SET_COLOUR='red' class Triangle(MeshObject): """ A triangle element, defined by 3 vertices. Attributes based on the Triangle program. """ def __init__(self, vertex1, vertex2, vertex3, attribute = None, neighbors = None ): """ Vertices, the initial arguments, are listed in counterclockwise order. """ self.vertices= [vertex1,vertex2, vertex3 ] if attribute is None: self.attribute ="" else: self.attribute = attribute #this is a string if neighbors is None: self.neighbors=[] else: self.neighbors=neighbors def replace(self,new_triangle): self = new_triangle def longestSideID(self): ax = self.vertices[0].x ay = self.vertices[0].y bx = self.vertices[1].x by = self.vertices[1].y cx = self.vertices[2].x cy = self.vertices[2].y lenA = ((cx-bx)**2+(cy-by)**2)**0.5 lenB = ((ax-cx)**2+(ay-cy)**2)**0.5 lenC = ((bx-ax)**2+(by-ay)**2)**0.5 len = [lenA,lenB,lenC] return len.index(max(len)) def rotate(self,offset): """ permute the order of the sides of the triangle offset must be 0,1 or 2 """ if offset == 0: pass else: if offset == 1: self.vertices = [self.vertices[1],self.vertices[2],self.vertices[0]] self.neighbors = [self.neighbors[1],self.neighbors[2],self.neighbors[0]] if offset == 2: self.vertices = [self.vertices[2],self.vertices[0],self.vertices[1]] self.neighbors = [self.neighbors[2],self.neighbors[0],self.neighbors[1]] def rotate_longest_side(self): self.rotate(self.longestSideID()) def getVertices(self): return self.vertices def get_vertices(self): """ Return a list of the vertices. The x and y values will be relative Easting and Northings for the zone of the current geo_ref. """ return self.vertices def calcArea(self): ax = self.vertices[0].x ay = self.vertices[0].y bx = self.vertices[1].x by = self.vertices[1].y cx = self.vertices[2].x cy = self.vertices[2].y return abs((bx*ay-ax*by)+(cx*by-bx*cy)+(ax*cy-cx*ay))/2 def calcP(self): #calculate the perimeter ax = self.vertices[0].x ay = self.vertices[0].y bx = self.vertices[1].x by = self.vertices[1].y cx = self.vertices[2].x cy = self.vertices[2].y a = ((cx-bx)**2+(cy-by)**2)**0.5 b = ((ax-cx)**2+(ay-cy)**2)**0.5 c = ((bx-ax)**2+(by-ay)**2)**0.5 return a+b+c def setNeighbors(self,neighbor1 = None, neighbor2 = None, neighbor3 = None): """ neighbor1 is the triangle opposite vertex1 and so on. Null represents no neighbor """ self.neighbors = [neighbor1, neighbor2, neighbor3] def setAttribute(self,attribute): """ neighbor1 is the triangle opposite vertex1 and so on. Null represents no neighbor """ self.attribute = attribute #this is a string def __repr__(self): return "[%s,%s]" % (self.vertices,self.attribute) def draw(self, canvas, tags, scale=1, xoffset = 0, yoffset =0, colour = "green"): """ Draw a triangle, returning the objectID """ return canvas.create_polygon(scale*(self.vertices[1].x + xoffset), scale*-1*(self.vertices[1].y + yoffset), scale*(self.vertices[0].x + xoffset), scale*-1*(self.vertices[0].y + yoffset), scale*(self.vertices[2].x + xoffset), scale*-1*(self.vertices[2].y + yoffset), tags = tags, outline = colour,fill = '') self.setID={} #a dictionary of names. #multiple sets are allowed, but the gui does not yet #support this self.setID['None']=0 #contains the names of the sets pointing to the indexes #in the list. self.sets=[[]] #Contains the lists of triangles (triangle sets) ################## def refineSet(self,setName): Triangles = self.sets[self.setID[setName]] Refine(self,Triangles) def selectAllTriangles(self): A=[] A.extend(self.meshTriangles) if not('All' in self.setID.keys()): self.setID['All']=len(self.sets) self.sets.append(A) else: self.sets[self.setID['All']]=A return 'All' # and objectIDs def clearSelection(self): A = [] if not('None' in self.setID.keys()): self.setID['None']=len(self.sets) self.sets.append(A) return 'None' def drawSet(self,canvas,setName,SCALE,colour=SET_COLOUR): #FIXME Draws over previous triangles - may bloat canvas Triangles = self.sets[self.setID[setName]] for triangle in Triangles: triangle.draw(canvas,1, scale = SCALE, colour = colour) def undrawSet(self,canvas,setName,SCALE,colour='green'): #FIXME Draws over previous lines - may bloat canvas Triangles = self.sets[self.setID[setName]] for triangle in Triangles: triangle.draw(canvas,1, scale = SCALE, colour = colour) def weed(self,Vertices,Segments): #Depreciated #weed out existing duplicates print 'len(self.getUserSegments())' print len(self.getUserSegments()) print 'len(self.getUserVertices())' print len(self.getUserVertices()) point_keys = {} for vertex in Vertices: point = (vertex.x,vertex.y) point_keys[point]=vertex #inlined would looks very ugly line_keys = {} for segment in Segments: vertex1 = segment.vertices[0] vertex2 = segment.vertices[1] point1 = (vertex1.x,vertex1.y) point2 = (vertex2.x,vertex2.y) segment.vertices[0]=point_keys[point1] segment.vertices[1]=point_keys[point2] vertex1 = segment.vertices[0] vertex2 = segment.vertices[1] point1 = (vertex1.x,vertex1.y) point2 = (vertex2.x,vertex2.y) line1 = (point1,point2) line2 = (point2,point1) if not (line_keys.has_key(line1) \ or line_keys.has_key(line2)): line_keys[line1]=segment Vertices=point_keys.values() Segments=line_keys.values() return Vertices,Segments def segs_to_dict(self,segments): dict={} for segment in segments: vertex1 = segment.vertices[0] vertex2 = segment.vertices[1] point1 = (vertex1.x,vertex1.y) point2 = (vertex2.x,vertex2.y) line = (point1,point2) dict[line]=segment return dict def seg2line(self,s): return ((s.vertices[0].x,s.vertices[0].y,)\ (s.vertices[1].x,s.vertices[1].y)) def line2seg(self,line,tag=None): point0 = self.point2ver(line[0]) point1 = self.point2ver(line[1]) return Segment(point0,point1,tag=tag) def ver2point(self,vertex): return (vertex.x,vertex.y) def point2ver(self,point): return Vertex(point[0],point[1]) def smooth_polySet(self,min_radius=0.05): #for all pairs of connecting segments: # propose a new segment that replaces the 2 # If the difference between the new segment # and the old lines is small: replace the # old lines. seg2line = self.seg2line ver2point= self.ver2point line2seg = self.line2seg point2ver= self.point2ver #create dictionaries of lines -> segments userSegments = self.segs_to_dict(self.userSegments) alphaSegments = self.segs_to_dict(self.alphaUserSegments) #lump user and alpha segments for key in alphaSegments.keys(): userSegments[key]=alphaSegments[key] #point_keys = tuple -> vertex #userVertices = vertex -> [line,line] - lines from that node point_keys = {} userVertices={} for vertex in self.getUserVertices(): point = ver2point(vertex) if not point_keys.has_key(point): point_keys[point]=vertex userVertices[vertex]=[] for key in userSegments.keys(): line = key point_0 = key[0] point_1 = key[1] userVertices[point_keys[point_0]].append(line) userVertices[point_keys[point_1]].append(line) for point in point_keys.keys(): try: #removed keys can cause keyerrors vertex = point_keys[point] lines = userVertices[vertex] #if there are 2 lines on the node if len(lines)==2: line_0 = lines[0] line_1 = lines[1] #if the tags are the the same on the 2 lines if userSegments[line_0].tag == userSegments[line_1].tag: tag = userSegments[line_0].tag #point_a is one of the next nodes, point_b is the other if point==line_0[0]: point_a = line_0[1] if point==line_0[1]: point_a = line_0[0] if point==line_1[0]: point_b = line_1[1] if point==line_1[1]: point_b = line_1[0] #line_2 is proposed line_2 = (point_a,point_b) #calculate the area of the triangle between #the two existing segments and the proposed #new segment ax = point_a[0] ay = point_a[1] bx = point_b[0] by = point_b[1] cx = point[0] cy = point[1] area=abs((bx*ay-ax*by)+(cx*by-bx*cy)+(ax*cy-cx*ay))/2 #calculate the perimeter len_a = ((cx-bx)**2+(cy-by)**2)**0.5 len_b = ((ax-cx)**2+(ay-cy)**2)**0.5 len_c = ((bx-ax)**2+(by-ay)**2)**0.5 perimeter = len_a+len_b+len_c #calculate the radius r = area/(2*perimeter) #if the radius is small: then replace the existing #segments with the new one if r < min_radius: if len_c < min_radius: append = False else: append = True #if the new seg is also time, don't add it if append: segment = self.line2seg(line_2,tag=tag) list_a=userVertices[point_keys[point_a]] list_b=userVertices[point_keys[point_b]] if line_0 in list_a: list_a.remove(line_0) else: list_a.remove(line_1) if line_0 in list_b: list_b.remove(line_0) else: list_b.remove(line_1) if append: list_a.append(line_2) list_b.append(line_2) else: if len(list_a)==0: userVertices.pop(point_keys[point_a]) point_keys.pop(point_a) if len(list_b)==0: userVertices.pop(point_keys[point_b]) point_keys.pop(point_b) userVertices.pop(point_keys[point]) point_keys.pop(point) userSegments.pop(line_0) userSegments.pop(line_1) if append: userSegments[line_2]=segment except: pass #self.userVerticies = userVertices.keys() #self.userSegments = [] #for key in userSegments.keys(): # self.userSegments.append(userSegments[key]) #self.alphaUserSegments = [] self.userVerticies = [] self.userSegments = [] self.alphaUserSegments = [] return userVertices,userSegments,alphaSegments def triangles_to_polySet(self,setName): #self.smooth_polySet() seg2line = self.seg2line ver2point= self.ver2point line2seg = self.line2seg point2ver= self.point2ver from Numeric import array,allclose #turn the triangles into a set Triangles = self.sets[self.setID[setName]] Triangles_dict = {} for triangle in Triangles: Triangles_dict[triangle]=None #create a dict of points to vertexes (tuple -> object) #also create a set of vertexes (object -> True) point_keys = {} userVertices={} for vertex in self.getUserVertices(): point = ver2point(vertex) if not point_keys.has_key(point): point_keys[point]=vertex userVertices[vertex]=True #create a dict of lines to segments (tuple -> object) userSegments = self.segs_to_dict(self.userSegments) #append the userlines in an affine linespace affine_lines = Affine_Linespace() for line in userSegments.keys(): affine_lines.append(line) alphaSegments = self.segs_to_dict(self.alphaUserSegments) for line in alphaSegments.keys(): affine_lines.append(line) for triangle in Triangles: for i in (0,1,2): #for every triangles neighbour: if not Triangles_dict.has_key(triangle.neighbors[i]): #if the neighbour is not in the set: a = triangle.vertices[i-1] b = triangle.vertices[i-2] #Get possible matches: point_a = ver2point(a) point_b = ver2point(b) midpoint = ((a.x+b.x)/2,(a.y+b.y)/2) line = (point_a,point_b) tag = None #this bit checks for matching lines possible_lines = affine_lines[line] possible_lines = unique(possible_lines) found = 0 for user_line in possible_lines: if self.point_on_line(midpoint,user_line): found+=1 assert found<2 if userSegments.has_key(user_line): parent_segment = userSegments.pop(user_line) if alphaSegments.has_key(user_line): parent_segment = alphaSegments.pop(user_line) tag = parent_segment.tag offspring = [line] offspring.extend(self.subtract_line(user_line, line)) affine_lines.remove(user_line) for newline in offspring: line_vertices = [] for point in newline: if point_keys.has_key(point): vert = point_keys[point] else: vert = Vertex(point[0],point[1]) userVertices[vert]=True point_keys[point]=vert line_vertices.append(vert) segment = Segment(line_vertices[0], line_vertices[1],tag) userSegments[newline]=segment affine_lines.append(newline) #break assert found<2 #if no matching lines if not found: line_vertices = [] for point in line: if point_keys.has_key(point): vert = point_keys[point] else: vert = Vertex(point[0],point[1]) userVertices[vert]=True point_keys[point]=vert line_vertices.append(vert) segment = Segment(line_vertices[0], line_vertices[1],tag) userSegments[line]=segment affine_lines.append(line) self.userVerticies = [] self.userSegments = [] self.alphaUserSegments = [] return userVertices,userSegments,alphaSegments def subtract_line(self,parent,child): #Subtracts child from parent #Requires that the child is a #subline of parent to work. from Numeric import allclose,dot,array A= parent[0] B= parent[1] a = child[0] b = child[1] A_array = array(parent[0]) B_array = array(parent[1]) a_array = array(child[0]) b_array = array(child[1]) assert not A == B assert not a == b answer = [] #if the new line does not share a #vertex with the old one if not (allclose(A_array,a_array)\ or allclose(B_array,b_array)\ or allclose(A_array,b_array)\ or allclose(a_array,B_array)): if dot(A_array-a_array,A_array-a_array) \ < dot(A_array-b_array,A_array-b_array): sibling1 = (A,a) sibling2 = (B,b) return [sibling1,sibling2] else: sibling1 = (A,b) sibling2 = (B,a) return [sibling1,sibling2] elif allclose(A_array,a_array): if allclose(B_array,b_array): return [] else: sibling = (b,B) return [sibling] elif allclose(B_array,b_array): sibling = (a,A) return [sibling] elif allclose(A_array,b_array): if allclose(B,a): return [] else: sibling = (a,B) return [sibling] elif allclose(a_array,B_array): sibling = (b,A) return [sibling] def point_on_line(self,point,line): #returns true within a tolerance of 3 degrees x=point[0] y=point[1] x0=line[0][0] x1=line[1][0] y0=line[0][1] y1=line[1][1] from Numeric import array, dot, allclose from math import sqrt tol = 3. #DEGREES tol = tol*3.1415/180 a = array([x - x0, y - y0]) a_normal = array([a[1], -a[0]]) len_a_normal = sqrt(sum(a_normal**2)) b = array([x1 - x0, y1 - y0]) len_b = sqrt(sum(b**2)) if abs(dot(a_normal, b)/(len_b*len_a_normal))< tol: #Point is somewhere on the infinite extension of the line len_a = sqrt(sum(a**2)) if dot(a, b) >= 0 and len_a <= len_b: return True else: return False else: return False def line_length(self,line): x0=line[0][0] x1=line[1][0] y0=line[0][1] y1=line[1][1] return ((x1-x0)**2-(y1-y0)**2)**0.5 def threshold(self,setName,min=None,max=None,attribute_name='elevation'): """ threshold using d """ triangles = self.sets[self.setID[setName]] A = [] if attribute_name in self.attributeTitles: i = self.attributeTitles.index(attribute_name) else: i = -1#no attribute if not max == None: for t in triangles: if (min0: max=data[0] min=data[0] for value in data: if value > max: max = value if value < min: min = value inc = (max-min)/100 histogram = ghistogram(bins=arange(min,max,inc),\ color = histogram.plot(data=data) def av_att(self,triangle,i): if i==-1: return 1 else: #evaluates the average attribute of the vertices of a triangle. V = triangle.getVertices() a0 = (V[0].attributes[i]) a1 = (V[1].attributes[i]) a2 = (V[2].attributes[i]) return (a0+a1+a2)/3 def Courant_ratio(self,triangle,index): """ Uses the courant threshold """ e = self.av_att(triangle,index) A = triangle.calcArea() P = triangle.calcP() r = A/(2*P) e = max(0.1,abs(e)) return r/e**0.5 def Gradient(self,triangle,index): V = triangle.vertices x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, q0, q1, q2 = V[0].x,V[0].y,V[1].x,V[1].y,V[2].x,V[2].y,V[0].attributes[index],V[1].attributes[index],V[2].attributes[index] grad_x,grad_y = gradient(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, q0, q1, q2) if ((grad_x**2)+(grad_y**2))**(0.5)<0: print ((grad_x**2)+(grad_y**2))**(0.5) return ((grad_x**2)+(grad_y**2))**(0.5) def append_triangle(self,triangle): self.meshTriangles.append(triangle) def replace_triangle(self,triangle,replacement): i = self.meshTriangles.index(triangle) self.meshTriangles[i]=replacement assert replacement in self.meshTriangles """Refines triangles Implements the #triangular bisection?# algorithm. """ def Refine(mesh, triangles): """ Given a general_mesh, and a triangle number, split that triangle in the mesh in half. Then to prevent vertices and edges from meeting, keep refining neighbouring triangles until the mesh is clean. """ state = BisectionState(mesh) for triangle in triangles: if not state.refined_triangles.has_key(triangle): triangle.rotate_longest_side() state.start(triangle) Refine_mesh(mesh, state) def Refine_mesh(mesh, state): """ """ state.getState(mesh) refine_triangle(mesh,state) state.evolve() if not state.end: Refine_mesh(mesh,state) def refine_triangle(mesh,state): split(mesh,state.current_triangle,state.new_point) if == 'one': state.r[3]=state.current_triangle#triangle 2 new_triangle_id = len(mesh.meshTriangles)-1 new_triangle = mesh.meshTriangles[new_triangle_id] split(mesh,new_triangle,state.old_point) state.r[2]=new_triangle#triangle 1.2 state.r[4]=mesh.meshTriangles[len(mesh.meshTriangles)-1]#triangle 1.1 r = state.r state.repairCaseOne() if == 'two': state.r[2]=mesh.meshTriangles[len(mesh.meshTriangles)-1]#triangle 1 new_triangle = state.current_triangle split(mesh,new_triangle,state.old_point) state.r[3]=mesh.meshTriangles[len(mesh.meshTriangles)-1]#triangle 2.1 state.r[4]=new_triangle#triangle 2.2 r = state.r state.repairCaseTwo() if == 'vertex': state.r[2]=state.current_triangle#triangle 2 state.r[3]=mesh.meshTriangles[len(mesh.meshTriangles)-1]#triangle 1 r = state.r state.repairCaseVertex() if == 'start': state.r[2]=mesh.meshTriangles[len(mesh.meshTriangles)-1]#triangle 1 state.r[3]=state.current_triangle#triangle 2 if state.next_case == 'boundary': state.repairCaseBoundary() def split(mesh, triangle, new_point): """ Given a mesh, triangle_id and a new point, split the corrosponding triangle into two new triangles and update the mesh. """ new_triangle1 = Triangle(new_point,triangle.vertices[0], triangle.vertices[1], attribute = triangle.attribute, neighbors = None) new_triangle2 = Triangle(new_point,triangle.vertices[2], triangle.vertices[0], attribute = triangle.attribute, neighbors = None) new_triangle1.setNeighbors(triangle.neighbors[2],None,new_triangle2) new_triangle2.setNeighbors(triangle.neighbors[1],new_triangle1,None) mesh.meshTriangles.append(new_triangle1) triangle.vertices = new_triangle2.vertices triangle.neighbors = new_triangle2.neighbors class State: def __init__(self): pass class BisectionState(State): def __init__(self,mesh): self.len = len(mesh.meshTriangles) self.refined_triangles = {} self.mesh = mesh self.current_triangle = None = 'start' self.end = False self.r = [None,None,None,None,None] def start(self, triangle): self.current_triangle = triangle = 'start' self.end = False self.r = [None,None,None,None,None] def getState(self,mesh): if not == 'vertex': self.new_point=self.getNewVertex(mesh, self.current_triangle) #self.neighbour=self.getNeighbour(mesh, self.current_triangle) self.neighbour = self.current_triangle.neighbors[0] if not self.neighbour is None: self.neighbour.rotate_longest_side() self.next_case = self.get_next_case(mesh,self.neighbour, self.current_triangle) if == 'vertex': self.new_point=self.old_point def evolve(self): if == 'vertex': self.end = True self.last_case = = self.next_case self.old_point = self.new_point self.current_triangle = self.neighbour if == 'boundary': self.end = True self.refined_triangles[self.r[2]]=1 self.refined_triangles[self.r[3]]=1 if not self.r[4] is None: self.refined_triangles[self.r[4]]=1 self.r[0]=self.r[2] self.r[1]=self.r[3] def getNewVertex(self,mesh,triangle): coordinate1 = triangle.vertices[1] coordinate2 = triangle.vertices[2] a = ([coordinate1.x*1.,coordinate1.y*1.]) b = ([coordinate2.x*1.,coordinate2.y*1.]) attributes = [] for i in range(len(coordinate1.attributes)): att = (coordinate1.attributes[i]+coordinate2.attributes[i])/2 attributes.append(att) new_coordinate = [((a[0]-b[0])/2+b[0]),((a[1]-b[1])/2+b[1])] newVertex = Vertex(new_coordinate[0],new_coordinate[1], attributes = attributes) mesh.maxVertexIndex+=1 newVertex.index = mesh.maxVertexIndex mesh.meshVertices.append(newVertex) return newVertex def get_next_case(self, mesh,neighbour,triangle): """ Given the locations of two neighbouring triangles, examine the interior indices of their vertices (i.e. 0,1 or 2) to determine what how the neighbour needs to be refined. """ if (neighbour is None): next_case = 'boundary' else: if triangle.vertices[1].x==neighbour.vertices[2].x: if triangle.vertices[1].y==neighbour.vertices[2].y: next_case = 'vertex' if triangle.vertices[1].x==neighbour.vertices[0].x: if triangle.vertices[1].y==neighbour.vertices[0].y: next_case = 'two' if triangle.vertices[1].x==neighbour.vertices[1].x: if triangle.vertices[1].y==neighbour.vertices[1].y: next_case = 'one' return next_case def repairCaseVertex(self): r = self.r[0],r[2])[0])[1],r[3])[1])[2])[3]) def repairCaseOne(self): r = self.rkey[0],r[2])[0])[1],r[4])[1])[4]) def repairCaseTwo(self): r = self.r[0],r[4])[0])[1],r[3])[1])[4]) def repairCaseBoundary(self): r = self.r[2])[3]) def repair(self,triangle): """ Given a triangle that knows its neighbours, this will force the neighbours to comply. However, it needs to compare the vertices of triangles for this implementation But it doesn't work for invalid neighbour structures """ n=triangle.neighbors for i in (0,1,2): if not n[i] is None: for j in (0,1,2):#to find which side of the list is broken if not (n[i].vertices[j] in triangle.vertices): #ie if j is the side of n that needs fixing k = j n[i].neighbors[k]=triangle def link(self,triangle1,triangle2): """ make triangle1 neighbors point to t #count = 0riangle2 """ count = 0 for i in (0,1,2):#to find which side of the list is broken if not (triangle1.vertices[i] in triangle2.vertices): j = i count+=1 assert count == 1 triangle1.neighbors[j]=triangle2 class Discretised_Tuple_Set: """ if a={(0.0):[(0.01),(0.02)],(0.2):[(0.17)]} a[(0.01)]=a[(0.0)]=[(0.01),(0.02)] a[(10000)]=[] #NOT KEYERROR a.append[(0.01)] => {0.0:[(0.01),(0.02),(0.01)],0.2:[(0.17)]} #NOT IMPLIMENTED a.remove[(0.01)] => {(0.0):[(0.02),(0.01)],0.2:[(0.17)]} a.remove[(0.17)] => {(0.0):[(0.02),(0.01)],0.2:[]} #NOT IMPLIMENTED at a.precision = 2: a.round_up_rel[0.0]= a.round_flat[0.0]= a.round_down_rel[0.0]= a.up((0.1,2.04))= If t_rel = 0, nothing gets rounded into two bins. If t_rel = 0.5, everything does. Ideally, precision can be set high, so that multiple entries are rarely in the same bin. And t_rel should be low (<0.1 for 1 dimension!,<(0.1/n) for small n!!) so that it is rare to put items in mutiple bins. Ex bins per entry = product(a,b,c...,n) a = 1 or 2 s.t. Ex(a) = 1+2*t_rel b = 1 or 2 ... BUT!!! to avoid missing the right bin: (-10)**(precision+1)*t_rel must be greater than the greatest possible variation that an identical element can display. Note that if tol = 0.5 (the max allowed) 0.6 will round to .7 and .5 but not .6 - this looks wrong, but note that *everything* will round, so .6 wont be missed as everything close to it will check in .7 and .5. """ def __init__(self,p_rel = 6,t_rel = 0.01): self.__p_rel__ = p_rel self.__t_rel__ = t_rel self.__p_abs__ = p_rel+1 self.__t_abs__ = t_rel assert t_rel <= 0.5 self.__items__ = {} from math import frexp self.frexp = frexp roundings = [self.round_up_rel,\ self.round_down_rel,self.round_flat_rel,\ self.round_down_abs,self.round_up_abs,\ self.round_flat_abs]# self.roundings = roundings def __repr__(self): return '%s'%self.__items__ def rounded_keys(self,key): key = tuple(key) keys = [key] keys = self.__rounded_keys__(key) return (keys) def __rounded_keys__(self,key): keys = [] rounded_key=list(key) rounded_values=list(key) roundings = list(self.roundings) #initialise rounded_values round = roundings.pop(0) for i in range(len(rounded_values)): rounded_key[i]=round(key[i]) rounded_values[i]={} rounded_values[i][rounded_key[i]]=None keys.append(tuple(rounded_key)) for round in roundings: for i in range(len(rounded_key)): rounded_value=round(key[i]) if not rounded_values[i].has_key(rounded_value): #ie unless round_up_rel = round_down_rel #so the keys stay unique for j in range(len(keys)): rounded_key = list(keys[j]) rounded_key[i]=rounded_value keys.append(tuple(rounded_key)) return keys def append(self,item): keys = self.rounded_keys(item) for key in keys: if self.__items__.has_key(key): self.__items__[key].append(item) else: self.__items__[key]=[item] def __getitem__(self,key): answer = [] keys = self.rounded_keys(key) for key in keys: if self.__items__.has_key(key): answer.extend(self.__items__[key]) #if len(answer)==0: # raise KeyError#FIXME or return KeyError # #FIXME or just return []? else: return answer #FIXME or unique(answer)? def __delete__(self,item): keys = self.rounded_keys(item) answer = False #if any of the possible keys contains #a list, return true for key in keys: if self.__items__.has_key(key): if item in self.__items__[key]: self.__items__[key].remove(item) def remove(self,item): self.__delete__(item) def __contains__(self,item): keys = self.rounded_keys(item) answer = False #if any of the possible keys contains #a list, return true for key in keys: if self.__items__.has_key(key): if item in self.__items__[key]: answer = True return answer def has_item(self,item): return self.__contains__(item) def round_up_rel2(self,value): t_rel=self.__t_rel__ #Rounding up the value m,e = self.frexp(value) m = m/2 e = e + 1 #m is the mantissa, e the exponent # 0.5 < |m| < 1.0 m = m+t_rel*(10**-(self.__p_rel__)) #bump m up m = round(m,self.__p_rel__) return m*(2.**e) def round_down_rel2(self,value): t_rel=self.__t_rel__ #Rounding down the value m,e = self.frexp(value) m = m/2 e = e + 1 #m is the mantissa, e the exponent # 0.5 < m < 1.0 m = m-t_rel*(10**-(self.__p_rel__)) #bump the |m| down, by 5% or whatever #self.p_rel dictates m = round(m,self.__p_rel__) return m*(2.**e) def round_flat_rel2(self,value): #redundant m,e = self.frexp(value) m = m/2 e = e + 1 m = round(m,self.__p_rel__) return m*(2.**e) def round_up_rel(self,value): t_rel=self.__t_rel__ #Rounding up the value m,e = self.frexp(value) #m is the mantissa, e the exponent # 0.5 < |m| < 1.0 m = m+t_rel*(10**-(self.__p_rel__)) #bump m up m = round(m,self.__p_rel__) return m*(2.**e) def round_down_rel(self,value): t_rel=self.__t_rel__ #Rounding down the value m,e = self.frexp(value) #m is the mantissa, e the exponent # 0.5 < m < 1.0 m = m-t_rel*(10**-(self.__p_rel__)) #bump the |m| down, by 5% or whatever #self.p_rel dictates m = round(m,self.__p_rel__) return m*(2.**e) def round_flat_rel(self,value): #redundant m,e = self.frexp(value) m = round(m,self.__p_rel__) return m*(2.**e) def round_up_abs(self,value): t_abs=self.__t_abs__ #Rounding up the value m = value+t_abs*(10**-(self.__p_abs__)) #bump m up m = round(m,self.__p_abs__) return m def round_down_abs(self,value): t_abs=self.__t_abs__ #Rounding down the value m = value-t_abs*(10**-(self.__p_abs__)) #bump the |m| down, by 5% or whatever #self.p_rel dictates m = round(m,self.__p_abs__) return m def round_flat_abs(self,value): #redundant? m = round(value,self.__p_abs__) return m def keys(self): return self.__items__.keys() class Mapped_Discretised_Tuple_Set(Discretised_Tuple_Set): """ This is a discretised tuple set, but based on a mapping. The mapping MUST return a sequence. example: def weight(animal): return [animal.weight] a = Mapped_Discretised_Tuple_Set(weight) a.append[cow] a.append[fox] a.append[horse] a[horse] -> [cow,horse] a[dog] -> [fox] a[elephant] -> [] """ def __init__(self,mapping,p_rel = 6, t_rel=0.01): Discretised_Tuple_Set.__init__\ (self,p_rel,t_rel = t_rel) self.mapping = mapping def rounded_keys(self,key): mapped_key = tuple(self.mapping(key)) keys = self.__rounded_keys__(mapped_key) return keys class Affine_Linespace(Mapped_Discretised_Tuple_Set): """ The affine linespace creates a way to record and compare lines. Precision is a bit of a hack, but it creates a way to avoid misses caused by round offs (between two lines of different lenghts, the short one gets rounded off more). I am starting to think that a quadratic search would be faster. Nearly. """ def __init__(self,p_rel=4,t_rel=0.2): Mapped_Discretised_Tuple_Set.__init__\ (self,self.affine_line,\ p_rel=p_rel,t_rel=t_rel) roundings = \ [self.round_down_rel,self.round_up_rel,self.round_flat_rel] self.roundings = roundings #roundings = \ #[self.round_down_abs,self.round_up_abs,self.round_flat_abs] #self.roundings = roundings def affine_line(self,line): point_1 = line[0] point_2 = line[1] #returns the equation of a line #between two points, in the from #(a,b,-c), as in ax+by-c=0 #or line *dot* (x,y,1) = (0,0,0) #Note that it normalises the line #(a,b,-c) so Line*Line = 1. #This does not change the mathematical #properties, but it makes comparism #easier. #There are probably better algorithms. x1 = point_1[0] x2 = point_2[0] y1 = point_1[1] y2 = point_2[1] dif_x = x1-x2 dif_y = y1-y2 if dif_x == dif_y == 0: msg = 'points are the same' raise msg elif abs(dif_x)>=abs(dif_y): alpha = (-dif_y)/dif_x #a = alpha * b b = -1. c = (x1*alpha+x2*alpha+y1+y2)/2. a = alpha*b else: beta = dif_x/(-dif_y) #b = beta * a a = 1. c = (x1+x2+y1*beta+y2*beta)/2. b = beta*a mag = abs(a)+abs(b) #This does not change the mathematical #properties, but it makes comparism possible. #note that the gradient is b/a, or (a/b)**-1. #so #if a == 0: # sign_a = 1. #else: # sign_a = a/((a**2)**0.5) #if b == 0: # sign_b = 1. #else: # sign_b = b/((b**2)**0.5) #if c == 0: # sign_c = 1. #else: # sign_c = c/((c**2)**0.5) #a = a/mag*sign_a #b = b/mag*sign_b #c = c/mag*sign_c a = a/mag b = b/mag c = c/mag return a,b,c