"""Cross tabulate old and large files on specified file system Usage python diskreport.py /d/cit/7 will generate things like find . -xdev -type f -atime +365 -exec ls -la {} \; | gawk '{printf("%s %s %s\n", $3x, $5, $9)}' | sort -k 1,1 -k2,2nr """ #Constants days = 180#365 filesize = 1000000 #One megabyte #Useful Unix commands ls_cmd = '-exec ls -la {} \\;' filter_cmd = 'gawk \'{printf("%s %s %s\\n", $3x, $5, $9)}\' ' sort_cmd = 'sort -k 1,1 -k2,2nr ' #Sort on name and reversely by size def make_filename(s): """Transform argument string into a suitable filename """ s = s.strip() s = s.replace(' ', '_') #s = s.replace('(', '{') #s = s.replace(')', '}') s = s.replace('(', '') s = s.replace(')', '') s = s.replace('__', '_') s = s.replace('/', '_') return s def diskstat(findcommand, outfile, headline): import time tempfile = '/tmp/diskreport_' + str(time.time()) #Find files cmd = findcommand cmd += ls_cmd + ' | ' + filter_cmd + ' | ' + sort_cmd cmd += ' > %s 2>/dev/null' %tempfile #Redirect print cmd os.system(cmd) #sort_and_clean(tempfile) #Organise them by name (with totals) fid = open(tempfile) lines = fid.readlines() fid.close() D = {} for line in lines: fields = line.strip().split() username = fields[0] size = long(fields[1]) filename = fields[2] if not D.has_key(username): D[username] = [] D[username].append( [filename, size] ) #Find totals per user grand_total = 0 totals = {} for username in D: total = 0 for filename, size in D[username]: total += size totals[username] = total grand_total += total #Sort users by diskusage S = [(totals[username], username) for username in totals] #List comprehension S.sort() S.reverse() users = [x[1] for x in S] #Users by diskusage #Write final result to disk fid = open(outfile, 'w') print txt = headline txt += '(%.3f MB):' %(grand_total/1.0e6) fid.write(txt + '\n') print '--------------------------------------------------' print txt print '--------------------------------------------------' fid.write('\n') for username in users: fid.write('------------------------------------------------------\n') txt = '%s (%.3f MB)' %(username, totals[username]/1.0e6) fid.write(txt + '\n') fid.write('------------------------------------------------------\n') print txt for filename, size in D[username]: fid.write(' %s (%.3f MB)\n' %(filename, size/1.0e6)) fid.write('\n') fid.close() import os, time, sys if len(sys.argv) > 1: dir = sys.argv[1] else: dir = '.' print 'DISKREPORT FOR DIRECTORY %s' %dir # Find the largest directories topname = 'top50_%s.txt' %(make_filename(dir)) txt = 'Top 50 largest directories on %s (stated in kilo bytes)' %dir os.system('echo "%s" > %s' %(txt, topname)) #Divide into two (had problems with broken pipe) cmd = 'du -k "%s" | sort -nr | head -50 >> %s' %(dir, topname) os.system(cmd) #cmd = 'du -k "%s" | sort -nr >> %s' %(dir, topname) #os.system(cmd) #cmd = 'cat %s | head -50 > %s' %(topname, topname) #os.system(cmd) ################################################################# # Find old files ################################################################# diskstat('find %s -xdev -type f -atime +%d ' %(dir, days), 'oldfiles_%s.txt' %make_filename(dir), 'Statistics for files on disk %s that haven\'t been accessed for at least %d days '\ %(dir, days)) ################################################################# # Find all files ################################################################# diskstat('find %s -xdev -type f ' %(dir), 'allfiles_%s.txt' %make_filename(dir), 'Statistics for all files on disk %s '\ %(dir)) import sys; sys.exit() ################################################################# # Find large files ################################################################# diskstat('find %s -xdev -type f -size +%dc ' %(dir, filesize), 'bigfiles_%s.txt' %make_filename(dir), 'Statistics for files on disk %s that are larger than %.3f MB '\ %(dir, filesize/1.0e6)) ################################################################# # Find old and large files ################################################################# diskstat('find %s -xdev -type f -atime +%d -size +%dc '\ %(dir, days, filesize), 'oldbigfiles_%s.txt' %make_filename(dir), 'Statistics for files on disk %s that haven\'t been accessed for at least %d days and that are larger than %.3f kB '\ %(dir, days, filesize/1.0e6))