#!/usr/bin/env python """Auxiliary numerical tools """ from numpy import ArrayType, array, sum, innerproduct, ravel, sqrt from numpy import searchsorted, sort, concatenate def angle(v): """Compute angle between e1 (the unit vector in the x-direction) and the specified vector """ from math import acos, pi, sqrt l = sqrt( sum (array(v)**2)) v1 = v[0]/l v2 = v[1]/l theta = acos(v1) #try: # theta = acos(v1) #except ValueError, e: # print 'WARNING (util.py): Angle acos(%s) failed: %s' %(str(v1), e) # # #FIXME, hack to avoid acos(1.0) Value error # # why is it happening? # # is it catching something we should avoid? # #FIXME (Ole): When did this happen? We need a unit test to # #reveal this condition or otherwise remove the hack # # s = 1e-6 # if (v1+s > 1.0) and (v1-s < 1.0) : # theta = 0.0 # elif (v1+s > -1.0) and (v1-s < -1.0): # theta = 3.1415926535897931 # print 'WARNING (util.py): angle v1 is %f, setting acos to %f '\ # %(v1, theta) if v2 < 0: #Quadrant 3 or 4 theta = 2*pi-theta return theta def anglediff(v0, v1): """Compute difference between angle of vector x0, y0 and x1, y1. This is used for determining the ordering of vertices, e.g. for checking if they are counter clockwise. Always return a positive value """ from math import pi a0 = angle(v0) a1 = angle(v1) #Ensure that difference will be positive if a0 < a1: a0 += 2*pi return a0-a1 def mean(x): """Mean value of a vector """ return(float(sum(x))/len(x)) def cov(x, y=None): """Covariance of vectors x and y. If y is None: return cov(x, x) """ if y is None: y = x assert(len(x)==len(y)) N = len(x) cx = x - mean(x) cy = y - mean(y) p = innerproduct(cx,cy)/N return(p) def err(x, y=0, n=2, relative=True): """Relative error of ||x-y|| to ||y|| n = 2: Two norm n = None: Max norm If denominator evaluates to zero or if y is omitted, absolute error is returned """ x = ensure_numeric(x) if y: y = ensure_numeric(y) if n == 2: err = norm(x-y) if relative is True: try: err = err/norm(y) except: pass else: err = max(abs(x-y)) if relative is True: try: err = err/max(abs(y)) except: pass return err def norm(x): """2-norm of x """ y = ravel(x) p = sqrt(innerproduct(y,y)) return p def corr(x, y=None): """Correlation of x and y If y is None return autocorrelation of x """ from math import sqrt if y is None: y = x varx = cov(x) vary = cov(y) if varx == 0 or vary == 0: C = 0 else: C = cov(x,y)/sqrt(varx * vary) return(C) def ensure_numeric(A, typecode = None): """Ensure that sequence is a Numeric array. Inputs: A: Sequence. If A is already a Numeric array it will be returned unaltered If not, an attempt is made to convert it to a Numeric array typecode: Numeric type. If specified, use this in the conversion. If not, let Numeric decide This function is necessary as array(A) can cause memory overflow. """ if typecode is None: if type(A) == ArrayType: return A else: return array(A) else: if type(A) == ArrayType: if A.dtype.char == typecode: return array(A) #FIXME: Shouldn't this just return A? else: return A.astype(typecode) else: return array(A).astype(typecode) def histogram(a, bins): """Standard histogram straight from the Numeric manual """ n = searchsorted(sort(a), bins) n = concatenate( [n, [len(a)]] ) return n[1:]-n[:-1] #################################################################### #Python versions of function that are also implemented in numerical_tools_ext.c # def gradient_python(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, q0, q1, q2): """ """ det = (y2-y0)*(x1-x0) - (y1-y0)*(x2-x0) a = (y2-y0)*(q1-q0) - (y1-y0)*(q2-q0) a /= det b = (x1-x0)*(q2-q0) - (x2-x0)*(q1-q0) b /= det return a, b def gradient2_python(x0, y0, x1, y1, q0, q1): """Compute radient based on two points and enforce zero gradient in the direction orthogonal to (x1-x0), (y1-y0) """ #Old code #det = x0*y1 - x1*y0 #if det != 0.0: # a = (y1*q0 - y0*q1)/det # b = (x0*q1 - x1*q0)/det #Correct code (ON) det = (x1-x0)**2 + (y1-y0)**2 if det != 0.0: a = (x1-x0)*(q1-q0)/det b = (y1-y0)*(q1-q0)/det return a, b ############################################## #Initialise module #from anuga.utilities import compile import compile if compile.can_use_C_extension('util_ext.c'): from util_ext import gradient, gradient2 else: gradient = gradient_python gradient2 = gradient2_python if __name__ == "__main__": pass