###################### # Module imports import sys from os import sep, path import anuga.pyvolution.data_manager from load_mesh.loadASCII import import_mesh_file from shallow_water import Domain from pmesh2domain import pmesh_to_domain_instance def check_sww_tsh(sww_file, tsh_file, verbose = False): [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, stagemin, stagemax] = \ data_manager.extent_sww(sww_file) if verbose == True:print "Extent of ", sww_file if verbose == True:print "xmin", xmin if verbose == True:print "xmax", xmax if verbose == True:print "ymin", ymin if verbose == True:print "ymax", ymax if verbose == True:print "stagemin", stagemin if verbose == True:print "stagemax", stagemax domain = pmesh_to_domain_instance(tsh_file, Domain) [tsh_xmin, tsh_xmax, tsh_ymin, tsh_ymax] = domain.get_extent() if verbose == True:print "Extent of ", tsh_file if verbose == True:print "tsh_xmin", tsh_xmin if verbose == True:print "tsh_xmax", tsh_xmax if verbose == True:print "tsh_ymin", tsh_ymin if verbose == True:print "tsh_ymax", tsh_ymax is_subset = xmin < tsh_xmin and xmax > tsh_xmax and \ ymin < tsh_ymin and ymax > tsh_ymax if verbose == True: if is_subset: print "tsh within sww" else: print "WARNING: tsh NOT within sww" #------------------------------------------------------------- if __name__ == "__main__": """ Load in a mesh and data points with attributes. Fit the attributes to the mesh. Save a new mesh file. """ import os, sys usage = "usage: %s *.sww *.tsh" %os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) if len(sys.argv) < 3: print usage else: sww_file = sys.argv[1] tsh_file = sys.argv[2] check_sww_tsh(sww_file, tsh_file, verbose = True)