import unittest from caching import * # Define a test function to be cached # def f(a,b,c,N,x=0,y='abcdefg'): """f(a,b,c,N) Do something time consuming and produce a complex result. """ import string B = [] for n in range(N): s = str(n+2.0/(n + 4.0))+'.a'*10 B.append((a,b,c,s,n,x,y)) return(B) class Test_Caching(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): set_option('verbose', 0) #Why pass def tearDown(self): pass def test_simple(self): """Check set_option (and switch stats off) """ set_option('savestat', 0) assert options['savestat'] == 0 set_option('verbose', 0) assert options['verbose'] == 0 def test_basic_caching(self): # Make some test input arguments # N = 5000 #Make N fairly small here a = [1,2] b = ('Thou shalt count the number three',4) c = {'Five is right out': 6, (7,8): 9} x = 3 y = 'holy hand granate' # Test caching # comprange = 2 for comp in range(comprange): # Evaluate and store # T1 = cache(f, (a,b,c,N), {'x':x, 'y':y}, evaluate=1, \ compression=comp) # Retrieve # T2 = cache(f, (a,b,c,N), {'x':x, 'y':y}, compression=comp) # Reference result # T3 = f(a,b,c,N,x=x,y=y) # Compute without caching assert T1 == T2, 'Cached result does not match computed result' assert T2 == T3, 'Cached result does not match computed result' def test_cachefiles(self): """Test existence of cachefiles """ N = 5000 #Make N fairly small here a = [1,2] b = ('Thou shalt count the number three',4) c = {'Five is right out': 6, (7,8): 9} x = 3 y = 'holy hand granate' FN = cache(f,(a,b,c,N), {'x':x, 'y':y}, verbose=0, \ return_filename = 1) assert FN[:2] == 'f[' CD = checkdir(cachedir) compression = 1 (datafile,compressed0) = myopen(CD+FN+'_'+file_types[0],"rb",compression) (argsfile,compressed1) = myopen(CD+FN+'_'+file_types[1],"rb",compression) (admfile,compressed2) = myopen(CD+FN+'_'+file_types[2],"rb",compression) datafile.close() argsfile.close() admfile.close() def test_test(self): """Test 'test' function when cache is present """ N = 5000 #Make N fairly small here a = [1,2] b = ('Thou shalt count the number three',4) c = {'Five is right out': 6, (7,8): 9} x = 3 y = 'holy hand granate' T1 = cache(f,(a,b,c,N), {'x':x, 'y':y}, evaluate=1) T4 = cache(f,(a,b,c,N), {'x':x, 'y':y}, test=1) assert T1 == T4, "Option 'test' when cache file present failed" def test_clear(self): """Test that 'clear' works """ N = 5000 #Make N fairly small here a = [1,2] b = ('Thou shalt count the number three',4) c = {'Five is right out': 6, (7,8): 9} x = 3 y = 'holy hand granate' T1 = cache(f,(a,b,c,N), {'x':x, 'y':y}, evaluate = 1) cache(f,(a,b,c,N), {'x':x, 'y':y}, clear = 1) # Test 'test' function when cache is absent T4 = cache(f,(a,b,c,N), {'x':x, 'y':y}, test=1) assert T4 is None, "Option 'test' when cache absent failed" def test_dependencies(self): # Make a dependency file CD = checkdir(cachedir) DepFN = CD + 'testfile.tmp' DepFN_wildcard = CD + 'test*.tmp' Depfile = open(DepFN,'w') Depfile.write('We are the knights who say NI!') Depfile.close() # Test # N = 5000 #Make N fairly small here a = [1,2] b = ('Thou shalt count the number three',4) c = {'Five is right out': 6, (7,8): 9} x = 3 y = 'holy hand granate' T1 = cache(f,(a,b,c,N), {'x':x, 'y':y}, dependencies=DepFN) T2 = cache(f,(a,b,c,N), {'x':x, 'y':y}, dependencies=DepFN) assert T1 == T2, 'Dependencies do not work' # Test basic wildcard dependency T3 = cache(f,(a,b,c,N), {'x':x, 'y':y}, dependencies=DepFN_wildcard) assert T1 == T3, 'Dependencies with wildcards do not work' # Test that changed timestamp in dependencies triggers recomputation # Modify dependency file Depfile = open(DepFN,'a') Depfile.write('You must cut down the mightiest tree in the forest with a Herring') Depfile.close() T3 = cache(f,(a,b,c,N), {'x':x, 'y':y}, dependencies=DepFN, test = 1) assert T3 is None, 'Changed dependencies not recognised' # Test recomputation when dependencies have changed # T3 = cache(f,(a,b,c,N), {'x':x, 'y':y}, dependencies=DepFN) assert T1 == T3, 'Recomputed value with changed dependencies failed' #def test_performance(self): # """Performance test (with statistics) # Don't really rely on this as it will depend on specific computer. # """ # # import time # set_option('savestat', 1) # # N = 300000 #Should be large on fast computers... # a = [1,2] # b = ('Thou shalt count the number three',4) # c = {'Five is right out': 6, (7,8): 9} # x = 3 # y = 'holy hand granate' # # # tt = time.time() # T1 = cache(f,(a,b,c,N), {'x':x, 'y':y}) # t1 = time.time() - tt # # tt = time.time() # T2 = cache(f,(a,b,c,N), {'x':x, 'y':y}) # t2 = time.time() - tt # assert T1 == T2 # assert t1 > t2, 'WARNING: Performance a bit low - this could be specific to current platform. Try to increase N in this test' # #test_OK('Performance test: relative time saved = %s pct' \ # # %str(round((t1-t2)*100/t1,2))) def test_statsfile(self): """Test presence of statistics file """ import os, string statsfile = '.cache_stat' # Basefilename for cached statistics. CD = checkdir(cachedir) DIRLIST = os.listdir(CD) SF = [] for FN in DIRLIST: if string.find(FN,statsfile) >= 0: try: fid = open(CD+FN,'r') fid.close() except: raise 'Statistics files cannot be opened' # def test_network_cachedir(self): # #set_option('cachedir', 'H:\\.python_cache\\') # set_option('cachedir', 'V:\\2\\cit\\.python_cache\\') # set_option('verbose', 1) # # Make some test input arguments # # # N = 5000 #Make N fairly small here # a = [1,2] # b = ('Thou shalt count the number three',4) # c = {'Five is right out': 6, (7,8): 9} # x = 3 # y = 'holy hand granate' # # Test caching # # # comprange = 2 # for comp in range(comprange): # # Evaluate and store # # # T1 = cache(f, (a,b,c,N), {'x':x, 'y':y}, evaluate=1, \ # compression=comp) # # Retrieve # # # T2 = cache(f, (a,b,c,N), {'x':x, 'y':y}, compression=comp) # # Reference result # # # T3 = f(a,b,c,N,x=x,y=y) # Compute without caching # assert T1 == T2, 'Cached result does not match computed result' # assert T2 == T3, 'Cached result does not match computed result' #------------------------------------------------------------- if __name__ == "__main__": suite = unittest.makeSuite(Test_Caching,'test') runner = unittest.TextTestRunner()