from visual import * def normal(v1,v2): """Safe computation of normalised cross product """ try: n = norm(cross(v1, v2)) except ZeroDivisionError: print v1, v2 raise Exception #n = vector(0,0,0) return n class Triangle: def __init__(self,v0,v1,v2,color=(1,1,1), frame=None): """Create one flat triangular panel with two sides """ #Outward normal self.normal=normal(v1-v0, v2-v0) self.panel = faces(frame = frame) self.backpanel = faces(frame = frame) for v in (v0,v1,v2): self.panel.append(pos=v, normal = self.normal, color=color) for v in (v2,v1,v0): self.backpanel.append(pos=v, normal = -self.normal, color=color) def move(self,v): """Move panel in direction given by vector v """ for vertex in self.panel.pos: vertex += v def update_height(self,d,fix_baseline=False): """Change height of triangle by displacing the third vertex by d in the direction perpendicular to the baseline (v1-v0) and the outward normal vector """ v0 = self.panel.pos[0] v1 = self.panel.pos[1] v2 = self.panel.pos[2] n = normal(v1-v0, self.normal) if fix_baseline: self.panel.pos[2] -= d*n else: self.panel.pos[:2] += d*n def update_color(self, c): """Change color to c """ self.panel.color = c def set_vertexheights(self, heights, floor_heights = None): from Numeric import zeros, Float from config import minimum_allowed_height as hmin if floor_heights is None: floor_heights = zeros(heights.shape, Float) all_vertices_below_threshold = True for k in range(3): w = heights[k] z = floor_heights[k] if w-z >= hmin: all_vertices_below_threshold = False vertex = self.panel.pos[k] vertex[2] = w vertex = self.backpanel.pos[2-k] vertex[2] = w #Update color to visualise dry areas if all_vertices_below_threshold: self.panel.color = self.bottom_color self.backpanel.color = self.bottom_color else: self.panel.color = self.top_color self.backpanel.color = self.top_color #update normal v0 = self.panel.pos[0] v1 = self.panel.pos[1] v2 = self.panel.pos[2] n = normal(v1-v0, v2-v0) self.panel.normal=n self.backpanel.normal=-n def create_surface(domain): """Link surface of domains to their visual representations """ fr = frame() #Default frame to contain all objects s=0 Q = domain.quantities['stage'] try: Z = domain.quantities['elevation'] bed = True except: bed = False N = Q.vertex_values.shape[0] domain.visuals = [] for i in range(N): z0 = Q.vertex_values[i, 0] z1 = Q.vertex_values[i, 1] z2 = Q.vertex_values[i, 2] x0, y0 = domain.get_vertex_coordinate(i,0) x1, y1 = domain.get_vertex_coordinate(i,1) x2, y2 = domain.get_vertex_coordinate(i,2) V0 = vector(x0, y0, z0) V1 = vector(x1, y1, z1) V2 = vector(x2, y2, z2) #Top surface c0 = 0.1 c1 = 0.4 c2 = 0.99 if s: c2 = 0.7*c2 #To show triangles in slightly different shades s = 1-s col = (c0,c1,c2) visual_top = Triangle(V0,V1,V2,color=col,frame=fr) visual_top.top_color = col #Bottom surface #v0, v1, v2 = volume.vertices #v0 = vector(v0.x, v0.y, v0.field_values[index]) #v1 = vector(v1.x, v1.y, v1.field_values[index]) #v2 = vector(v2.x, v2.y, v2.field_values[index]) if bed: z0 = Z.vertex_values[i, 0] z1 = Z.vertex_values[i, 1] z2 = Z.vertex_values[i, 2] else: z0 = z1 = z2 = 0.0 V0 = vector(x0, y0, z0) V1 = vector(x1, y1, z1) V2 = vector(x2, y2, z2) c0 = 0.3 c1 = 0.3 c2 = 0.3 if s: c2 = 0.4*c2 #To show triangles in slightly different shades col = (c0,c1,c2) visual_bottom = Triangle(V0, V1, V2, color=col,frame=fr) visual_top.bottom_color=col domain.visuals.append( (visual_top, visual_bottom) ) update(domain) #print 'Scale', scene.scale def update(domain): """Update vertex heights. The argument index refers to which conserved quantity to visualise. If domain.smooth is set True, vertex values will be averaged yielding a smoother surface. """ from Numeric import array Q = domain.quantities['stage'] N = Q.vertex_values.shape[0] #print scene.forward #FIXME: Use smoother from anuga.pyvolution instead if domain.smooth: #Get all average point values vertex_heights = {} for k in range(N): for i in range(3): vertex = domain.triangles[k, i] if vertex_heights.has_key(vertex): vertex_heights[vertex].append( Q.vertex_values[k, i]) else: vertex_heights[vertex] = [] vertex_heights[vertex].append( Q.vertex_values[k, i]) for k in range(N): if domain.smooth: #The averages x = zeros(3, Float) for i in range(3): vertex = domain.triangles[k, i] A = array(vertex_heights[vertex]) x[i] = sum(A)/len(A) else: #The true values x = [Q.vertex_values[k, 0], Q.vertex_values[k, 1], Q.vertex_values[k, 2]] #Do it floor_heights = array([pos[2] for pos in domain.visuals[k][1].panel.pos]) domain.visuals[k][0].set_vertexheights(x, floor_heights) scene.width = 1000 scene.height = 800 #Original = (0.5,0.5,0) scene.forward = vector(0.0, 0.5, -0.5) #Temporary (for bedslope) #scene.forward = vector(0.0006, 0.7, -0.03) #Temporary for hackett - begin #scene.autoscale = 0 #scene.scale = (0.002, 0.002, 0.01) #Scale z so that countours stand out more = (300.0,500.0,-10) #Temporary for hackett - end scene.ambient = 0.4 scene.lights = [(0.6, 0.3, 0.2), (0.1, -0.5, 0.4), (-0.1, 0.1, -0.4), (-0.2, 0.2, 0.1)]