mesh_dict['geo_reference'].get_origin() |
684 | else: |
685 | mesh_origin = None |
686 | |
687 | if verbose: print "points file loaded" |
688 | if verbose: print "fitting to mesh" |
689 | f = fit_to_mesh(point_coordinates, |
690 | vertex_coordinates, |
691 | triangles, |
692 | None, |
693 | point_attributes, |
694 | alpha = alpha, |
695 | verbose = verbose, |
696 | data_origin = None, |
697 | mesh_origin = mesh_origin) |
698 | if verbose: print "finished fitting to mesh" |
699 | |
700 | # convert array to list of lists |
701 | new_point_attributes = f.tolist() |
702 | #FIXME have this overwrite attributes with the same title - DSG |
703 | #Put the newer attributes last |
704 | if old_title_list <> []: |
705 | old_title_list.extend(title_list) |
706 | #FIXME can this be done a faster way? - DSG |
707 | for i in range(len(old_point_attributes)): |
708 | old_point_attributes[i].extend(new_point_attributes[i]) |
709 | mesh_dict['vertex_attributes'] = old_point_attributes |
710 | mesh_dict['vertex_attribute_titles'] = old_title_list |
711 | else: |
712 | mesh_dict['vertex_attributes'] = new_point_attributes |
713 | mesh_dict['vertex_attribute_titles'] = title_list |
714 | |
715 | if verbose: print "exporting to file ", mesh_output_file |
716 | |
717 | try: |
718 | export_mesh_file(mesh_output_file, mesh_dict) |
719 | except IOError,e: |
720 | if display_errors: |
721 | print "Could not write file. ", e |
722 | raise IOError |