"""Library of standard meshes and facilities for reading various mesh file formats """ def rectangular_old(m, n, len1=1.0, len2=1.0, origin = (0.0, 0.0)): """Setup a rectangular grid of triangles with m+1 by n+1 grid points and side lengths len1, len2. If side lengths are omitted the mesh defaults to the unit square. len1: x direction (left to right) len2: y direction (bottom to top) Return to lists: points and elements suitable for creating a Mesh or FVMesh object, e.g. Mesh(points, elements) """ from config import epsilon #E = m*n*2 #Number of triangular elements #P = (m+1)*(n+1) #Number of initial vertices delta1 = float(len1)/m delta2 = float(len2)/n #Dictionary of vertex objects vertices = {} points = [] for i in range(m+1): for j in range(n+1): vertices[i,j] = len(points) points.append([i*delta1 + origin[0], j*delta2 + origin[1]]) #Construct 2 triangles per rectangular element and assign tags to boundary elements = [] boundary = {} for i in range(m): for j in range(n): v1 = vertices[i,j+1] v2 = vertices[i,j] v3 = vertices[i+1,j+1] v4 = vertices[i+1,j] #Update boundary dictionary and create elements if i == m-1: boundary[(len(elements), 2)] = 'right' if j == 0: boundary[(len(elements), 1)] = 'bottom' elements.append([v4,v3,v2]) #Lower element if i == 0: boundary[(len(elements), 2)] = 'left' if j == n-1: boundary[(len(elements), 1)] = 'top' elements.append([v1,v2,v3]) #Upper element return points, elements, boundary def rectangular(m, n, len1=1.0, len2=1.0, origin = (0.0, 0.0)): """Setup a rectangular grid of triangles with m+1 by n+1 grid points and side lengths len1, len2. If side lengths are omitted the mesh defaults to the unit square. len1: x direction (left to right) len2: y direction (bottom to top) Return to lists: points and elements suitable for creating a Mesh or FVMesh object, e.g. Mesh(points, elements) """ from config import epsilon from Numeric import zeros, Float, Int delta1 = float(len1)/m delta2 = float(len2)/n #Calculate number of points Np = (m+1)*(n+1) class Index: def __init__(self, n,m): self.n = n self.m = m def __call__(self, i,j): return j+i*(self.n+1) index = Index(n,m) points = zeros( (Np,2), Float) for i in range(m+1): for j in range(n+1): points[index(i,j),:] = [i*delta1 + origin[0], j*delta2 + origin[1]] #Construct 2 triangles per rectangular element and assign tags to boundary #Calculate number of triangles Nt = 2*m*n elements = zeros( (Nt,3), Int) boundary = {} nt = -1 for i in range(m): for j in range(n): nt = nt + 1 i1 = index(i,j+1) i2 = index(i,j) i3 = index(i+1,j+1) i4 = index(i+1,j) #Update boundary dictionary and create elements if i == m-1: boundary[nt, 2] = 'right' if j == 0: boundary[nt, 1] = 'bottom' elements[nt,:] = [i4,i3,i2] #Lower element nt = nt + 1 if i == 0: boundary[nt, 2] = 'left' if j == n-1: boundary[nt, 1] = 'top' elements[nt,:] = [i1,i2,i3] #Upper element return points, elements, boundary def oblique(m, n, lenx = 1.0, leny = 1.0, theta = 8.95, origin = (0.0, 0.0)): """Setup a oblique grid of triangles with m segments in the x-direction and n segments in the y-direction """ from Numeric import array import math from config import epsilon deltax = lenx/float(m) deltay = leny/float(n) a = 0.75*lenx*math.tan(theta/180.*math.pi) x1 = lenx y1 = 0 x2 = lenx y2 = leny x3 = 0.25*lenx y3 = leny x4 = x3 y4 = 0 a2 = a/(x1-x4) a1 = -a2*x4 a4 = ((a1 + a2*x3)/y3-(a1 + a2*x2)/y2)/(x2-x3) a3 = 1. - (a1 + a2*x3)/y3 - a4*x3 # Dictionary of vertex objects vertices = {} points = [] for i in range(m+1): x = deltax*i for j in range(n+1): y = deltay*j if x > 0.25*lenx: y = a1 + a2*x + a3*y + a4*x*y vertices[i,j] = len(points) points.append([x + origin[0], y + origin[1]]) # Construct 2 triangles per element elements = [] boundary = {} for i in range(m): for j in range(n): v1 = vertices[i,j+1] v2 = vertices[i,j] v3 = vertices[i+1,j+1] v4 = vertices[i+1,j] #Update boundary dictionary and create elements if i == m-1: boundary[(len(elements), 2)] = 'right' if j == 0: boundary[(len(elements), 1)] = 'bottom' elements.append([v4,v3,v2]) #Lower if i == 0: boundary[(len(elements), 2)] = 'left' if j == n-1: boundary[(len(elements), 1)] = 'top' elements.append([v1,v2,v3]) #Upper return points, elements, boundary def contracting_channel(m, n, W_upstream = 1., W_downstream = 0.75, L_1 = 5.0, L_2 = 2.0, L_3 = 10, origin = (0.0, 0.0)): """Setup a contracting channel grid of triangles with m segments in the x-direction and n segments in the y-direction """ from Numeric import array import math from config import epsilon lenx = L_1 + L_2 + L_3 leny = W_upstream deltax = lenx/float(m) deltay = leny/float(n) x1 = 0 y1 = 0 x2 = L_1 y2 = 0 x3 = L_1 + L_2 y3 = (W_upstream - W_downstream)/2 x4 = L_1 + L_2 + L_3 y4 = y3 x5 = x4 y5 = y4 + W_downstream x6 = L_1 + L_2 y6 = y5 x7 = L_1 y7 = W_upstream x8 = 0 y8 = W_upstream a1 = 0 a2 = (W_upstream - W_downstream)/(2*L_2) a3 = 1 a4 = (W_downstream - W_upstream)/(L_2*W_upstream) # Dictionary of vertex objects vertices = {} points = [] for i in range(m+1): x = deltax*i for j in range(n+1): y = deltay*j if x > L_1 and x <= (L_1 + L_2): y = a1 + a2*(x - L_1) + a3*y + a4*(x - L_1)*y elif x > L_1 + L_2: y = (W_upstream - W_downstream)/2 + deltay*j*W_downstream/W_upstream vertices[i,j] = len(points) points.append([x + origin[0], y + origin[1]]) # Construct 2 triangles per element elements = [] boundary = {} for i in range(m): for j in range(n): v1 = vertices[i,j+1] v2 = vertices[i,j] v3 = vertices[i+1,j+1] v4 = vertices[i+1,j] #Update boundary dictionary and create elements if i == m-1: boundary[(len(elements), 2)] = 'right' if j == 0: boundary[(len(elements), 1)] = 'bottom' elements.append([v4,v3,v2]) #Lower if i == 0: boundary[(len(elements), 2)] = 'left' if j == n-1: boundary[(len(elements), 1)] = 'top' elements.append([v1,v2,v3]) #Upper return points, elements, boundary def circular(m, n, radius=1.0, center = (0.0, 0.0)): """Setup a circular grid of triangles with m concentric circles and with n radial segments. If radius is are omitted the mesh defaults to the unit circle radius. radius: radius of circle #FIXME: The triangles become degenerate for large values of m or n. """ from math import pi, cos, sin radius = float(radius) #Ensure floating point format #Dictionary of vertex objects and list of points vertices = {} points = [[0.0, 0.0]] #Center point vertices[0, 0] = 0 for i in range(n): theta = 2*i*pi/n x = cos(theta) y = sin(theta) for j in range(1,m+1): delta = j*radius/m vertices[i,j] = len(points) points.append([delta*x, delta*y]) #Construct 2 triangles per element elements = [] for i in range(n): for j in range(1,m): i1 = (i + 1) % n #Wrap around v1 = vertices[i,j+1] v2 = vertices[i,j] v3 = vertices[i1,j+1] v4 = vertices[i1,j] elements.append([v4,v2,v3]) #Lower elements.append([v1,v3,v2]) #Upper #Do the center v1 = vertices[0,0] for i in range(n): i1 = (i + 1) % n #Wrap around v2 = vertices[i,1] v3 = vertices[i1,1] elements.append([v1,v2,v3]) #center return points, elements def from_polyfile(name): """Read mesh from .poly file, an obj like file format listing first vertex coordinates and then connectivity """ from anuga.pyvolution.util import anglediff from math import pi import os.path root, ext = os.path.splitext(name) if ext == 'poly': filename = name else: filename = name + '.poly' fid = open(filename) points = [] #x, y values = [] #z ##vertex_values = [] #Repeated z triangles = [] #v0, v1, v2 lines = fid.readlines() keyword = lines[0].strip() msg = 'First line in .poly file must contain the keyword: POINTS' assert keyword == 'POINTS', msg offending = 0 i = 1 while keyword == 'POINTS': line = lines[i].strip() i += 1 if line == 'POLYS': keyword = line break fields = line.split(':') assert int(fields[0]) == i-1, 'Point indices not consecutive' #Split the three floats xyz = fields[1].split() x = float(xyz[0]) y = float(xyz[1]) z = float(xyz[2]) points.append([x, y]) values.append(z) k = i while keyword == 'POLYS': line = lines[i].strip() i += 1 if line == 'END': keyword = line break fields = line.split(':') assert int(fields[0]) == i-k, 'Poly indices not consecutive' #Split the three indices vvv = fields[1].split() i0 = int(vvv[0])-1 i1 = int(vvv[1])-1 i2 = int(vvv[2])-1 #Check for and exclude degenerate areas x0 = points[i0][0] y0 = points[i0][1] x1 = points[i1][0] y1 = points[i1][1] x2 = points[i2][0] y2 = points[i2][1] area = abs((x1*y0-x0*y1)+(x2*y1-x1*y2)+(x0*y2-x2*y0))/2 if area > 0: #Ensure that points are arranged in counter clock-wise order v0 = [x1-x0, y1-y0] v1 = [x2-x1, y2-y1] v2 = [x0-x2, y0-y2] a0 = anglediff(v1, v0) a1 = anglediff(v2, v1) a2 = anglediff(v0, v2) if a0 < pi and a1 < pi and a2 < pi: #all is well j0 = i0 j1 = i1 j2 = i2 else: #Swap two vertices j0 = i1 j1 = i0 j2 = i2 triangles.append([j0, j1, j2]) ##vertex_values.append([values[j0], values[j1], values[j2]]) else: offending +=1 print 'Removed %d offending triangles out of %d' %(offending, len(lines)) return points, triangles, values def strang_mesh(filename): """Read Strang generated mesh. """ from math import pi from anuga.pyvolution.util import anglediff fid = open(filename) points = [] # List of x, y coordinates triangles = [] # List of vertex ids as listed in the file for line in fid.readlines(): fields = line.split() if len(fields) == 2: # we are reading vertex coordinates points.append([float(fields[0]), float(fields[1])]) elif len(fields) == 3: # we are reading triangle point id's (format ae+b) triangles.append([int(float(fields[0]))-1, int(float(fields[1]))-1, int(float(fields[2]))-1]) else: raise 'wrong format in ' + filename elements = [] #Final list of elements for t in triangles: #Get vertex coordinates v0 = t[0] v1 = t[1] v2 = t[2] x0 = points[v0][0] y0 = points[v0][1] x1 = points[v1][0] y1 = points[v1][1] x2 = points[v2][0] y2 = points[v2][1] #Check that points are arranged in counter clock-wise order vec0 = [x1-x0, y1-y0] vec1 = [x2-x1, y2-y1] vec2 = [x0-x2, y0-y2] a0 = anglediff(vec1, vec0) a1 = anglediff(vec2, vec1) a2 = anglediff(vec0, vec2) if a0 < pi and a1 < pi and a2 < pi: elements.append([v0, v1, v2]) else: elements.append([v0, v2, v1]) return points, elements # #Map from edge number to indices of associated vertices # edge_map = ((1,2), (0,2), (0,1))