// Python - C extension for polygon module. // // To compile (Python2.3): // gcc -c polygon_ext.c -I/usr/include/python2.3 -o polygon_ext.o -Wall -O // gcc -shared polygon_ext.o -o polygon_ext.so // // See the module polygon.py // // // Ole Nielsen, GA 2004 // //NOTE: On 64 bit systems use long* instead of int* for Numeric arrays //this will also work on 32 bit systems #include "Python.h" #include #include "math.h" int _point_on_line(double x, double y, double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1) { /*Determine whether a point is on a line segment Input: x, y, x0, x0, x1, y1: where point is given by x, y line is given by (x0, y0) and (x1, y1) */ double a0, a1, a_normal0, a_normal1, b0, b1, len_a, len_b; a0 = x - x0; a1 = y - y0; a_normal0 = a1; a_normal1 = -a0; b0 = x1 - x0; b1 = y1 - y0; if ( a_normal0*b0 + a_normal1*b1 == 0 ) { //Point is somewhere on the infinite extension of the line len_a = sqrt(a0*a0 + a1*a1); len_b = sqrt(b0*b0 + b1*b1); if (a0*b0 + a1*b1 >= 0 && len_a <= len_b) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } else { return 0; } } int _separate_points_by_polygon(int M, // Number of points int N, // Number of polygon vertices double* points, double* polygon, long* indices, // M-Array for storage indices int closed, int verbose) { double minpx, maxpx, minpy, maxpy, x, y, px_i, py_i, px_j, py_j; int i, j, k, outside_index, inside_index, inside; //Find min and max of poly used for optimisation when points //are far away from polygon minpx = polygon[0]; maxpx = minpx; minpy = polygon[1]; maxpy = minpy; for (i=0; i maxpx) maxpx = px_i; if (py_i < minpy) minpy = py_i; if (py_i > maxpy) maxpy = py_i; } //Begin main loop (for each point) inside_index = 0; //Keep track of points inside outside_index = M-1; //Keep track of points outside (starting from end) for (k=0; k maxpx) || (x < minpx) || (y > maxpy) || (y < minpy)) { //Nothing } else { //Check polygon for (i=0; i= y)) || ((py_j < y) && (py_i >= y)) ) { if (px_i + (y-py_i)/(py_j-py_i)*(px_j-px_i) < x) inside = 1-inside; } } } } if (inside == 1) { indices[inside_index] = k; inside_index += 1; } else { indices[outside_index] = k; outside_index -= 1; } } // End k return inside_index; } // Gateways to Python PyObject *point_on_line(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { // // point_on_line(x, y, x0, y0, x1, y1) // double x, y, x0, y0, x1, y1; int res; PyObject *result; // Convert Python arguments to C if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "dddddd", &x, &y, &x0, &y0, &x1, &y1)) return NULL; // Call underlying routine res = _point_on_line(x, y, x0, y0, x1, y1); // Return values a and b result = Py_BuildValue("i", res); return result; } PyObject *separate_points_by_polygon(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { //def separate_points_by_polygon(points, polygon, closed, verbose, one_point): // """Determine whether points are inside or outside a polygon // // Input: // point - Tuple of (x, y) coordinates, or list of tuples // polygon - list of vertices of polygon // closed - (optional) determine whether points on boundary should be // regarded as belonging to the polygon (closed = True) // or not (closed = False) // // Output: // indices: array of same length as points with indices of points falling // inside the polygon listed from the beginning and indices of points // falling outside listed from the end. // // count: count of points falling inside the polygon // // The indices of points inside are obtained as indices[:count] // The indices of points outside are obtained as indices[count:] // // Examples: // separate_polygon( [[0.5, 0.5], [1, -0.5], [0.3, 0.2]] ) // will return the indices [0, 2, 1] as only the first and the last point // is inside the unit square // // Remarks: // The vertices may be listed clockwise or counterclockwise and // the first point may optionally be repeated. // Polygons do not need to be convex. // Polygons can have holes in them and points inside a hole is // regarded as being outside the polygon. // // // Algorithm is based on work by Darel Finley, // http://www.alienryderflex.com/polygon/ // // PyArrayObject *points, *polygon, *indices; int closed, verbose; //Flags int count, M, N; // Convert Python arguments to C if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "OOOii", &points, &polygon, &indices, &closed, &verbose)) return NULL; M = points -> dimensions[0]; //Number of points N = polygon -> dimensions[0]; //Number of vertices in polygon if (verbose) printf("Got %d points and %d polygon vertices\n", M, N); //Call underlying routine count = _separate_points_by_polygon(M, N, (double*) points -> data, (double*) polygon -> data, (long*) indices -> data, closed, verbose); //NOTE: return number of points inside.. return Py_BuildValue("i", count); } // Method table for python module static struct PyMethodDef MethodTable[] = { /* The cast of the function is necessary since PyCFunction values * only take two PyObject* parameters, and rotate() takes * three. */ {"point_on_line", point_on_line, METH_VARARGS, "Print out"}, {"separate_points_by_polygon", separate_points_by_polygon, METH_VARARGS, "Print out"}, {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL} /* sentinel */ }; // Module initialisation void initpolygon_ext(void){ Py_InitModule("polygon_ext", MethodTable); import_array(); //Necessary for handling of NumPY structures }